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  1. #1
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    Jun 2007
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    Default Beginner's kit, hits, ?'s...what to get next?

    So...I received my beginner's kit Friday afternoon, and I was pumped. I had to work that night, but I

    was eager to test the new products, so I mixed the combo like the instructions said to start out with. I believe it

    was to fill half the atomizer with TE and add a dropper full of the SP fragrance (I added a dropper a half).


    applied a spray and a half to the neck/jawline area and one to the wrist, both areas covered with VS for him cologne

    and went to work. I work in food delivery, so I figured if nothing else, this may help produce bigger tips. I went

    through the night with no big reactions, everyone at worked seemed pretty relaxed around me, but it wasn't too out

    of the ordinary, I'm a pretty laid-back guy and everyone loves to work with me, so I couldn't tell much

    difference. Then, went I got off work, I stopped at the gas station to fill up and head home. I got to the front

    of the line and bam...DIHL from the girl at the counter. She just stopped and stared at me for about 30 seconds,

    didn't say much as I was checking out besides something about wishing she was at home. I replied "that's where

    I'm about to be, house, not yours." I walked off, kinda chuckled inside debating whether or not it was

    the 'mones. I got to my car, was looking down, putting my stuff where it would fly everywhere, and looked up to

    see the chick standing at beside my door, just staring at me. I looked back inside to see about 8 or 9 people

    standing in line looking confused. I didn't know what she was doing, so I rolled the window down, she just stared

    at me for about 15 seconds, and barely muttered "don't rub it in." I just laughed and drove off as she stood there

    and stared until I was out of sight. I wrote it off as a hit 'cause that was kind of out of the ordinary, at least

    the speechless, drooling stare. Unfortunately, nothing special happened Saturday, as I applied approximately the

    same amount and went out for dinner.

    I read a few things about people experiencing very vivid dreams when wearing

    pheromones, so I figured I'd wait and shower in the morning to test it out. I usually don't have dreams often, at

    least not that I know of, unless I'm in a deep sleep and the alarm's going nuts, but I'm not waking up. I never

    wake up in the middle of the night from a dream, though...until now. Friday night and Saturday night I woke up

    about 3 to 4 hours before my alarm went off because of the dreams I was having. I don't remember too much about

    what happened in the dreams, but I remember each time I woke up, I was amazed at how real the dreams seemed, and it

    took quite a little while to convince myself it was a dream, and I was actually laying in bed. Anyone have any

    idea why this happens? Is it really the pheromones, or probably just coincidence?

    Now, I'm looking to order

    some more, try a few different things out, but I'm not sure what I should get, so I figured I'd ask for a few

    suggestions. I'm 24, turn 25 next month, caucasion, athletic build (5' 10" and around 170lbs, I think). My g/f

    has the same characteristics, except she's only about 5'. She'd be my target for the sexual aspect of things,

    but I'd say, though they will not be acted upon, hits from other females are welcome. I'm a pretty laid-back,

    easy-going, sociable guy, very sarcastic, usually for laughs, at times I tend to be a little cocky. I try to keep

    myself in shape, but get a little lazy every now and then. I want to get something that will enhance the

    laid-back, easy-going attitude that'll make everyone chill and chatty, but at other times I'd like something to

    enhance alpha male, dominant presence and makes my lady give me that "i wanna rip your clothes off right now!" look

    (well, and follow through on that, ha, not just the look). I'm not really sure what to get, though. I'm willing

    to order 2 or 3 things, try mixing and matching, see what works, but I've read through so much stuff I can't keep

    straight what products are supposed to do what and where to go next.

  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Go for a more social product with

    nol, e.g., SOE. It will make a nice counterpoint to the badass TE vibe.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
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    I remember having a vivid dream

    on one occasion. I was flirting with Pam (the Secretary) from The Office. It was strange, because I consider myself

    more of a Karen type guy.

    I'd say you can add the SOE if you want, but it looks like the -None is working

    well for you. Maybe a -Rone concentrate, i've heard it accentuates other pheros well.

    Is VS Very Sexy by

    Victoria's Secret? I've considered picking that up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
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    Yeah, i'm definitely planning to

    order SoE, I'm still debating what to order along with it.

    Yeah...the VS is Victoria's Secret Very Sexy for

    Him....I'd say give it a try, I received as a gift and am quite fond of it. I've also gotten quite a few

    compliments on the scent.

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