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  1. #1
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    Default No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    After a few years without smoking I started again a few months ago. I lost a lot of weight because of it. I\'ve been thinking of quiting again, and the other day something gave me one more reason.
    I was at my ex\'s place and she comes up behind me, puts her hands up around my shirt, and starts feeling me from my chest to my stomach. \"Oh my god, you are so thin\" she says (she had previously expressed concern over my weight-loss) but then she says some like it\'s disgusting to touch you. Well the word (foreign language) wasn\'t as strong as disgusting, but close. I guess feeling my ribs was a real turn off.
    I\'m going to stop smoking (i\'m on my 29th hr without a cig. still have a ways to go though) and exercising (swimming and machine muscle building).
    My concern is that it will take me a long time to gain weight, especially with the exercise. So I\'m trying to find non-fat sources for gaining weight. Both supplements and/or regular foods.

  2. #2
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] Yep! Some like them thin, but your lady is like meself...thin just ain\'t in! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] If you quit smoking, it shouldn\'t be a problem gaining weight. I quit 4 March 02, and in that time I\'ve gone from 240 to 266. I\'ve never weigh this much, but I\'m loving it! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] The thing is...I haven\'t worked on my stomach at all! Annnnd it\'s still presentable! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] The only thing I\'ve been taking is EAS Myoplex Advanced Protein Ready-to-Drink shakes (they also have a low carb drink), Glutamine, lots of chicken, greens, and boiled eggs. People tend to get caught up with carbs being the fat builder, but sodium is the killer. When I was in the Navy, my supervisor ran 3-4 miles a day, taught robics, ate these weight thingys, but kept gaining weight(fat). I never tell a man anything unless they ask when it comes to the gym. When he finally asked, the only thing I didn\'t was asked him to let me see what he was eatting. It was the sodium! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] I don\'t think one can put on weight without putting on any fat. With can cut up and get heavier as you go, but to quickly pack it on without any way!!! That is...unless you do what a lot of young guys are going in my gym...juicing! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] see them just swelling up with no definition. Risking life just to walk around looking big...hmmmmmmmm SQUANGE! CRAZEE! STEWPID! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] This is only my opinion. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

  3. #3
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    try switching from machines to free weights.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    Creatine will build muscle quickly, but as soon as you stop taking it, most of it will go away as most of it is water taken into your muscke tissue.

    Ecdysterone (also known as ecdy) is a great supplament. The name will fool you into thinking it\'s a steroid precursor, but it belongs to a family known as isoflavones. It\'s actual mechanism is to improve protein synthesis and to prevent protein breakdown. It is taken with high protein meals. It has no negative side effects (in a small number of people it causes sleep problems), in fact every study done show that it causes your kidneys and liver to function better.

    I started taking it 4 weeks ago and I added 6 lbs while decreasing my body fat from 10.5% to 9.5%. That\'s probably a gain of 7 lbs of muscle, and it won\'t go away if I stop taking it, like creatine. Within about 2 weeks of taking it my lifting capacity went up quite a bit. It\'s not cheap, but it is effective.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    No offense to the guys here, but head over to and you\'ll probably get better advice.

    Alot could be written about this topic, but a couple quick things...

    Gains from creatine don\'t all go away when you stop taking it. Creatine causes your muscles to absorb more water when you start taking it (making your muscles look bigger). When you stop taking it, that effect goes away, making it seem like you\'ve lost muscle. But during the time that you take it, you\'ll be able to lift slightly more, helping you to gain more muscle -- muscle that won\'t go away because you stop taking it.

    Also, Ecdysterone is a junk supplement with very little science behind it and no real-world results in experienced lifters. (Sounds like the guy that recommended it just started lifting.)

    As far as nutrition, eat at least 6 meals a day. Get some chocolate flavored whey protein & make shakes with it, raw oatmeal, & natural (you should have to stir it) peanut butter.

    Lots more I could write, but go explore [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Gains from creatine don\'t all go away when you stop taking it. Creatine causes your muscles to absorb more water when you start taking it (making your muscles look bigger). When you stop taking it, that effect goes away, making it seem like you\'ve lost muscle. But during the time that you take it, you\'ll be able to lift slightly more, helping you to gain more muscle -- muscle that won\'t go away because you stop taking it.

    Also, Ecdysterone is a junk supplement with very little science behind it and no real-world results in experienced lifters. (Sounds like the guy that recommended it just started lifting.)

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I have ben lifting for years and at the age of 45 I have a six pack. I don\'t work out to get big because my addiction is surfing and I have to remain relatively small to ride short boards, unlike most people my age that are out of shape and ride the much less fun long boards.

    Sorry about the long post, but this is from, the website recommended by Tantalus747 on the \"junk supplement\" ecdysterone,

    Ecdysterone Highlights:

    A Drastic Increase in
    Lean Body Mass
    Increased Endurance
    Stimulates Metabolism
    Improves Nerve Function and Enhances Erythropoiesis (the development of mature red blood cells (erythrocytes))
    Decreases Blood Sugar
    Reduces Adipose Tissue
    Improves Nearly Every Bodily Function Including Brain and Liver
    It\'s Safe and Effective for Men, Women, and Even Teenagers
    Prevents the Loss of Muscle Mass while Promoting Growth of Muscle Fibers

    Not to mention:
    It does all this with absolutely no reported side effects, making it safe beyond reproach.

    No Negative Side
    No Virilization
    No Conversion Into Estrogenic Compounds
    No Liver Toxicity
    No High Blood Pressure
    No Testicular Shrinkage
    No effects on the hormonal system in mammals including humans
    Incredibly Low Toxicity Levels (Over 4,000 times that which a person should consume)
    Complete List:

    Increases protein synthesis
    Improves nearly every bodily function
    Stimulates protein synthesis in nervous tissue and
    increases nerve function
    Increases growth anabolicly in vertebrates including humans
    Increases total protein and glycogen content in muscles
    Increases myofibrilar proteins more efficiently than the anabolic steroids Methandrostenolone, the most potent steroid, Dianabol
    Suppresses hypoglycemia while powerfully stabilizing blood sugar levels
    Perfect glycemic regulator leading to constant energy and feeling of well-being
    Stimulates incorporation of glycogen into proteinaceous tissue such as liver and muscle
    Prevents high blood sugar levels and high insulin levels thereby halting fat production
    Pushes nutrients into muscle and organ tissue yielding better muscle growth and repair
    Possesses potent cholesterol-lowering effect
    Stimulates the phospholipids that are linked to enormous health benefits when stimulated
    Lowers cholesterol having a potent hepatoprotective action
    Cell membrane stabilizing properties
    Anti-arrhythmia stabilizing properties
    Restorative action on atherosclerosis
    Analgestic properties and a potent antioxidative effect
    Powerful anti-inflammatory properties
    Works against high cortisol levels as an anti- catabolic agent by reducing/eliminating stressors such as inflammation, preventing cortisol from being released
    Positive effect on the skin improving: keratinization, differentiation and acne
    Vastly increases athletic performance by increasing work capacity, body-weight, lung capacity, and VO2 max while also increasing exhalation of CO2.
    Increases lean muscle tissue and reduces adipose content
    Reduces fatigue and apathy, yet increases speed and strength
    Promotes a positive nitrogen balance and maintains a greater rate of protein synthesis

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    Here is more on Ecdy,

    The most often quoted ecdysterone scientific study was published in Scientific Sports Bulletin by S. Simakin in 1988. The objective of Simakin\'s famous study was to determine the effect of ecdysterone on muscle tissue mass and fat mass, while testing for hormonal changes in the subjects. For the study, three control factors were used: a placebo, protein, and ecdysterone with protein. The results were significantly in favor of the third factor. Of the 78 highly trained male and female athletes who consumed just protein, they showed only a slight increase in muscle mass for the 10 day period of time. Those who used a placebo lost a slight amount of lean muscle, while those who used protein plus ecdysterone showed a 6-7% increase in lean muscle tissue with nearly a 10% reduction in fat! Let me say that again: A 10% reduction in fat and a 7% increase in lean muscle tissue in just 10 days! Safety testing was conducted during the same time period which showed no difference in hormonal balance.

  8. #8
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    Ok now I\'m interested.

  9. #9
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    \"...juicing! see them just swelling up with no definition. Risking life just to walk around looking big...\"

    AND hung like gerbals

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Ok now I\'m interested.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    More studies and products can be seen here,

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    I was really hoping Tantalus747 did some research and had some comments on Ecdysterone [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

    The possitive research is not lacking and my personal experience with it is well within the results expected by that research.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    Sorry to keep posting on Ecdy, but here is some more research that may even interest the people that don\'t work out.

    In addition to its obvious application to bodybuilding, ecdysterone has another potential use. Ecdysterone, like tribulus terrestris, has the ability to increase testosterone production. By doing so, ecdysterone has the capability of improving overall sexual function. In one clinical study, ecdysterone was administered for 10 days, and after that time, sexual function was improved in the ecdysterone group. <font color=\"red\"> </font>

  13. #13
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I was really hoping Tantalus747 did some research and had some comments on Ecdysterone [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

    The possitive research is not lacking and my personal experience with it is well within the results expected by that research.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I\'ll do some research &amp; post again. I\'ve not been to this board since my last post, I don\'t have time to check here too often.

    When I recommended, I was actually thinking of the message boards over there. The store section of their site recommends some products that are worthless. They sell anything that has to do with bodybuilding &amp; they\'re not going to bash something they\'re trying to sell. There are some very knowledgable people on the message boards though. Sorry, I should have specified that.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    Just started research &amp; probably will be looking into it over the next few days, but here\'s something to get you started. Btw, if I find info in support of Ecdysterone, I\'ll post it too.

    I need to find a link to the entire study that you posted.

    \"Identification of ligands and coligands for the ecdysone-regulated gene switch.\"
    Saez E, Nelson MC, Eshelman B, Banayo E, Koder A, Cho GJ, Evans RM.

    The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 10010 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA.

    The presence of ecdysone molecules in the plant kingdom is nearly universal. Plants use ecdysteroids as natural insecticides, yet ecdysteroids are completely innocuous in mammals. Despite their steroidal skeleton, they have no teratogenic, sex-hormonal, anabolic, or analgesic properties. Moreover, humans consume large amounts of dietary ecdysteroids without such effects. For example, fresh spinach contains over 100 µg/g of 20-hydroxyecdysone. In rats, daily administration of 2 g/kg of ecdysteroid for 35 days has no effect on serum chemistry or organ weight. Ingested ecdysteroids survive the acidic conditions of the stomach, are quickly taken up, are promptly removed from the bloodstream, and are disposed of primarily through biliary excretion into the intestine.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Sorry to keep posting on Ecdy, but here is some more research that may even interest the people that don\'t work out.

    In addition to its obvious application to bodybuilding, ecdysterone has another potential use. Ecdysterone, like tribulus terrestris, has the ability to increase testosterone production. By doing so, ecdysterone has the capability of improving overall sexual function. In one clinical study, ecdysterone was administered for 10 days, and after that time, sexual function was improved in the ecdysterone group. <font color=\"red\"> </font>

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    The comment here about raising testosterone sounds like pure speculation, even the study you posted contradicts it. Everything I read says Ecdysterone has no effect on hormones. Even if it is effective, it\'s not through raised test levels.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: No-fat weight gain: foods and/or supplements

    Sorry I haven\'t posted in awhile, I have been tied up in my studies for exams. Ecdysterone is an intresting item, altho I don\'t think you get even the least bit close to the truley active analogues through marketed products. Awhile back I did a study using a highly potent cold extraction of pfaffia paniculata(brazilian ginseng)(source of 20-Hydroxy Ecdysterone). It did not have much of an effect on testosterone levels, altho it did increase copulatory behavior of some male rats). What was noticed in my study was an increased level of nitrogen retention, so taking it in conjunction with high doses of protein might mean that the enviroment is better for building muscle. However quality of my extract, and the dosage given far exceed affordability and usage. It may be junk in current formulations.

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