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  1. #1

    Default Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    Hey guys thanx for the responses. And to answer a few of those questions about H-man, H-man is just what we call him (Hayden is his real name). And He is single/divorced like a great number of us 30 sumthin males here in the good ole USA. And night two was different. I adjusted H-mans dose and product.

    Day two and night two:

    Day two we all meet in the hotel restaurant at Zero Early Thirty (8 AM….And I am on a Vacation?). Dave is evading the Well whats the condom on the floor question from Jimmy, Ralph is boasting about his conquest (really nerve racking. Was actually thinking of giving him a very large OD on PI, to have everyone run away and deflate his ego a bit), H-Man was just grumpy and poo pooed pheros in general. Jimmy says he liked the way he felt when he wore as he termed “The Stuff”. Ralph said he got the Ego boost big time. And they all agreed that the DIHL from the reseraunt was cool even H-man had to admit that was pretty interesting and he then went on to say he got that a few times at the Saloon the night before…So he wanted to give it another whirl. We decided to kick it by the pool and just relax for a while, prior to going to WahWeap resort on the Lake.

    While at the pool we just were soaking up the sun and sweating out the toxins from the night prior. There were a few families as well as about 8 single women and a few couples there throughout the early afternoon. No pheros from the night before. Jimmy made allot of small talk with some of the fems. Dave kept to himself..But finally let it slip that he had just started to see a gal back home and did not want his nights interlude get back to his new friend. So we all stated what happens in Page stays in Page (gee I hope she does not find this Ralph and myself and Hayden just soaked up the sun and looked at the Eye Candy.

    Went to the Lake. If you have never been to Lake Powell and have the chance ..JUMP ON IT! It is one the most diverse and beautiful places I have ever been to. Many films and commercials are shot here year round. Turquoise water against red rock pillars that jump out of the water. Really breathtaking geological formations. We went to a the reseraunt at the lake. I had given each of us a half packet dose of the SOE Gel. Waitress mid thirties blonde, blue a 8 out of ten (consensus of the table). She was very chatty and was taken by Dave…he seemed to draw her in and just keep her smiling throughout the whole meal. She found out we were from Laughlin and said she comes down all the time. Then mentioned that she was coming down th eforst weekend in August with 5 other gals. Dave was happy and a bit unnerved at the same time..LOL. But she gave her telephone number and requested all of ours..We sucommbed to the pressure, and gave out our digits. After meal we drove around a bit and took photo’s.

    Back to the hotel to shower change and hit the town for dinner and a bit of the night life. Agda left a message on my room to let me know that she and some other friends would be at the Dam Bar that night. So we hit the road and went another steak house and ate some really good steaks (do not remember the name of the place…but if there I could find it again). Waitress/hostess 17-19 yr old pretty lil gal. Just kept on smiling and chatting and flipping hair.

    Oh I forgot the applications I gave everyone:

    Dave: PI (one drop to each side of the neck), just a small dab of SOE on the backside of hands..he talks with his hands a bit
    H-Man: Two Sprays of my mix ( I call it Mojo)
    Jimmy: Soe gel (1/2 packet), 2 dabs NPA
    Ralph: 3 Drops PI, 4 Dabs NPA (LOL I had to try to boost to almost OD for him..deflate the Ego a bit)
    Me TCO: 2 Sprays My mix (Mojo) and ½ Packet Soe Gel ( had to try these two together)

    Anyway the lil girl hostess just kept asking us questions…from work to girlfriends etc. Was kind of humorus. Well we finished up the meal had a beer or three, and left for the Dam Bar. When we got there it was about 8:30 and there was a large corwd there. Mostly like us, tourists. Some collage students, mostly europeans. We stood by the bar until a table could be found. Ralph went on the prowel with H-man. Jimmy, myself and Dave were just chatting with a fella from Australia. We told him about the experiment and he was truly interested and gave a email addy for the posting of results (Hey Jammy maybe another phero prospective user in your neck of the woods). While we were talking Jimmy was just chatting up a storm with about 3 or four mid twenties ladies, and Ralph was centering his attention on the bartender. A very nice looking mid twenties brunnete. But she was freindly but very reserved (do not think phero OD had much to do about this one…bartender in touristy places uselly allways get lines and hits all the time.) But Ralph was determined and stayed there. H-man came back to the group of us and then a pretty red head tapped him the shoulder and started to talk to him. She was another Pole who was trying to tell him he looked like her uncle somewhere in the wilds of Poland. So we watched this conversation over from them standing and shooting the breeze to them sitting in a corner table and laughing and carrying on. Big change for H-man from the night before. Ralph reported failure with the bartender. And then wanted to go the GunSmoke Saloon. Jimmy came back and wanted to go to the Saloon as well as the gals he was chatting witrh were heading that way in a short while. So Ralph and Jimmy went to Saloon to procure table. Dave and myself with the Aussie with us who’s name was Brad headed out, with H-man staying to chat with his new found friend longer.

    GunSmoke Saloon. Arrived at approx 10PM. Nice crowd , locals at the bar tourists and local mixed in throughuout the club. Found Ralph and Jimmy at table with 4 nice looking females. We arrived and sat and found out these gals were locals. All in there early to mid thirties. One gal was making eyes at our Aussie frind from the minute he opened his mouth. (“Oh I love that Accent”) Brad leaned over and asked if I had any of the Pheros on me. I gave hima small atomizer and told him to give himslef 2 sprays in the bathroom. He came back and then asked the girl to dance. Off they went. Ralph and jimmy were on the dance floor for what seemed like the whole band set. And they integrated the girls dance phenom (you know that thing when there are almost all women on the dance floor and no guys) they just kinda jumped in there and were really having a blast. Ralph was getting allot of attention from a older (his term..she was 43 we later found out) pretty woman. We could see her talk to him a bit, then they were grinding and getting pretty up close and personal out there. Brad the Aussie was now at bar with the local gal. Myself and Dave were talking to the few gals that were at the table. Then Hayden and his friend came in with Agda (polish chick I hooked up with the night before) and a group of about 15 gals and 5 guys. Apparently the honey H-man was with was part of the same tour group my friend was in. Anyway we got some more tables together (was not hard to convince the two tables on either side to push them together, as they were each being used by two single guys…they saw the numbers of fems and guy ratios and were eagar to help in anyway they could). Ralph came back and introduced us to his new friend Cathy from Phoenix, and said they were going to go and get some air and maybe a bite to eat (right Ralph ..he just ate a half a cow approx 2 – 3 hours earlier) and he departed. Brad was talking and drinking with is new found friend at the bar…kept giving us a double thumbs up everytine he looked over without her seeing…was very funny to see. Jimmy was splitting his chat time between 2 Poles who were really pretty…the euro thing high cheekbones ice blue eyes etc. H-man was just talking it up and dancing a bit with the redhead, Dave was chatting and danced a few with one one the local gals, and I was talking to Agda and a friend of hers named Sylvia. We chatted a danced a few songs and just flat out had a nice evening. After the word that last call was to happen we all decided to go to the Hotel and hang out and drink some more (we had adjoning rooms on a far end of wing thank god). Went to leave and asked Brad if he wanted to come along…he just smiled and said no thanx….gave a wink and thumbs up and said he was going to get a ride form the local gal. So we all went to hotel…approx 9 gals, Dave, Myslef, H-man, Jimmy and two other local guys from the table. It was decided to check out the jacuzzi and so some of us headed for the spa/pool area. I love Europeons…as they had no swim suits they decided in wearing their underwear…and most were not wearing bras…So we are in the hottub and drinking and trying to keep the noise down..allot of grab assing and genral hijinx going on. Then security shows up tells us we are to loud and the girls have no tops and generally we better move it back to our rooms..we comply. But Dave is not wanting to leave the jacuzzi and a girl sititng next to him agrees…they want ot stay. So we leave them there. Back to room Jimmy is all over a blonde, H-man and his redhead head over to his room accross the hall. Myself and Agda and Sylvia are just chatting away and they are trying to get dry with the AC/Heater unit in my room. We dicide to play cards . Poker for shots or clothing is decided to the betting Material, another girl wants to play as well as one of the local guys. So we break out the cards..and proceed to play. It gets to be 3:30 in themorning myself Agda Sylvia and another girl are pretty drunk and half naked. The other gal wants to sleep and Ralph is still gone so I put her in his room (it is adjoned to mine) and then back to cards…Agda and Sylvia are trying to gang up on me to get me naked. It was a blast..but I won got them both in their birthdays suites sitting at my table….me in my shiorts and one sock. Well it gets tro be 430 or so we are tired and so we decide to call it a night. Sylvia then just jumps into bed….Agda say something in Polish and they both laugh…then Agda asks if there is a problem…I say Nope ..and we all get into bed…Nothing really happened except allot a playful grabbassing and general heavy petting..I was in heavan..between two pretty gals…..

    When I woke up Sylvia was gone Agda was still there. Looked into Ralphs room and he was gone the girl was still there. Called H-man and Jimmy and Dave, all were acounted for except Ralph…We all decided to meet for Breakfast. At breakfast there was Dave and someone, Jimmy (his someone was still passed out dead to the world) and H-man and the redhead (I cannot remember her name), and mysef and Agda. We ate then dropped the gals off at their hotel..then went back to Hotel. Ralph was back…said he was schooled by Cathy. He said she used him and abused him for most of the night. He had never been with an older gal before..and was really excited about the whole thing (We heard the story at least three times on the way back home). We packed and then left for home.

    Concnsus was:Pheros Work! H-man seemed to like the way it made talking to fems easier. But the first night he dod not like them at all. Ralph is sold he wants to try again soon. Dave still abit skeptical but thinks there is something to them. Jimmy like the way he can go into a group of women and just start to talk to them with out feeling inferior (He is not to tall and has always had a thing about that since he was a kid) he said the ego boost and self assurance was really a neat thing.

    Anyway long post and if you read…thanx …But all in all it was a good thing.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment *DELETED*

    Post deleted by franki

  3. #3

    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    Excellent post dude. I just mentioned you in my last post. This one\'s a bit long for an everyday post but it\'s well done and even enjoyable. Very informative. Make sure you read The Hit Squad Masters Unit. The new home for post just like this one.

    -The Bat

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    Funny that Ralph who was the one with the heavy NONE dose was getting the attention of an \"older\" woman. Looks like the theories here about the amount of none and the age of women who are attracted to it are sound.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    What\'s in your \"mojo\" formula?

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    Well we need more aussies on the board am i the only one left oh well all the more fun for me, it looks like if i order a1 i will be the only aussie to have ordered yet (customs could be a pain) so out of 20 million im the only one running around with a1 he he that sounds like good odds for myself. lol.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    Nice Experiment TCO.I find it very entertaining and informative too.I am also curious,what is this Mojo formula? Will it be the next \"Big Thing\"?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    Wooo-Hooo TallCoolOne,are you still alive old buddy old pal? I..err...we haven\'t heard from you in a while.I hope you didn\'t become another victim of an experiment gone wrong.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    As of now i am still looking a formula that will give me sustantially large hits on my Asian female targets. Well this mojo formula could be it.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    Phantom, here is the second day of \"Lake Powell Phero Experiment\".

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    Thanks [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    Brad from Australia? In Arizona?? In July he says??? ...Now that is very interesting BTW. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #13
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    I don\'t know about anyone else but i really want to know what \"Mojo\" is!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    TCO told me it was a mix of none and nol. I don\'t know about the exact ratio\'s.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  15. #15
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment

    Thanks franki.

    I was hoping it would be something more interesting, but it did seem to work.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Night 2..Lake Powell Phero Experiment.

    OK john here is the second night..i found it.Had to blow the dust off of it.LOL,,Hope you like


    Cheers, TCO

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