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  1. #1
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    Default Like night and day, SOE before/after it converts.

    Just thought I would contribute more read some or all if you would like.
    Person Information
    Height - 6\'2
    Weight - 200 (have no idea)
    Age - 17
    Build - medium-heavy muscular wise
    Ethnicity - a lot of crap primarily Irish and Jamaican some more Euro stuff too.
    Looks - I rate myself as having pretty good looks but that sounds egotistical.
    estimate Test level - As I look at my hands, facial structure/hair, manly structured face etc...
    voice, and ability to add on new muscle I would guess it is in the
    high range.
    Well guys and gals, this is a story about what I speculate are the changes in SOE, from light humor and lovable smiles to a horrid monster and annoyance.

    Ok, before I went to school this morning I decided it was going to be a majority wise SOE day. I decided to go a bit over 1/2 the pack and instead used around 2/3 of the gel pack. Wow it\'s been awhile since I used SOE and the gel is hard to put in so many places and such. I applied alot in my hair and much of it behind my ears all around my neck, my face, and my arms. I knew I had alot on as I could smell it pretty strongly even 2 hours later. I didn\'t want to just make it a SOE day so I also added some NPA. That NPA dropper does kinda suck after all. I decided to stop dabbing and try to get drops out, so I tilted the bottle upside down and put my finger near it and waited for it to pour out in a drop by drop repetion. well my hand was not exactly over it and after a second of waiting the stuff just kind of \"splooged\" out and like the size of 3 drops just splashed on my leather computer chair (I was sitting at computer) inbetween my legs. So I applied around the amount of 3 drops, and wipped up the mess with some alcohol.

    SOE even in its praise is still underrated, I am not sure how I ignored it for so long. The beginning of my day was great as far as social interactions. First class I was in the computer lab as a free period and another class came in with people I know, one of my friends just came up behind me and like tapped me in a gay way as a joke and alot of people came by with their hey\'s at a really high number, I also known what many say about people telling them things they normally won\'t, like one of my friends the same one that tapped my back was telling me things and I was like WTF is he saying that for but people seemed to have been addicted to talking to me and such, even the teacher that came in a real loud, not like he talks alot but just high strong sort of alpha and such kept on getting on my case about work I owed him and keep coming back to me time and again to the point were I realized that it was abnormal.

    One of my bro\'s semi-friends (girl) who we drive to school with and never noticed any stares, was sitting next to me and kept on staring at me in quick glances as if hey is it really him producing this and a feeling of there is something different about him. I could see the stages of phero effects going into work. Guess she is straight though I never had my doubts but she trys to play that I am a risky girl crap, nothing cool nor is there any like, btw alot of hair pulling and tossing maybe subconcious

    I am a pretty funny guy(believe it or not) and I have noticed in the past when I wore SOE I had people spitting out their drinks and food because I was so funny in lunch, this is rare to ever occur without -nol. Well today was simply the best lunch comedy wise I have had all year. Usually if you get people to laugh they are not as focused and such, today I had everyone at the lunch tables attention undivdided too, which I have noticed over the months is a big plus with SOE. I had everyone laughing controllably no one at the table was silent at all, I had the so called funniest kid in the school spitting out his milk and such. That\'s a big key people perceive you as something to watch and everything you say and do is responded to 2x that of anything you would say or do without the -mones in the air. Lunch was the reason to wear SOE lots of positive responses.

    After about the 5 hour mark things started to go a bit downhill much like a heavy -none OD not very fun. I was in English and we have a group project. The type of reaction many get from a -none OD is people think you are being reckless and not caring, they think you are an [bad word] who doesn\'t care, they think you are a subtle danger to things. Everyone in my group got on my ass so bad it was like from a movie, they were like you aren\'t doing [bad word], they would hand me something new just because they wanted to and start bitching at me as I was doing it and keep it going it was really bad, blah blah blah and the funny thing is they weren\'t doing much of anything. I got blamed for a bad grade we got on our outline and such, two of the girls in the group were getting really pissed at me. One girl was like saying some weird [bad word], like \"It\'s very rare to get me this pissed off but you are really really pissing me off, shut up and do your work\" I thought she was kidding it was so weird but I guess not. Then she says morbid things like I hope you die kind of stuff hahahahha. The other girl I had laughing alot but then she would switch and say stuff like you are really annoying me you need to shut up. Odd behavior considering last class everyone was actually really nice.

    My last class was nothing much to report on the teacher in the lab I had and kind of got on my ass and yelled at me maybe a bit out of the normal but other people were stressing him out in class and such.

    When SOE goes sore it seems like another -none OD, though I have heard that SOE can still serve its true purpose even more then 8 hours afterwards and such, that still remains to be seen.
    Earlier in that day when the SOE was at its max, I walked by a 9/10 that I have a mini relationship friend wise and such nothing outside of school, she had that type of big closed mouth grin and a look of real interest, seemed happy to see me very subtle and like she was remembering a mutual inside joke or something, pretty much had her attention, hard to read her at times though. I talked a bit got her to laugh a bit then we went in different directions.
    Another funny thing with SOE is that no one can resist its effects even the manliest of men. In my electronics class which is basically a meat head class, and of course I don\'t go well with hicks but I am pretty good in there and get along ok. There is the strongest kid in our school in there seriously he is, I think I know him pretty well he may have to play the tough guy but inside he seems sensitive hahah. So anyhow I was wearing 1/2 pack of SOE with a bit of NPA and had gym the class before, I think I sweat off alot of both but I was standing there and so was he and a couple of other guys, he then looks at me in a curious but like liking way like hey thats a good guy he then play hits my arm gentle as he is not comfortable with showing emotion I guess. This was the SOE and not the NPA as I have seen how he is when I am on NPA very moody laughs at my jokes but then gets pissed alot etc... There is so much to say alot of hits though I didn\'t have time to get to get to each and everyone one of them. Teachers and people extend their time with you and its all good blah blah blah.

    PS. Does anyone ever get freaked out when someone gives you those dead stares with no emotion EWWW damn hahah.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it converts.

    gett a 99 cent bottle of purrell hand santizer to put in your pocket. bring it with you so you can clean off the mones at application points when you have those SOE converting situations.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it converts.

    thanks for the tip monesrule, I will try that, converstion is a bitch by the way I really hate that, so little time.

  4. #4
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it converts.

    I\'ll wait for the movie.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it converts.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    gett a 99 cent bottle of purrell hand santizer to put in your pocket. bring it with you so you can clean off the mones at application points when you have those SOE converting situations.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    The active ingredient in those products is alcohol, which doesn\'t break down mones.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it converts.

    what do u USUALLY wear on a school day?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it converts.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I\'ll wait for the movie.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Heh. don\'t blame you.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    what do u USUALLY wear on a school day?

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    For awhile its been AE with TE. or just AE by itself. I took like 2 days and a weekend off -mones to remove any build up and such.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it converts.

    I just got a few gel packs and i plan to use abt 1/3 pack each time. The problem is i dont use mones everyday so will an opoened pack still be usable say after 4-5 days?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it converts.

    It should be, what I do is I use around 1/2 a pack each time right, after I have applied what I wanted to I then push all of the SOE gel down to the bottom and make sure there is no air in there at all, I then make a small fold at the top and keep folding it little by little, after that I put it in a plastic ziplock bag. This should hinder it for awhile but once it is opened there is nothing we can do. For 4-5 days it should be ok(if anyone has more details please tell me), I had a SOE pack that I had sitting around for like 2 weeks it was folded kind, of started to unfold a bit. I opened it and I noticed the scent had changed totally and could tell it was rancid, I still applied some a tiny bit with another mix.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it converts.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    It should be, what I do is I use around 1/2 a pack each time right, after I have applied what I wanted to I then push all of the SOE gel down to the bottom and make sure there is no air in there at all, I then make a small fold at the top and keep folding it little by little, after that I put it in a plastic ziplock bag. This should hinder it for awhile but once it is opened there is nothing we can do. For 4-5 days it should be ok(if anyone has more details please tell me), I had a SOE pack that I had sitting around for like 2 weeks it was folded kind, of started to unfold a bit. I opened it and I noticed the scent had changed totally and could tell it was rancid, I still applied some a tiny bit with another mix.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Thanks for the tip tallmacky. Would it be better if we kept half used packs in the fridge? since heat can cause the conversion of nol

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it converts.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Thanks for the tip tallmacky. Would it be better if we kept half used packs in the fridge? since heat can cause the conversion of nol

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I don\'t think it would hurt at all actually, probably is a good idea especially during summer. We could do a bit of a comparison test with two gel packs opened and folded close, well if you want to use 2 and then wait for 7-10 days. Oxidation is the big enemy here. I wish the gel packs came with a ziplock like opening at the end so after an application you could simply reseal it.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it conver

    Just do it like me and apply the whole damn pack. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Like night and day, SOE before/after it conver

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Just do it like me and apply the whole damn pack. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    i\'ll be an SOE whore if i used a full pack each time. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] Might be good to invest in the roll on the next time round.

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