I've basically swam in 'nol to

no ill-effect (SOE and chemset 'nol). On the contrary, the massive airhead chattiness is entertaining. Women I had

just met would not leave me alone and said whatever popped in their sweet little heads and pronto.


many claim 'nol is not sexual, humans are already very sexual. We are horny and don't need any help with that. The

initial meeting and relationship building is the hard part. Once you have a social and personal connection sex is a

natural progression if you hold up your side of the deal.

I've never suffered depression from wearing

'mones. A-1, nol, 'none, estratetraenol, it's all good. Many meats--especially beef--have additives which depress

me nearly every time I eat it. Never wear 'mones if you're depressed. They tend to make your state of mind

apparent to those around you. If you feel negative, 'mones will make you appear even worse.