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    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Default Interesting and FREE Seduction MP3

    In a recent Archer Sloan email, I saw mention of something called "psychic seduction." Curious, I did a

    web search and among the sites I came across one offering various free self-improvement MP3s. Of particular interest

    to some participants here may be the "MLF da Babe" MP3, which claims the following:

    MLF da Babe Free

    Mp3 - It's free, powerful and the closest you can get to charm-in-a-bottle!

    Bursting with cutting edge DHE,

    subliminals and mind altering harmonics, this sound file zaps your mind and creates new neural pathways... opening

    doorways to tantalizing relationships and magnificent friendships with women. After you amaze yourself with that

    charismatic new you (in just 15 days!), check out the full version and discover how to be the unbeatable Don Juan

    you were meant to be. - Created by master hypnotist and NLP practitioner Jobet Claudio.
    I haven't

    tried any of these yet but as I've always had an interest in these types of "mind programming" techniques, I've

    just finished downloading them all at

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    i am a member of that site, and i

    have a lot of products from there including the fully paid version of mlf da babe. Its basically a visualisation cd

    that programmes your mind to change your limiting beliefs with women. There is also a bit on there where you

    imagine there is a magnet inside you and women are drawn to you by a powerful magnetic force. This product works if

    you follow it to the latter. They also sell other stuff on the site like radianic machines and various self

    improvement products


  3. #3
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slick
    i am a member of that

    site, and i have a lot of products from there including the fully paid version of mlf da babe. Its basically a

    visualisation cd that programmes your mind to change your limiting beliefs with women. There is also a bit on there

    where you imagine there is a magnet inside you and women are drawn to you by a powerful magnetic force. This

    product works if you follow it to the latter. They also sell other stuff on the site like radianic machines and

    various self improvement products

    The big question.......does it work? Did it work

    for you?

  4. #4
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slick
    i am a

    member of that site, and i have a lot of products from there including the fully paid version of mlf da babe. Its

    basically a visualisation cd that programmes your mind to change your limiting beliefs with women. There is also a

    bit on there where you imagine there is a magnet inside you and women are drawn to you by a powerful magnetic force.

    This product works if you follow it to the latter. They also sell other stuff on the site like radianic machines

    and various self improvement products

    So slick, do you feel the full version is worth

    the $80 they want for it? Have you tried the MLF da Money set? If so, what do you think of that one?

    I just

    listened to the free version that I downloaded and though it's only eight minutes long, I liked the imagery the

    narrator suggested and found myself getting aroused. From that first listening, I'm thinking that I may just end up

    buying the full version before the end of the month. They have a special right now where they include an expansion

    package if you buy the full version before February 28.

    I'm "iffy" on radionic devices but have been using

    mind machines and binaural cds for over 10 years now for relaxation and "brainwashing."

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    I heard about something similar,

    I can't remember the name of it right now... but basically, you put on headphones, non-stereo mono, two frequencies

    are emitted through each headphone to create another in your head to induce certain brainwaves to be dominant. is

    this the same type of thing?

  6. #6
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kappakai

    heard about something similar, I can't remember the name of it right now... but basically, you put on headphones,

    non-stereo mono, two frequencies are emitted through each headphone to create another in your head to induce certain

    brainwaves to be dominant. is this the same type of thing?
    Binaural, Holosynch, etc. They all use

    techniques similar to what you described, kappakai. I used to use a "Supermind" machine to do the same thing (an

    inferior product to most mind machine enthusiasts and no longer in production) but now prefer CDs as they are more

    convenient. The advantage of the machines are that besides being programmable, they usually offer light as well as

    audio stimulation. (Light stimulation may cause epileptic seisures in some people though.) You can also usually

    patch tapes or CDs through a mind machine where with a binaural CD, you are limited to the content on the


    The theory behind these techniques is that the binaural beats put you into a more receptive state for

    behavioral modification suggestions, similiar to a hypnotic state or one right before you drift off to


    I'm interested to hear if anyone else has any experience with the company I linked to above and their

    products, specifically the MLF da Babe and da Money programs and what they think of them.

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    Yes mlf da babe worked for me, i

    used to be very shy around women but since using that product my confidence has increased a lot and i more

    comfortable around them. I also find a lot more flirting and eye contact from girls without me doing anything. It

    started working for me after a months usage. I have also got Kuldani activator which releases all your chakras which

    together with mlf is a great cobo for me. Another product i bought is vanquisher extreme which is supposed to give

    mega confidence, i havent used that much so i cant commentPlayboy i would suggest you try all the free downloads

    first for a month before buying anything as a lot ofproducts work for some people but not for others, like

    pheromones i guess, dont now why. The only thing i would suggest is get a expensive pair of headphones to get the

    full benifits of the different beats, everyone on there recommends sennheiser as u dont get the full benifits of the

    crapy ones.

    also read all the postings in the forum if you already havent, they have some excellent articles and

    some really clever guys on there also. As for mlf money i havent tried it so cant comment


  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    what are your experiences with

    these hypnotic cds? i hear this is a good cd :

    i'm afraid to try out the hypnotic stuff because i don't want to pass out listening to it and wake up psychotic.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    This wouldnt be a variation of

    "Hit woman over head,drag her back to cave" would it?

  10. #10
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link,


    I wish the Monroe Institute offered CDs like these.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  11. #11
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRock

    are your experiences with these hypnotic cds? i hear this is a good cd : i'm afraid to try out the hypnotic stuff because

    i don't want to pass out listening to it and wake up psychotic.
    I haven't tried that particular CD,

    but do include self-hypnosis in my programming. All hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis, which is just a form of deep

    relaxation, and the hypnotist just aids in guiding you into that state. Thanks for the link to that site


    As for worries about losing self-control, I found this quote about hypnosis myths on the

    American Society of Clinical Hypnosis


    Myths About Hypnosis

    People often fear that being hypnotized will

    make them lose control, surrender their will, and result in their being dominated, but a hypnotic state is not the

    same thing as gullibility or weakness. Many people base their assumptions about hypnotism on stage acts but fail to

    take into account that stage hypnotists screen their volunteers to select those who are cooperative, with possible

    exhibitionist tendencies, as well as responsive to hypnosis. Stage acts help create a myth about hypnosis which

    discourages people from seeking legitimate hypnotherapy.

    Another myth about hypnosis is that people lose

    consciousness and have amnesia. A small percentage of subjects, who go into very deep levels of trance will fit this

    stereotype and have spontaneous amnesia. The majority of people remember everything that occurs in hypnosis. This is

    beneficial, because the most of what we want to accomplish in hypnosis may be done in a medium depth trance, where

    people tend to remember everything.

    In hypnosis, the patient is not under the control of the hypnotist.

    Hypnosis is not something imposed on people, but something they do for themselves. A hypnotist simply serves as a

    facilitator to guide them.
    Holmes, you're welcome.

  12. #12
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    i have the hypnotica cd also

    called sphinx of imagination. I would say its one of the best cd's around the sound track is amazing. Basically

    hypnotica takes you through a ever changing story that changes everytime you hear it. Its supposed to make you more

    creative and, if your stuck with a problem it can help you. I found after listening to it it has, lessened my

    depression. If anyone is interested in hypnotism get this one, it is cheap and you wont find something like this



  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    I have a realy neat

    hypno-regression CD that is absolutly wonderful.Altho I havent actualy regressed to anything,I always feel wonderful

    after I go thru the excersises.Very relaxing and very warm and fuzzy.Hypnosis isnt something to be afraid of.Waking

    up psychotic only happens when you live in a trailer park in the mid-west and are abducted by aliens and "probed"

    repeatedly.Hypnosis has been used with some succes in many areas of self improvement so there is plenty of

    anecdotal evidence to support it's use.Even if the "scientists" regard it as witchcraft and voodoo.

  14. #14
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tim929
    Hypnosis isnt

    something to be afraid of.
    Unless you wake up three days later in Rockville, Maryland, standing in

    front of a courthouse and married to a woman you've never met.

    Otherwise, perfectly safe.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  15. #15
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    Hypnotic CD's. Not my type of

    thing, i don't feel comfortable things like this trying to mess with my mind.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonicma

    CD's. Not my type of thing, i don't feel comfortable things like this trying to mess with my mind.

    you realize it or not you "mess" with your own mind more than any other influence can. The power of the human mind

    has been well documented on such things as whether you believe you can or cannot do something.

  17. #17
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlboro_man
    Whether you realize it or not you "mess" with your own mind more than any other influence can.

    The power of the human mind has been well documented on such things as whether you believe you can or cannot do

    Right Marlboro_man. Here's a link to an interesting article by Dick Sutphen, entitled

    The Battle for Your Mind. He has several other articles

    about reprogramming the mind at his website. (I always get him confused with Steven Halpern, who does "New Age"

    music and subliminal titles.)

    This thread has turned into a hypnosis theme in general so it won't hurt my

    feelings any if the mods decide to move it.

  18. #18
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by InternationalPlayboy
    In a

    recent Archer Sloan email, I saw mention of something called "psychic seduction."
    you can get free psychic

    seduction stuff from p2p services. i downloaded an ebook, it's not my thing. they use meditation techniques and

    other eastern and western mystic stuff to get woman to get horny and want to have sex with you. i think that's what

    ross jefferies is doing nowadays too....not sure exactly but if you're a rj fan feel free to correct me if i'm


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    I hate listening to this

    stuff. I dont know if its just me thinking that it has some great power or the cd itself that makes me get all

    tingly inside and feel kinda out of it (by the way im very sensitive to drugs... i have been told this by many

    doctors... furthermore i feel the effects of pheromones strongly as well... i have found myself extremely aggressive

    with none and very calm and somewhat relaxed with chikara) so is there any danger listening to it? I really want the

    effects but I dont want like Trock said "to pass out listening to it and wake up psychotic." So will my

    oversensitivity be a problem here?

    Also are you supposed to listen to the words hes saying or turn it low enough

    so that you cant quite perceive it?

  20. #20
    Full Member phinmone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InternationalPlayboy

    da Babe" MP3
    i have tried this for a longer period a few months ago. now this mp3 has some basic NLP

    in it and some (weird) frequencies. the frequencies supposed to help you. but i believe more into the NLP /

    imagination excersice.

    i did not really get anything from the 8 minute demo sample. i listened to it about 3

    weeks every night. i didn't see any significant changes. but maybe you have to listen to the long version for a

    longer period to get some good results.

    i would stick to some ross jeffries stuff, which i find very

    powerful when you want to change yourself. NLP / affirmations is the answer.


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    the longer version is about 40

    plus minutes long, it is much more in it that than short version, i like ross but im more into products by

    archersloan and extreme mind

  22. #22
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    I downloaded the babes demo and I can

    not hear anything on my CD/MP3 player.

  23. #23
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    Slick do you notice

    results with archersloan? and what products have you bought from them

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Playboy, do you recommend any

    relaxation cds?

  25. #25
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRock
    Playboy, do you recommend any relaxation cds?
    Lately I've been getting into <LINK

    DELETED> stuff. It's kind of "New Agey" though, a lot of piano and harps, etc., so if you don't like that kind of

    stuff, it might not be for you.

    Actually, I've got a couple of customized CDs I listen to the most right now,

    especially at bedtime. I had a woman I know who is a trained hypnotist and has a hot voice record a session with

    affirmations I've picked up from various sources. I also recorded the same affirmations in my voice. I edited it

    all together and used Sound Forge to convert a couple of Halpern's CDs into wav files, then layered the hypnosis

    session and affirmations on top of the music. Kind of cool and when I played it for my friend, she was quite


    In contrast, I once bought a cd called <LINK DELETED>. This one had the opposite effect on me than

    the title suggested. It's heavy with violins and other stringed instruments. Violins always give me a melancholy

    feeling and the CD actually disturbed my sleep instead of improving it.

    It's too bad that music doesn't come

    with the same type of great guarantee that Bruce offers for his products here.
    Last edited by belgareth; 11-28-2005 at 08:53 AM.

  26. #26
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    i have archerslaons demonic

    confidence and specific girl, i went through 6 days of the demonic confidence course, then something came up, so i

    got to start it all over again. with specific girl, i havent found the right girl to try that on so i guess i have

    to make time to use his stuff. His stuff seems more hands on to other stuff like his demonic confidence you have to

    go out and do it for real, which is nerve racking but it is supposed to brings permanent results.

    I have been

    using much more stuff of extreme mind products att he moment though like ka and vanquisher. One thing i would

    reccomend though is if someone wants to try a hypno tape get sphinx of imagination, its a total blast, r j swears

    by it

    while where on the topic of self improvement has any2 tried stuff by tom vizzini, i have just ordered 3d



  27. #27
    Phero Dude
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    i just got over my fear of waking

    up psychotic and bought the hypnotica cd. i usually end up falling a sleep and when i lay down to listento

    something. hypnotic cd's communicate to the sub-concious and there's no need for active listening right?

  28. #28
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    just relax and listen to the tape,

    there is no point to actively listen to every part of the tape because it is really complicated and trancy, it

    usually puts me out after about 15 minutees of listening it, then i wake up in different parts of the story, u wont

    regret getting that cd, its even better if u got a good pair of headphones


  29. #29
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slick
    i have archerslaons

    demonic confidence and specific girl, i went through 6 days of the demonic confidence course, then something came

    up, so i got to start it all over again. with specific girl, i havent found the right girl to try that on so i

    guess i have to make time to use his stuff. His stuff seems more hands on to other stuff like his demonic

    confidence you have to go out and do it for real, which is nerve racking but it is supposed to brings permanent


    I have been using much more stuff of extreme mind products att he moment though like ka and

    vanquisher. One thing i would reccomend though is if someone wants to try a hypno tape get sphinx of imagination,

    its a total blast, r j swears by it
    How is Vanquisher?
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  30. #30
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by slick
    just relax and listen

    to the tape, there is no point to actively listen to every part of the tape because it is really complicated and

    trancy, it usually puts me out after about 15 minutees of listening it, then i wake up in different parts of the

    story, u wont regret getting that cd, its even better if u got a good pair of headphones

    i just

    read that you need to listen from headphones and from the cd it (uncompressed file) to get full effects. do good

    headphones help you get better quality? if that was the case can i play it on my home entertainment system? i do

    everything my mp3's nowadays. i wonder why you need to listen from the cd or is it just a clever excuse so people

    won't rip the cd.

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