</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
This seems like a totally different topic:
Top Ten Reasons I Know Pheromones Work

10. Sales associates actually try to help me out when I’m shopping.

9. People tend to remember my name.

8. Baristas give me free coffee.

7. Bartenders give me free drinks.

6. Neighbors are neighborly.

5. Women tend to check me out.

4. Drunk women hit on me.

3. Sober women flirt with me.

2. I got a nice raise and a bonus two months into my new job.

And... (drum roll)...

1. My girlfriend is MUCH cuter, MUCH younger, Considerably richer, Significantly taller, and possibly smarter (although I would never admit it) than I am.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Wow your girlfriends sounds really lucky.

I could rename your top ten, the list of things that happen to millions of people.

SwingerMD, yes, I still hold that being and acting confident are the same. If you are transparnetly confident, then your not really acting.

I think you describing the phenominom best, \"a self-fulfilling prophecy\"
