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  1. #1
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default \"A funereal whiff of defeat\"

    This post

    follows a lengthy debate from September of last year regarding what I perceive
    to be a difference between

    psychological aspects of behavior and biological
    (e.g., pheromonal) facts. The entire article is available
    at the

    URL listed. Here\'s an intro:

    Psychoanalysis Is Dead ... So How Does That Make You



    Arguably no other notable figure in history was as wrong as Freud was about
    every important

    thing he had to say.

    By Todd Dufresne
    February 18, 2004
    What an utter disappointment the 1990s were

    for the fans of Freud.
    Time magazine asked aloud, and on its cover no less, \"Is Freud Dead?\"
    And the

    former analytic stronghold, the New York Review of Books,
    published lengthy feature articles debunking

    Freud\'s reputation as a
    man and as a thinker.
    By the end of the decade, even the New Yorker was in on the

    Taken as a whole, these sensations of the 1990s, part of the so-called
    \"Freud wars,\" capture the

    gist of a cause well lost.
    The year 2000 -- the centenary of \"The Interpretation of Dreams\" --

    have been a triumph for Freudians. Instead, amid the
    celebrations was a funereal whiff of defeat:

  2. #2

    Default Re: \"A funereal whiff of defeat\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    This post follows a lengthy debate from

    September of last year regarding what I perceive
    to be a difference between psychological aspects of behavior and

    (e.g., pheromonal) facts. The entire article is available
    at the URL listed. Here\'s an


    Psychoanalysis Is Dead ... So How Does That Make You



    Arguably no other notable figure in history was as wrong as Freud was about

    important thing he had to say.

    By Todd Dufresne
    February 18, 2004
    What an utter disappointment

    the 1990s were for the fans of Freud.
    Time magazine asked aloud, and on its cover no less, \"Is Freud

    And the former analytic stronghold, the New York Review of Books,
    published lengthy feature

    articles debunking Freud\'s reputation as a
    man and as a thinker.
    By the end of the decade, even the

    New Yorker was in on the action.
    Taken as a whole, these sensations of the 1990s, part of the so-called

    \"Freud wars,\" capture the gist of a cause well lost.
    The year 2000 -- the centenary of \"The

    Interpretation of Dreams\" --
    should have been a triumph for Freudians. Instead, amid the

    was a funereal whiff of defeat:

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I always thought

    Freud was bullshit.
    From what I could be bothered to read, he didn\'t support his fantastic theories very

    For what it\'s worth I haven\'t read much of the Bible either.
    If\'n you know what I mean.

  3. #3
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"A funereal whiff of defeat\"


    found this link to an invited review of \"The Biology of Love\" that I published in the Journal of Sex Research.

    The review was submitted one week before practitioners of \"rebirthing\" therapy smothered a young girl (age 9 as

    I recall) in Denver, Colorado. After the reveiw was accepted, the editor checked with me to ensure I wanted it

    published, since it was the most scathing review he had ever considered for publication. I told him that it might

    help other reviewers to express what might best be referred to as the dangers of



    chaoticevil wrote:

    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    For what it\'s worth I haven\'t read much of the Bible either. If\'n

    you know what I mean.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Though I don\'t want to bring the Bible

    into Forum discussion, I don\'t know what you mean. I do not equate the Bible with any other book or article,

    especially those that focus on psychology.

  4. #4
    Man of La Pancha
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    Default Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -Mones

    I may get crap for saying this, but I feel that although everything this man says about psychoanalysis

    has truth to it, the man is acting like an ignorant oaf in this article.

    Yes, Freud was a little off. Yes, he

    did drugs and had theories with way too much emphasis on sex and wanting to have sex with your parents.

    However, to bash the man, as many, many, many psychologists do, would be to insult a revolutionary in modern

    psychology. Yes, the man was wrong a million times over, but he sparked controversy in the world with his theories,

    he got people thinking about how the mind might actually function, and he jumpstarted if not created fields such as

    counseling and psychotherapy.

    To insult Freud in such a way would be to insult one of the forefathers of the

    field. Galileo, Aristotle, Capernicus, etc...they all were wrong about hundreds of things over the course of their

    lives, but they\'re still geniuses and honorable figures of their time. Remember, the earth was flat, the

    universe revolved around the earth, and planets and stars were gods all at some point in history as claimed by the

    geniuses that we praise today.

    Yes, some if not most of what Freud said was full of [censored], but so is most of

    what everyone says and at least he used his BS to transform how we look at our minds today.

  5. #5

    Default Re: \"A funereal whiff of defeat\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I found this link to an invited review

    of \"The Biology of Love\" that I published in the Journal of Sex Research. The review was submitted one week

    before practitioners of \"rebirthing\" therapy smothered a young girl (age 9 as I recall) in Denver, Colorado.

    After the reveiw was accepted, the editor checked with me to ensure I wanted it published, since it was the most

    scathing review he had ever considered for publication. I told him that it might help other reviewers to express

    what might best be referred to as the dangers of




    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    For what it\'s worth I haven\'t read

    much of the Bible either. If\'n you know what I mean.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


    I don\'t want to bring the Bible into Forum discussion, I don\'t know what you mean. I do not equate the Bible

    with any other book or article, especially those that focus on psychology.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    I meant as in a work of fiction.

  6. #6
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"A funereal whiff of defeat\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    I meant as in a work of fiction.


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    You\'re entitled to your opinion.

  7. #7

    Default Re: \"A funereal whiff of defeat\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    I meant as in a work of fiction.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    You\'re entitled to your opinion.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


  8. #8
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -Mones

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I may get crap for saying this, but I

    feel that although everything this man says about psychoanalysis has truth to it, the man is acting like an ignorant

    oaf in this article.

    Yes, Freud was a little off. Yes, he did drugs and had theories with way too much

    emphasis on sex and wanting to have sex with your parents. However, to bash the man, as many, many, many

    psychologists do, would be to insult a revolutionary in modern psychology. Yes, the man was wrong a million times

    over, but he sparked controversy in the world with his theories, he got people thinking about how the mind might

    actually function, and he jumpstarted if not created fields such as counseling and psychotherapy.

    To insult Freud

    in such a way would be to insult one of the forefathers of the field. Galileo, Aristotle, Capernicus, etc...they

    all were wrong about hundreds of things over the course of their lives, but they\'re still geniuses and honorable

    figures of their time. Remember, the earth was flat, the universe revolved around the earth, and planets and stars

    were gods all at some point in history as claimed by the geniuses that we praise today.

    Yes, some if not most of

    what Freud said was full of [censored], but so is most of what everyone says and at least he used his BS to

    transform how we look at our minds today.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Freud is bullshit! I

    majored in Psych like a million others and everyone I talk to that majored in psych agrees with me. In fact I think

    Psychoanalysis is just fairy tails. B.F. Skinner and the behaviorists are much closer to reality than any

    psychoanalyst will ever be. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -Mones

    It all comes down to chemicals and dumb primates.

  10. #10
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -M

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    Yes, some if not most of what Freud

    said was full of [censored], but so is most of what everyone says and at least he used his BS to transform how we

    look at our minds today.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I agree, somewhat, that Freud transformed

    how we look at our minds... but not today. Today, after years of psychobabble--much of it inspired by Freud--we

    finally are exploring the biology of behavior: the gene-cell-tissue-organ-organ system link between the social

    environment and behavior, or simply put, the pathway that links pheromones to behavior. Psychologists, for the most

    part--note the qualifier--still tell stories, and present theories that often have no basis in biological fact--like

    Janov, for example. What a nut case, yet still he managed to attract followers. Haven\'t heard much about

    rebirthing therapy since the Denver suffocation, but suspect there are still a few practitioners out there. Perhaps

    worse is that other followers/practitioners might have moved on to other ridiculous/dangerous practices. Psychology

    seems like a free-for-all compared to biology.

  11. #11
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -M

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    It all comes down to chemicals and dumb


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Back on topic, so far as the chemical influence. Still,

    I think we\'re sufficiently complex beings to dissagree with the \"dumb primates.\" After all, we can think

    about consequences, even when we don\'t understand the basis of our actions. And, as Bruce always indicates, a

    positive attitude can make a huge difference. A friend who I\'ve known for more than 30 years was, for many of

    those years, intolerable. Though many others (all motorcycle enthusiasts) put up with him for different reasons, all

    of us now agree that antidepressants make him a lot easier to be around. Better living through chemistry,

    perhaps--as with pheromones, I suspect. He interests me particularly because he detects only a strong unpleasant

    scent from SoE for men; he can\'t stand it! Wonder if his belligerant attitude is due to his natural aversion for

    masculine pheromones. Was good to learn he very much likes SoE for women, but it wasn\'t at all surprising.

    He\'s always done well with the ladies--a gentleman, bad ass, super macho guy who you want with you in case

    there\'s any trouble that he doesn\'t start. One of the \"bad boys\" that some women really go for. I\'m

    tempted to psychoanalyze his behavior, but would rather look at brain imagery studies to figure such people out.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -M

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    It all comes down to chemicals and dumb primates.


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Back on topic, so far as the chemical influence. Still, I think we\'re

    sufficiently complex beings to dissagree with the \"dumb primates.\" After all, we can think about consequences,

    even when we don\'t understand the basis of our actions. And, as Bruce always indicates, a positive attitude can

    make a huge difference. A friend who I\'ve known for more than 30 years was, for many of those years, intolerable.

    Though many others (all motorcycle enthusiasts) put up with him for different reasons, all of us now agree that

    antidepressants make him a lot easier to be around. Better living through chemistry, perhaps--as with pheromones, I

    suspect. He interests me particularly because he detects only a strong unpleasant scent from SoE for men; he

    can\'t stand it! Wonder if his belligerant attitude is due to his natural aversion for masculine pheromones. Was

    good to learn he very much likes SoE for women, but it wasn\'t at all surprising. He\'s always done well with

    the ladies--a gentleman, bad ass, super macho guy who you want with you in case there\'s any trouble that he

    doesn\'t start. One of the \"bad boys\" that some women really go for. I\'m tempted to psychoanalyze his

    behavior, but would rather look at brain imagery studies to figure such people out.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Do not waste your time on psychoanalysis, Check his chemicals......

  13. #13

    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -M

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    It all comes down to chemicals and dumb primates.


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Back on topic, so far as the chemical influence. Still, I think

    we\'re sufficiently complex beings to dissagree with the \"dumb primates.\" After all, we can think about

    consequences, even when we don\'t understand the basis of our actions. And, as Bruce always indicates, a positive

    attitude can make a huge difference. A friend who I\'ve known for more than 30 years was, for many of those years,

    intolerable. Though many others (all motorcycle enthusiasts) put up with him for different reasons, all of us now

    agree that antidepressants make him a lot easier to be around. Better living through chemistry, perhaps--as with

    pheromones, I suspect. He interests me particularly because he detects only a strong unpleasant scent from SoE for

    men; he can\'t stand it! Wonder if his belligerant attitude is due to his natural aversion for masculine

    pheromones. Was good to learn he very much likes SoE for women, but it wasn\'t at all surprising. He\'s always

    done well with the ladies--a gentleman, bad ass, super macho guy who you want with you in case there\'s any

    trouble that he doesn\'t start. One of the \"bad boys\" that some women really go for. I\'m tempted to

    psychoanalyze his behavior, but would rather look at brain imagery studies to figure such people out.


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I will agree that there is some complex machinery at work here.

    However on a slight tangent, it just baffles me when humanity in general does not apply the same rigorous scrutiny

    to ALL of it\'s beliefs (not just religious).
    We like to fool ourselves.
    On topic though, I have to say that

    from an evolutionary standpoint, we may be driving Ferrari\'s now, but it\'s still a monkey at the wheel. And

    that in my opinion is much more dangerous than a more congruous combination.
    Ie. We are really following the same

    basic dominance/submission alpha beta hierarchal script that was bequeathed us by our animal brethren.

    still gasps in thin air.
    At risk of running my point into the ground, I don\'t think we can humanely advance

    until we have done away with this more or less.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -M

    this is a little OT (but it´s too early for me to say much else, yawn) they made a 2 part film/TV

    series about Freud which will be shown in some european countries in the near future.


  15. #15
    Man of La Pancha
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -M

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    this is a little OT (but it´s too early

    for me to say much else, yawn) they made a 2 part film/TV series about Freud which will be shown in some european

    countries in the near future. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    I heard it was a risque piece mixing Benny Hill with American inner city relations...


    Tell me about your mother...
    Patient: Don\'t you be talkin\' \'bout my mama, biaaatch!!!

    *Hilarious chase

    scene ensues at an increased frame rate*

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -M

    pancho, stop sniffing your pheros straight, it´s not good for you

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -Mones

    Well the article is pure bovine excrementum...
    Rather than accepting a \"dark side\" of the mind (IE

    the unsconcious) and the various mesmerisms and exorcisms as different manifestation, it discards it whatsover as a

    money hoarding construct. Pull the other one, mr. Expert.
    Freud was damn right about one thing: just about

    everything we do is based on sex. Our jobs, our looks, every time you hold the door for someone. There is sex behind

    it, more or less obviously. Basically people who can\'t cope with themselves being much less civilised and

    sophisticated than they would like to be naturally discard those theories.
    You cant kill the beast. You can pretend

    it doesnt exist and hide from it (resulting in a breakdown much later, the pressure accumulates...thus clerical

    rapists etc), or you can friggin learn to live with it and accept yourself as you are.

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -M

    One of the best quotes this forum has seen was \"we are all monkeys in denial\". Trying to

    \"overcome\" our animal side is just as reasonable as pretending it doesnt exist. You are trying to remove the

    motor from the ferrari and you hope it will go better afterwards.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -M

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    One of the best quotes this forum

    has seen was \"we are all monkeys in denial\". Trying to \"overcome\" our animal side is just as reasonable as

    pretending it doesnt exist. You are trying to remove the motor from the ferrari and you hope it will go better


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Wouldn\'t you say that in general, the advancement

    of human civilization has been more or less AWAY from our theoretical animal roots? (I say theoretical because I am

    NOT interested in a religious debate.)
    And that as general educational levels rise, humaneness toward other living

    creatures increases?
    Where would you feel safer and more productive, in a cage with hungry lions that are not

    likely capable of reflection much less empathy?
    I guess what I am trying to say, is that, I believe that in order

    for humanity to advance technologically and ethically, we must strive to maitain a vector AWAY from base animal


  20. #20
    Man of La Pancha
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -Mones

    That\'s a good point, Rakesh. People seem to forget the time period in which Freud lived.

    The Victorian era was full of sexual oppression/suppression, and people really did have sex on the brain because

    they were so damn horny from not being allowed any sexual freedom!

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] That\'s why everyone thinks he went overboard now because

    we\'re a little more accepting of sex as a part of human nature and don\'t have as much bottled up sexual

    tension to get released through other means such as dreams, etc. The common theme that Freud found in his patients

    were that they were molested as children or had other sexual problems. I do agree that a lot of his stuff was

    outlandish, but I again reiterate that everyone makes 1,000 mistakes for every brilliant idea they\'ve ever

    had...not to mention that that cocaine probably messed with his head.


    PS: Sure, I have a lot of bottled up sexual tension, but

    that\'s a whole different story... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

  21. #21
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -Mones

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    ...not to mention that that cocaine

    probably messed with his head. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Do ya think so? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast apple's Avatar
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -Mones

    yeah sexuality today changes everything. sure we do think about sex alot, but now its not towards

    everyone and everything. people can have one partner and think of sex only with them, instead of everyone else they

    see \"I wanna do that person and that person\" etc. ok so this seems to be rare still, but it does happen. we can

    express ourselves alot better in bed, we can do it more often, we can talk openly to our friends about sex. we get

    it out and so dont have it bottled up that its stuck on our brain 24/7 imo

  23. #23
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Regarding the Article, but Off the Topic of -Mones

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    yeah sexuality today changes

    everything. sure we do think about sex alot, but now its not towards everyone and everything. people can have one

    partner and think of sex only with them, instead of everyone else they see \"I wanna do that person and that

    person\" etc. ok so this seems to be rare still, but it does happen. we can express ourselves alot better in bed,

    we can do it more often, we can talk openly to our friends about sex. we get it out and so dont have it bottled up

    that its stuck on our brain 24/7 imo

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    It is in my brain 24/7 and

    everything I do is geared towards better sex........everything! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

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