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  1. #1

    Default Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Right, here\'s a question! Do we produce more pheromones ourselves if we cease masturbating?

    Here\'s an idea i had. If we stop masturbating we are no longer providing the sexual release that our body needs. To maintain the level of release the body may try and get more sex. If our body wants sex, then that leads to physiological mechanisms stepping up a gear in order to get it. A very important example of one of those mechanisms is that of pheromones!

    It has been mentioned before that semen contains pheromones. If the semen is not being constantly released, then our body would not require to continually replenish the supply, perhaps leaving more pheromone producing thingys (scientific term) for the rest of the body to use.

    Anyone have any ideas about this? JVK, have you collected the T-shirts of people who masturbate and people who abstain?

    Ahhh the sweet smell of science.

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Yes there is definately a noticable increase, in paralell with increased testosterone. There was a discussion about this a while ago... cant remember the outcome though.

  3. #3
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    We guys have a minimum turnover rate for semen. If we don\'t get external release from sex or from masturbation, then we have wet dreams. Increased regular turnover, above that minimim rate is good for us and for our sperm. It exercises the prostate gland, which makes the fluid that the sperm swim in, and it encourages the production of fresh, healthy sperm. In fact, if you want maximum fertility, then masturbate a day or two before you try to make babies. Oddly, our body releases fewer sperm cells when we masturbate than when we have sex with a girl - as to how it knows that, I can only guess pheromone signals.

    Consciously attempting to minimize semen/sperm production will cause a testosterone decline as the system scales back production. This is especially true the older you get. Use it or lose it.

    My advice is that if you want to produce more endogenous pheromones, then produce more, not less, semen. I can\'t point to specific studies on this but it is my synthesis and conclusion from a number of books I\'ve read on the subject, especially \"Sperm Wars.\" Of course, you can go too far the other way.

    That\'s the facts on Jack.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Very interesting, thanks Whitehall.

    I\'ve just had another idea (wow - two in one day no less!), as pheromone production is related to testosterone, using PCC or EW should also raise the wearers own pheromone production.

  5. #5
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Thanks for stepping in, Whitehall. As usual your response is great, especially the reference to Sperm Wars.

  6. #6
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Astrid Jutte was able to elicit increased testosterone levels in men exposed to the mix of short chain fatty
    acids present in ovulatory vaginal secretions--but not secretions from other cycle phases. This indicates that
    the mix must be designed in accord with the early works of RP Michaels, which is not an easy task for
    anyone who is not an experienced chemist.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Very interesting indeed..Are you suggesting that to raise our testosterone levels we should masterbate or have sex more often??

  8. #8

    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Sex of any kind is good for your health, overall. It makes perfect sense, what Whitehall is saying about \"use it or lose it,\" because that is definitely the case with females as they approach menopause. Guess what? \"Vaginal atrophy\" sets in if you don\'t use it -- lack of sexual activity for women also has bad effects on hormones, not to mention mood and energy level. Why would it be different for men, right?

  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    I appreciate the compliments, James, Red, et al. Just had to plug the book again - it\'s that good.

    Expanding on Red\'s female perspective, for a guy, one secret for good prostate health is turnover - doctors will prescribe it for recovery from prostate imflammations, in fact.

    Enthusiastic sex on a regular basis is good for the whole body and being. It\'s part of the life well lived.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    \"sex on a regular basis is good for the whole body and being. It\'s part of the life well lived. \"

    Ok, just a stupid question: Does this mean you advocate going to a prostitute if you´re not getting it elsewhere.

    I think I would say yes, but I don´t quite know how Americans think about that. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Ok folks dont bag me here for taking a slightly different viewpoint to try to figure it out - \"sex on a regular basis is good for the whole body and being. Its part of the life well lived\" ok so why is this different for say body builders who are told to keep from having sex to increase T levels to get maximum benefit out of their workouts.

    On another front the society view against prostitutes is a religious one which vexes itself into morals. The christian church being stronger in the USA prostitutes are frowned upon. Go to europe however and it is actively encouraged and the same goes in australia, it is legalised in every state.
    Government tightly controlls the legal brothel industry but doesnt step in to stop it, just regulates it.

    That said the catholic and anglican churces have lost their power over society given the acceptance in law on embroynic stem cell research passing 2 votes to 1 in favour.

    Franki americans really are religious fanatics in some areas \"The bible belt has been mentioned\" they maintain public power. As in europe its different. Me i would advocate going to a prostitute if not getting it elsewhere, this is why preists rape children, men rape women because they cant get it anywhere else due to the females of the race being either taken and those that are left are single waiting for mr prince charming and not giving out to all men.

    20% of men getting 80% of all sexual intercourse.
    This leaves 80% of men getting 20% of sexual intercourse. This challanges the religious view of one man and one woman in a society with 50:50 population. Doesnt make sense, those getting sex attack prostitution because that means that men can get it quite easily by paying for it and they lose their power over the masses.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    A few months back, this guy answered a personal ad of mine and sent his picture and I really liked him, and we started instant messaging on a regular basis. I asked him about his current situation, what was his status, divorced, dating, seeing anyone? He said he had sex with this woman that he really didn\'t like at all, but she was pretty good in bed, and he suffered a lot of guilt about it, because even though he\'d as much as told her he was with her just for the sex, she kept being convinced that they were in, or were heading into, a \"meaningful relationship.\" I wrote back to him that that must be rough, it\'s a pity he couldn\'t go to a prostitute instead.

    HE GOT SO MAD AT ME you can\'t believe it. It was like that was the worst thing you could possibly say to him.

    I\'m American, family came here from Scotland in 1797, but I do not understand the prejudices against sex workers. God knows, not only do I wish men could get what they need when they need it, all the more I wish women could too. I read an article once about a male prostitute in Australia and wished to god we had them.

    I didn\'t realize it was completely legal in Europe. That blows my mind. I feel like we\'re so backward here.

    Watcher, I don\'t think the storing up your seed for sports thing is good for your health or for your game, is it? Do you notice a difference when you\'re sexually frustrated in your workouts? I sure don\'t. It could be that stuff is old wives tales.

    Not that old wives don\'t know what they\'re talking about sometimes... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    As far as sports things, i have done meditation and self-hypnosis for relaxation self control etc. What i have found is that when i am sexually frustrated (the T level build up from no sex for a week or so) is that i can then shift it back into getting a better workout and better results as a result, because the body is pumped and ready to go i can then redirect that into an aggressive workout and get maximum results.

    One thing that is recommened to many sports stars (male soccer players for example and others is not to have sex for up to a week before a big game) because it enhances their performance with higher T levels. Thats why Testostrone supplements are banded by the international olympic committee because anything higher than normal enhances performance to an unfair level.

    Chinesse female swimmers put on T level supplements were found to grow muscles more like men and to perform way above normal. Of course in many western countries these supplements are illegal and so to for the olympics but are readily availble in many asian countries. EW or PCC has the same effect but from an external source.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    I knew about the supplements but I always suspected the not having sex before the big game was just a way to get the players to play harder so they could get laid and celebrate after.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Man, if you need to have sex on a regular basis in order to stay healthy...I\'m so fuckin\' screwed! :-)


  16. #16
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    You know, condoms are not foolproof.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Exactly i dont need sex everyday (it would be nice) but there is just so much more to do in life - like play with pheros and the like. Make money workout learn, educate ourselves.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Masturbation = sex with someone you love [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Thats even better someone to return the play.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Me i would advocate going to a prostitute if not getting it elsewhere, this is why preists rape children, men rape women because they cant get it anywhere else

    Watcher, I enjoy your posts, but I think your stream-of-consciousness writing style resulted in you getting a little carried away this time. I know how that happens, and it\'s easy to do: you have a lot of thoughts that you want to express and somehow tie together.

    So I have to ask you to re-read the above quote I pulled from your post. You can\'t actually believe what you wrote? I believe it\'s been extremely well-established for decades that rape is a crime of violence, power, and control -- not sexual desire.

    Let\'s look at it another way: If it could be reliably demonstrated and proven that legalized prostitution results in the elimination of rape and child sexual abuse, I\'d bet that all of the \"unenlightened\" countries such as the U.S. would be lining up to legalize prostitution, Bible Belt or no.

    Anybody have stats on rape and child sexual abuse in countries with legalized prostitution, versus countries that don\'t allow it? I\'m certainly willing to be proven wrong.

    20% of men getting 80% of all sexual intercourse.
    This leaves 80% of men getting 20% of sexual intercourse. This challanges the religious view of one man and one woman in a society with 50:50 population. Doesnt make sense, those getting sex attack prostitution because that means that men can get it quite easily by paying for it and they lose their power over the masses.

    I don\'t know where you got the 80/20 ratio, but I assume you have a source, so I won\'t quibble. However I have to say that you can\'t believe everything you read, especially if it involves statistics.

    Anyway, the end of the paragraph seems to indicate a conspiracy on the part of men who are good at getting laid with a variety of females. In this conspiracy, these men seek to keep prositution illegal, so as to retain their power over men who aren\'t getting laid as much?

    What power? Promiscuous men lose power to other men if the other men have greater opportunity to get laid?

    You can\'t expect me to believe that -- I don\'t have sufficient paranoia built up in me at this point. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    This last one makes me chuckle. Watcher, please take a nap or something, and come back and write lots more, \'cuz I do like your posts, but this last one was really over the edge~

  21. #21
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    \"me I would advocate going to a prostitute if not getting it elsewhere, this is why priests rape children, men rape women because they can\'t get it anywhere else.\"

    Watcher did you take your medication before you wrote that, you have got to be kidding me. Why would a rapist pay for it when he can get it for free by attacking a stranger. How many prostitutes are raped and robbed by their clients? It\'s a power trip you know that.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Ok but in a percentage of cases normally calm men get frustrated and that is what leads to some rapes. Ok there are a percentage of men who are just so sadistic that they attack women anyway - prostitutes being targets. I meant to say that there are men out there who get so pissed off with women giving them the slip not responding that they just go ahead and express their libido. Im just saying that the church isnt exactly perfect either (usually in the past has attracted men who like to have sex with children and get away with it because of the secretive nature of the catholic church and the trust thrust upon them by their mindless followers who believe whole heartedly.)

    The power trip is those that use this structure for less than \"noble and moral\" purposes.

    Plenty of prositutes are robbed and attacked by thier clients because there is a certain risk involved, the alternative outlaw prostitution leave men without sex as women hold off for prince charming and see what happens to society ???. Anyone wanna respond.

  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    I find several things wrong with prostitution:

    - It makes what should be a mutual pair bonding experience, which is really the foundation of our society (the family, created by pair bonds produced largely by sex) into a commercial transaction.

    - This makes the female prostitute view males as means to an end (money), and male customers view females as something they can buy.

    I have actually had this conversation many times with prostitutes, because I used to live in NYC and would take a nightly walk down Broadway. Invariably I would be approached by prostitutes who would say \"Going out tonight?\" and I\'d say \"No thanks.\" they\'d sometimes say \"Why not?\" and I\'d say \"Well, if you really want to know, I\'ll tell you...\" and then I\'d explain the above to them. Funny thing.. nearly all prostitutes I spoke to would agree with me about this! They\'d say \"yeah, you\'re right...\" and then usually throw in \"but that won\'t happen to me!\". Ah well.

    Other things I find wrong with prostitution:

    - I\'m not interested in having sex with anyone who isn\'t excited by me and who isn\'t wanting it themselves. Prostitutes might sometimes be, but I would guess that usually they aren\'t.

    - Studies have found that a high percentage of prostitutes were sexually abused as children... they are acting out a sexual control story to make up for their lack of sexual control when they were children. So it\'s not as if they\'re making an informed decision to become prostitutes... they\'re suffering from psychological issues that are pushing them in this direction.

    All that being said, I don\'t think it should be illegal... but it also seems rather distasteful for those reasons...not to mention the risk of disease.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Whitehall\'s idea view that if we increase our sexual activity (solo or dual effort!) we will increase our base level of testosterone production makes perfect sense, and i\'m sure it has lots of evidence to back it up.
    On the other hand as Watcher pointed out Bodybuilders/athlete\'s have to abstain to build up T-levels.

    In my view both these ideas are probably true. If a person has raised their base T-level by frequent sex/masturbation, then suddlenly abstains for a short period (e.g. a week), their T production mechanisms may not cut out immediately and continue to produce at a reasonably high level. This will lead to large T buildup. If the abstainence continues, T-production will slow down and the buildup will slowly be reduced through nocturnal emmission, or other mechanism. Therefore, a short period of abstainence should increase pheromone production, but if the person continues to abstain, pheromone production will eventually go right down.

    On another note, Stone labs claim that PPC incrase T by 100% on their site. Therefore it does appear be be a useful tool in increasing one\'s own pheromone production.

  25. #25
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    I have a confession - I hired a prostitute - once.

    OK, so I bargained her price down on a slow night on my first evening in San Francisco. She was an attractive female and I was 27, just out of college and had just driven my Porsche out from Florida, tanned and quite the stud. It should have have been great sex but....

    It wasn\'t. The worst part was just as I was getting up to speed, she asks \"Aren\'t you done yet?\"

    That was irritating. The next day I wrote a letter to Ralph Nader, consumer advocate, complaining about the poor service. I\'ve never gone that route again.

    The point is that quality matters with sex (a lot) and you can\'t expect it from a prostitute. She is only motivated by the sale and her time is money. You want to manipulate her and she wants to manipulate you. I will grant that some fresh prostitutes may be very lustful and truly enjoy their work but to most, it\'s a job they can do stoned. My advice, young men, is save your money. Seeing prostitutes will harden your heart.

    I will allow that it may be the only option for any sex life for many men. Given that sex is important to health, I would certainly support regulated, discreet prostitution even though that is a recipe for official corruption.

  26. #26
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    Grimnim, exactly what I was thinking.

    Another thing, men sometimes suffer from depression with low T-levels

  27. #27
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    I don\'t think I\'ll ever hire one, I know it might be difficult for some people but I think it\'s dicusting. I know someone who recently lost his virginity to one.

  28. #28

    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    I\'ve never met a prostitute so don\'t know anything about it except what\'s available from popular media -- but what about, like, call girls, women from escort services, not streetwalkers -- I mean, like, the modern equivalent of courtesans. For some reason that\'s what I think of when the word \"prostitute\" is used - maybe because I can\'t imagine going to a streetwalker either.

  29. #29
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    I prefer just not to think about it, I think its degrading a prominant example of human suffering, in all the fields you mentioned. Actually curb crawlers are the worst, with call girls second and escorts third. I\'m sure there are loads of risks with being an escort though.

  30. #30
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Masturbation and Pheromones.

    I prefer just not to think about it, I think its degrading a prominant example of human suffering, in all the fields you mentioned. Actually curb crawlers are the worst, with call girls second and escorts third. I\'m sure there are loads of risks with being an escort though.

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