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  1. #1

    Default Help Me (She asked me out)

    Remember my old post \"Help me ask her out?\" I\'m totally over that one and now i\'m back with a better topic. How good is the feeling if you\'re a guy who\'s just been asked out by a lady, considering that this lady is being chased by so many other guys? It feels like \"i\'m the man\" doesn\'t it?

    Well i\'ve gone out with this girl a couple of times but it was with a bunch of friends. We\'ve done some little flirting and some hugging. I\'ve worn PI/APC in all those times and i guess she\'s already familiar with that phero signature of mine. Tonight, she called me to go with her tomorrow to an art museum and that she doesn\'t want to go there by herself. My problem is this, i wanted to test if she will still act the same with me if I\'m not wearing my combo. But in case she acts colder this time, i\'m afraid it might blow up what seems to be a budding (relationship)? Do you think i need to test or not?

    To Test or Not to Test...?

    [ March 14, 2002: Message edited by: Redcapp ]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)


    Come on man think with your little head just a bit instead of your big head. If it ain\'t broke don\'t fix it. Use the same combo that got her interested. If it leads to the next level in the relationship, then try going phero free and see what happens. If you\'re winning the Indy 500 with 2 laps to go you don\'t pit stop and adjust things just to see what happens. This is your first solo date with her....don\'t risk falling in the friend zone. Experiment later.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    I agree,...don\'t screw it up. Keep the boring routine and let the fish grap the hook before you start pulling to see if it\'s smiling at you.
    i salute your spirit of experimentation and curiosity though. but it\'s too soon.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    Depends if your experiments are more important to you or if she is. If your experiments are more important, you really are a hard core phero dude!

  5. #5
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    I say use your combination, don\'t stop now. I would make a move if I were you to see if she is attracted to me. Let\'s hope she doesn\'t give you the \"let\'s to be friends\" speech. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    I dont think it would screw it up, but Id play it safe and keep the association of \' physiologicaly excellent mate \' up. you can always experiment later.

    like other said, if your intrested in a serious relationship, keep those pheros going, if not then use her as an experiment and have some fun ( which actualy sounds meaner that its meant to be [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] )

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    Ditto to what everyone\'s already said - if it ain\'t broke don\'t fix it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    Yea, im with the \"if it aint broke don\'t fix it\" persuasion. Just keep using your combo. I used JB1 to attract a girl last Tuesday and I am seeing her tonite and there is no way im going out without it, it\'s just way too much fun.

    Paul c

  9. #9

    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    go for it redcapp, ur on a home run ,let pi + apc do the groundwork for you [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    Keep using it just for the meantime and have some fun with it. Hey if you been using it for this long well keep it going (my thinking is im usinng an androgen spiked colonge and thats it) i dont mention pheromones to anyone anymore. I just say that there is this thing that is added that makes me feel better (a truth there but im also leaving the other effects out and no one knows the difference.) 4 years i dotn really care its just there.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    thanks guys! it\'s just that i\'ve gone out with her before a couple of times with a group of other friends and it hit her right at the very first time i used pheros on her. and it sucks coz now i don\'t know if she liked me because i smelled very manly or because of my own traits. but anywayz, you all were right, \"if it ain\'t broke...\".

    Ok, so i used the same combo with her today and i just got home tonight after a 7-hour first solo date. I know it\'s not right to go out for that long but we never realized. Everything just went perfect and so easy and comfortable. Maybe I will still try to experiment \"without pheros\" next time. I feel it\'s safe to do so.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    good job Red,

    From past experiences I\'ve had it seems women develop a post-first-time-sex personality that makes hanging around with them more relaxed and comfortable. And makes them more bonded/devoted to your attention afterwards..i.e you can breathe a little easier. But until you\'ve conquered the glory hole so to speak I\'d be careful to not get too comfy with her friendwise. I\'d be afraid that if I went phero-less something might snap in her \"chic logic\" brain and all of a sudden what was supposed to be a romantic 2nd date turns into a \"gee you\'re a swell pal\" date. Just a word of caution from an older been-there-done-that guy. I\'d use pheros until the relationship is SOLIDIFIED :P, then drop using them if you like. Once she\'s given herself to you she will be less likely to pull the \"just not in that way\" routine. Don\'t worry if she likes you for the pheros or your personality...use the upper hand you now have to force the relationship in the direction you want. Get the relationship started and rooted, then you can focus on proving your worth as a person and not just another pheromone oozing stud of the week. Trust me man, hindsight is 20/20 and can be painful. Keep using the mix until you touch home base.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    Is there any reason you\'d stop using them? Maybe if you\'re a broke student and are about to run out, I could see it... but other wise keep using them.

    Not too long ago I started dating a new woman & had to decide this myself. I kept using the pheros & I think we have sex more often because of it. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    When we first got together, she wasn\'t terribly interested in sex. Her previous boyfriend was terrible in bed & she\'d had one orgasm in her life.

    Our first date was a month ago. Now she\'s multi-orgasmic. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    agreed, stopping using pheros wont suddenly make her snap and not like you, pheros are more a tool for first contact and getting a woman to think of you as a good sexual partner / boyfriend / significant other or whatever than as a tool to make them \'love\' you. IMHO a serious relationship is formed when two mutually interested people find themselves thinking about the other while away from each other, once you\'ve made an impression your half way there but you may as well follow through until its \'official\' in one way or another first. *

    * warning this post is based on common sense and clear rational thought, may not apply to romantic situations or females [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  15. #15
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    A word of note youre so right just watch for those women that are wallflowers (that is all body language and absoulutley no verbal skills whatsoever - the types who say you must be a mind reader or else lol [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  16. #16

    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    ok. if you all said so! that\'s why i go to this forum for advice, if it sounds good then follow the advice. it\'s just funny that i used the pheros on her to attract her and now it seems odd that she\'s calling me just to say hi. i just didn\'t expect that she will be acting like this. i\'m preventing myself from calling her after the date because i want her to wonder what our status is. but this afternoon she left me a voicemail and thanked me for going with her yesterday, then she asked me to call her back just to chat a little bit.

    so i had no choice but to call her coz i don\'t want to appear snubbish but it ruined my plan to make her crave for more of me. what would you guys do if you\'re in my shoes? i am trying not to make any conversations over the phone because i believe that it\'s only used for making a date. but what if she calls me everyday? just \'what if\'?

    if this continues, then i\'ll be forced to lay-off the pheromones and see if she reacts the same way or lesser.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    I\'ll chime in with a remark. The use pheros/no use pheros question is an interesting one. Unfortunately, I can\'t give a reasonable answer to ya. But, if I am not mistaken, she called you. Last time I checked, pheros don\'t work over phone lines (wouldn\'t that be interesting.) So she called while being unaffected by the pheros. From that, I am guessing that she probably likes you.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)


    there\'s absolutely no doubt she likes you. obviously pheros don\'t go over copper wires. just try to close the deal soon, then stop using the pheros if u like. Try and set it up for the next date. Suggest dinner at your/her place and a rented movie(or just the movie if dinner is too forward). That way the setting is already there, like an acme instant poon pill, just add water. You have to strike while the iron is hot...don\'t vascilate. I just made plans for a champagne bubblebath with an older woman next weekend cause the opportunity arose and I couldn\'t let it pass. Cause I know the older I get, the fewer these types of opportunities will be crossing my path. Guaranteed I\'ll be one smelly phero horn dog just to make sure I seal the deal. Take the ball and run with it Red.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Help Me (She asked me out)

    hi all!

    i\'ve been quite busy lately with this girl. anywayz, i\'m hardheaded so i still went out about 2 times with her without wearing my combo and i\'m glad it still went well. i guess she\'s really into me and not just my smell. then yesterday i experimented again and wore Attraction instead. i noticed that she has really gotten so giggly and always laughing at everything. It\'s the -nol i guess. Then today I used AE on my neck and what i got was so much snuggling. She would stick her nose near my neck and sniff it. I guess she is too receptive to pheromones and i\'m so lucky i found this website!

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