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  1. #1
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    Default SOE, TE, NPA, and Chikara, good mix?

    Hey, I wanted to get some sexual hits and/or friendly hits with these four.

    Now TE, I only got 2 gel packs of,

    and I don't want to make that the main ingredient of my phero mix.

    I have have tried Chikara 2 sprays, and NPA

    two dabs, and I havent gotten the BEST results, but I went to a club party the other night, and I got nothing, and I

    think I ODed BIG TIME.

    I put on 2 sprays of Chikara, 2-3 dabs of NPA, about half a gel pack of SOE, and about

    half a pack of TE. I got no hits, but I didnt get any thing negative responses either. All in all, it just got me

    iritated, and mad jumpy.

    So im asking, without the TE(I only got 2 packs from the free trial thing, while I got

    18 packs of SOE) primarily, I wanted a good mix of NPA, Chikara, and SOE, and what I should put on first and if

    Curve/CK/Axe Spray colonge is a good coverup, and when that should be put on.

    I did research, and I found some

    good combos in this one thread earlier, but I can't seem to find it, so I hope you guys don't mind me asking this,

    now that I got a lot of SOE(came in the mail yesterday).

    BTW, I smoke, usually after I have put on the


    ONE more thing, I mostly after Spanish women, some Asian women, and possibly White women. Im AM 19, and im

    looking for women in the 17-19 range, some older.
    Last edited by pyrojedi; 11-12-2005 at 11:39 PM.

  2. #2
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    you were using too much NPA/TE and

    2 sprays chikara would be ok if you didnt add anymore Anone.

    2 dabs TE+1 spray Chikara is good
    I guess for

    NPA that might be like 1 dab+ 1 spray Chikara

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Your best bet is

    to test systematically with one product at a time so that you really understand what works for you. Then you'll

    have the knowledge to make mixes that are effective for you. We are all different and no product or dose works the

    same for any two people. Any and all reccomended doses are no better than guesses.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I'm with Belgareth on this.

    You're dealing with too many unknown elements. Simplify the mix to one product so you can test what works and

    doesn't work with your unique chemistry and personality. Start with smaller doseages and work your way up, noting

    the results. Eventually you may find a combo of 2 or more products work well for you. However, everyone is

    different. Chikara does nothing at all for me but works well for Belgareth. He can also OD on a little NPA or TE

    while I can bathe in it and have women drop from the ceiling on me.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
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    Can you tell us more about

    yourself and your personality? How old are you?? These are factors that will determine how much Npa to use. You

    probably did od with what you did....unless you are in your 4o's or 50's I would bet that you did. Are you

    intimidating looking or cool and laid back? Probably want to use more Soe or Chikara than None. First you need to

    find out how much none you need for people to start noticing you more...Once you do that you will know how much to

    put. Chikara should be your base based on what you have. Chikara is hit or miss though....either it works for you or

    it doesnt. Chikara should make people more comfortable with you and more likely to talk to you. It will make people

    care about you and want to help you....for some it makes the confident girls with inner sexual demons want to rock

    your world...Tell us more about yourself but for now test Npa and Chikara seperately and try figure out whats going

    on and what may be ideal to you. A high percentage mix would be 2 sprays Chikara and 1 dab Npa....

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    i must also agree,

    simplify things a bit. take small steps and work with one thing at a time. you have to learn to walk before you can


    chikara doesnt work for me either. now i can get away with wearing 2 dabs of npa but it is borderline od.

    if i add any other none products to 2 dabs npa it pushes me into od ranges. 1 dab npa works very well for me by

    itself or mixed with a little soe added.

    are you 19? im confused maybe a typo you wrote " im not 19"

    from my experiences with mones and women of the younger ages especially 17-19 any significant amount of none tends

    to make them want to run and hide. you also being young may produce a large amount of natural none already.


    believe you are getting too hectic/impatient with your mixes. start off wearing small amounts and slowly work your

    way up. you might want to mix npa/te with soe but i wouldnt necessarily start adding it to chikara until you know

    how it works for you.

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Age is a rule of thumb and is

    not always applicable. That's why Gegogi and I use ourselves for comparison. I'm 49 and he's in his 50s. He can

    use products with a lot of none and I can't. There are other factors at work here. You are best off to experiment

    in an orderly fashion, you'll be more successful.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    yeah i know age is a

    general rule of thumb... i understand that but i also feel that newbies should be aware of that as well as the other

    rule of thumb less is often better. seems like another young buck piling on the mones. i fully agree there needs

    to be some order in one's experiments.

  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Well, I'm 50 to I just qualify

    for "the 50s"! I wish I could turn back the clock and be 49 again. Life was so much better...

    Actually I

    suspect I've never had much natural 'none production at 15, 25 or 50. Save my head, I'm a near hairless Korean

    that hardly works up a sweat and doesn't need deodorant. I think the fact that I can wear more 'none that most

    guys is related to being an East Asian of slight build and mellow persona. Some of my friends call me the little

    Buddha due to my relaxed character.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Well, I'm 50 to

    I just qualify for "the 50s"! I wish I could turn back the clock and be 49 again. Life was so much better...

    Actually I suspect I've never had much natural 'none production at 15, 25 or 50. Save my head, I'm a near

    hairless Korean that hardly works up a sweat and doesn't need deodorant. I think the fact that I can wear more

    'none that most guys is related to being an East Asian of slight build and mellow persona. Some of my friends call

    me the little Buddha due to my relaxed character.
    Sorry, I couldn't remember if you were 50 or in your 50s

    so I made a general statement.

    I think you may be correct about the hair/perspiration thing. I am hairy and pour

    sweat when I work hard physically. My character is pretty quiet and easy going, usually with a smile as I am

    generally happy. But we are built differently as well. I have wide shoulders and am stocky. If you are typically

    Korean you are slender. I wonder how much our physical build plays into people's perception of us.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm very slender with

    small bones. I'd look great in drag! I workout 6 days a week so I'm well toned but never seem to bulk up much. I

    think your physique is strongly tied to impressions of your persona. The physiological impact of an ultra macho

    physique can be very intimidating to some. My body building friends have oft mentioned it bothers them people are

    initially afraid of them merely because they're big. Most of them are actually very mellow and gentle.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I only work out 3-4 times a

    week but have been doing so for most of 35 years so am in pretty good shape. Bulk is not what I want because it

    adversely effects my speed and flexibility so I don't do any weight training. My build is like yours, genetic. At

    5' 8" my normal weight ranges between 180 and 190 with a lot in my chest, shoulders and legs.

    Weight lifters

    move differently from people in marshal arts, the former tend to lumber around and aren't very graceful. People

    often liken me to a predatory animal when they first meet me but I am really gentle myself. Little kids and animals

    seem to figure it out almost instantly because they all seem to like me on sight. Have yet to meet a cat or dog that

    didn't like me.

    Your last coment makes me think of a long time friend named John. About 6' 4" and huge, looks

    like he could easily pick most people up and toss them over a house. Wears a beard, has big, heavily calloused hands

    and sharp peircing eyes. Almost everybody is afraid of him when they first meet him. I have pictures from when my

    daughter was young, she's sitting on his lap putting flowers in his beard and he's laughing. One of the kindest,

    gentlest people I ever met. Looks are often decieving.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
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    that's why it's best to get well

    toned and lean rather than getting bulky and large. Most girls I know don't prefer large muscular men..they just

    like them slightly muscular and lean.

  14. #14
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud9
    that's why it's

    best to get well toned and lean rather than getting bulky and large. Most girls I know don't prefer large muscular

    men..they just like them slightly muscular and lean.
    Dealing with girls/women will always bring on a

    different taste! Some like them large some like them small ... that's just the way it is. I had a good friend of

    mine in Europe that seemed to get all the girls. I've never been jealous of any man, but he was my exception until

    I realized that I got just as many women as he did. One day I told him how jealous I was, and he said the exact same

    thing I said, "Man, I can't stand it when women flock all over you with those muscles showing!"

    learned ... every woman does not like the same thing when it comes to a man looks. Just like some like the smell of

    NPA, and some don't.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  15. #15
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    This is true..but I'm making a

    generalization of the majority of the female population.

  16. #16
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud9
    This is true..but

    I'm making a generalization of the majority of the female population.
    Now why did I know you'd say

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  17. #17
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    i guess cause I said "Most girls"

    instead of all girls.

  18. #18
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    A surprising amount of women,

    often fit and trim ones, are attracted to fat guys. It's a trendy thing because of "fat boy" rappers I suppose. One

    of my female friends, a real fox, told me she likes fat guys because she can get off by rubbing her clit on his

    belly. Humpin' a flat belly or six pack just doesn't ring her bell...

    The odd thing is athletic women are

    often attracted to me, a small 5'8" 135 LB Asian musician. They're around huge buff dudes but want to screw me

    senseless. Once of my recent GFs ran college track and was strong as an ape (but had a Brazilian wax). When she

    hugged me I usually went airborne. Often my privates were bruised after lovemaking...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  19. #19
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    When she hugged me I

    usually went airborne. Often my privates were bruised after lovemaking...
    LOL,..."opposites attract" holds

    very true in my life.

  20. #20
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth

    Your best bet is to test systematically with one product at a time so that you really understand what works for

    you. Then you'll have the knowledge to make mixes that are effective for you. We are all different and no product

    or dose works the same for any two people. Any and all reccomended doses are no better than guesses.

    maybe you should put that in your signature

    Newbies! There are no short cuts! Hard work is

    required to get the best results!

    Hard work means taking the time to work out what is best for you. You

    will find some estimates for dosages that are derived from years of anecdotal evidence, but as bel says at best

    these should be thought of as educated guesses. The take home lesson: treat the dosage and mix information on the

    forums and the pherolibrary and a guide. Always think of it as a theory to be tested.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

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