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  1. #1

    Default Who Smells Phermones???


    I\'ve seen conflicting information posted on this board concerning who can and who cannot actually \"smell\" phermones on a consious level.

    In one post, I read that 70% of the population cannot actually smell phermones; on another post, I read that 30% of the population cannot actually smell phermones.

    From my experiences in my own family, out of five people, only my bloodhound wife can actually, consiously smell phermones if I use too much PI or NPA. The other four members of my family, including me, cannot smell the phermones, even when holding the bottle of PI or NPA directly under our noses.

    So my question is, which is it? Do the majority of people not consiously smell phermones or is it the majority who do?

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Smells Phermones???


    Very sorry I can\'t cite the specific reference right now, but as I recall it stated 70% COULD smell the mones.It went on to say that this ability was a genetically determined trait simlar to the ability to roll one\'s tongue.It was also compared to the experiment many of us did in high school biology class where the teacher hands out strips of what looked like litmus paper.We were asked to taste the paper.Some people tasted NOTHING, while others tasted an incredibly BITTER taste.Again a genetically determined ability.

    Are those in your family that can\'t smell pheros your offspring? This could explain why your results differ from the study\'s conclusions.Maybe your \"Phero-Anosmic\" gene is dominant over the \"Bloodhound\" gene that your wife contributed to the mix.

    Just a thought.
    [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Oscar

  3. #3

    Default Re: Who Smells Phermones???

    My point of view is that some like me can smell at a conscious level that is it registers as a smell while other pick it up but fail to recongise the actual pheromone smell, but they do still react like a basic drive to eat and drink and sleep etc that is unconscious drives and conscious is where it registers as an actual thought

  4. #4

    Default Re: Who Smells Phermones???


    Do you mean they cannot smell tham at all? Or that it is your wife that can smell them, but has a very negative reaction to them?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Who Smells Phermones???


    We all know about my wife\'s reaction, \"Oh, I wanna puke.\" It\'s my kids (and yes, Oscar, if could be genetic) that cannot smell anything.

    I can hold the bottle of PI and NPA under their noses (as well as mine) and cannot detect anything foul. Not that there is no oder, but the oder is rather neutral -- sorta like smelling a glass of water or something like that.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Who Smells Phermones???

    I smell a single drop of PI on me and its like the smell of urine. Utterly disgusting which is why I mask it with 2-3 sprays of cologne.

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