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Thread: Cant smell NPA.

  1. #1

    Default Cant smell NPA.

    Hello all,

    I just got my NPA and it turns out I cant smell it alt all. Is this normal?
    it\'s a pitty because now I don\'t know when I am going to be ODing.
    Thinking of giving it a test (few dabs masked with essential oils) tonight. Will keep you posted.

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Cant smell NPA.

    I belong to the group of people that can hardly smell none .. but NPA ... urks, it\'s so intense that even I can sniff it\'s unique aroma. Have you tried to open the dropper-top ?

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Cant smell NPA.

    Don\'t know whether it\'s normal but I can smell NPA just fine
    - just go lower on the dosage then up the amount as you do the trial and error thing is what I\'d suggest

  4. #4

    Default Re: Cant smell NPA.

    I opened the bottle and still don\'t know whats the horrible smell everybody is talking about. Smells like strong alcohol and nothing much else.
    Is it possible that I have a bad bottle? Or are there some people who cant smell NPA horrible scent?


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Cant smell NPA.

    I can\'t smell it either ( apparently neither can my wife when freshly applied) but I know that I must be careful with the dosage because everytime I wear it ( generally to work) one particular female always says she smells an aroma of piss somewhere in my general proximity no matter how much cologne I have doused myself in. So less is apparently more.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Cant smell NPA.

    When I opened the package my female friend asked what it was so I said it was just a cologne and asked her to smell the bottle. She could not smell cat piss but she definitely liked the smell judging by her reaction.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Cant smell NPA.

    I\'d say you and the woman are both olfactory impaired.
    I feel sorry for you people with no noses on one hand, but on the other hand it would be nice if everyone could smell so that you wouldn\'t have people walking around that smell like they haven\'t washed for about 2 weeks. I recently joined a dance school, and one of the guys smells so bad that I almost can\'t stand it from two meters away, and most of the girls have quit because of it, since they actually have to get right up close to it.

    Crap like NPA really reeks if you want to know!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Cant smell NPA.


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