The OD experiment wouldn\'t work. Get one of those big bottles of cheap cologne and dump that over your head. Sit at a public place. You\'ll probably get the same OD reaction. People will run, cover their noses, or say \"what\'s that smell\".

As far as hits, sometimes I do think that people who are having success were probably already having hits but were not looking for it. For me, I\'ve had hits before the \'mones, now it seems that I\'m getting less reactions with mones on. Why? I\'m trying to hard. I\'m forcing myself at people, with the attitude \"smell me, and your mine\". This is obviously wrong.

I\'m waiting for the Rogue Male set. I\'ll get to test a heavy -none in RM and heavy -nol in SOE gels. If I see no difference, I\'ll be convinced it probably doesn\'t work for me. I want to believe, I spent close to 150 bucks wanting to believe.

[ May 15, 2002: Message edited by: Lee ]