Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
Its a good thing that you have the motivation to exercise and use weights to maintain a decent level of fitness and achieve a good ratio of muscle mass, because women are attracted to a well proportioned male, however an excess of muscularity will attract some women and also repel others, therefore when you dress do not make it obvious that you are dressing so as to make a deliberate show of your muscular assets, dress moderately and discreetly with good casual styling and obvious good quality footware.

If you are beginning to feel exhausted or a loss of edge then i would cut back on workout duration to 20-30 minutes three times a week with say just three medium intensity aerobic activities at 30 mins each and you will still make excellent gains and become chiseled just as long as you eat a sensible diet and do not consume an abundance of grain foods sugars and wheat products.

When you feel good within yourself about whatever you are inspired to accomplish then you will have confidence in abundance just as long as you do not doubt, because with a mind containing doubt fear and uncertainty it is impossible to unlock the inner potential that is bursting out and ready to make you great .

. And as for pheromones do not worry too much in advance as to what would be best to apply, when the time for application comes then just go for something that you enjoy and be guided by your inner feelings, yes get into the habit of being guided by your inner being and it will start and serve you well, and above all things strive to accomplish those things that you feel are good the actions that make you feel good.

Do not go about trying to create an image of your self that you think is going to be pleasing to other people as these actions and desires are fruitless, instead just make it a point to please your self and if you feel attracted to someone or something then it is only natural that you show it.

Do not pretend not to give a fuck, and if you are rejected, do not deny your natural feelings of hurt ect, instead feel them in their entirety and above all be honest with your self, whatever comes along in life and we keep on resisting it then it will return time and time again until such time as we accept it and feel it and the associated emotions in their entirety, yes accept and feel it, do not think about or over analyze it just accept and feel and once this is accomplished whatever was once rejected over and over will not return.

You are already all that you need to be happy and contented,the mind will try and tell you otherwise, do not believe it . . .

There is no concern if others reject you there is only concern if you reject you . . . .

I just had to pay my respect to a man who gives advice like this.
God bless you