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  1. #1
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    Default Do I have any chance with her?


    situation is very complicated.

    The girl I want to seduce is very special. She is 20 or 21 I think. Her

    is famous, he's a model and he is rich. On the other side I'm not good looking guy, I'm not rich and I'm not

    famous. The question is "Do I have any chances using pheromons"?

    There are some important details:

    1. Whithout

    pheros I don't have a chance! I'm like a road sign for her. The only word I hear from her is "Hi" and sometimes a

    "Hi" with a fake smile.

    2. She look like a princess really! Some famous people are jelous of her beauty, some

    stars even.

    3. She's engaged I think.

    4. She was a vergin before him

    5. Her boyfriend is somthing more

    than an alpha he's like a dream for the girls in our country.

    But there are some advantiges

    1. That's her

    first real boyfriend and I know that at first she wasn't sure that she like him (that sound strange even for


    2. I know she said that she never met the one, this was before she met her current boyfriend, but she was 18

    at that time, I think. I'm not sure she is normal heterosexual, she may be bi or something.

    3. She may even be a


    I know this sounds crazy but it's a real challenge for me and I want to try something like special

    mixes and combinations, all the weapons you've got, even if I have to smell like a woman.

    This will be slow

    process but it will be interesting for everybody here.

    If you think I have any chance you can post your

    suggestions and advices.

    I'll keep you informed every time I have a contact with this girl.

    Thank you all


    Sorry 'bout my low language


    Big ruckus
    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    First of all I would say you

    really have picked the one challenge that you really gotta work for huh?
    But thatøs okay if you think you can

    pull it off.. I wouldn't say anything because with the hearth you never can tell.. So you might have a chance or

    not.. But I will say it will be really tough if you "can" get her, but I'm not sure if you can.. But if you feel

    for her then just give it a try.. The worst situation is you end up where you started and that's not to bad because

    then you tried at least and then you couldn't have done more..

    But if we should help you I would say try telling

    a little about yourself.. Is you the quite (silent) type? Then it will be easier for us to give some


    But my first "advice" will be you perhaps can use the advantage of "this is her first one".. Many women

    fall in love with the first one they're with sexual but after some time they feel an urge to try out something new

    because they don't wanna marry someone when they haven't tried to be with somebody else.. They wanna try something

    different them him..
    This is not general but I know many women that have had this feelin..
    So perhaps if you find

    out if she has it that way you have an advantage there.. But do it silently and discretely so she woun't susspect


  3. #3
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    First of all I would say

    you really have picked the one challenge that you really gotta work for huh?
    Yep, that's definetly the

    hardest of all I have in mind.

    I'm not scared that I'll end where I started. If it wasn't this forum I would

    not even started. I really count to the pheros, without it, I don't have any chances.

    About me? When I was

    younger chicks liked me but then something happend and I haven't relationship with a woman for a long time. This

    thing fall out from the sky for me man.
    First of all the chicks don't start conversation with me, I allways start

    first. I'm shy sometimes, but only sometimes. I'm not the quiet type, I talk very much, too much and I know

    that's a problem. But one thing I know, I'm not the sexy kind-a-guy. The chicks rarely smiled at me and they are

    not happy to see me. It's very strange, I allways think it's something about my look.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44

    I'm not

    scared that I'll end where I started. If it wasn't this forum I would not even started. I really count to the

    pheros, without it, I don't have any chances.
    I can say this much about you. If you believe what

    you wrote above then you are right you don't have any chances. I am sorry to sound mean but the moment you feel

    you don't have a chance, a woman will sniff that out, and you will be proven as very prophetic.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlboro_man
    I can say

    this much about you. If you believe what you wrote above then you are right you don't have any chances. I am

    sorry to sound mean but the moment you feel you don't have a chance, a woman will sniff that out, and you will be

    proven as very prophetic.
    Don't give me wrong man. I'm cool when I talk to her, I don't shake like a

    dork, but she's a hard one. It's like you to seduce Britney Spears. If the pheros don't do any good I'm doomed.

    And not all because of me but because of many things (me too). This girl have a class and I'm a neighbourhood rat

    compared to her. Is like a movie star to date a construction worker. I just need an

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    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:59 PM.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    Don't give

    me wrong man. I'm cool when I talk to her, I don't shake like a dork, but she's a hard one. It's like you to

    seduce Britney Spears. If the pheros don't do any good I'm doomed. And not all because of me but because of many

    things (me too). This girl have a class and I'm a neighbourhood rat compared to her. Is like a movie star to date a

    construction worker. I just need an advantage.
    Funny you chose Briteny as she was taken by some trailer

    park trash named kevin and I doubt he was using mones. I guess the point is that high status girls don't interest

    me in any way, but if I were interested then I would go for it and not think that i'm inferior in any way. If you

    hold her above you then you have already disqualified yourself as a potential mate in her eyes. You need to stand

    out in a big way from the tons of men that must already worship her if she is all that. Most girls need to feel

    proctected so that being said they need a guy that shows dominating traits so they feel like a woman.

  7. #7
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    Don't give me

    wrong man. I'm cool when I talk to her, I don't shake like a dork, but she's a hard one. It's like you to seduce

    Britney Spears. If the pheros don't do any good I'm doomed. And not all because of me but because of many things

    (me too). This girl have a class and I'm a neighbourhood rat compared to her. Is like a movie star to date a

    construction worker. I just need an advantage.
    The mones will help you but as Marlboro says.. If you

    count on the mones to be your only salvation to get a chance with this girl you're not gonna make it..
    The mones

    will not do the job for you.. You must do the work, the only thing the mones do is "help you".. So if you seem nice

    to her or a little attraction the mones will enhance it..
    But! Youøll have to make it work and not the mones..

    It's like you expect the mones to do the job for ya, and as you say:
    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    If the pheros don't do any

    good I'm doomed.
    So we cant help ya.. Because the mones will not do any good when you don't work for it..

    Mones don't do wonders.. YOU do!
    So if you want this woman you gotta work for it like any other girl, and she will

    be as hard as always.. But once you get things goin in the right direction mones will help you to get there a little

    faster perhaps..
    This is not meant to be harsh but I'm just sayin it so I'm sure you don't misunderstand it..

  8. #8
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    It's not that i won't do a

    thing. The moment I see a look, a real smile or something that shows that this girl don't threat me as a nobody

    i'm on man. You said pheros can "help" me, thats everything I need to do

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    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:59 PM.

  9. #9
    Phero Guru
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    Default unusual post

    I think there's

    questions that need to be addressed.

    How old are you?

    Do you just want to screw her or do you want to

    marry her?

    I personally feel that in some instances a guy can get the gal without any game at all and just

    with the mones. It's happened to me but not with a target in mind, she just came to me while I was eating in a

    restaurant, I didn't say much to her and was 25 years her senior.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    It's not that i

    won't do a thing. The moment I see a look, a real smile or something that shows that this girl don't threat me as

    a nobody i'm on man. You said pheros can "help" me, thats everything I need to do it.
    Problem is that

    if you have to wait for encouragement, the kind of girl you want, won't be attracted to that.

    For me confidence

    is THE most attractive thing. Even completely average guys that I wouldn't normally look at will get a look in if

    they are confident and charismatic. It's like when you meet someone and don't fancy them, but as you get to know

    them, their personality makes them more attractive. You get to the point where you can't imagine having not always

    fancied them.

    Don't mean to sound callous, but I think we should all aim within our reaches. From what you

    have said, you sound like you think your aiming too high. She'll smell that a mile off and be put off. Even if

    she doesn't think that, you thinking it will put it in her head.

    Pheremones don't make a 5 a 9 imo. Not

    calling you a 5 because I have no idea what you are like! Just saying that people who stay together are generally

    within a point or so of each other.

    Good luck if you do try and get her. If you do want to try, my best advice

    as a woman, would be to act like you don't want her! If she's that hot, she'll be completely shocked and maybe

    try for you. I know if I think I can get someone easily and they don't want me, it makes me want to make them want

    me...if you get what I mean.

  11. #11
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye

    don't make a 5 a 9 imo. Not calling you a 5 because I have no idea what you are like! Just saying that people who

    stay together are generally within a point or so of each other.
    I agree with everything you said

    redeye, but wanted to make a point about this. I think us as men can easily grab a woman as much as 5 points higher

    than ourselves with the right attitude. Kinda of what you are saying but it would be extremely rare to happen in

    reverse as guys are more physically selective.

  12. #12
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    Hey guys,

    Some good advice

    already on this thread. But I have to say:

    Even comparing ourselves to women on a POINTS scale is silly. Why?

    because women exist on a VISUAL (physical beauty) points scale for us, 1-10 right>

    But, to women, we exist on a

    MENTAL points scale....with a 1 being a smelly dirty street hippie with no money and 10 being the most dominant,

    masculine, powerful, funny, charismatic guy imaginable.

    So you have to REALIZE....we have like 200% more ability

    to change our place on "the scale" than they do.

    Yes, they can get tucks and implants and use lots of makeup but

    they still will only move themselves...maybe 3-4 points, objectively, in good lighting (club lighting is


    I have seen guys, however, go from TOTAL average frustrated wimp to pretty much BADASSES that had hot

    model-quality girls eating out of their hands.

    Not easy or quick, but VERY POSSIBLE...with enough self-study and


    Leto, the 'mones alone won't make this girl fall to your feet and start sucking you off, you have to

    change yourself for that Check out my blog to get started and let us know how it goes!

    Last edited by thirtyplus; 01-22-2007 at 12:17 AM. Reason: spelling

  13. #13
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    I will have to agree with

    marlboro and redeye here..
    Your attitude is much (especially when people doesn't know ya yet - like clubs

    But if you play high and are like you're above her and the "natural order" isn't like this (because she's

    so beautiful etc) she will be like "what's this.. This isn't "normal".. It will grab her attention and wanna make

    her wanna be with you.. She will say if he doesn't want me then there must be a reason.. Can he get better than me?

    Something wrong with me? And she will be searvhing for these answers and also be wanting you because you're not

    like everybody else..
    It's important to stand out and catch her attention..
    You do this by not acting like

    everybody else and not be predictably..
    If you "don't want her" (you act this way) it will catch her attention and

    make her interested in you..

  14. #14
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    Thanks for all your posts. I'm

    22 years old.

    First of all I'm not in love with that girl. She's not even my friend, we just know each other,

    and because it's very hard to take a word out of her I want to make things easier with the pheros. Then I'll start

    a conversation with some questions and if I get answers like "Yes." and "No" I stop asking. So my point is to try

    different mixing of pheros till I find the best for her (personaly)! Not to seduce her but to start a normal

    conversation with her. Get it? Then I'll do my thing. Ones I made her out for a cup of coffee, she's mine.

    I'm not purchased any pheros yet so recomend me somthing.

    I'll try the "I'm not interested" behaviour,

    but I try this alot and it don't help me much. Maybe I don't do it naturaly, but I'll

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    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 08:59 PM.

  15. #15
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Start with SoE, its difficult

    to OD on and rarely repels. It's great for getting people to talk. Chikara or might be a good second

    choice. You might even consider waiting until comes out in the new mix. It is potent. Try mixing later after

    you've become competent with the individual products.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  16. #16
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Yes I would also recommend

    SOE as a first choise.. When you get results from that the AQ will probably also be commin out..
    But else you can

    also try WAGG witch I have had great results from or perhaps also try Liquid Trust..
    But with SOE you really know

    you get what you pay for..
    Perhaps it would be good to buy the unscented version so when the AQ comes out you're

    sure you wont mix scents if you choose the scented version (as I expect there also will come out an scented of AQ

    version 2)..
    is also a good alrounder I would say..
    And also Chikira that has 7 mones that makes it more

    subtle and alround.. Don't know if there's built in an buffer like AQ but I almost prosume it..

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44

    I'll try the

    "I'm not interested" behaviour, but I try this alot and it don't help me much. Maybe I don't do it naturaly, but

    I'll try.
    With the not interested behaviour, you need to give a little then pull right back, give a

    little, pull right back. If you just act completely uninterested you run the risk of her genuinely believing that

    you're not.

    Maybe one day say something nice to her, something that no-one else will say and that she hasn't

    heard before, so she'll remember it. Maybe pick a part of her that wouldn't get much attention and compliment her

    on it, like "you have really graceful hands."
    So much more believable if it's something so specific and unusual.

    Then act uninterested, as opposed to just uninterested all of the time.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    With the not

    interested behaviour, you need to give a little then pull right back, give a little, pull right back. If you just

    act completely uninterested you run the risk of her genuinely believing that you're not.

    Maybe one day say

    something nice to her, something that no-one else will say and that she hasn't heard before, so she'll remember

    it. Maybe pick a part of her that wouldn't get much attention and compliment her on it, like "you have really

    graceful hands."
    So much more believable if it's something so specific and unusual.

    Then act uninterested, as

    opposed to just uninterested all of the time.
    Yeah but I think she have to see I'm there first. I have

    to take her attention, otherwise she won't even see the the uninterested behaviour. At this stage I don't even

    exist so this is the first thing I have to change somehow.

    I don't met her for weeks now and if she sees me

    different than the last time the things may change. There's gotta be a contrast between before-me and

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    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 09:00 PM.

  19. #19
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    If you talk to her like you

    got something else to do and doesn't really are that interested in spending time on her because she's not that

    special.. But at the same show some interest a moment and then turn 180..

  20. #20
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    What about

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    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 09:00 PM.

  21. #21
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    What about

    PI is -none and very strong. Some people, mostly young, cannot wear it at all and many people react

    negatively to it. It might be suitable to add to something else later on but as a starter I would strongly urge you

    to not use it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by leto44
    What about

    When I use it I can get fair results from one drop and 2 drops I OD and people get very agrresive and

    annouyed.. So wouldn't recommend this..
    I've gotten better results from other ptroducts..

  23. #23
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    I agree with belgareth. Go with

    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  24. #24
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    With the not

    interested behaviour, you need to give a little then pull right back, give a little, pull right back. If you just

    act completely uninterested you run the risk of her genuinely believing that you're not.

    Maybe one day say

    something nice to her, something that no-one else will say and that she hasn't heard before, so she'll remember

    it. Maybe pick a part of her that wouldn't get much attention and compliment her on it, like "you have really

    graceful hands."
    So much more believable if it's something so specific and unusual.

    Then act uninterested, as

    opposed to just uninterested all of the time.
    Don't overlook this advice!!! Especially the first

    paragragh. Redeye is a woman who clearly has touch in what women like. Remember you need to take 1 step in or you

    won't accomplish anything but after you do take 2 steps back and let her follow.

    As far as mone choice, I would

    also recommend SOE if you want to get a conversation started.

  25. #25
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Redeye gives very good advice.

    Pay attention to her. She knows what she is talking about.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  26. #26
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    With the not

    interested behaviour, you need to give a little then pull right back, give a little, pull right back. If you just

    act completely uninterested you run the risk of her genuinely believing that you're not.

    Maybe one day say

    something nice to her, something that no-one else will say and that she hasn't heard before, so she'll remember

    it. Maybe pick a part of her that wouldn't get much attention and compliment her on it, like "you have really

    graceful hands."
    So much more believable if it's something so specific and unusual.

    Then act

    uninterested, as opposed to just uninterested all of the time.
    Excellent, excellent advice. 100%


    Obsequiousness = suicide.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  27. #27
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    Ok, I'll use the SOE. Now tell

    me how to combine it with other products, or maybe just SOE?

    I'll purchase 2 or 3 products at least so I want

    to know witch one.

    Sorry about the late

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    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 09:00 PM.

  28. #28
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    Do something dangerous with her.

    It probably should be a dangerous but safe activity like riding exciting amusement park rides together. Shared

    adrenaline breeds shared bonding and possibly shared affection.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by SyraBrian
    Do something

    dangerous with her. It probably should be a dangerous but safe activity like riding exciting amusement park rides

    together. Shared adrenaline breeds shared bonding and possibly shared affection.


    Hee. I think the RICH and FAMOUS model is providing her with all the adrenaline she needs.

    All the advice

    aside, this ballgame is over. (actually was never started) Fantasy is not reality.

  30. #30
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    tounge, you're allmost right,

    but there's something strange about her and that is what I want to use. It's imposible without any help, but if

    the mones work on 20% of what the people here say, I may got any chance. If you read carefully you'll see that she

    may be even a lesbian!

    Don't get me wrong all, but I'm not crazy about her and if nothing happend - no problem.

    But she's the perfect girl to try pheros on and if something work out will be absolutely


    SyraBrian, if I could get her to a ride she'll may be seduced already.

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    Last edited by leto44; 03-11-2011 at 09:00 PM.

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