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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default I have been using pheromones for 5+ yrs and i can't live without it!!

    i've grown so used to the advantages that i can safely admit im utterly and

    hopelessly addicted/ dependent on pheromones. my first product was APC from flubberboy on ebay back in the days.

    fortunately i was one of the lucky users who got instant results on the 1st day(unmistakable and consecutive hits

    from 2 waitresses at the restaruant i worked at the time and a late night call from the head chef's wife... which

    didn't go anywhere, as i later learned that she and the other waitress were known to be promiscuous...clumsy me

    floored by the unbelievable results i immediately searched the net for more info and not long

    after found lovescent and have been a loyal customer ever since.

    i must say im so sad that i didn't discover

    pheromones and lovescent just a couple of years earlier, it would've made an even bigger impact on my life. as of

    now i just can't imagine going through life without the advantages of pheromones. even my gf's more docile and

    less argumentative when i got enough mones on.

    so im wondering, is this addiction a good or bad thing?

    cuz in the 5+yrs i've been using mones i've yet to notice a downside...

    *although i do wish for a

    bigger better badder pherocon next time than the 1st vegas one, but it was still awesome cuz i got to meet bruce and

    phil and j.kohl, even got my SOE book signed im sucha groupie heheh.
    Last edited by lifetransform; 08-08-2004 at 08:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I mean when is having

    girls drool all over you be a bad thing? I say to be a addicted to something you picked a good choice as far as

    pheromones. I have yet to see any negative results. I myself have only been using it for about eight months so far

    and my day does not feel complete without spraying, dabbing, or rolling pheromones on my body. Being addicted to

    pheromones is nothing but a good thing.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    my gf was just teasing me the other day that if there was a fire in my apartment i'd probably

    get blown up(cuz of all the ethanol in the sprays) for trying to get all my pheromones productsc to safety haha, she

    ain't kidding.

  4. #4


    Well, I've been using phero

    products for over 8 years now, and I did resolve to stop using them one day and what happened? One of my female

    friends, who I saw every day, passed me and started sniffing the air, and had this look on her face like "where's

    the nice smell I'm used to" ... and I said to myself "never again will I go without" .... and I haven't

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    holy moly 8yrs eh? is

    there anyone on here besides bruce who's been using pheromones for longer than that?

  6. #6
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuddlebear
    Well, I've been

    using phero products for over 8 years now, and I did resolve to stop using them one day and what happened? One of

    my female friends, who I saw every day, passed me and started sniffing the air, and had this look on her face like

    "where's the nice smell I'm used to" ... and I said to myself "never again will I go without" .... and I haven't

    So your saying that you were wearing them 8 yrs. without a break except for that one day?
    So OD

    wasn't a factor as far as your concered then, am I correct?


  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCW
    So your saying that you

    were wearing them 8 yrs. without a break except for that one day?
    So OD wasn't a factor as far as your concered

    then, am I correct?

    OD certainly _can_ be an issue with consistent use, but there is no reason

    that it _has_ to be.

    I've used pheros every day for over three years. I don't OD unless I either do it

    intentionally or try something new where I'm unsure of application.

    There is a method and amount of application

    that will eventually lead to a reasonably steady-state pheromone concentration on the skin - where the amount

    changed by bacterial transformations and removed by washing comes into balance with the amount applied. This needs

    to be discovered by each user for each mix they use. It is, I suspect, the reason that many mixes seem to take time

    to become most effective.

    The method can vary from applying a couple of drops/dabs of a concentrated pheromone

    on a couple of hot spots to spraying a relatively dilute solution over a large portion of the body (my own favored

    method) and anything in between. Skin chemistry varies from person to person, and each of us has to find a way to

    apply pheros that blends with their own personal chemistry.

    Over time, I have come to suspect that the method of

    application is at least as important, and perhaps more so, that what is actually used.

    somewhere between amused and obsessed...

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I am beginning to think that we

    might be learning to compensate for natural OD (due to pheromone buidup). Does that make sense? You live with the

    aura for so long, your behavior adjusts. I could still OD by applying way too much on any given day, but otherwise

    I just keep refreshing the fragrance after every shower. I am only applying pheromones once a day now (as opposed

    to 2-3 times a day like when I llived in Houston). I am also usually applying smaller doses. So I am not as

    aromatic as I used to be, but the constant use should still be giving me a strong signature.

    I wonder how long

    it takes to acclimate oneself to the strong influence of Androstenone? A year? Two years? Three or four?

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1

    I wonder how

    long it takes to acclimate oneself to the strong influence of Androstenone? A year? Two years? Three or

    You may be on to something. Over the last couple of years, I have stopped getting weird aggressive

    pheromone reactions from people. I haven't thought about it much, but I may well have learned to compensate for the

    stronger signals I'm putting out so that I don't aggravate the drunks any more :-)

    somewhere between amused and obsessed...

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by BassMan
    You may be

    on to something. Over the last couple of years, I have stopped getting weird aggressive pheromone reactions from

    people. I haven't thought about it much, but I may well have learned to compensate for the stronger signals I'm

    putting out so that I don't aggravate the drunks any more :-)

    really? i guess im a

    slow learner cuz im still getting some negative reaction from guys every now than then. it's not necessarily

    aggressive behavior but they exhibit more closed body languaguage and tend to avoid eye contact. then there r other

    guys who r super friendly...i guess the mones sort of brings out the more extreme sides of their personality. i

    always just assumed that it was a way for me to see the mones at work.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by DCW
    So your saying that

    you were wearing them 8 yrs. without a break except for that one day?
    So OD wasn't a factor as far as your

    concered then, am I correct?

    Not sure to what extent buildup has played a part .. I

    haven't paid as much attention to that as others have .. I just wash and reapply ... but yeah, I've been using

    mones that long and that consistently ... And I don't regret that, even with all my blatant errors

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