Many people I know voted more

against the Republican party than for Obama.


"The grass is always greener over there." (So people

look for change.)

The general American voting public also buys one heck of a lot of sponge sharpeners as hawked

on TV infomercials.

I suffer the curse of intelligence, and have had to come to grips with the fact that the

majority of people in this world aren't as observant/smart/thoughtful etc as I, and I suspect that many of the

"pros" here on this forum are in the same observant/smart/thinking class as I am.

Personally I just could not

vote for the Republican agenda. I liked much of what McCain stood for, but I also had some serious issues. I could

only hope that there was enough strength in the checks and balances of the Congress to help act as a control to

whatever policies were going to be pushed. The fact that this so called "health plan" is finding resistance even

from Democrats gives me hope. It's not a done deal, and there is always a chance things will get passed after the

November change to improve things. No law is really permanent. Witness the reversal of the Constitutional amendment

concerning alcohol prohibition.

I can't really "blame" Mr. Obama for the direction we are headed in now. That

course was laid years ago thanks to the likes of Jessie Jackson and his pushing of an "Entitlement" agenda. And that

the "common man/woman" is apparently too dumb to know what they want (which unfortunately may be all too true...) so

he will of course take on the burden of leading us all. To his tune.

The one thing of course that is *really* to

blame in my mind is the fact that so few eligible voters even bother to vote. "A Nation of Sheep."

My quick
