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  1. #1

    Default Effects on Animals

    Hi Everybody,

    Just a quick post on a recent thought. Has anyone noticed any effects of wearing phero\'s on their pets. It may be me, but it seems that every time i wear them, my usually friendly cat, seems to avoid me. Just a thought.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
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    Default Re: Effects on Animals

    I had my friend Dave try some APC. He wanted to see how his wife would respond to it. His wife did not respond to it very quickly but her pet poodle surprised him. They have had the poodle for 5 years and the dog always avoided Dave until he came home smelling of APC. The dog instead of running from Dave, ran up to him tail wagging and waving his paw in the air and not growling at him. Everyone, including Dave was surprised of the dog\'s reaction because it is usually unfriendly towards him. So we believe the APC had a powerful, friendly affect on the poodle.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Jun 2001
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    Default Re: Effects on Animals

    That\'s odd... I find my dogs and a friend\'s dog are drawn to me.

    Here\'s a test: Put 1 drop someplace the cat ALWAYS goes. Watch to see if the cat avoids that one place. It\'s not definitive, but it may help track down what\'s going on.

    I put 1 drop of each APC and PI at the far ends of two couches at the friend\'s house. That\'s four drops, total. The dogs jumped up and laid her head within 4 inches of one of the spots.

    BTW, is your cat male or female? That *MAY* be the difference...

    Oh yeah, my own dogs don\'t seem any different, but they\'re sickeningly friendly to begin with.

    Hope that helps.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Effects on Animals

    We had a thread on this subject before, you might want to have a look at it if you´re interested. It´s a couple of pages back I think.
    CJ [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Effects on Animals

    Hey, come to think of it my friend\'s \'unfriendly\' hate-everyone cat seemed very friendly the other day. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    My dog always viewed me as the alpha male in the house so it hasn\'t been a big change, except now she won’t come near me when I’m in a shitty mood. Actually what\'s even funnier is the respect I get from the old man, I spray a little TE in the room once in a while and smell a little on carpet. He hasn\'t dared \'start-up\' with me since I got the stuff, just for that I\'d say it\'s worth every penny.

    I filled two little sample bottles from other colognes, one with TE and the other with APC. They sit in my work room and no they’re scared to bother me when before it’s like do-this, do-that. I think it’s great.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Effects on Animals

    Yesterday morning when I was trying to sleep my female cat would not leave me alone. She wouldn\'t stop rubbing against me wanting a big fuss.

    Funny thing is she\'s desexed.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Effects on Animals

    I live with my parents. We have three dogs. They usually respect my father a lot and obey him instantly and are always looking for his reactions. I guess they perceive him as the alpha.

    With the rest of the members of my family, they also obey but they usually take a couple more of seconds, and are usually playful. When I first started wearing pheros, I got the impression that they would come faster when I called them. It lasted about a week until I spend a good 30 minutes playing with them. I guess they were confused by something they smelled on me but then by playing with them they were assured that I was not a big threat.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Effects on Animals

    I bought a small rabbit for my daughters in November of last year and ever since I started wearing the pheromones and approach his cage, he stands up on his hind legs and it looks like he\'s pleading with me to take him out of his cage. When I do so, I find that he follows me around my apartment and lies down only a foot or two from where I come to rest.

    Bless his furry little hide.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Effects on Animals

    Thats really strange. Everybody seems to have had favourable results withs animals. Perhaps i was overdosing, although i was only wearing two sprays of the edge?

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