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  1. #1

    Default Newbie phero testing on girlfriend (in depth-and a little graphic) some field testing

    I hope this post does not offend anyone.


    Let me give you a little background information on my lovely fiancee. She is 19, Italian and as hot blooded as they come. This girl is the sweetest thing (sometimes she rides a broom, but dont all women?), but in the bedroom, she is almost primal.

    Definitely the best sex of my life. I mean come on, 5 foot 1, italian, 103lbs, size 3 with 34Ds and loves to be held down and \"done\" from behind in as many ways possible? I mean, damn!... I sure as hell dont need any other stimulants...(and I kinda wanted to rub it pics, wanna see!! ha ha)

    Over the past six months, before the phero testing, the sex kinda dried up. Yeah we were having it once a week, but sometimes she was not into it as much as she used to be and was not as \"energetic\" at starting things up.

    One day I located a missing bottle of APC, slopped it on and got some that night, the next night and the night after that. I needed to order more and found love-scent and the festivities began!

    I have been experimenting with my girl and have come up with some good mixtures. I must say that slapping on the APC and two dabs of NPA was one of the killer combos for my lady. WHen my NPA came in, I applied a decent amount of APC to chest and neck (maybe a little too much, but even when I thought I over did it, she just sniffed away and said how \"yummy\" I smelled) Anyway, I took two drops on my finger and swiped them down the sides of my neck.

    One thing is for certain, I have been getting it more frequently and because of that I have not been able to field test the stash that I have.

    I have tried so many combos on her and when I first started this thing, I was conservative and got good results. Then I tried to think that more was better or when I didn\'t get a response from her I would add more... This tended to be a little bad at times. One say I applied 2 drops of NPA, 2 drops of PI and then APC... She turned into a major crabass.

    Over the course of the evening, it started to fade and when she laid on my chest, she nuzzled my neck and sniffed \"you smell good\" she said and not too long after the fireworks began.

    Since I found love-scent, I think I can say that I have gone a little nuts... I own almost all of the heavy hitters and cannot wait to try reactions in more public environments. I have had \"hits\" around the workplace with a couple of the women, but I want a more definite test.

    When I recieved my bottle of SOE, I was under the impression that it was hard to OD and I think I applied too much of it maybe once, but never noticed a bad response or anything. Anyway, when I got the SOE, I once again tried it on her. With only SOE, she came in from work and was bitchy. She gave me a hug and asked what the cologne was (she was accustomed to the APC), I told her I found an old bottle of Aspen or some bullshit like that.

    In about 5 minutes she turned into a major chatterbox, she was cutsie and rubbed noses with me and constant hugs. This is not normal since she usually sits in front of the TV and remains in a coma for about an hour.

    I went to the bathroom and applied the NPA...In about 20 minutes she nuzzled up against me and soon she was almost on top of me not paying any attention to the TV.

    At first I thought, maybe she just didnt want to be bitchy to me, so I tested it again the next day (which she worked more hours). I am happy to say that I got the same result with just SOE and the same very happy result when the PI came on (ran out of NPA)

    Being with her for a while, I got to know her cycle pretty well and I wore an added dab of NPA or PI during these 3 day periods that always occurr 3 times a month with her. During those times, she is \"in heat\" (pardon the term) and I can count on one or maybe two of those days we have great sex a couple times...

    When I started playing with the pheros and adding that additional -none, I ended up getting it for 5 days straight at least 2 times a night...Now thats a definite \"hit\" if I ever saw one.

    Now I have been messing with mixing and tonight I used a 70% APC and 30% NPA/PI mix in a roller bottle. I catch her \"breathing\" hard on my neck and when I ask her why she is doing that, she says she is just breathing...Well it appears to me more like smelling... ha ha.

    Before I applied the APC I had made mention of going to my house. Usually we only go there to be alone and generally just go there to have sex. She didnt want to go (kinda knowing that was what I was hinting at) and got a little aggrevated with me. She didnt seem in the mood for anything and I have seen this attitude before and it\'s a definite NO WAY NIGHT.

    Well, after she changed into something very unfair to me... (tank top w/ no bra/hip hugger tight fleece sweat pants) I decided to give the mix the ultimate test. I disappeared to the bathroom and rolled the APC around my neck once, then down the sides. A little on the chest where she usually lays her head (if she feels cuddly, which she didnt really)

    I went back to the room and luckily she did not come too close to me to know that I wasnt wearing it before...We laid there, just next to each other watching TV. She suddenly started up a conversation about sex. Nothing big, just making comments and jokes. Then she cuddled up to me and laid directly on the spot I placed the mix. Then she climbed up and nuzzled my neck and stayed there for about 10 minutes. After that she started being playful and then just took over. My first mix seemed to have REALLY done the trick because she went nuts for about 3 hours, then I had to leave.

    (Mostly SOE + PI or NPA)

    Female clients have become more chatty, but the ones that I have met are mostly married, have kids, etc. They may sense something, but never let on other than being very friendly.

    The first time I wore APC+NPA (no SOE yet) around the office, this one lady just started chattin\' it up with me and commented on how she liked my hair longer like that...(need a haircut, really)

    When I wore AE + NPA, I get strange responses from the guys. They are nicer to me. Not attracted or anything, but just seem to be different.

    Tomorrow I will be at a client and in my line of work, I do database consulting for an HR/Payroll software company, the HR side of the business is usually populated with all women.

    Granted, most of the time they are 40, fat and mean, but sometimes I get a winner. I admit that I flirt, but never has it gone any further (I would have to be an idiot, besides, I have been too tired lately ;-)

    Anyway, tomorrow I have the pleasure of working with a very hot hispanic girl and about 5 of her co-workers. (two are so-so and the other three are very good looking). I cannot wait to see what happens!!!


    So far the only place that I tried this is at Woodfield Mall which is a huge mall by me. I went there to get an eye examination and new contacts. In the mall around this time of day, there are a LOT of high-school and college aged people there. Now, I am 26 and not cruising for high school chicks (though I get a lot of shit about my fiancee\'s age)...But like I said there are a couple colleges near by that empty into the mall. Then you have the surrounding corporate buildings which house many, many beautiful women.

    Anyway, after my examination I went through the mall and a couple stores. I got my first Deer In The Headlights!!

    I walked into Suncoast video and wandered through the Anime section. The girl behind the counter came out and asked me if I needed any help. She had to be around 18 or so and pretty darn cute. After I said I was just looking, I turned away and looked at one of the movies. When she walked up she came a little close to me..Like a little less than arm\'s length... As I stood there looking at the movie, she didnt move and I saw out of the corner of my eye that she didnt stop looking at me. This took MAYBE a minute...She wasn\'t gawking or anything (I am NOT all that nor claim to be). Then she walked behind me and went back to the counter.

    I giggled to myself and made it a point to inquire about a \"gift certificate\" and as she told me about it, she leaned on the counter to talk to me. Not in my face or too close, just in a way that didn\'t seem normal for some reason (I hope you know what I mean)

    I then decided to approach this one tall, beautiful blonde woman that runs a kiosk art stand in the mall. Just looking through the artwork and not hitting on her or anything...No response... (Whoah, door slammin\' time)

    Over the next hour or so, I got small \"hits\" of girls looking over at me when I stand next to them looking at something. I love these women that do the \"sneak\" looks that guys usually do. It\'s damn funny.


    This girl was very pretty, not gorgeous, but rather attractive. This was a VERY good hit for SOE and PI. I was picked up from the dealer by her in an Infinity QX4. She sat with me in the car for a short period of time and after a couple minutes the \"professional\" banter turned to softer, more \"friendly\" questions. I made a couple jokes about my car in the shop and she giggled and looked at me.. I was loving this shit!!!

    Anyway, we get to ERC and I ask her about the Infinity. The Ford dealer will only cover $25 of the rental, so the Infinity would be almost a $65/day upcharge (they rent them for $90/day). She said that they didn\'t have many cars to choose from and she would see what she can do.

    I stood in front of her at the counter and she continued with the chit chat which could still be normal, but then she started talking about the bars she goes to in the area and then asked me if I wore contacts. I inherited my \"really\" blue eyes from my dad (like ice-blue) and I have been asked this before. I told her no and she said \"well then you just have pretty eyes\"

    Come on, I have not heard that since high school... She must have been 23 or so... Anyway, she ended up giving me the Infinity for only $10 more/day..

    We walked out to the car and walked around it and I signed the agreement. Before she walked away, I was sitting in the car and she was standing next to it. The QX4 is a SUV so it was a little higher than her. She put her hand on my arm and told me to enjoy the vehicle and have a great day.

    HOT DAMN!!! I drove away and laughed my ass off... I wish I could do this on my own...Who knows maybe I did, but I sure as hell never had this happen before, so it must be the pheros!

    As you can see, I can type away like nothin... If no one is offended with how long this post is, I will continue to post hits in detail with what I used...

    Take care and wish me luck!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Newbie phero testing on girlfriend (in depth-and a little graphic) some field testing

    Yum. Good luck! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Newbie phero testing on girlfriend (in depth-and a little graphic) some field testing

    OH! MY! GOD! Is this what I have to beware when I receive my order [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Newbie phero testing on girlfriend (in depth-and a little graphic) some field testing

    ::mental note, italians, possibly extra -none sensitive::


    hehe, I really have to find time to go clubbing more often.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Newbie phero testing on girlfriend (in depth-and a little graphic) some field testing

    Hey Zarrack,

    We\'ve got some similarities in our lives at this point, I\'ve got about a 9 year age difference on my girl (I\'m 33, she\'s 24) She\'s also Italian, but a little taller.


    You mentioned...

    \"Being with her for a while, I got to know her cycle pretty well and I wore an added dab of NPA or PI during these 3 day periods that always occurr 3 times a month with her. During those times, she is \"in heat\" (pardon the term) and I can count on one or maybe two of those days we have great sex a couple times...\"

    DUDE - When are those days?? Pre-period, Post-period, During her period, etc...not that I\'ll assume that both girls have their hot times at the same time, but I\'d like to at least have a heads up on what to look for and approx when.

    See my latest post over on the:
    Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences thread...

    I had a VERY similar reaction from my girl using the JB1 mix and some Andro1.

    Great post overall, oh yeah..forward any of those pics at your leisure.



  6. #6
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    Default Re: Newbie phero testing on girlfriend (in depth-and a little graphic) some field testing

    Interesting read Zarrack... definitely keep us posted on anything new. Also I was wondering how much -none you\'ve been using, i.e. how much PI in that last hit.

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Newbie phero testing on girlfriend (in depth-and a little graphic) some field testing

    WELCOME TO HELL ALL WELCOME TO HELL LOL [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    This is the way it is sounds like you are lucky like me and just get the stuff to work a treat he he.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Newbie phero testing on girlfriend (in depth-and a little graphic) some field testing

    the ENTERPRISE incident was caused by a mix of SOE and PI...

    New to SOE, I rolled it around my whole neck once and then a stripe down my chest...

    Being deathly afraid of OD on PI, I only drip one drop on my finger, then dab it on the sides of my neck (two drops)

    As for the other question about the \"time of the month\" thing...

    Well it varies with different girls, but I do have to say that my fiancee gets hot at the normal 14th day of her cycle for about 4 days...

    She is also hot for about 3 days or so after her period and sometimes during...

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