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  1. #1
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    Default Cleo (classic) Review - LONG!

    Hi there -

    i'm new here, and I wasn't sure I would do a review - but I did see a marked difference after trying Cleo.

    I'm a 35 year old South Asian straight female. The reason I'm using pheromones in the first place is that I've

    just recently gotten intimate with someone i've known socially for years, but as we've gotten physically closer,

    we've stopped communicating. It's on both sides - and I have gotten shyer. I've also generally gotten shyer i

    believe, and have been having difficulty in social settings, and I don't think I've been very approachable. SO I

    wanted something that would work on a social level and help me open lines of communication, as well as something

    that would work on a sexual level as well.

    I received my bottle of Cleo yesterday and decided to go to the club

    I frequent, and see how it worked with my current interest.

    I applied 2 drops - one split and applied behind

    each ear, and one split and applied on my chest, and in my hair. I then covered with my usual perfume.

    I felt

    much more alert, and actually a bit euphoric after application. I was quick to smile and laugh about things and I

    jsut generally felt giddy. (on the inside and not the outside) I figured this would bode well for me to be more open

    and approachable.

    A word about my hangout. It's a a gay bar, with predominantly straight staff. It's a very

    flirty and social atmosphere, and I've been hit on quite a bit in there over the years (by gay and straight guys

    alike). I feel comfortable there, know lots of people, but lately i've been having a lot of "off" nights, where I

    wind up sitting in a corner dazing off into space, apparently looking very unapproachable, save for my current love

    interest - who always approaches me. I don't know if perhaps my shyness and ill-ease with him has rubbed off in

    general or what, but it's been quite boring for me for a while now. I also have to mention that I am used to

    receiving lots of copulin-like attention in this place - so it's made separating "normal" from "mone-al" responses

    a bit challenging.

    Anyways - so I went to the club, and my current interest is the first person I ran into - he

    seemed much more at ease and gave me the usual compliments and expressed his interest. I asked him where a friend of

    mine was, but he thought I asked about someone else, and actually showed a little possessiveness and a touch of

    insecurity. It was nothing over the top, but i was able to stroke his ego, and keep everything lighthearted. Before

    I would have been mortified, and my mind would have gone blank, and i would have made things much more serious then

    they needed to be.

    So after seeing him (he works there) I went and got a drink and sat in my usual spot. The

    friend I had asked about came and said hello. This is where things started getting interesting. He's always had a

    bit of a crush on me - and he's sweet but he's very young. anyways - we just started talking, and he just started

    sharing all sorts of info about himself. I found out how much he makes, what he's goign to school for, all the

    obstacles in finishing his school, his hopes and dreams, his family problems, the thread count on his sheets etc. It

    was really astonishing. He also finagled hanging around me most of the night - even tho he was working. It was like

    he couldn't leave my general area.

    As other people walked by I made eye contact and was able to smile and they

    smiled back etc. The i got my first sexual hit. I wasn't very interested so that was no biggie - and shortly after

    that I got my second hit. It was more on the lines of friendly flirtation, but this guy too - once he entered my

    zone, he came back frequently thru the rest of the night as well. It's like I became homebase. So now there were

    two milling about.

    Then i ran into another aquaintance of mine. Usually our conversations start with a greeting,

    maybe a line of small-talk, and then silence, until he moves on. I typically can't think of anythign to say, nor

    apparently can he.

    Anyways the first thing he said to me last night was that he'd gone out last night and had a

    great time. There was no reason for me to have this information - so I'm presuming it was his version of neurotic

    chatter. He also eventually joined my orbit.

    And then came an old friend of mine and his boyfriend. Now i've

    gotten sexual hits off his boyfriend before (in my world gay men turn straight all the time). But this time his

    boyfriend and i got into this intense conversation about politics and middle eastern geopolitics and jsut generally

    this intense intellectual conversation. We've never said anything beyond superficiality before. He kept saying

    I've never had this sort of conversation in here before - I've never gotten to talk to someone like this, etc,


    And then I got my first DIHL from a very drunken older gay man clutching a bottle of Cristal. I'll get

    back to him.

    So after the friend and his intellectual boyfriend move on, i meet another gay man who started an

    intense conversation with me - this time about Urban re-development and land use. Eventually he flitted on as


    whilst all this heavy conversation is going on men are stilling passing me, staring, or making eye

    contact, smiling, saying hello, blowing kisses, winks etc.

    Finally my old "escort" from a few years back, popped

    up, unexpectedly. He came and sat with me the rest of the night. Now he is gay, but very straight acting, macho

    alpha-male persona. He naturally fills the role of my "protector" and many guys assume he's my boyfriend. So I knew

    this would skew the rest of my experiment, because I saw guys walk by, case our personal dynamics, hesitate and move


    Oddly enough, the 3 guys in my orbit at this point, kept orbiting, and became social with my "date", so that

    they could stay within my zone. Someone else will have to explain this dynamic to me.

    Throughout the evening my

    current flame and i had lots of lingering glances, and whenever it was possible we grabbed a minute to touch and

    flirt. He's always been very direct about my effects on him, and I was puzzled because while he was attentive, it

    didn't feel as passionate as usual. But that could have just been his mood. What was different was the way I felt -

    I was more open, and at times more forward then i usually am, and at one point seriously had to stop myself from

    pulling him into a corner and stealing a kiss. (we're very very discreet at his job)

    So anyways - the night

    eventually starts winding down, and the drunken gay man with a second bottle of Cristal comes reeling towards me

    with a champagne flute. He introduces himself and then gives me the flute and the half-full bottle, and says "Hi

    I'm M---, Nice to meet you - my friends and I are leaving and I'd like you to have the rest of this bottle of

    Cristal. You're Fierce!" I thanked him politely and he kissed me on the cheek and then left.

    So I capped the

    night by sharing tastes of my $225 offering with my various orbiters. It was eventually closing time and my flame

    came to find me after getting off his shift, and asked if he can call me. So i'm expecting a new private encounter

    sometime soon.

    So that entire story was to share my impressons of Cleo.

    My impressions of 2 drops - it

    definitely worked as a social lubricant - both on me and those around me. I really felt confident and open and I was

    able to hold up my end of conversations, and even start them. It jsut generally made people feel comfortable

    talking to me. And obviously there were some sensitive souls that got caught in my zone.

    I'm not sure i used

    slightly too much, or not enough to bring out any sort of overt sexual responses. I was concerned about dosage

    because I am ovulating at the moment, and with the copulins in Cleo I didn't want to OD.

    I do have another

    concern - I came home last night, and slept restlessly from 4:30am to 6:30am. I have been unable to get into REM

    sleep at all except for the one cycle in those 2 hours. I also didn't take a disco-nap yesterday so this is really

    wierd. I feel very alert. Not active at all, but simply unable to sleep or focus. So I'm wondering whether this is

    still the pheromones working on me. I took a shower, and washed everything off, so we'll see if i'll be able to

    sleep after this.

    I really wanted to go out again tonight - this time with a group of ladies that I've never

    met in person before - and see how Cleo worked with them but i'm not sure i'll be up for it, seeing as I've been

    up for 2 days now.

    I was going to post my questions here, but I think I will post them in a seperate thread.

    this is a lot to read.

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    oh one last point that I forgot:

    all three of the guys in my orbit made a play for me, along with my current flame, who's play i accepted.


    interesting thing is of the 3 one was asian - my friend who was most chatty, attentive, and spent the greatest

    amount of time in my orbit. The second one, who was more sexually overt, but still in the friendly flirtation zone

    was african american, and the last guy's play was subtly possessive like he was trying to stake a claim. he was

    caucasian. I find this interesting in light of my flame - who is also caucasian, and his touch of posessiveness

    early on in the evening.

  3. #3
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    Wow, that's fantastically

    detailed feedback. Sounds like you had a great time too!

    I haven't tried Cleo and I can't find any info on

    the nol and cops content, but you might like to try PI/w if you want to increase your confidence and open

    communication lines. It also has nol and cops in it, but very high content of nol. It was the first one I got and

    I immediately found everyone really chatty with me and trusting of me.

    Definitely didn't get much of a sexual

    response though; just seemed to make people want to be closer to me.

  4. #4
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    thanks redeye! Cleo has 12mg of

    Nol and Copulins i think, and then a proprietay blend of 2 others so it's along the same lines as PI/w I believe.

    i'm wondering now if perhaps that review was too detailed *lol* but I was still totally euphoric and wrote that

    after being up for 36 straight hours - so apologies if i sounded manic. After showering i was able to get to sleep

    last night and slept well.

    I'm not sure how this will work with my flame tho. we're generally pretty

    passionate together, with just plain old soap and water - and i want to keep that passion, but become more intimate


    but since we are in close quarters, and considering that it seemed to dampen his passion while relaxing him

    at the same time at the dosae i was wearing - i'm wondering whether i should lower the dosage with him or increase


    and of course i don't have easy access to test on him either. darn it!

  5. #5
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    No the review was great! Was

    beginning to feel like one of the only women here, so it's nice to hear other stories.

    Yeah, sounds pretty

    similar to PI/w and you sound like you're getting similar effects to me. I've come to the conclusion that for me,

    nol just makes people relaxed and happy around me; doesn't seem to overly increase passion.

    I have heard that

    mones don't work as well on people we are already close to, but I'm determined (hoping) to disprove that!


    did seem to get more of a result from the combo that I tried the other night - see my other post. Basically the

    target was pretty much treating me like his gf and I hadn't had to do any work to get to that point really, apart

    from major eye contact. So it definitely increased intimacy in that respect. I think it was probably the copulins

    in the PCC, but need to test that seperately to be sure. You could maybe give that a go?

    I think the dosage you

    used sounds about right, because it's quite strong stuff, but adding a little more wouldn't hurt maybe.


    mentioned on another thread about what to wear and when and that you don't generally wear perfume to work. If you

    wanted to try something that smells nice, I highly recommend APC. I initially preferred the scent of AE/w, but APC

    mellows really nicely.

    You also mentioned wondering what effect it would have on women - one of my closest

    friends couldn't stop sniffing me the other night - she went crazy for it!

  6. #6
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    thanks for the tips! I'm

    seriously considering PCC to add to the mix - as for the APC - perhaps - but i tend to have to be around peope a lot

    - and people have allergies and this an that, so it's proper etiquette at my job to not wear scent. the cleo

    itself doesn't seem to have much of a scent at all, so we'll see what happens.

    one other thing i'm torn on

    is adding pheromones to my hair.

    On the one hand - it seems like a no-brainer as it's subtle yet transmits.

    on the other hand if i go manic from it, that means i'd have to shampoo as soon as i wanted to unwind and that

    can be a pain. what are your thoughts?

  7. #7
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    I don't think it's that easy to

    add to the hair really. I think it would work if you had something that could be sprayed on, but most things would

    surely lose their potency if diluted too much?

    I think I'm going to get some EW, as that's the only one I'd

    probably use on hair personally. Was thinking that I could dilute it a fair bit in water and then just put it in a

    water spray bottle and spritz like a mist onto the hair.

    I like to think mones are like perfume and that

    layering is a good thing, so I think it could work well.

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    I like to think

    mones are like perfume and that layering is a good thing, so I think it could work well.
    I think you may

    be on the right track there. I do not mix but layer mones myself. Generally speaking, alcohol based goes first,

    oil/glycerin next and then any scent I wear. My scents are not commercial and are almost all oil based so are thick

    and I think they slow the dispersal of the mones.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    I don't think it's

    that easy to add to the hair really. I think it would work if you had something that could be sprayed on, but most

    things would surely lose their potency if diluted too much?

    I think I'm going to get some EW, as that's the

    only one I'd probably use on hair personally. Was thinking that I could dilute it a fair bit in water and then just

    put it in a water spray bottle and spritz like a mist onto the hair.

    I like to think mones are like perfume and

    that layering is a good thing, so I think it could work well.
    well when i put it in my hair, i did it

    pretty much like i do product or perfume - a drop in my hands, rub it and then stroke through.

    how about

    environmentally? i wonder what would happen if a drop or 2 were added to a candle, or put in a scent disperser of

    some sort.

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    so i just did a quick experiment.

    I have one of those Bath and Body Works scent dispersers. The kind that has a bottle of oil with a thick wick, and

    a warming ring and petal shaped top. You jsut plug it in and it warms and diffuses the oil.

    I added 3 drops of

    cleo to the wick and let it soak thru. And then plugged the thing in. In about 10 minutes i started getting a

    buzz and frankly couldn't stop thinking about sex. So i might have to experiment further with this. the good

    thing is that i can unplug the thing cap the bottle and store it away when i don't want to use it, so it's not

    like i'm wasting product.

    the other interesting thing is when i first bought the oil - it was cucumber melon -

    my favorite BBT scent- i found the freshener to be too chemically for me, and not quite right. Tonight after

    pulling the plug - i couldn't stop smelling it. it was delicious.

    i so hope BBT has a vanilla lavender scented

    oil refill. I'm all over that like white on rice to set a warm open mood in my bedroom when i need it - and i'll

    just use PCC on me - and maybe a drop of cleo spread all over.

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    a few years ago, some

    people tried the same experiment, from what i remember. i tried finding the threads in the archive, but to no avail

    (i'm only taking a small study break right now). i did find this thread,



    at any rate, there seems to be a belief that heat destroys

    -mones. whether this is true, i have no idea.

    last year, i tried a similar experiment. i placed 2 drops of PI/m

    (mixed at a 1:1 ratio w/jojoba oil) into an already lit scented candle out of curiosity (directly into the melted

    wax). a friend (study buddy) had come over to study w/me. this was around mid August. she complained about being hot

    (temperature wise), but i had the AC on & set at a pretty low temperature.

    nothing conclusive on my part & i

    only tried it once. i was interested in her, but had found myself in LJBF land long before i even tried this


    good luck w/your own experiment! i hope it works out for you.

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    Hi Gecko - thanks yeah - i saw

    that thread when i did a search after i tried my experiment.

    I'm not sure if it's getting direct heat to be

    honest - it seems like there is a warming ring, but it doesn't actually contact the wick - i'll have to pull it

    apart one day and take a close look. And i'm not sure if the 3 drops i added today will be as effective say 2

    weeks from now if i plug it in. or if i added more mones to the wick each time i used it, it wouldn't eventually

    become an OD.

    All i can say for sure is I know how i felt after letting it release - but it was just me and my

    cat - and he didn't react one way or the other - so i might just be having a placebo effect.

    i would bring my

    roommate into my room to see how she reacts - but she's a neurotic babbler in general, and i'd rather not engage

    her if at all possible.

    i guess i'll just have to try it on the boy and see what happens.

  13. #13
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    oops. my bad for assuming that you

    hadn't seen it yet.

    have you seen this



    Whiteball talks about using those plug-in scent things. CJ01

    talks about using oil burners (kinda like the one you're using).

    sorry if you've already seen.

    i distinctly

    remember more than a few threads talking about this, but i can't find them. there was one useful thread where

    either FullTiltRedHead or Frenchie (i can't remember which) talked about this. now it's bugging me...damn my OCD.

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    haha - well i hope you find that

    thread - yeah i saw the thread you found too. (i'm a good forum user - i use the search function!)

    anyway -

    i'm gonna try one drop split between my ears at work today and see wht happens. i'll report back.

  15. #15
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    so today i wore one drop of cleo

    split behind my ears and went to work. I was a bit euphoric on the drive. No effect whatsoever on my hostile

    coworkers, but to be fair, i didn't get within 5 feet of any of them today.

    i did get to interact with some of

    the cockiest guys in my office. that was interesting - one of them was a bit flirty and chatty and stealing


    the second one - who is normally very tight-lipped jsut started sharing with me - work -related stuff,

    but stuff i don't need to know, and probably shouldn't know. nothing bad, but it was a case of neurochatter.

    at lunch i was with my friends on an elevator, and a random service-guy jumped into the conversation, and directed

    his one-liner at me. could have been a really friendly random guy, but that doesn't follow with elevator

    etiquette, really.

    anyways - i prolly should have re-applied at lunch, but i didn't - and in the afternoon i

    felt a bit headachy, but nothing major. i think i'm gonna take a break for a few days, and then come back with 2

    drops and see how that works.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    First of all let me say

    it's nice to see woman posting again!

    In regards to the heat dispersal effect. I too had expiremented with it

    with inconclusive results. I never tried those oil burners, but I would think they would be the way to go.

  17. #17
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    Yeahwhen i was in Bath and Body

    Works last night - checking out their homescent stuff they had two kinds:

    the wallflower plugin - which is what

    i have - Oh and I also checked - the heat doesn't come in contacte with the oil at all.

    another option which i

    thought was interesting was an essentail oil warmer type of thing.

    It was basically like a fondue pot or

    soemthing with a little tea-light you would put in the bottom, and then the heat from the flame would warm a few

    drops of whatever oil you chose to put in their - maybe a few drops of cover scent and then pheromone oil of your

    choise. i didn't get that one - but i can see the potential in it.

  18. #18
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunya
    It was

    basically like a fondue pot or soemthing with a little tea-light you would put in the bottom, and then the heat from

    the flame would warm a few drops of whatever oil you chose to put in their - maybe a few drops of cover scent and

    then pheromone oil of your choise. i didn't get that one - but i can see the potential in it.
    Being a

    guy, I didnt' realize there were so many different options but this is the kind I was referring to.


    expirement involved using one of those plug in crock pots that you put potpourri and water in. To better explaind

    they probably hold 12+ oz of liquid. Like I said before it seemed inconclusive.

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    yeah - i don't know if the

    crockpot kind would work? i've never really like the crockpot kind.

    but i read elsewhere that one of those

    oust fans works

  20. #20
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Let me know how your

    testing comes?

  21. #21
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    i plugged my

    wallflower in yesterday morning - i had dropped 3 drops of cleo in it over the weekend. By the time it warmed up -

    it did put me in a pretty good mood as I was getting dressed, and there was a lot of mindless chatter in my head. I

    wish i could say how it works with others - but it's jsut basically me and the cat.

  22. #22
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Have you noticed any

    reactions from the cat?

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    haha - nope! he was vaguely

    interested in smelling the bottle when i first got it - but he lost interest pretty quick.

    and no reaction from

    him - well he really seems to like the smell of "amber romance" or whatever the scent is called - i think because it

    has musk notes - but no reaction to the pheromones at all - so i guess it's safe to presume that cleo has no rone

    in it.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    The reason I asked is

    because the first few times that I wore NPA + SOE combo together around my cat, he wouldn't leave me alone. He

    just kept sitting on the couch near me and sniffing me. I don't know if it was the scent of SOE or the mones.

  25. #25
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    I've noticed a reaction from my

    male cat since I starting wearing PCC. Didn't notice much with PI/w, but when I added PCC I got a big

  26. #26
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    really? nope - mine just stares

    at me the entire time. relaxed but just staring. altho this isn't much different as he's been unusually fixated

    on me since his brother was put to sleep a few months ago. he stares and purrs. and kneads his paws if i

    acknowledge him in any way. but like i said - that's normal for him.

    I would guess the sniffing is just

    because he smells soemthing intriguing on you. not sure what to make of it - but it's "different". i figure as

    long as they're not overtly hostile, or overtly affectionate, they're not getting tweaked by it.

    hey redeye -

    how much PCC is a "serving size"? I just got it and I'm not entirely sure how much to put on or even where is the

    most effective. at the moment i'm just putting a strip in my cleavage - but i'm also at work.

    don't know

    where i should put it for the boy(s) - hee!

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    hmm, not sure I'm the best

    person to ask! Purely because I have been piling the stuff on

    It's harder to judge when it's not in

    drop form. I've been rolling it literally all over my neck, chest, wrists - it's not gonna last long at this

    rate, but I feel ready for EW now anyway, so am going to give that a go.

  28. #28
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    Default terrific report...

    they can

    never be too long or detailed. I'm just curious, do you hang out at the gay bar because you like the venue or

    because of your guy? Also, just curious again, how many, if any, other women are there generally percentage wise?

    A fun experiment is to put some mones on a certain chair and see if guys gravitate to that instead of some

    other chair. And, if you are writing any love letters, put a drop or two on your writing paper.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

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    oh i hang out there because I like

    the venue! love the venue actually. I know it sounds wierd - but that particular gay bar just suits me. It's

    where i feel totally right. I've been in lots of other gay bars - and eh - they're ok - i've been in lots

    striaght clubs and bars - and eh they're ok too. But this place just is my perfect vibe. As for women - it varies

    - maybe 10-20% sometimes more, sometimes less. That night i'd say it was closer to 20%. Maybe that's why i like

    it - i'm primarily in the company of men, and most of them are usually perfectly willing to treat me as a human

    being, and often a sex object, but with no expectations of me putting out. it's brilliant really.

    you know

    i should try that chair trick on a table in my friends section over there, and see what happens.

    redeye -

    forgive me if you've mentioned it in a thread and I didn't notice - but what type of reactions are you getting

    with it piled on? Also have you tried it by itself yet?

  30. #30
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    I have to admit that I haven't

    been a very good experimentor!

    I wore it once on it's own and felt so fed up without my PI/w that I haven't

    done again. I didn't feel any different to how I felt before I discovered mones. I have kind of got to the point

    where I care less about how they work on men and more about how they make me feel - think I'm addicted to nol!

    I tend to wear them both together and the reactions have been good, with men and women. A really miserable woman

    at work stood and talked to me for 10 minutes the other day. She hasn't spoken to me in 2 years!

    Sorry I

    can't be of more help, but I'm sure you know what I mean - PI/w and Clio seem similar and I know that you're

    mentioned liking the happy feeling you get from it.

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    Last Post: 04-15-2002, 12:09 AM


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