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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    May 2003
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    Default Sincere or a liar?

    If you wear

    different mone signatures around "different" people you can come across as "the real thing" because they don't know

    you and can label you based on first impression, especially if you play out the role in looks, voice etc.


    you do amongst the "same" people on a regular basis they may categorize you as not being sincere because they can't

    trust you. You keep changing on them. If you don't "explain" to them why one day your an alpha and one day your a

    mouse they may think your fake or a nutcase.

    Do you agree with this statement? Can differing mones if used

    incorrectly, convey a lack of trust?

    Is trust important in your dealings with people or do you not care? Is

    there a time to not give a damn?


  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I own a small business and use

    pheromones to help in my business. Now that I have a combo that reliably works for me I stick with the same thing

    every day that I wear mones. Consistancy is important and should be watched carefully.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default What is your combo Belegrath?


    Just curious what is your daily combo you've been sticking too?

    I used to work in bank,

    and trust there is of #1 importance since you're dealing with peoples money. Consequently they like people who can

    be trusted and come across as predictable.

    I guess if someone was in entertainment varying mone signatures

    could only enhance their mystery!?


  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I rotate through half a dozen

    mixes at work and with better results (more fun) than wearing the "same old" all the time. Helps keep those that see

    me daily perky and on their toes. I haven't noticed problems with insincerity or trust these past 6 years of doing


    Mones are the tip of the iceberg and your persona below the surface is still up to you. Mones brighten,

    intensify and focus your assets but don't change your essential nature. The main problem is not combining mones

    with appropriate behavior. For example, wearing an alpha signature but acting like a weenie may cause confusion. But

    an alpha signature united with a smooth confidence and authority works together for a greater effect.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    May 2003
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    Default Congruency and mones


    Yes as a muscian and entertainer you can easily wear different mones all the time and behave,

    entertain, and present yourself congruent with your mone signatures.

    Myself I suck at acting things out, so

    I'm better off choosing mones that are natural with my personality. That way I can just be myself.

    I see

    how you can come across as more interesting and mysterious, however, I think those with consistent mone signatures

    and behaviors come across as more trustworthy (that is if you are exposed to the the same crowd


    Occupation has a lot to do with it. As an entertainer switching mone signatures and presentations

    (along with warddrobe) is a must to keep an audience in awe. As someone who works in a bank ( and deals with money

    issues ) trust is very important. I can't act as a bad boy one day and a gentleman the other. Or really alpha one

    day (a leader like a manager or project leader) and then a wuss another day (like someone who is a follower). This

    would confuse the hell out of any boss.


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