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  1. #1
    Full Member phinmone's Avatar
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    Default Interesting things with my NATURAL pheromones

    two days back, I had this one female friend over at my place for the night. we were having all sort of

    fun, especially in the morning, but no direct sex, just fooling around.

    about 1pm i go to university and see

    my schoolfriends there. i am usually making a few jokes and people laugh. this time it was differend, especially the

    girls behaved a little differend. they were more giggly and receptive and making a little more eye contact than

    normally i would say.

    now, what was i wearing? NOTHING, not even a cologne! i did not wash my self after the

    female friend left my place and went directly to school (i live in the campus area). could this be due to her

    "smell" in me and the girls somehow obviously were attracted by the thing that i was having some traces of a female


    this actually leads to my question: could EW or copulins help me to have similar "hits" that i had

    two days back?!

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    The fact you didn't bathe

    means you were wearing the previous day's (and night's) body chemicals, as well as producing your normal daily

    amount. Some of your natural Androstenone should have converted by this time to Androstenol (ON EDIT: Or is that

    Androsterone -- I forget which), but you would have been producing more Androstenone.

    The only thing is that you

    apparently hung out with people you already knew. If you had a strong body odor, they might have been willing to

    overlook it (or, if you typically have a strong body odor, they might just be used to it -- maybe everyone in your

    group does -- we cannot say).

    If the girl got any of her pheromones on you, then, yes, it's conceivable that

    other girls sensed them and perceived you as a successful alpha male. But it could be that you were so relaxed (or

    so juiced up) that you just came across as confident and sexy.

    It's not always the pheromones that produce the

    results. Like so many of the other guys point out here, you cannot simply coat yourself with pheromones, go stand in

    a corner, and then end up with women crawling all over you. You still have to socially validate yourself as a safe

    and reasonably normal guy.

    In college you get some leeway for doing dumb or crazy things, but people still want

    to be reassured that they aren't hanging with a total freak. You sound like you come across as socially open and


    As for the copulins, there have been some guys who claim they help. I have never worn any, but just

    sniffing the open container I got with the Valentine's Day special made me particularly horny one day. I am sure

    the girls were wondering what was up with me.

    Your mileage may vary.

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Good sentiments friendly1 - if you

    coat youreself in pheromones but dont socially validate youreself or make any moves you will
    a) get more

    b) more flity behaviour
    c) conversation etc

    But they wont make the move (1%) might but

    thats different youll still be without getting laid but you might have more people in youre general vacinity or more

    social interaction

  4. #4
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    As with anything pheromones

    arent solely to blame or credit.
    You could have for example felt validated by your previous night's experience.

    That itself can create alot of attractive characteristics in a person.

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Yup exactly you were probably

    confident to women would have picked up on that as well.

  6. #6
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Natural mones are the way to

    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  7. #7
    Full Member phinmone's Avatar
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    DST: I agreee!


    guys: i am very aware that mones do not guarantee the success. actually i have been not using mones for about 2

    weeks now (going out tonight with mones though). i want to keep up my social skills. actually i have been doing

    some research (reading some GOOD ebooks, and other sources) for how to influence my social behaviour around girls

    for about a year now. so i don't think that i lack in this subject that much..

    anyways i am really

    interested in the subject of getting a girl with natural mones and how to "boost" them.


  8. #8
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  9. #9
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    To that fine article I would

    add that developing more sophisticated hygiene habits, where you strategically limit the use of soap, can work to

    powerful effect. I've written a ton on it here, but the stubborn misconceptions are ever prevalent.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  10. #10
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    To that

    fine article I would add that developing more sophisticated hygiene habits, where you strategically limit the use of

    soap, can work to powerful effect. I've written a ton on it here, but the stubborn misconceptions are ever

    The French were notorious for not being as crazy about baths/showers (and the whole armpit

    thing), and yet they're also known for their sensual love making...coincidence? I think not!!!

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    I am returning to

    you in one weeks time.Please dont bathe..."
    This is reported to be what Napolian wrote to his woman prior to his

    return from war.Funny...he prefered it when she didnt bathe....just alittle food for thought.

  12. #12
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    I've also experienced post-sex

    smells being a turn-on for other girls. I particularly remember a day when I went around with a beardful of natural

    copulins (don't bother asking me how I got those on): it seemed that not only did girls find me much sexier than

    with a clean face (similar to when wearing 'none), they also found me much more approachable and less intimidating

    than when I wear 'none--or even (possibly) than when au natural. The "socially acceptable" hypothesis sounds pretty

    compelling for me. Food for thought. I just wish I didn't feel so self-conscious and strange about having my face

    smell like crotch.

    I've also heard a couple of reports from girls who use copulins that it makes them

    pleasantly horny. Also, I've read that women tend to rate the I-just-had-sex smell as being much sexier than men


  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    To that fine

    article I would add that developing more sophisticated hygiene habits, where you strategically limit the use of

    soap, can work to powerful effect. I've written a ton on it here, but the stubborn misconceptions are ever

    I assure you, sir, I have NO misconceptions about the fact that some people just absolutely

    reek. I can only speak about those whom I have been around.

    I make no assumptions about anyone I cannot


  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    You imply that limiting soap

    makes you reek -- a misconception.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    You imply

    that limiting soap makes you reek -- a misconception.
    I mean to imply no such thing.

    But I do know the

    reekers are more likely to do so if they don't bathe with soap and hot water. Of course, when I was in college, I

    knew a girl who bathed every day and her feet stank something awful. So, soap is no guarantee of eliminating body

    odor. But body odor is body odor. I don't like it when it's strong.

    I just prefer to be around people who

    smell neutral or nice. I don't care if they use soap (except on their hands -- that is simply a matter of courtesy,

    since so much disease is passed through hand contact).

    So, if anyone who has a body odor problem is seriously

    considering doing without soap in order to build up their natural pheromones, I just hope (and pray) I don't have

    to run into them. I surely feel for the people who do.

    Most people with a body odor problem are completely

    unaware of it.

  16. #16
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Stinky people smell


    Friendly, for playing the part of foil!

    Myth: "bathing excessively (twice a day, or whatever) reliably makes

    you stink less."

    Too much soap makes you stink more. It makes you more vulnerable to BO if you can't rely on

    your body's natural odor control mechanisms.

    Myth: "Using soap is the only way to make you stink less."


    rarely use soap, (except to remove pheromones and wash my hands) and smell very fresh when I get out of a hot water

    shower. There is almost no perceivable odor. I have never once been told I had BO since I switched my approach, but

    have been told I smell "yummy" quite a few times.

    Transitioning to a body oil management approach is a great

    way to reduce a BO problem, along with healthy lifestyle.

    People stink for reasons other than too little soap,

    when you look at causes and not just immediate symptoms. If someone reeks due to faulty lifestyle and hygiene, soap

    is only a temporary fix, but the reliance on it should make the problem worse. You can wean yourself off a reliance

    on frequent soap use.

    Myth: "Body odor is body odor."

    There are a billion varieties of body odor, and

    healthy, sexy, comforting body odors have always been the most pleasing smells, bar none, to human beings. We

    are hard wired this way. This is why almost every perfume includes musk notes (the original Eau de Toilette was

    probably an exception, as are lavender waters).

    It's about fostering a great body odor and pheromone

    profile, not eliminating odor.

    It's quite achievable.

    Unfortunately, we as a culture are in

    neurotic denial about, out of touch and uncomfortable with, the mammals we are.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 03-14-2005 at 06:28 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  17. #17
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    i think that being around a girl

    your attracted to increased your own phermone production or it just could be that smelling her mones raised yours.

    Sometimes when i don't feel like putting anything on i just leave an open bottle of ew and npa under my nose on my

    desk then go check my email or whatever then go out and get subtle hits but nothing major like a dihl

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Yes, well then there was the

    guy who didn't bathe at all, who came into the office every day reeking so badly we all gagged. It took weeks

    (after he resigned) to get rid of the stink.

    Is soap the universal solution to bad body odor? No. But it IS

    medically necessary for cleansing wounds and removing harmful bacteria. And it also cuts serious dirt and grease

    pretty well (some soaps are better than others).

    I have been around plenty of European and Asian women who,

    while "clean", just did not appeal to me sexually because of their body odor. As with all pheromonal practices, I

    advise people to experiment and observe, and not simply assume they are doing the right (or wrong) thing by either

    using soap or not using soap.

    No one masters a skill in four days, except in the movies.

    But everyone should

    remember too that MOST people will say nothing no matter how offensive they may find your body odor to be. Unless

    you're getting clear and obvious hits, or are otherwise having good interaction with people, be careful where you

    take off your shoes (so to speak).

  19. #19
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Friendly, I agree in general.

    You brought up another issue. I also have been turned off to some women because of their smell, even ones that

    were otherwise sexy as hell. I was particularly disappointed when I had that reaction to a hot, horny and naked 18

    year old woman several years ago. The ones I have a great chemistry with, however, seem as if they can do no wrong

    with their smell by me.

    I would like to swim in their juicy smells. They better keep their legs together when

    they're around me.

    Aside from hygiene, I am convinced it is well and good for some few people to

    dislike your body odor a tiny bit, since there will always be some people who we are just incompatible with.

    They are going to dislike you even if you smell great to the rest of the human race. We can't avoid that. This

    weeds out people you haven't a chance with anyway, and keeps them at an ideal distance, per nature, so they don't

    mess with you. Those with whom you are compatible will be drawn to you, on the other hand.

    It's not as if

    pheromonal chemistry and personal chemistry are two completely separate things! Nature is not


    You just don't want a large proportion of the population to feel that way, so "hygiene" is

    important, especially in close quarters in a work setting. But I believe this is just another way that nature

    creates equilibrium and social harmony among people, even in a work setting.

    The thing is, I find that I get

    better relations with people across the board when I can manage my skin largely without soap. But I'm sure there

    might be some who stay away from me due to my clearly-defined pheromone profile ("this is who I am, so

    deal"), probably without their realizing why they are staying away.

    However, none of this changes my fundamental

    premise that managing your body oils, as opposed to a policy of obliterating them like they are some "enemy",

    reduces stink; replacing it with a friendly, natural smell.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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