
Actually, "head

turning" results can definitely be had with the help of pheros. It's a combo of how you carry yourself (posture is

important), how you dress, how you look (if you look like a hairy ape that is 200lbs overweight - no pheromone is

ever going to help you pick up a chick - unless she is into overweight hairy apes in the first place) and the phero

mix that works for you (experiment!!!).

I found that SOE works very well with AE for me (many head turning

results and double takes in closed environments). Also, Davidoff Cool water has a very similar scent to SOE

scented, so it complements it well as a cover scent. For a more aggressive sexual overtone, you may want to use

with NPA (1 - 2 drops) or with 1 - 2 sprays of Andro 4.2