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  1. #1
    Man of La Pancha
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    Default Hit Report/Ongoing Testimonials Forum


    This was discussed a short while ago. I am following up to see if this idea was rejected or not.


    was thinking of an interesting format to a forum of this type. I know you just started the research forum, and I

    remember talking about the "Hit Forum", but that one never became a reality. I remember you had an old, outdated

    "Testimonials" section, and now you seem to just link to the forum for information on the products. Maybe you

    should put these two concepts together.

    A forum called "Testimonials", "Success Stories", "Hit Reports",

    "Product Opinions", etc.

    You could either have one thread for each product or combination and reserve it only

    for stories regarding the success of the products. You could then have a "Testimonials" link that, unlike all other

    sites where they just have a link to a page that says, "This product was great. I am now married, rich, have 3

    women on the side, and got promoted to upper management all within a few months of using the product. Thanks,


    -Great way for customers to easily see success of each product for what type of person,

    situation, etc.
    -Separates success and hit stories from basic -mone questions (e.g. newbie "What's the best for

    -Stories would see a lot of activity and maybe encourage a simple, structured format for reporting hits to

    collaborate ideas efficiently
    -Interactive "Testimonials" page unlike any other site and has both success and maybe

    OD/failure stories to inform people what might not work for them also

    -May require extra moderator

    activity to place threads in correct area (sorry mods)
    -More forums (sorry mods)
    -Extra work (sorry

    -Is it needed?
    -Sure, it sounds nice and organized, but what would happen if you let the thing loose?

    Overall, it sounds nice because the forums would be divided into:


    -Research Literature

    I just thought I'd throw that idea in there. I'd like that because it might

    even be helpful for the lesser-used products that you never hear about to be more easily-accessed. With "forum

    turnover", you notice product discussion trends (SOE, Chikara, and perception seem to be the big ones now, but

    before it was AE, WAGG, and TE/NPA. What about PI, PCC, Cops, Perfect 10, etc?) and some products you have to go

    way back to find information on, and it'd be buried. Maybe this way, you could keep the threads in this

    forum lower and therefore easier to find success stories and other information. However, who knows what could

    happen with it? It doesn't even have to be formatted the way I am thinking, but I thought it'd be a good idea.

    Any thoughts or updates on what happened with that idea?


  2. #2
    Man of La Pancha
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    By the way, I have an idea for

    the description (Mobley's slightly altered):

    Inspired by Pancho, this is the place for threads that invite

    us to share our success (or failure) stories.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Having a forum section like this

    would really help out newer users, such as myself, when it comes to deciding which new mones I should look into

    purchasing. Sometimes digging through past posts doesn't always come up with the answers newer users are looking


    I think this is a great idea Pancho. I only own 2 LS produts: Chikara and SOE Unscented. It took me so much

    research just to decide to get those two...

  4. #4
    Man of La Pancha
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    I see this idea as a solution

    to the following problem:

    Quote Originally Posted by XySen
    I've been reading the forums and am not really sure which product I

    should be going for. There are so many out there that it just makes it difficult to choose. I want both social and

    sexual hits. I'm into all type of girls but prefer asians. So I'm guessing I should buy a mix, but I also want to

    maximize my money.

  5. #5
    Man of La Pancha
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    And again...


    have spent that past couple of days reading about and researching all of these 'mone products and each one confuses

    me more and more. I have found these to have the most positive feedback on various

    I am not sure which one(s) I should buy so I will start off by telling you a

    little bit about myself and my goals so maybe someone could recommend a product that best fits my needs.

  6. #6
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    It is very overwhelming for newbies

    coming in. Bruce needs to write more literature in the pheromone reference material. It is incomplete and outdated.

    He should also jack up the newbie's click here thread with more info.

    I'm against adding another forum

    though, just because I think it will divide things up too much (sorry pancho ).

  7. #7
    Man of La Pancha
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    Well, I still think there

    should be something somewhere with a list of all of the products and what it's good at. I figured making a forum

    with each product having a thread would allow people to give feedback and make finding information on a single

    product easy. Obviously, you could say there are mixes, too...and you could go from there, I guess. I'm just

    trying to make it easier for people to pick a product. When I look at the site, I think one thing: "If I were new,

    how would I know which was right for me?" I think there should be a quick and easy way to start looking for that

    answer...the testimonials section is where I went, and a place for people to post updated testimonials/hit reports

    would be unheard of in the pheromone business.

    But that's just my opinion.

  8. #8


    I like the idea

    Currently, "hit reports" are sprinkled about in the Pheromone Discussion forum, but concentrating them in one area

    might actually be a pretty good idea ... it would probably be the most popular forum as well

    Most of us

    are results-oriented and I'm sure newbies would flock to such a forum. Speaking of Mobley, he is the one who put

    together a whole slew of hit reports into a single thread called "12 long pages of hits ... or lies?"


    There may be some problems with this kind of forum, but I think I'd vote yes

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