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  1. #31
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Time to Re-Read \"Brave New World\"

    As I understand it, you do not need a male to create a female but would need one to create a male. But, you must have a female to create a male. So, yes, the male could become obsolete.

    An issue they discovered with Dolly is that they cloned an animal that was already mature. The genetic errors that crop up during the aging process were inherent in the clone. The baby had the older genes of a mature animal. Before cloning to make babies could become a reality they would have to overcome that issue.

    Cloning to replace a person who has died is just weird IMHO. You\'ll never get that person back unless you somehow could make a recording of their every thought and experience then insert it into the clone. It does sound awfully Sci-fi, doesn\'t it?

    The basic research is the important part. If one day, I needed a new liver, having one tailor made for me would be ideal. Or having the genetic knowledge to make humans cancer proof. There are many horrible deseases that could be cured or prevented through the use of genetics.

    The important point is to regulate cloning and genetic research so that scientists can learn how to use this technology to our betterment.

  2. #32
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Time to Re-Read \"Brave New World\"

    ...One other thing I\'ve heard about cloning that I might add. But, I\'ve heard that a man is totally unnecessary in the process. His sperm is not needed...

    ...As I understand it, you do not need a male to create a female but would need one to create a male. But, you must have a female to create a male. So, yes, the male could become obsolete...

    And therein lies the dirty secret. This whole thing is being driven by the politically correct stormtroopers and the man hating NOUW. (National Organization of Ugly Women).

    It is their FINAL SOLUTION, shall we say!

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Time to Re-Read \"Brave New World\"

    exit63, I agree. Go read \"the myth of male power\". I only read few pages of it in the bookstore and it was very enlighting. If you think this is a man\'s world, you need to think again.

  4. #34

    Default Re: Time to Re-Read \"Brave New World\"

    Oh, good lord.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Time to Re-Read \"Brave New World\"

    well maybe extishing men permently would be a bit far. Maybe they will keep us around for stud services (and to cut the grass, change oil in the car, stuff like that). I wouldn\'t mind that!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #36
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Why do we have Sex?

    This is a scientific question - why sex?

    Life got along pretty fairly before sex was invited but why did Nature go to all the trouble of making gender?

    Cloning is just a form of asexual reproduction. Most parasites (including disease organisms) reproduce asexually. By going to sexual reproduction, we\'ve gained the chance to change genetically more rapidly.

    Cloning throws all that away and for what?

    As to men becoming useless, as I pointed out, just wait until the next war. Or, think of two cultures, one without men and one with men and women. Pretty soon, the one with men will invade and impregnate the women who try to reproduce asexually.

  7. #37
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do we have Sex?

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    the one with men will invade and impregnate the women who try to reproduce asexually

    Those would be some lucky men!

    Imagine the title, Impregnator In Chief...

  8. #38

    Default Re: Why do we have Sex?

    Lucky women, you mean!

  9. #39

    Default Re: Why do we have Sex?

    Well, i\'m new here, but i\'ll add my 2 cents worth on the cloning issue:
    This idea, while it may have its merits to some people, appears to me to be a can of worms once it\'s opened. For example, with all of the crazy governments on this planet, what\'s to stop say, the Chinese from sterilizing \"undesirable\' males and females and cloning enough men to provide millions of additional soldiers, or perhaps peasants for slave-type labor? The same for the Iraqis, Iranians, North Koreans, etc. What if the folks in the Manson family want to clone Charlie; surely they could get a DNA sample if that\'s what they needed to do. Or, let\'s say someone wants to start a new cult such as \"Jonestown?\" Where\'s this thing gonna end? In the hands of the wrong deranged group it may be as big of a nightmare as nukes or bio-terrorism.
    As far as men disappearing any time soon, i don\'t think it\'s gonna happen. Just look at MSNBC\'s website today. There\'s any article there about the selling of young women and girls in Eastern Europe to the underworld for prostitution. These women were duped into thinking that they were escaping poverty and their desperate future for the promise of good jobs in Western Europe. These women are pure slaves who would kill to go back home, or even have a nice, decent man that would love and care for them. They can\'t afford to have cloning or in-vitro or whatever else is available out there in the way of genetic engineering. Also, look at Latin America\'s problems, especially Colombia and Venezuela. A lot of women from those places are begging to come to the United States in the hope of a better life and the possibility of a family, etc. They can barely afford the basics of life as it now stands, and they certainly won\'t be candidates for the cloning list.
    I think that all of this cloning business can get really ugly in a hurry.

  10. #40
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do we have Sex?

    just wait until the next war

    I can think of very few things more terrifying than an all woman army.

  11. #41
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Why do we have Sex?

    I can..a all woman army PMS\'ing

  12. #42
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why do we have Sex?

    No kidding. I live in a household where I am the only man. They\'ve all syncronized their cycles. So about five days of the month, I am better off to go stay in a motel.

    Now can you picture half a million of them?

  13. #43

    Default Re: Why do we have Sex?

    That\'s right.

    Be afraid. Be very afraid.

  14. #44
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Why do we have Sex?

    Naw..n/p ,simply drop a case of energizers and couble 1000 BoBs amoung them and then spray them with -mones, they be to busy to fight then [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  15. #45
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    Default Re: Why do we have Sex?

    what would be even sacrier would be if cloning fell into the hands of the the big greedy corpations that run this country (the US). I personally think we should not clone anyone. We already have too many people and not enough resources.

  16. #46
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Why do we have Sex?

    ANother use is for rulers of dictatorships to try and reproduce themselves so they have a line of descendants that are copies of themselves (saddam husieen anyone).
    Im sure there are many more pressing issues with genetic engineering like custom made babies with certain charter trains and like blue eyes dark hair made to order.

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