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  1. #1
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Scent of Eros newbie question

    Does anyone how long SoE lasts under normal use? And another question, it\'s a roll on top right? So if you wanted to mix it using drops, how in the world does one do that?

    As for SoE gel packs, when I open one, am I obligated to use that entire pack or can I save it for the next day?

    I\'m thinking about buying SoE and just mixing it with the unscented TE I have. Someone once said 4 drops of TE = 1 drop of NPA. Is that information accurate? I\'m planning to make a variant of DD#1 with TE since I have it already.

    Jkohl,if you read this, I\'d really appreciate a response from you. Thanks [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    - Krish

  2. #2

    Default Re: Scent of Eros newbie question

    Can\'t answer all of your questions, but regards the SOE gel, the best dosage i\'ve found is half a pack. Just fold the foil over to seal it up for later use.

    I\'ve heard other people getting results from as little as 1/3 of a pack.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Scent of Eros newbie question

    ***And another question, it\'s a roll on top right? So if you wanted to mix it using drops, how in the world does one do that?

    You can pry the roller part off the bottle to get into it with an eye dropper to get some out for mixing. You\'ll just need to have another bottle of some sort to mix it in.

    As far as the gel packs, someone else already mentioned that you can use a partial pack and fold it over to save it. I like to put a paper clip on the folded over part. This works well in keeping it from accidentally opening up and oozing out inside my pocket.

  4. #4
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros newbie question

    I don\'t do the mix thing. Others experiences with how long it lasts are conditional, as will be yours. For example, indoors or outdoors makes a huge difference. So does the environment--smoky bars, or smoke free restaurants. The gel pack can be split for use--even though it\'s not designed that way. Someone mentioned a way to keep remaining gel from escaping/leaking out unused. This was a month or more ago, as I recall.

  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros newbie question

    Well, when I mentioned how long it would last, I actually meant the bottle. Like how often will I have to buy a bottle of SoE if I use it as directed?

    - Krish

  6. #6
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros newbie question

    I don\'t see the logic either of using half a gel pack you certainly can\'t OD if you use the whole pack. The only problem I have with the gel pack is after you apply them the scent goes away in 30 minutes while as the bottle it last much longer.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Scent of Eros newbie question

    That\'s weird. That scent really lingers on me and tends to bleed through anything I wear over it. One gel pack lasts me several days - I just fold it over and it seems to keep fine.

  8. #8
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros newbie question

    IMO the scent stays just as long, no matter the SOE \'type\'. I think I ODed once using a whole pack though, so from that moment on, I\'m using only half of it. The results are just as good, the scent stays about just as long, so I really don\'t see a reason in wasting the other half.

    About the scent going away, perhaps it is that YOU cannot smell it anymore, as your sense of smell suffers from numbness by smelling the same thing all the time. You never had it happen that your sense of smell was practically gone by smelling the contents from a bottle for a long time?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Scent of Eros newbie question

    Yes, to me the reason for not using a whole gel pack has to do with economics and diminshing returns. I can get the same results with 1/2 a pack as I can with a full pack. If you can get the results with 1/2 a pack, why waste the other half? Just save it to use another day.

  10. #10
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros newbie question

    Like I said maximog the bottled scent last longer than the gel pack, my nose can\'t be wrong. I don\'t wear SOE everyday so I can tell the difference. I know I\'m still wearing SOE gel it\'s just that the scent fades away to the point when you can hardly smell it. While the bottle you can smell the scent for hours.

  11. #11
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros newbie question

    If you say so. I think both last about just as long, you don\'t... What more can I say? Perhaps it\'s my nose that is wrong...

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros newbie question

    I\'d have to say that SoE gel scent sticks around a lot longer than 30 minutes and that seems to be the general concensus of what people think. So jose seems to be the only one here that thinks it fades away after 30 minutes...what does this prove? Nothing. I don\'t think it matters to much as long as the buzz is there.

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