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  1. #1

    Default my results for Andro 4.2 testing for 5 months....

    ok, 5 months ago i bout andro 4.2 and decided to give it a shot. it was my first time using pheros, so i was a bit skeptical. anyway, i tried every combinations of sprays there were and not one reaction, not one!! in school there are so many girls and not one reaction!! i\'m not an ugly guy by far, i\'ve had lots of girlfriends, i just wanted something to get me out of my slump. Well, i think all i got was some alcohol and water in a spray bottle, cause it worked like shit. But, i\'m going to buy a bottle of Primal Instinct as my last try with pheros. i wish i coulda gotten my money back on the andro 4.2...... [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  2. #2

    Default Re: my results for Andro 4.2 testing for 5 months....

    Hold off on the PI big stunner. Try the NPA APC mix first. If not that then PF or AFA but I think maybe you\'re to young for PI. Maybe you\'re producing a nice amount of pheromones and you just need a little kick.

  3. #3
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: my results for Andro 4.2 testing for 5 months....


    Jambat\'s right.If one Androstenone-only product didn\'t help,another would probably just be a waste of money.I\'ll also echo the PF or AFA recommendation to introduce a little Androstenol into the picture.

    I\'d hold off on the APC/NPA combo as it\'s pretty heavy on the A-None as well.(Mixmaster Jambat can\'t help but type \"try the APC/NPA mix\" in ALL of his posts,I think he\'s been programmed by a post-hypnotic suggestion or something.) [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Also Jambat\'s right about your age.Assuming you\'re young,your school could just be an Androstenone cloud where your Andro just didn\'t make you stand out.Again,if any phero will help, it\'s probably Androstenol.

    AFA is likely to be a lot more potent than PF,and it\'s a lot cheaper than PI.So if you\'re going to make a final effort,come in with a play you haven\'t run before.There\'s a whole lot stronger a belief in Androstenol in the phero community than there used to be.

    Good Luck! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: my results for Andro 4.2 testing for 5 months....

    Hey, I don\'t have a problem pal, I can stop any time I want. And no, I\'m not in denile! By the way, has anyone said try the APC/NPA mix. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: my results for Andro 4.2 testing for 5 months....

    what does AFA stand for and where can i get it?? cause i haven\'t seen it on this website. Also what be better alone PF or AFA? and does both of them have androstenol and androstenone? or just androstenone? thanx

  6. #6
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: my results for Andro 4.2 testing for 5 months....

    Hello Tiger,
    AFA is an additive product (click the \"Stone Lab\" link) that is for both men and women, so it should be milder than Andro and PI. Some of the guys here can probably tell you what the ratio is, but it must be pretty high in androstenol.

    Whatever you do, do NOT buy Primal if Andro is not working for you. The only way Primal might be better is if you have been terribly overdosing with the Andro, which is entirely possible, if you don\'t notice the musky (\"cat pee\") smell of the Andro. In any case, Primal is just an oil version of Andro, being oil-base, it disperses into the air more slowly, but is otherwise the same thing.

    I think Edge might work for you as it has other stuff in there besides androstenone, BUT if your problem with the Andro is overdosing, you are going to have the same danger/problem with Edge, and the unisex products (Attraction or AFA) are going to be safer and milder, and maybe calming.

    Getting a product with a built in fragrance (Attraction, Realm, sandalwood Edge) will help keep you from overdosing, so you might want to try that.

    You can get your money back on the Andro though, as long as you bought it from us and have the bottle. You gave it a good shot, that\'s all I ask. Go ahead and send it back.


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