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  1. #1
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    Default HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    Yesterday I went to my favourite disco with some of my mates. It\'s one of these discos with a lot of

    different bars where you walk around a lot.

    I applied about 1/5 of a scented SOE gel pack and a drop of JB#1. You

    know, I prefer smaller doses as these have worked best for me. It was a nice evening, but there were simply no

    reactions to the pheros. I passed by at least 100 girls and talked to some of them but there were simply NO

    reactions. No smiles, no glances, nothing.

    Then after some time we decided to get another beer, went towards a

    bar and then out of the blue a girl I passed by grabbed me and told me I should stay with her (smiling). Definitely

    a hit - no doubt. She was really good looking and I\'ve never seen her before. Something like that usually never

    happens to me.

    We had a nice conversation and I got her digits but then she had to leave. After that I walked

    around again and again absolutely no reactions from a lot of girls in my phero range. So I applied more JB#1 but

    even then not one small reaction during the rest of the night.

    Another evening (earlier) in the same disco I was

    wearing SOE Gel with 2 dabs of TE. The whole evening no reactions from hundreds of girls passing by. Suddenly a girl

    I\'ve never seen before comes up and hugs me from behind. It was another clear hit. Rest of this evening: Again,


    You know, this happened to me quite often: Absolutely no reaction from hundreds of girls and a big hit

    from one special girl. I really don\'t understand this. How does it come that almost all of the girls are not at

    all influenced by the pheros but then one girl is influenced that much that she grabs/hugs me and strikes up a

    conversation herself? What makes the difference?

    These exceptions show me that pheros in fact do work. But for me

    they don\'t work like they are expected to.

    Some of you reported these amazing disco stories (respect from all

    the guys, guys go out of your way when you want to walk through the crowd, looks and smiles from most of the girls,

    a lot of sexual hits the whole night and so on). I have not experienced this. What makes the difference? You know I

    don\'t want to be treated like a rock star. But what I am looking for are more constant reactions from a bigger

    part of the girls.

  2. #2
    Phero Guru
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    I think what is happening to you is fairly commmon. I know it\'s happened to me like that in non-bar


  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    I\'ve found that in bars and clubs, a mild OD is best. Perhaps the girl that you do get a hit with is

    particularly good at detecting pheromones. Some girls react more than others to pheromones.

  4. #4
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    Indeed. When clubbing, perhaps you should try higher mone dosages... Remember that it\'s

    harder to detect the mones in environments like a disco!

  5. #5
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    How many do you need? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    it\'ll be nice to have a choice wouldn\'t it? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]


  7. #7
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    It is wierd when that happens isn\'t it. Yes, some people have a talent for detecting


    I am surprised that you didn\'t start to get better results when you added more, but in any case,

    any club environment there will be a lot of people wearing perfume and cologne and usually poor circulation with out

    alot of fresh air. The air is thick, and there is all of that olfactory stimulation going on, making it harder for

    someone to detect or localize your pheromones, apparently even when you are standing right in front of them, as

    wierd as that sounds.

    I\'ve had the same experiences as you, and probably most people on the board have to,

    though in my case it was usually when wearing too much, not too little.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    I know that a higher dose maybe would get me better results. The problem is that I have trouble

    covering up the -none. Usually I\'m always going out with the same guys because I don\'t want to drive

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] and for them that\'s no problem. BTW these guys don\'t know

    about pheros and I really don\'t want to tell them. But most of them can sense very small amounts of -none even

    when covered. Unfortunately I cannot smell -none at all. For example once we decided to go to a bar and I was

    wearing only 1 small drop of TE covered with 1/3 SOE gel pack. When I got into the car they asked my if a cat had

    pissed on me. They told me that I stunk like a skunk (no pun intended). And yes, I have taken a shower before


    So if I\'d wear say 1 or 2 sprays of TE like most of you

    recommend for clubbing, I\'m sure they\'d kill me!


    If you consider that girls are said to be even a lot

    better at smelling -none you might come to the conclusion that it is almost impossible to cover concentrated -none

    products like NPA and TE completely. So you can imagine that I\'m not really enjoying myself when I am wearing

    concentrated stuff.

    But let\'s get back to the topic: As bjf said it\'s confusing that despite adding

    more JB#1 (doubled the dose) there were no more reactions.

    A question to those who are good at smelling

    -none: How much average concentrated cologne to you have to wear to cover one spray of TE? (the repelling scent of

    -none should no more be detectable)

    Don\'t you get any negative reactions from people in clubs when you

    wear a lot -none (near OD level)? How do the girls react? Don\'t they smell the stinky -none?

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    Try 3-4 dabs JB#1 with 4 drops AE.

    In both cases, it\'s hard to detect the none. You could wear

    some cologne as well on top of this.

    Its strange that they can smell the none so easily. It\'s a lot harder to

    detect frangrances/smells in bars/clubs anyway.

    Yes, I do get negative reactions when wearing too much none, but

    only if I OD. Other than that, girls have never mentioned a bad smell at all, but then I do wear 3 sprays of EDT as

    well when going out to clubs.

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    Wearing pheromones doesn\'t guarantee hits. It heightens your visibility on the radar screen. There

    could have been any number of reasons for why you didn\'t see many reactions.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    Jebner, do you get hits when not wearing pheromones?

    I mean one hit in several 100s girls seems to

    happen to most guys without using pheromone products.

  12. #12
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    Well said.

  13. #13
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Well said.


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Yeah, that was a nice post... all things to consider, anyway.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    First let me thank you for your great input. That\'s a lot of useful information.

    To answer

    ironrotations question: Yes, I do get hits but when not wearing pheromones but it\'s always me that has to walk up

    to to girls and it\'s me that has to start the conversation. When wearing pheromones it\'s different. Then

    SOMETIMES the girls walk up to me. But that\'s the exception. Usually it\'s still me that has to get


    What confuses me:

    Let\'s distinguish between 3 \"levels\" of


    Level 1 - no visible attraction, neutral behaviour, girls act like you weren\'t wearing

    pheros, or they just don\'t like you

    Level 2 - minor hits like smiling, looks, DIHL and other signs of

    attraction (body language), ... you see that pheros are working (or she just likes your looks and behaviour) but

    it\'s still up to you to get active

    Level 3 - major hits: the girl is attracted to you that much that she

    decides to get active because she really wants you and doesn\'t want to miss that chance; she walks up to you and

    starts to seduce you.

    From my experience girls have to be very attracted to you to start a conversation

    themselves. Even if they are attracted to you they usually just flirt and signal that they like you and that it

    would be nice if you\'d walk up to them. That means that in most of the cases they\'re on level 2. For the girls

    its more convenient to do it that way because it\'s still up to you to do the \"seduction work\". It\'s like

    \"you want something from me so you have to get active\".

    I\'ve been reading hit stories in this forum

    for nearly 2 years. Basically there are 2 different hit schemes:

    Scheme A: Girl in phero range shows signs of

    attraction, phero user walks up to the girl and seals the deal.

    Scheme B: Phero user sees a girl that he\'s

    attracted to (usually this girl has better looks than the phero user). First this girl doesn\'t show signs of

    attraction. However, he tries to seduce her and in a lot of cases he is successful because phero gave him the


    That\'s how it works for most of you.

    Let me give you some information about me: I\'m 20 but

    I look like 18-19, I\'d rate myself average to slightly above average looking (maybe 6 out of 10), a bit skinny,

    casual clothes, I\'m very friendly, a bit shy but I have no problems talking to girls. If I see a girls that I

    feel attracted to I sometimes start the conversation.

    Now here\'s how it works for me:
    I NEVER get level

    2 minor hits that can be attributed to pheros. It\'s just like if I wasn\'t wearing them. Of course sometimes a

    girl is flirty but without pheros it\'s exactly the same.

    I only get level 3 major hits (but very seldom):

    Once in a while I get major hits where girls walk up to me without former signs of attraction. They\'re very

    attracted to me. I don\'t know how to explain that best .... they just act like they\'re in love with me

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] In these cases it\'s of course very easy for me to seal the


    So from what I have read in this forum most of you report level 2 signs of attraction

    in most of the cases, whereas instant major hits are the exception.

    What I have experienced is completely

    different. The only thing that proves to me that pheros really do work are the major hits that I sometimes get.

    Without pheros I never get these major hits. No level 2 signs of attraction that can be attributed to


    I don\'t expect from you to have an explanation for this. But it\'s really confusing, isn\'t


  15. #15
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    YOu might try wearing things besides -none. Maybe -none isn\'t your chemical. You are at the age

    where you are producing lots on your own. Later, you could try adding it back when you got good at wearing WAGG,

    -nol (or even V5), etc.

  16. #16
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    I think the three levels of hits is way too simplistic. Women will initiate contact with men without

    saying a word. They will also freeze up and act like they are totally uninterested (from the guy\'s perspective)

    because they are so excited or interested they are afraid they\'ll lose control (embarrass themselves).

    In my

    experience, hits tend to break out more like this:

    1) Repeated looks, sideways glances, staring (not DIHL


    2) Stop in tracks, turning heads, literally uttering things like, \"WOW!\", \"Whoa!\".


    Frequent touching, extended touching, rubbing hands against me.

    4) Starting conversations (with more touching),

    asking any question imaginable, asking for my opinion, etc.

    5) Sitting down next to me and rubbing body against


    6) Grabbing my butt.

    7) Blatant sexual come-ons such as bending over and looking back at me, giving me a

    solid breast rub, grabbing at my groin, etc.

    These are all hits from women I either don\'t know, barely know,

    and pretty much don\'t have anything to do with. That compresses a little less than two years\' worth of

    pheromone use into a brief outline of the kinds of hits I\'ve received.

    I have had a few DIHL reactions,

    probably more than I realize. I am not sure of how to categorize them.

    I\'ve also made women I know very well

    extremely nervous/excited with ODs. A couple of days ago, one accidentally cut my finger. I didn\'t think I was

    wearing that much but she said I was making her nervous, so I must have been screaming on her radar. I do tend to

    put on some strong applications.

    Typical signs of nervousness include constantly looking down, wet palms,

    trembling. These reactions usually happen when I put on too much, obviously, but sometimes I get ready to go to a

    club and run into someone before I get there. She then gets the full effect of the aroma intended for the

    competition. As I get to know someone better, I try to gauge how much or how little of the pheromones to use around

    her. I try to find a comfort zone. I thought I was in that zone the other day with Jenny, but apparently


    Good, solid extended hits usually involve lots of bright eye contact, smiling, touching, laughing at almost

    anything I say in a teasing fashion, asking questions, etc.

    In some of the dance classes I help with, the girls

    almost fight with each other to get near me. Part of the reason is that I have been dancing long enough that I am

    pretty good. But it\'s obvious the pheromones are working because many of them go into DIHL mode, touch me with

    their breasts, have sweaty palms, etc. That doesn\'t happen in every class. I just mean I get a lot of interest

    in these classes.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    The worst think that can happen is for

    them to say no

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That\'s just wrong. The worst thing that

    could happen, is that she scares herself to death just by the look of you. Then, afterwards, people label you a

    freak, a pervert and a child molester. Then you get life for \"murdering\" that girl while all those people in

    the bar testify against you.

    Well... I suppose it could actually get just a bit worse then that...

  18. #18
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: HELP: 1 girl BIG hit, 100 girls NO reaction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    The worst think that can happen is for them to say no


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That\'s just wrong. The worst thing that could happen, is that she

    scares herself to death just by the look of you. Then, afterwards, people label you a freak, a pervert and a child

    molester. Then you get life for \"murdering\" that girl while all those people in the bar testify against


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Yeah....that would really ruin my day.

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