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There are five main reasons why you need to change your brainwave cycle when you want to sexually arouse someone just with your mind:

1) Your brainwaves will become closer to the natural frequency of the ionosphere. If you have been understanding everything I’ve written so far you will see why this is necessary ... namely you will have an easier time manipulating and effecting your environment. We are not talking the clouds, ground and trees, etc ... but your space around you within which you live i.e. energy/time/space. It’s like driving your car at night time. During the nighttime it\'s obviously dark ... So to move around easier you need to turn your car lights on. When you lower your brainwave cycle to a cycle that’s closer to the ionosphere you are sort of \'turning your lights on\' in the ionosphere, so your mind will be able to move around easier; your mind will have easier access to manipulate your surroundings (energy/time/space).

2) Your awareness and your ability to use your mind will become easier and stronger. This will effect all your mind power work. You will be able to access different states of awareness and different levels of consciousness (kind of like getting high but without drugs and their destructive side-effects).

3) Your heart rate will slow down and your bodily functions will relax. Remember in the introduction (unless you didn’t read it) how I reminded you that your \'unaware\' part of your mind takes care of all your inner bodily functions? Your mind has to take care of a lot of stuff, from cell development, to blood pumping, to analyzing nerve stimulus, to accessing memory, to digestion, to balance and tons more. Your mind is obviously busy and all this happens while you do other things; you don’t have to think about it. Since you are not thinking about these things during you daily life, these processes are governed by your unaware mind (some people call it the subconscious, but its name doesn’t matter). Basically, when your brainwaves are slower and thus your mind is more relaxed ... your body will be more relaxed and then your mind spends less time keeping the body going. Your unaware mind will have more time, so-to-speak, to work with your techniques. When less blood needs to be pumped to your body functions, then more blood will be pumped to your brain when
you are using mind power techniques. Your brain will be more nourished when your body is relaxed.

I don’t want you to think that when you are very busy that your unaware mind will put your seduction techniques on hold till your body is relaxed. Having a relaxed body is just a way to help yourself with the techniques. Slower bodily functions is very important when it comes to stomach digestion. Digestion uses a lot of energy. Digestion will quicken when your body is relaxed and when less energy is spent trying to digest that food, then more energy can be put to use with your seduction techniques. If you want to make things really conducive and easy on your energy level, then try to do the techniques on an empty stomach (not starving, just empty). You will notice a difference and your stomach making those digesting noises won’t bring you out of your relaxed brain state. This doesn’t mean that you have to have an empty stomach if you are practicing your techniques in a public place. I’m just suggesting a way to ease your body up during the times when you are doing advanced mind power techniques when you are in a deep ‘meditative’ state. Other things can effect your energy level and I’ll get to these later under the \'increasing power\' chapter.

4) You can become more focused when your brainwaves are slower. It’s hard to focus on studying when you a sitting beside a construction site with 10 jackhammers blasting. I probably could get focused because my mind is very highly trained (with practice), and yours will too if not already. But if you were studying for exams while in a relaxed state (even with the TV on in the background) you will have an easier time focusing. When everything is deadly quiet around you and you are very relaxed, your mind will focus even better and your mind will absorb the info easier (unless you get bored and fall asleep).

5) You are accessing different parts and functions of your brain so you basically have the advantage over others who are not trained in this.

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That\'s all I\'ll clip for now, you can get the full 61 page PDF off Kazaa.