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Thread: Hey Hey

  1. #1
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Hey Hey

    H E Y, da didley, didley,

    didley, do da dum
    OH what fun, Im just an Androstenone kind of guy.
    Tah tit, tah tit, tah tit, tah too, tah too.

    Not everyone dances to this drum, but oh what fun, its been an Androstenone only week 4 me, well close enough.

    It seems my little drop of Alpha 7 yesterday had turned my g/f Primal because before 6 pm i well and truily knew

    the meaning of "afternoon delight"

    She then proceeds to leave me laying there with a grin on my face in a

    depleated state and takes off, after using my weeks ration of hot water.

    I should have scrubbed that Alpha 7 off

    when i had the chance, instead of raiding the pantry.

    As one of her divorced and man soured g/friends had just

    rung the outside bell and says through the screen " she isnt at her place is she here"
    I call out "no shes gone to

    the movies with the other girls".

    "Ok let me in i want to use your bathroom" So i open up and before i can get

    the door closed again she says quietly "you smell good what after shave is that"

    Everything seems to be

    happening so fast i cant find an answer, and i cant smell anything anyway.

    I get her a fresh towel and she is

    out in about 5 and seems like a little upset so i start and cradle her head on my shoulder which somehow turns into

    a long lip kiss.

    And before i realize anything she has proceeded to remove the smallest pair of knickers i have

    ever seen, and they were saturated, just like the fingers on my right hand, warm sticky and wet.

    I plan on

    spending a quiet phero free day today, feeling a little wasted havent got around to having a shave yet.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 08-29-2007 at 01:17 PM. Reason: edit
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    you truely are a hornbag

    aren't you!
    early 40's white male or or

  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post

    Everything seems to be happening so fast i cant find an answer,

    And before i realize anything she has

    proceeded to remove the smallest pair of knickers i have ever seen, and they were saturated, just like the fingers

    on my right hand, warm sticky and wet.
    Now we know why you keep your door locked.

  4. #4
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    Once again you

    are an inspiration. Does your g/f give you license to "play" with her friends?

    By the way, I have been having

    great success with A7 lately too.


  5. #5
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf View Post

    truely are a hornbag aren't you!
    That was then,,,,, ,,,,,, I

    have seen the eror of my ways and i am trying to forget the incident and put it behind


    Maby if i clean up my diet and get off the crisps, cola,

    cakes bickys and penut butter sandwiches with cheese and jelly, It may inspire me to dispose of my carnal


    I was very good today and had 100 mls of water to

    drink, didnt taste too bad either.

    It will take me a good week

    at least till the seed factory has been restocked.

    I am making

    a big effort to be mindfull enough to remain out of the BOX, and therefore become more in touch with the real true


    I could even become celibate and go on a carrot juice

    diet huh good idea hey, like i could even become a guru and have a following of pure young dark haired women to wait

    upon me.

    I had better not say any more until i have been out of

    the box for awhile and at least put the cola drinks out of my diet.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 08-30-2007 at 04:22 AM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  6. #6
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    we know why you keep your door locked.
    There are lots of theives,

    burglars, maniacs, phsycos, nut cases, mentaly ill people and murderers in this town so the doors stay locked just

    about always.

    Our local government has very little facilities or money to provide for mentally unstable

    individuals so they are usually just shunted back into the community at large with out even a second thought when

    they have been out of order.

    I might go and live in New Zealand, Gaf looks like he is well heeled, could put up with a moocher

    for a week or two or ,,,,,, Even Colorado or somewhere anywhere for a quiet peacefull


    Hey I could go and pay Bruce a visit in Hotchkiss, i could water his horses once a week and sweep

    the barn out and get some bedding out back in the bunkhouse hmmmm.

    Seems like a good life, could help with the

    packing and labeling of the pheros when Bruce is out of town, test the new formulas out ha ha good idea, had better

    send him an email when i get my green card
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  7. #7
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAtriathlete View Post

    Once again you are an inspiration. Does your g/f give you license to "play"

    with her friends?

    By the way, I have been having great success with A7 lately too.

    Seems like i have ended up a poor victim of circumstances.
    Being a poor boy with a good heart dragged up on the wrong side of the tracks and the


    The poor unfortunate helpfull caring compassionate

    defenceless man goes out on a limb to soothe the troubled soul of a woman in distress and falls victim to her

    unbridled and passionate sexual and seductive nature.


    thats the way life is, I have been taken advantage of in a cruel manner, i have been exploited, I have been a savior

    and applied soothing balm to an abraised soul.

    If i once again

    beheld this fragile beautifull female creature travelling alone and vunerable upon that road to Jericho, the

    question is, would i come to her aid and sooth her with a shoulder to rest her wearied head upon, and lips to kiss

    the tears that falleth from the windows of her dark troubled and mysterious soul.

    Sutch is the life of a man......................
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 08-30-2007 at 04:29 AM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    My doors always open to you Terry,

    You're more then welcome to stay If you ever venture over this side of the ditch. I'll just have to remember to

    tell my GF and her cousins it's not safe to come over due to another one of my hornbag mates hanging around....

    That is unless you like polynesian woman and can handle the whole family wanting to meet you and suss you

    out. (I'll put in a good word for you, they like me.)
    early 40's white male or or

  9. #9
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAtriathlete View Post

    Once again you are an inspiration. Does your g/f give you license to "play"

    with her friends?

    By the way, I have been having great success with A7 lately too.

    I applied it again one drop with a few sprays of classic cologne to my forearms today about 13

    hours ago and i am still getting a nice whiff every now and then as i am typing these posts replys



    hope my next bottle Alpha 7 is as good as this unscented one is.

    No bullshit but i really am having a great

    run with this stuff, i just love it and it also wears so damm well.

    I will have to give it a rest in about 5 days

    as i like to change my signiture every so often otherwise the stuff will become over familiar, as its a good blast

    to get back on after a months rest.

    I wonder what is going on with the Primal Instinct since it has been smoothed



    has it on special at the moment in a combo with APC i think, well he did last time i


    Twood be great to get some feedback from anyone who has ordered it recently, Maby a new thread

    might help put the spotlight on Primal Instinct, as i sort of wonder what has been done to smooth the stuff out,

    "And is it working" that is the Quest-ion ??

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  10. #10
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf View Post
    My doors

    always open to you Terry, You're more then welcome to stay If you ever venture over this side of the ditch. I'll

    just have to remember to tell my GF and her cousins it's not safe to come over due to another one of my hornbag

    mates hanging around.... That is unless you like polynesian woman and can handle the whole family wanting to

    meet you and suss you out. (I'll put in a good word for you, they like me.)
    Thanks Gaf, your a good bloke, I have several polynesian girl friends as well as my g/f has many as

    well, and her best friend is Samoan.

    The NZ Polynesian girls are great fun to be around anytime and we always have a

    good hug but i do not hit on any of them as i just respect them as they are so nice and refreshing to spend time

    with as they have wonderfull natures.

    Mostly i do not do any serious flirting with any of the g/f good girlfriends,

    thats just the way it is.

    Some of her Philippino aquaintences often give me some encouragement as some of these girls once

    they have been here awhile in OZ seem to become real sexbombs.

    Your girls would be safe with me as i dont

    hit on attached women, and when hooking up with chicks at clubs or partys i encourage my mates to get in first if

    there is a shortage of shure type things because i like to see them have a good time, as i am really never desperate

    for a woman as tomorrow always arrives and the sea is full.

    I am at a fairly laid back stage and dont

    tend to be overtly lustfull.

    I generally have respect for women and try to veiw them as more than sex


    But the way they dress and present themselves sometimes can cause the mildest of men to have a

    rise in blood pressure.

    But i am safe as long as i dont get a longing to kiss the girl on the lips, because for me it

    starts with a kiss.

    Well you wont be seeing me untill it really warms up as i am not keen on the cold weather at all,

    give me a hot blond and a cold beer,,,,HA ha Not really, i like dark haired women of Asian appearance preferably

    between 30 and 60 .
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post

    I wonder what is going on with the Primal Instinct since it has been smoothed


    Bruce has it on special at the moment in a combo with APC

    i think, well he did last time i looked.

    Twood be great to get

    some feedback from anyone who has ordered it recently, Maby a new thread might help put the spotlight on Primal

    Instinct, as i sort of wonder what has been done to smooth the stuff out, "And is it working" that is the Quest-ion


    Just bought PI/APC combo. I also have AE and SOE and LT......time

    to experiment.

  12. #12
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Spot on good on you buddy

    Quote Originally Posted by SJA View Post
    Just bought PI/APC combo. I also have AE and SOE and LT......time to

    Spot on SJA good one buddy, good luck and plz let us in how the

    PI is voicing its character.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Question Changing your signature every once in a while huh? Interesting...

    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    I will have

    to give it a rest in about 5 days as i like to change my signiture every so often otherwise the stuff will become

    over familiar, as its a good blast to get back on after a months rest.
    Hey terry... I like

    the concept. Ya` really think it makes a difference?
    Even in a serious relationship with a wonderful

    never-to-be-lost-type g\f?

    For example, my g\f is gonna go for a vacation abroad with her brother for like

    2 weeks before she begins the university. She's not at all the type to cheat so have no fear. And I opened her mind

    good (and she loves it) so i's all good. Aaand.. of course, I give her a truly great sex life so... hehehe... it's

    not like I have to make her stay... we have a great thing going for us

    Anyhow, lately I've been adding A1 to

    my mix and it truly helps her feelings pump up into the "secrety-(yet-very-showing)-in-love" side of things

    So I'm wondering... maybe it would be a good thing if once in a while I change the TE in my mix to a little

    bit of NPA or PI (I'm 23, she's 24 by the way)... Ya` know... just to pump it up in a different way for a moment;

    to give her the feeling I have more than one side (though she already saw a few of my sides but that's outside the

    point) and make her realize that eventhough our sex life is great... I can sometimes make her even wilder

    And most of all: To make her curious about what else she can find in me if she keeps on exploring. To

    make her think of me at nights when she's abroad... even more than she thinks of me at the moment. I mean she does

    call me in the mid-week to say both she misses me and she's horney for me... but a little `none kick once in a

    while might be good too right?

    Reason I'm asking is both `coz I'm a bit afraid of `none-ODing around her, and

    `coz you seem to have experience with changing your signature once in a while.

    So... what d'you say?

    else feel free to reply as well of course )

  14. #14
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default RE Androstenone contributions.

    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    Hey terry... I like the concept. Ya` really think it makes a

    Even in a serious relationship with a wonderful never-to-be-lost-type g\f?

    For example,

    my g\f is gonna go for a vacation abroad with her brother for like 2 weeks before she begins the university. She's

    not at all the type to cheat so have no fear. And I opened her mind good (and she loves it) so i's all good.

    Aaand.. of course, I give her a truly great sex life so... hehehe... it's not like I have to make her stay... we

    have a great thing going for us

    Anyhow, lately I've been adding A1 to my mix and it truly helps her feelings

    pump up into the "secrety-(yet-very-showing)-in-love" side of things
    So I'm wondering... maybe it would be a

    good thing if once in a while I change the TE in my mix to a little bit of NPA or PI (I'm 23, she's 24 by the

    way)... Ya` know... just to pump it up in a different way for a moment; to give her the feeling I have more than one

    side (though she already saw a few of my sides but that's outside the point) and make her realize that eventhough

    our sex life is great... I can sometimes make her even wilder
    And most of all: To make her

    curious about what else she can find in me if she keeps on exploring. To make her think of me at nights when she's

    abroad... even more than she thinks of me at the moment. I mean she does call me in the mid-week to say both she

    misses me and she's horney for me... but a little `none kick once in a while might be good too right?


    I'm asking is both `coz I'm a bit afraid of `none-ODing around her, and `coz you seem to have experience with

    changing your signature once in a while.

    So... what d'you say?
    (anyone else feel free to reply as well of

    course )
    Yes sure is good advice to keep them on their toes, keep them

    guessing, and after all, variety is the spice of life.

    I was under the opinion that TE was the same

    formula as NPA except different concentration.

    I sort of took it

    for granted that both had the secret ingredient seX added in the formulation,

    however i am far from expert.

    My steady g/f is probably used to the Pheromones on me after one


    But sometimes i spice it up with something new and she

    responds as is expected especially to the AE that i may lightly smear above my top lip, drives her



    sutch a tease, but she just thrives on it.

    You have some good inbuilt safety with the A1 Factor dialed in and a little

    added heat isnt a bad thing, especially when they are eager and impatient for some good stimulation hey hey.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post

    I was under the opinion that TE was the same formula as NPA except different


    I sort of took it for granted that both had the

    secret ingredient seX added in the formulation, however i am far from

    TE and NPA are the same

    formula, only different in the concentrations. NPA is little less than 5X the strength of TE.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  16. #16
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Point taken.

    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    TE and NPA are the same formula, only different in the concentrations. NPA is little less

    than 5X the strength of TE.
    Thank you Belgareth, I will note it down 4 future

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Yea TE & NPA are indeed

    the same formula as belgareth mentioned. Yet when i think about putting PI on, I also think of NPA... as the

    consentration of `mones in it is about the same They are indeed different, but I like to each time try one of the

    two as they have similar results... I mean... only slightly different results hehe.
    Anyhow thanks for the advice.

    Interesting concept indeed

  18. #18
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Hmmm PI interesting

    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    Yea TE & NPA are indeed the same formula as belgareth mentioned. Yet when i think

    about putting PI on, I also think of NPA... as the consentration of `mones in it is about the same They are indeed

    different, but I like to each time try one of the two as they have similar results... I mean... only slightly

    different results hehe.
    Anyhow thanks for the advice. Interesting concept indeed
    Hey T Blade, just out of curiosity plz tell me when you purchased your PI and did you get it from


    Just trying to work something out as i did have to return

    a bottle of PI to point of sale on one occasion due to the fact that not one person could detect the smallest trace

    of any odour whatsoever from my bottle or even when applied at any dosage.

    And also it did not have the smallest effect in any way.

    I have been trying to work out if it was just a one off thing or a bad batch or whatever it sure

    has made me hesitant in ordering PI again.

    As i received my sus

    bottle on 10 Aug 06.

    It was a Godsend in one respect because it

    led me to receiving my Alpha 7 which is some of my best and dearest shit.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 09-05-2007 at 04:09 PM. Reason: add PI
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  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    yea I've been reading

    about your love to A7 lol.
    Ummm.. I purchased my PI a long time ago and since I don't use it often (only for once

    in a while fun occasions like the day after tomorrow ), I never re-bought it as I still have more than half of my

    first bottle. It's great - I like it very very much... yet it's just not my daily thing hehe.
    Anyway I ordered

    that bottle of PI on November 24, 2006. I guess it's of no help - but I wouldn't leave you without the info

  20. #20
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    yea I've been reading about your love to A7 lol.
    Ummm.. I purchased my PI a long

    time ago and since I don't use it often (only for once in a while fun occasions like the day after tomorrow ), I

    never re-bought it as I still have more than half of my first bottle. It's great - I like it very very much... yet

    it's just not my daily thing hehe.
    Anyway I ordered that bottle of PI on November 24, 2006. I guess it's of no

    help - but I wouldn't leave you without the info
    Thats only about 3 monts

    after i received mine.

    Tell me is it scented or unscented and does it exhibit a serious Anone type of whiff



    for your great contributions to the forum latley, you seem to have settled down and seem to be cool calm and relaxed

    within yourself, all great stuff of cource, just my perception that yr really enjoying everything and going with the

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Talking How wonderfull a forum this is!

    It was unscented. I got it with the PI APC combo and asked to switch it with the unscented PI. I don't

    know if it was a one-time thing, but they agreed

    I can't detect that cat-piss odor in any of my `none

    products. I have this wierd yet cool subjective sence of smell. I mean, I can't smell the bad odor in `none but I

    somehow recognize very easily where there's `none, where there's `nol, and where there's `rone (with which I am

    less familiar). I guess my body smells it but my brain just filters the bad smell out and instead represents it to

    me as intuition.
    So to your question "does it exhibit a serious Anone type of

    whiff ?
    ".. well... not that I'm aware of. It does have a little bit of a stronger scent than my TE

    and definitely a stronger scent than my SOE, but it's not that horible as it has been described to be. Not for

    my nose at least

    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Thanks for your great

    contributions to the forum latley, you seem to have settled down and seem to be cool calm and relaxed within

    yourself, all great stuff of cource, just my perception that yr really enjoying everything and going with the flow.

    I've joined the forums even before I bought from LS for the first time (see my

    signatured link... hehe). Yet when I started to experiment with the eight different products I bought here, I

    lost the patience to sit down and write all the many hit stories I got going on... So I stopped writing here and

    started living more "on the field". Honestly, this is the only forum across the whole inter-planetary wide web of

    which I am a proud and flowent member... And I've missed it quite a bit


    I've had to make another order so I thought why not try what I've been longing to try all this time - A1?
    So I

    ordered A1 in addition to 2 previously-owned products and even added IMPI Original to the cart (which I have yet to

    try even once, as I ADORE my refined mix with A1 and can't get off it ).

    So while going through the

    forums searching for a few details on IMPI & A1, I stated feeling a void inside me. It was at that instant when I

    knew the void could only be filled via 3 things:
    1) Getting my new order in my very hands - check!

    Getting back to the forums - check!
    3) Sex with my g\f - check!

    I didn't expect to be writing

    in them so much, and I'll probably mellow down a bit in a month or so; but anyway my g\f started going to the

    university, so I have a bit more time to contribute lately.

    By the way - This is the first time I realize how

    well the `mones work EVEN (and wonderfully) in a serious relationship. In that topic - A1 is a blast

    OMG I just looked at my rep and it jumped SO much in the last 2 hours! haha!
    Whoever gave me rep - THANK


  22. #22
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    It was unscented. I got it with the PI APC combo and asked to switch it with the

    unscented PI. I don't know if it was a one-time thing, but they agreed

    I can't detect that cat-piss

    odor in any of my `none products. I have this wierd yet cool subjective sence of smell. I mean, I can't smell the

    bad odor in `none but I somehow recognize very easily where there's `none, where there's `nol, and where there's

    `rone (with which I am less familiar). I guess my body smells it but my brain just filters the bad smell out and

    instead represents it to me as intuition.
    So to your question "does it exhibit a

    serious Anone type of whiff ?
    ".. well... not that I'm aware of. It does have a little bit of a

    stronger scent than my TE and definitely a stronger scent than my SOE, but it's not that horible as it has been

    described to be. Not for my nose at least

    I've joined the forums even before I bought from LS

    for the first time (see my signatured link... hehe). Yet when I started to experiment with the eight

    different products I bought here, I lost the patience to sit down and write all the many hit stories I got going

    on... So I stopped writing here and started living more "on the field". Honestly, this is the only forum across the

    whole inter-planetary wide web of which I am a proud and flowent member... And I've missed it quite a bit

    Lately I've had to make another order so I thought why not try what I've been

    longing to try all this time - A1?
    So I ordered A1 in addition to 2 previously-owned products and even added IMPI

    Original to the cart (which I have yet to try even once, as I ADORE my refined mix with A1 and can't get off it


    So while going through the forums searching for a few details on IMPI & A1, I stated feeling a void

    inside me. It was at that instant when I knew the void could only be filled via 3 things:
    1) Getting my new order

    in my very hands - check!
    2) Getting back to the forums - check!
    3) Sex with my g\f - check!

    I didn't expect to be writing in them so much, and I'll probably mellow down a bit in a month or so;

    but anyway my g\f started going to the university, so I have a bit more time to contribute lately.

    By the way -

    This is the first time I realize how well the `mones work EVEN (and wonderfully) in a serious relationship. In that

    topic - A1 is a blast

    OMG I just looked at my rep and it jumped SO much in the last 2 hours!

    Whoever gave me rep - THANK YOU!!!
    Your a lucky bloke getting

    reps, But i would say it would not happen if not deserved, if you werent a good natured friendly intelligent person

    that you seem to be.

    Like it is easy 4 me to post as i am not employed so i can spare the time, And even though i am

    dedicated in using and testing and reporting as accurately as i can with respect to the Pheromone products i am also

    lacking in education and not so skilled in always putting the info down.

    So i for one appreciate it when an

    intelligent young whip can be considerate enough to come on and write up in the professional way that you can do


    Like and

    you can also move all this stuff around and put it on a page. man you really know how to use this pc stuff, so good

    on you if you get the credits.

    And yes A1 sure is a wonderfull substance to have as a tool to use in a relationship as nothing is

    to much to give to a loved one.

    And A1 is something that really can be seen so clearly to work its er um


    It is

    also a real pleasure to see it when someone has success with their chosen product what a real buzz for the forum

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Cool Yay!

    Don't worry... even

    a simply funny and helpfull guy like yourself gets rep (hint hint).

    And um... thanks for all the compliments!

    When you want to link stuff, you can just write "[url=" followed by the address of the page you

    want to link, followed by "]", followed by the name you want to give the link (ex. "click here") followed by "[/url"

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    Click here to see the

    original URL instructions on the FAQ section of LS Forums

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    i am confused. terry, was the

    one woman who got all wet your gf or someone else. keep me updated.

  25. #25
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    lol... as I see it she

    was someone else, although right before she came knocking on the door, his g\f was ALSO there giving him a splended

    time lol

  26. #26
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by punisher View Post
    i am

    confused. terry, was the one woman who got all wet your gf or someone else. keep me updated.
    The girl who was wet and wicked is a mischevious nympho i would say, and i am not so keen on letting

    her in when she calls sometimes as i am trying to be good. its not so easy resist temptation that looks so

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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