Trust me, they work. They may not be working for you (or may not work for you at all) for whatever reasons.

But it\'s obvious that they do something. There are over 1000 people on this board, and there\'s a growing body of research make it obvious.

My advice to you would be to try and forget that you\'re wearing them. Don\'t go out looking for hits; a watched pot yada yada etc.

About a month after I started wearing pheros I got a hit that made it pretty apparent to me. Long story short: a girl who I had known for a while (but hadn\'t seen in a while) comes to visit my hallmate (dorms), they\'re \"friends with benefits\" but he really likes her. She ignores the crap out of him and was going for my dick before I had even kissed her. All the while she\'s going \"What\'s that wonderful smell?!\" She said like five times.

Now this was not a good hit, I had to kick her out. She was scaring me with the slut routine. But I set this girl on FIRE without doing anything, I was embarassed infront of my friends because this girl was acting so foolish.

Stuff like this happens often to me now (but in a good way, the girls don\'t go psycho!). My friends have noticed too. They say things like \"Man, when a girl sets her mind on you, watch out!\"

An old friend of mine (female) recently told me (word for word I shit you not) \"What the hell is it about you that makes these girls you mess with go ape shit over you! Did you just finish puberty? Are you secreting some kind of martian sex chemical?!\"

I probably turned white whem she said that.