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Thread: Pheromol Factor

  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Pheromol Factor

    I've been wearing

    Pheromol Factor for the past week every day and will wear it for three more days before taking a break from it. I

    don't know exactly what it has in it but it seems to make people more socialble and open with me. It seems as

    though women who came around me at work couldn't resist touching or playing with things on my desk when they were

    near me. Also, there was a tendency for women to "linger" in my area longer than necessary. It's also easier to

    engage them in conversation and most of the time they enjoy it and feel free to devulge personal information.

    It's interesting that not too many people talk about this product here. I'm almost afraid to combine this

    product with something like NPA or TE because I know it will produce powerful results and don't want to cause a

    disruptive work environment. Although I might just do it anyway someday to prove my hypothesis just for the heck of


  2. #2
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    Seems that it wotks for ya

    I think it is because most people had posted not that good results, exept for asian targets. But it

    depends on the individual's chemistry.Keep on.
    I also ordered it since it was for half the prze and thus much

    more people will surely report soon.
    I have also ordered a lot other stuff which i will try first and will

    As far as i know Te7npa is supposed to work with almost every product, maybe you could try this combo while

    going partying

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    Try PF with 1-2 drops of primal

    instinct or other heavy none product, you will be amazed

    PF acts like a doorway to the receptors, the

    underlying Primal Instict then grabs the girls and lures them in

    thats my experience anyway

  4. #4
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    Whats the diverence between PI

    and APC? As far as I know they are both only none products but rhere are that much people using it. Wouldn't be TE

    a better choice? Or does has PI any kind of secrets or benefits I do not have got to know?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger4
    I've been wearing

    Pheromol Factor for the past week every day and will wear it for three more days before taking a break from it. I

    don't know exactly what it has in it but it seems to make people more socialble and open with me. It seems as

    though women who came around me at work couldn't resist touching or playing with things on my desk when they were

    near me. Also, there was a tendency for women to "linger" in my area longer than necessary. It's also easier to

    engage them in conversation and most of the time they enjoy it and feel free to devulge personal information.

    It's interesting that not too many people talk about this product here. I'm almost afraid to combine this

    product with something like NPA or TE because I know it will produce powerful results and don't want to cause a

    disruptive work environment. Although I might just do it anyway someday to prove my hypothesis just for the heck of

    How much, and how/where do you apply PFactor, Tiger and the rest of you PF users?


    didn't like the scent, but .........
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  6. #6
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    APC has a tiny pheromone


    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  7. #7
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    pf is good stuff i find that its

    seemd to work better than soe for me i ordered a bunch of it due to the fact of it has been discontinued i dont

    knoiw how long a bottle lasts

    i trade off with it and soe to save on the pf but i think pf is better

    and ive had women notice me with pf then they dont with soe i mean same targets and one was an asian i wondered

    why ithat was she notices me on pf but dont know me on soe humm makes me worry that if i find a women on pf then sun

    out will she not like me anymore and ive had total stranges come up and talk to me just dont use very much npa i dis

    agree with the 2 drop thing 2 dabs to 5 rite beforte u go in the taget zone works great but i have had hits but some

    time after the first contact they like catch thenselves and shy away

    really what i like sometimes is to see

    them nipp out and then try to hid it and if u get butt presntation like they bend over show u there ass then look

    at u as an impulse its a gas

    and is there any products closer to pf than soe?????

  8. #8
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark1
    i dis agree with

    the 2 drop thing 2 dabs to 5 rite beforte u go in the taget zone works great
    Are you saying you use 2 to

    5 dabs, Mark!1? Where on your body do you apply?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Pheromol Factor is great stuff.

    (Except maybe for the scent.) I just ordered three more bottles after reading this thread.

    On it’s own,

    it’s perfect for 1st dates or dinner dates. (It creates an atmoshpere of intimacy and romance.) It’s also great to

    dab on a few drops right before sex (seems to increase the passion).

    For me the hits are less obvious

    after the 1st half hour after application, but it’s one of the few products that you can safely reaply every 3-4

    hours. You can also keep the hits coming by combining with None. PI + PF used to be very popular. But I prefere

    Rogue Male or my own CS + cologne mixes.

    You can also create a very fun and sexually charged

    atmosphere by combining with The Edge. I get best results with a spray of TE between the wrists and 3 drops of PF on

    my neck.
    I just ordered some Edge Essentials to see how that combo will work out.
    Give truth a chance.

  10. #10
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    5 dabs pf one each wrist one on

    front of neck and one behind each ear npa one on wrist one on neck one or under pf lick the other guy said every 3

    or 4 hours is good

    ive done better with more pf like 8 9 or up to 12 dab of pf to start the day

    is there any other product close to it is chikara closer than soe???

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    How much, and

    how/where do you apply PFactor, Tiger and the rest of you PF users?

    I didn't like the scent, but

    Oh, I lose count how many dabs I've been using. I smear as much as 10 dabs to the sides of my

    neck and backs of my hands.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    Pheromol Factor is

    great stuff. (Except maybe for the scent.) I just ordered three more bottles after reading this thread.


    it’s own, it’s perfect for 1st dates or dinner dates. (It creates an atmoshpere of intimacy and romance.) It’s also

    great to dab on a few drops right before sex (seems to increase the passion).

    For me the hits are less

    obvious after the 1st half hour after application, but it’s one of the few products that you can safely reaply every

    3-4 hours. You can also keep the hits coming by combining with None. PI + PF used to be very popular. But I prefere

    Rogue Male or my own CS + cologne mixes.

    You can also create a very fun and sexually charged atmosphere by

    combining with The Edge. I get best results with a spray of TE between the wrists and 3 drops of PF on my neck.

    I just ordered some Edge Essentials to see how that combo will work out.

    1) Would you share

    your PI + PF recipe?
    2) Rogue Male + PF, or RM on its own?
    3) TE + drops or dabs, and if it's drops, I guess any

    dropper would do, yes? (Making sure)

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  13. #13
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    Yeah, I'm a big PF fan, have

    been for a couple of years. Good for business, gets people to loosen up and talk, which is handy in interviewing

    people as I do every day. Can't OD, I don't think, but I haven't mixed it with anything. I've gotten the ol'

    DIHL from women in interview situations, but they're still talking. Eyes glazed, breathing shallow, but mouth

    flappin away.

    I'll have to try it with a bit of the APC I just got with the Jazzy special.

    Get PF,

    it's a bargain and underrated, IMHO.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by writerguy
    Yeah, I'm a

    big PF fan, have been for a couple of years. Good for business, gets people to loosen up and talk, which is handy in

    interviewing people as I do every day. Can't OD, I don't think, but I haven't mixed it with anything. I've

    gotten the ol' DIHL from women in interview situations, but they're still talking. Eyes glazed, breathing shallow,

    but mouth flappin away.

    I'll have to try it with a bit of the APC I just got with the Jazzy special.


    PF, it's a bargain and underrated, IMHO.
    How much and how do you apply your PF, WGuy?


    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    1) A tinny little

    drop of PI between wrists (aprox. 1/4 of a drop from the PI dispenser) + some long lasting cover scent + 3 drops PF

    on neck. (“Drops” as in tipping the bottle over and shaking a bit onto your finger.)

    2) RM is fine on its

    own, but I was talking as a substitute for PI in the PI + PF combo (It smells a lot better and you don’t have to be

    as neurotic about dosages. A small dab from the bottle will do.)

    3) Drops from the PF bottle. You get

    a lot more than a dab, but this stuff is even harder to OD on than SOE. I once splashed a whole bunch into the palm

    of my hand and smeared it all over my face like after shave. I eventually got a headache from the perfume, but

    everybody around me was full of smiles and giddiness. (I forget to mention that, besides being a great pheromone,

    PF is the best buzz you can buy at love-scent.)
    On the other hand, the stuff is out of production and huge

    dosages don’t really improve the seductiveness. So it’s probably best not to waste it.
    Give truth a chance.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    1) A

    tinny little drop of PI between wrists (aprox. 1/4 of a drop from the PI dispenser) + some long lasting cover scent

    + 3 drops PF on neck. (“Drops” as in tipping the bottle over and shaking a bit onto your finger.)

    2) RM is fine

    on its own, but I was talking as a substitute for PI in the PI + PF combo (It smells a lot better and you don’t have

    to be as neurotic about dosages. A small dab from the bottle will do.)

    3) Drops from the PF bottle. You get a

    lot more than a dab, but this stuff is even harder to OD on than SOE. I once splashed a whole bunch into the palm of

    my hand and smeared it all over my face like after shave. I eventually got a headache from the perfume, but

    everybody around me was full of smiles and giddiness. (I forget to mention that, besides being a great pheromone, PF

    is the best buzz you can buy at love-scent.)
    On the other hand, the stuff is out of production and huge dosages

    don’t really improve the seductiveness. So it’s probably best not to waste it.
    Geez! Now I feel a tad bit

    crazy 'cause I dumped two bottles of PF, and now I get the feeling it's similar to what Chikara does for

    me, as for opening up people, which would take away my intimidating factor. YOU CAN LEARN A LOT ... FROM A DUMMY!

    P.S. Thanks!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  17. #17
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark1
    is there any other

    product close to it is chikara closer than soe???

    SOE and Chikara are both good for socializing.

    But neither one seems to evoke the same kind of intimacy.

    I think PF is quite unique.
    Give truth a chance.

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark1
    is there any other

    product close to it is chikara closer than soe???
    On second thought. If you wear SOE AND get the girl

    drunk, that's pretty close to the effect of PF.
    Give truth a chance.

  19. #19
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    is anything close to pf??

  20. #20
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I've used PF for a while with

    success. It helps mixes. Lately I've used straight -nol instead, with even greater success. The only downfall to PF

    is the scent, which is strong enough to intrude if you want something different. It's not a bad scent -- just very

    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast
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    The only thing I didn't like about

    PF was its smell. However, it grew on me after a while and it remains one of the products I order every year. It

    used to be a popular combo with APC then was replaced by PI. I remember PI being heavy in -nol and ahving some other

    ingreiednts but no one really saying what.

    At half price, its a bargain.

  22. #22
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Chemist
    The only thing I

    didn't like about PF was its smell. However, it grew on me after a while and it remains one of the products I order

    every year. It used to be a popular combo with APC then was replaced by PI. I remember PI being heavy in -nol and

    having some other ingreiednts but no one really saying what.

    At half price, its a bargain.

    PI/woman, yes?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  23. #23
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    Mobley, I used 3-4-5 dabs, and

    have reapplied a couple times a day, on forearms and a dab in my beard. The smell grows on you, doesn't it? Reminds

    me of Juicy Fruit chewing gum. In a nice way, I mean.

    All in all, a good bang for the buck.


    Bruce, have we cleaned out the old PF stash?

  24. #24
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    how long does a bottle last??

    and once again i ask is there any other product that has the same results as pf??

  25. #25
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I do not recall any product having

    the same effects as PF (not PI as a erroneously typed before) . And PF (PI men is excuslively none) men has also

    been described in the forums as being heavy on the -nol - which was unique at the time PF first came out.

    Well times have changed, and I am now using Chikira and Perception most of the time. Sometimes SOE. If I

    order PF now, it would be to raise my order over $100 to get the free shipping.

    Still, at under $20, its a

    good way to get into the game and its a quality product. However, if you got more money to spend, I would recommend

    newer products.

    Bruce's specials where he combines 2 products together with some gel packs are a steal and

    that really is a good way to get into this game.

    I have found that as long as I don't OD, that it doesn't

    matter what product I use - the girls are talkative regardless and I have a feeling that pheromones only makes it

    easier to start an interaction - however, after I've opened my mouth - its all me. All pheromones seem to do for me

    is make a girl more curious than she would have been or a little more open to me. If she wasn't curious to begin

    with, it isn't going to help.

    That's my schtick, maybe you're game is a little different. Some people do

    card tricks, look like Richard Gere, are in a band, have lots of money, drive a nice car, etc. My thing is my funny

    but random conversation. You need some kind of schtick or pheromones ain't gonna do nothing except make her stare

    at you and walk away shaking her head wondering how she could have been attracted to someone with no


    I do not use -none exclusive products anymore - those products used to get me neagative

    reactions from other men. Not good.
    Last edited by Chemist; 01-31-2005 at 01:24 PM.

  26. #26
    Full Member Mungojerry's Avatar
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    Last edited by Mungojerry; 10-05-2015 at 08:47 AM.

  27. #27
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I'm not getting confused. I

    mention -none products at the bottom of the message to state that I avoid using -none exclusive products and I do

    not use PF in the same sentence.

    You are jumping to conclusions based upon what I've said. Sometimes I'm

    not so clear though, but at times very detailed oriented people find me to be too general.

    ***** I reread my

    post above and yes, I'm making a typo where I should have typed PF instead of PI. No wonder why I'm confusing you.

    I will correct it. damn Mondays!!!!

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