Some of what you say is right, in my opinion. Especially about people leaving Obama support in droves

as a result of his agenda and demonstrated incompetence. However, I think you are over-simplifying matters to some

degree. Political views can better be expressed on a grid rather than a simple line. Try this political compass test

yourself and you'll see what I mean.

A big part of why Obama got elected, I think, is the overall disgust with the way things are and have

been. His hope and change mantra was only seen superficially. The tough questions of how he would handle specific

situations were rarely asked and never answered. The few actual promises he made, like transparency in government

and bipartisanship, were quickly forgotten, if he ever really meant them. I personally believe he was working off a

script, saying the things he was told to say based on public opinion polls. In all honesty, can you imagine Obama

without a teleprompter in front of him? Everything he says is carefully scripted for


The next

presidential election is a ways off. I am concerned about what he is going to do between now and when we vote this

coming November. Its pretty obvious that he is going to lose his super majority at that time and I suspect that many

who do not lose their seats will change positions when the DNC loses power to coerce them. So, he is pushing hard to

get a very flawed health care bill through before he loses the ability to do that and he is doing the same with cap

and trade, he knows that next year he'll have no ability to do anything and will essentially be a lame duck.

My biggest concern

though is the immigration reform bills that are starting to drift in. The estimates vary but let's say its 20

million illegals that he can turn into democratic voters. Do you think it improbable that he will legalize them

simply for the votes? If that happens, with the strong public sentiment against it, what is going to be the public

reaction? Will enough people then turn against him and fire him in 2012 or will he gain enough support through

amnesty to get reelected? My guess is he is betting on the latter.