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  1. #1
    King of the coupons!
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    Apr 2002
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    Default Chikara + Perception + Pheros! PART1

    CHIKARA: I'll tell you, though, that Chikara is looking like magic. I

    accidentally OD'd tonight. My bottle was giving me these little itty-bitty spritz's, so I decided to go with six.

    About halfway through, it started spraying full on. Well, I attended my last two dance classes tonight. If I had

    wanted to get laid, I could have, almost right then and there. Several women kept rubbing their breasts against my

    chest. The teacher rubbed her butt on my hand as I reached behind her. I had to ask one lady to stop dancing so

    close because we were going places we couldn't go. She asked me later on if I was taking her anywhere (didn't

    happen because I am not interested in her, but she has a VERY nice chest on her). I think that, when my situation

    stabilizes and I need more mones, I'll probably just go with Chikara for a while. It works like nothing I have ever

    seen, and I have tried quite a few pheromone products...Simply amazing stuff...Can not say enough good things about

    it. (FRIENDLY1)

    CHIKARA: I put on 3 sprays of

    Chikara (one to wrists and two to sides of neck) and went to see my physical therapist (I

    injured my hip last year) and on the way out, I stood around talking with the pretty blonde receptionist (35-40) and

    as I turned to leave, I told her to have a good week. She got a big smile on her face, touched my arm, and said

    'You have a great week too, hun.... Um.. Er...I mean Jim' She has NEVER touched me.... let alone slipped up and

    called me hun or anything besides my name. In a year, she has never been anything but professional.... very nice,

    but professional none the less. I walked out of there with a big grin on my face KNOWING that Chikara had worked its

    magic yet again. It’
    s a wonder brew!!! (GOSSAMER 2701)


    Ok folks. I have not posted here in a while, and I realize I am behind the curve with Chikara. I received my beta

    order about 3-4 weeks ago an have been meaning to post this ever since. I have read a lot in the forum of people

    saying Chikara has a loosening up effect and is kinda like WAGG or SOE maybe. Well let me tell you...the very first

    day I wore this at work, by the end of the day I was making out with a co-worker who I have been trying to get

    something going with for months to no avail. I could not believe it! I had a relationship of sorts with this woman

    that ended six months ago and she has made it clear ever since that we were going nowhere. Out of the blue, the

    first time I wore Chikara, bam! I was completely shocked!!! I have used it on occasion since not wanting to wear it

    out, and I have had similar reactions from her, not always that strong, but always real lovey dovey etc. Plus others

    have responded as well. (DRYGIN)

    CHIKARA: This morning, on my

    way to visit a client, I was standing in line in a convenience store. There were about half a dozen people around me

    but I wasn't really paying any attention to them and didn't notice the blond in line behind me. That is until she

    got real close and put her hand on my shoulder to get my attention. She wanted to know what cologne I was wearing,

    thought it smelled wonderful. I was wearing 3 sprays of Chikara (beta). I told her it was a test product that a

    friend would be marketing soon. She was about 5' 5" tall and slender, maybe 30 years old, wearing business type

    clothes and very attractive. We chatted while waiting in line. After leaving the store, I went to my car and was

    just backing out when she came out of the store and waved for me to stop. She wanted me to call her and let her know

    all about it and managed to tell me she was single and really would like a lunch companion some day soon. We swapped

    business cards but I don't intend to follow up on it. Clearly a Chikara hit.


    CHIKARA: I have noticed that most of the info posted

    about Chikara has revolved around its ability to loosen people up, and of course that's great, but I have been

    wearing it exclusively ever since I received it, and I today saw something that I haven't seen since my first days

    of being a phero enthusiast. One of my female friends, who I have known forever, started the seemingly

    uncontrollable twitching in the genital area that I haven't seen since my early experiments several years ago,

    while we were at work with co-workers all around. Chikara appears to be more sexual than it is being given credit

    for, but the sexual component seems to be in the form of a gradual work-up, rather than the immediate hit. Chikara +

    Patience = Sexual AND Friendly hit...nice formula if you ask me!


    CHIKARA:AE: Thursday 5:42 pm apply 2 drops

    spread among forearms and neck. 1 spray Chikara front of neck. Arrive home around 6:30 pm. Around 7:30

    pm my wife calls me away from my son into the kitchen to talk. (Background: we both are incredibly busy and have

    very different schedules so it's difficult to find time when we are both awake and our son is not.) She says, "We

    have to find some time to schedule sex." (NONSCENTS)


    tried 1 drop of JB#1 on my chest covered with 1 spray of Chikara in addition to 1 spray of Chikara on each arm. I

    did notice that the follows got a little more aggressive on asking me to dance. I think it was on the average of

    10-15 per hour. Usually starts out slow then I keep on getting nabbed after each dance (Some even insist that I can

    go one more dance without grabbing a cup of water.)


    CHIKARA:NPA: I used 2 to 4 sprays of CHIKARA sprays

    and a dab of NPA on the wrists and went out to the mall today. I couldn't believe the response I was getting from

    not one but many ladies. Everyone I chatted with in stores smiled and seemed to not want to let the conversation go!

    The night before an ex-girlfriend phoned me out of the blue and asked me if I wanted to go bar hopping with her.

    Well, to make a long story short, I had to shake her out of the sheets this morning! 2 to 4 sprays of CHIKARA and

    NPA to the wrist is a deadly combo!!!!! This is crazy!!!!


    CHIKARA:NPA: Always directly onto the skin for

    everything: (1) My daytime dose is two sprays of CHIKARA only. (2) CHIKARA and a couple of dabs of NPA is my new

    formula for sexual hits. I've gotten several heretofor unreported sexual hits from it and it really sets the mood

    for lovemaking. For a night out, I use two sprays of CHIKARA to the chest and one spread over both forearms, then

    add a dab of NPA behind each ear and maybe a drop on the pubic hairs if I think there's a chance of getting oral

    sex. (It so simulates them!) Two sprays of CHIKARA on my chest, then about an hour later went to the clinic to see a

    doctor for a minor skin thing. When I was called in, the nurse's aide "processed" me into the system. She was a

    sweet young thing, maybe early twenties, clean and cute, but not overtly sexy. While weighing me in, she boobed me.

    I looked at her and she returned the eye contact and gave me a vague, passive smile like she knew what she was

    doing. I had given her my date of birth, so she knew I was considerably older than her (i.e. her daddy's age.) When

    we went into the examining room, she took my blood pressure in a new way. She took my arm and placed my hand up

    under her breast so that the my hand was pressed up against her side and my forearm was pushing her breast up. She

    seemed to take forever to finish too. I've never had that much intimate contact with a nurse getting my BP. Is this

    some new technique? I liked it! As she was leaving, I told her how proud I was of myself for resisting the urge to

    tickle her. She didn't laugh, just smiled like "Do more, idiot." I just didn't think that I should grab a tit at

    that moment. While I was my normal, charming self, I'd give CHIKARA credit for this unusually close contact. But,

    as above, CHIKARA works by itself too. (WHITEHALL)


    2 sprays of Chikara with 1 dab NPA... good times! Yesterday, there were a table of girls at a local coffee shop that

    completely stopped their conversation when I walked in and just stared at was insane! The lady at the

    barista was very talkative and went out of her way to make sure my coffee was good. Gave me a big smile. I sat down

    outside and noticed a few girls walk into the coffee shop and then come back outside to sit downwind of me. One was

    crossing her legs with her toe pointed right at me. These were college age girls, all 7-8s. All I can say is wow!!

    I'm 20 years old and I'm a good looking guy that tends to get looks occasionally, but this was beyond anything

    I've ever experienced. I love the mix of the two together, Chikara and NPA are good on their own, but dang, the

    reactions and the feeling of just being an undisputed ladies man go right along with the mix. The confidence boost

    alone is worth the price of both. A great day. (BASE3B833 --


    CHIKARA:NPA:SOE: For good hits, try 2 sprays CHIKARA, 4"

    SOE, and 1 dab of NPA/m. I got DIHL and a lot of smiles.



    ~ CHIKARA:NPA:SOE: I’ve been using 6 inches of SOE scented (3 inches on

    each wrist, and rubbed together: 1 dab of NPA (spreaded around on my neck covered with 3 sprays of Chikara, and

    rubbed it all in, for the past couple weeks almost daily. I've been getting LOTS of looks, and girls who are around

    me for more than 10 minutes usually start twirling their hair like crazy. Last week I went into Boston to see a Red

    Sox game. I took the train. On the way into Boston, I had a middle-aged couple standing right in front of me on the

    train. The woman gazed at me the ENTIRE time we were on the train, and even when I looked up at her, she would not

    look away. I also noticed a girl (probably 18 or 19) shooting me quick glances, but no smiles from her or anything.

    It was mainly just looks of curiosity. We eventually had to switch trains. Once we got off first train, my friend

    immediately points out that there were a lot of women giving me weird looks. Anyway... We get on the next train and

    there is a Spanish couple sitting directly across from us. The guy would be talking to her and she would look at me

    as if she were not interesting in anything he had to say. I figured it was just because I was in her direct field of

    view. After about 5 minutes, she started twirling her hair excessively, and I do mean excessively. At one point she

    started twirling her hair up and then putting it into her mouth. I wasn't attracted to her so I kinda played it

    off. The couple eventually got off the train, and we finally made it to Boston. Not too much to report at the ball

    park. I had great seats right behind home plate so my attention was on the game the entire night. There were a

    couple of cute teenage girls who walked up to me and asked me if there was anyone sitting in the seats next to me. I

    told them that there wasn't, and they sat down. No looks from either of them though. (More on these this later

    though.) In about the 4th inning of the game, a couple showed up to claim their seats so the girls had to move. The

    girl of the couple must have been about 21 or 22 and she was very cute. She kept looking at us as if she wanted to

    ask us something I. Not to my surprise, she eventually says "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" I said "Sure" and

    then she asks me how I ended up getting the seats. It turns out that her father owned 4 season tickets. She had 2

    and we had 2. So I explained to her that my uncle got them from one of his buddies at work. Later that night she

    caught a kid sitting in front of me checking out some girl who was standing in the aisle. She immediately started

    talking to the kid about how she thought the girl was pretty "but her ass needed work." She made plenty of eye

    contact with me as she was talking to the kid. I got the feeling that she forgot that I wasn't the guy that was

    checking the girl out. So this was a little weird to me. After the game, we hit up McDonalds. We eventually got back

    on the train and this is where I got my strongest hit. A girl got on the train by herself and sat somewhat-across

    from me. I assumed she had went to the game because she was wearing a Red Sox hat. I didn't notice anything

    immediately, but after a few minutes, I looked at her and she was staring at my like she was looking into a bright

    light. Her eyes were squinted and her mouth was partially opened. I would consider this a DIHL, but once I looked at

    her, she immediately shook it off and looked away. All in all, it was a pretty good night. Plenty of hits! Beyond

    what I had expected anyway. The very next night I was getting together with a girl I had went to high school with.

    We were never really close in high school and I got the feeling that she really didn't trust me that much. That has

    since changed. She called me at about 7:30. I had my phone on silent for some strange reason. So I didn't know she

    called until I looked at my phone about a half hour later. She left me voicemail telling that we were still on for

    that night. So I hopped in the shower. When I got out, I had a text message from asking me if I had gotten the

    voicemail that she had sent. I called her back and she asked me if I wanted to go grab something to eat and go over

    her house to watch tv. I still don't know her family and I expressed a little apprehension (yes I am an IDIOT!) She

    pointed out that only her mother would be there. So after a little hesitation, I agreed. So she told me that she'd

    call me back in 15 minutes with the final plans. She eventually called me back and told me that we would just go out

    and get something to eat. She didn't want me to be uncomfortable at her house. I wanted to hit myself very hard.

    She had never asked me to come over before. That told me that she had become much more comfortable with me over the

    past year or so. I'd also like to point out that I wore pheromones about a month ago the last time I went out with

    her. So maybe that had something to do with it. Alright, getting back to business. She picked me up because sadly I

    do not own a car. We drove around for a bit and finally decided where we were going to eat. While we were waiting

    for a table, we chatted it up a bit. On multiple occasions, she would touch my arm whenever I would say something

    funny. She has NEVER done this before. I've known her for years. We finally got a table, and the waitress wasn't

    very friendly at all. She wouldn't even make eye contact with me when she took my order. Perhaps it was the -none.

    Anyway, we got our food and had a very nice conversation. She was seated very comfortable. She had both feet up on

    her booth with her legs spread. We made plenty of contact. But I eventually started noticed her looking away while

    we were talking. I don't think I was that boring. So maybe I was wearing a bit too much -none and it was starting

    to kick in. There were 3 girls who came in and sat down in the booth right next to us. One of the girls shot me

    glances from time to time. The hair twirling started as usual and the looks became longer. I ignored her and she

    eventually forgot about me. The only other thing I can point out is that while we were eating, she says "You remind

    me so much of my dad. Just the way you eat and your posture." I wasn't really bothered by this. I'm not trying to

    get with this girl. She's going back to school soon and I won't see her again for about 4 months. She's extremely

    beautiful and I love hanging out with her, but we'll always just be friends. She's becoming more comfortable with

    me as time progresses and that's what I want. I'm not going to try to make a relationship out of it. She's much

    too valuable as friend to me. There's plenty of other girls for the relationship department. So we eventually said

    our good-byes and ended the night with a hug. She told me to keep in touch. I recommend you try this mix. It's

    awesome! (FUSE 19)

    CHIKARA:NOL: I’ve been experimenting with a

    mix of Nol + Chikara. One of the younger women at work has been giving me this curious look that strikes me as a

    cross between wonder and desire. I can’t quite make it out.



    A) Since I have been combining Pheros with

    Chikara, I have definitely hit on a winner. People really are coming out of the wood work and

    going way out of the way to have extended conversations to where I scratch my head and think what the? Then I

    remember the combo is working its magic and I smile which makes them talk even more.

    B) I have been using 2 sprays either on both sides of the neck

    or on my wrists. I have had spectacular reactions with this stuff. Girls are more touchy feely when they talk with

    me. I have been told a couple of times that I am sniffalicious. And once they start doing the big sniffs off of my

    neck it is just a matter of time before they are in the mood for some lovin'. This has been a perfect match for my

    personality and aura. And as Bruce said be easy with the stuff it lasts at least 6 hours for me. The key thing here

    is that I personally don't think there is a product that when applied everyone around you wants to make babies with

    ya soon as you walk in a room, but start a civilized conversation with
    Chikara on and watch the

    magic begin to unfold. (BURGERAMA1960)

    CHIKARA:PHEROS: I thought

    putting a dab of Pheros right on top of a spray of
    Chikara smelled good to me.


    CHIKARA:PHEROS: It DOES work out well! I

    had been using several dabs Pheros covered with 2 sprays Chikara for several weeks. The scents mixed well together,

    but faded after a few hours. Even after the scent faded there seemed to be a strong after effect, well into the next

    morning, at least initially. The combo seemed to work better when I mixed the two together on my skin instead of

    applying in totally separate areas. However, after weeks of constant use this combo seemed to have lost something?

    Perhaps using it ever day for so many weeks wasn't such a hot idea. I tried adding some TE to the mix once and had

    similar reactions as Gossamer. I'd say this combo works GREAT, but as with any -mones buildup is an issue.


    CHIKARA & PI: Well, my favorite Chikara combo is 3-4

    sprays of Chikara with a drop of PI. The results have been very consistent, and it affects me as much as it does

    others around me. Chicks tended to spot me as a player instantly and treated me with much respect and care. I'm

    generally okay with women most of the time, but I could definitely see the difference with the combo oozing from me.

    An undeniable edge that I'd rather not do without.


    CHIKARA/TE: Constant hits include (1) Sexy smiles from all

    kinds of women. (2) If I'm standing in line at a register, sometimes women will turn around, look me up and down,

    then smile and turn back around. (3) Lots of respect from other guys. I'll never forget the first time I wore

    Chikara. Some guy needed helping find a specific battery for his watch. I discovered that we were actually out of

    stock on that particular battery. So I told him and he treated me like I had just given him $1000. He probably

    thanked me for my help about 5 times in 3 sentences. And he was looking at me like I was the President of United

    States. The respect was that clear. Bottom line.... Chikara is great stuff. I NEVER got these kinds of reactions

    from women before I started using pheromones. I've been using the same mix for the past 3 weeks, and I'm getting

    better results than I have ever had before with 2 dabs of
    TE (1 on each wrist.) 4 sprays of Chikara (1 on

    each wrist to cover the TE, 1 on front of neck, 1 on back of neck.) I then rub my wrists together. (FUSE


    CHIKARA/TE/APC: I’ve only tried Chikara + TE a couple of

    times. Based on this limited experience, the Chikara combo seems to evoke more and more intense hits. Women don’’t

    seem as talkative as with SOE + TE but they seem more attentive, possibly more in love. My best experience with this

    combo was at a yuppie bar after work one day. I had worn a spray of Chikara to work and I added two dabs of my "JB

    bootleg" mix (3 TE:7 APC) after getting off. A very hot flight attendant sat next to me & my friend at the bar. My

    friend tried to create some rapport, but she was merely polite. I simply complemented her perfume and her face lit

    up, she moved to my side of the bar and told me about the flowers that it’s
    derived from. Within minutes her

    knee was pressed right against mine and she was using dozens of touching gestures as we talked (even stroking my

    hair and touching my face.) (A.K.A.)

    CHIKARA:WAGG: I have used

    Chikara + WAGG with good results so far. Seems to loosen up people. Last night I was in a club wearing 2 sprays of

    Chikara + 2 dabs of WAGG. Three girls around late 20s were checking me out all night. I wasn't in a mood for

    anything, so I didn’
    t approach them, although if I would have, I think things would go well. (JO23ER)

    PERCEPTION: I decided to try I experiment since I know I'm

    wearing Perception today (ONE spray of Perception on chest, ONE spray on wrists, and a cover cologne. I always spray

    the cover scent first and then the mones on top of it.) There is this cutie that works with me, she is 20, blonde,

    green eyes, thin, and very hot. We are just cool friends...she has a boyfriend. When I saw her this morning by my

    desk, I said "smell me and tell me what you think," so she did, and then she said, "oh yeah I like that, it gets me

    hot" I could not believe that comment! Since we are friends and just to make sure, I said " hahaha I'm serious what

    did you think? I'm trying this new cologne and want to see if I should buy it or not," and then she said "buy's wonderful!!!" I know this was a hit because of the way she said, "it makes me hot." It was real...she was

    not trying to be funny or anything. I know her, and she was serious, so I know Perception works.




    black]A) First of all I'm on call, so when I recieved my bottle of Perception, I didn't use it right off. Today

    I used ONE spray of the mones on my chest, and the perfume I sprayed 1 spritz on my arms, and off to the bank I

    went. I walked into the bank and noticed the tellers were all glancing at me, and I had some very nice greetings as

    I entered. The bank was slow, so no line. I went up to this cute 7 teller mid 30's, handed her my deposit, and

    wanted a balance inquery. She stumbled over her words and when she took my check, she touched my arm (first time she

    ever did that). I looked into her eyes and she was staring deeply back. Her face seemed to have turned red and she

    went back to work (major hit). She finally gave me my balance in the account and thanked me for stopping in. Before

    I left, she gave me my recipt for the deposit and made a comment about lunch. So we set up to do lunch tomorrow

    afternoon. As I was leaving the bank, I held the door for a woman to enter. She stopped and stared, and then

    proceeded into the bank. I looked at the counter again and the female tellers were wispering as I left. On to the

    cell phone store I went. Drove around a while while trying to find a parking space. Got to the store and noticed a

    red headed woman mid 20's at the desk (solid 9). She greeted me as I entered the store and asked what I needed. I

    explained to her I was there to get my phone upgraded. She took down my information and informed me that I would be

    next. The store was busy and sure enough, the next associate was availiable and I was talking with them. As I walked

    through the store people were looking and parting (Like moses and the red sea). The associate told me that it would

    take 30 min for the upgrade, so I waited. As I was waiting, the red headed woman came up to me, and we talked. She

    seemed to ignore the rest of the customers like we were the only ones in the store. She kept touching my arm to make

    certain points, lots of eye contact, and she was telling me where she likes to hang out when she isn't working. I

    may have to stop by some time. She was making references about her boyfriend not caring what she does...(big hit).

    My phone was completed and when I was getting it back from the service tech when this girl took my phone and entered

    her number into it. She handed it back to me saying, "you better call." Well I reassured her I would definately


    A little about me...I'm no Mel Gibson, or any other

    hollywood playboy. I used to play football and wrestle in my college years. I havent worked out in many years. I

    have graying hair and a goatee and weigh 235 pounds and I am 6 ft tall. I also have the gift of gab which proves to

    be helpful in the dating scene. I just wanted to say these pheromones are truely amazing.

    B) Thursday, my Brother came over and we started bbqing on the

    patio. All of a sudden, the banker girl came strolling by. I invited her in to have some bbq (someting erotic about

    a woman eating a hotdog). We chatted a bit, and she let me know that she just wanted to be....(darn!). As we were

    chatting, my brother sat there in awe. She kept moving closer and closer to me, and her hand found its way to my

    thigh, making small circles and slowly getting bigger. I figured that I should have the same opportunity and place

    my hand on her thigh. Her eyes got big, and she smiled. I also noticed that her legs were parted as she sat there.

    My brother was speechless as the events went on. I knew I couldn't try anything while he was there watching us like

    a hawk. Finally he got up to go get another drink, and while he was gone, she kissed me hard and passionately. She

    then apologized, and said she had never been that forward before. I reassured her that I enjoyed it. She was getting

    ready to go back to work, so I asked her to stop by for lunch tomorrow, and she accepted. I kissed her bye, and off

    she went. My brother reappeared and after a few moments wondered what happened. I told him she had to go back to

    work, and he began to grill me about where I met her and how long had I known her. I answered his questions and sent

    him home.

    Last edited by belgareth; 12-14-2005 at 04:41 AM.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  2. #2
    King of the coupons!
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    3, 2, 1.....still

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  3. #3
    King of the coupons!
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    Trick or Treat!!!! Ideas for

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  4. #4
    King of the coupons!
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    Mr., you were looking for ideas

    on Chikara & NPA, yes?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  5. #5
    Banned User
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    Damn, now I gotta spend

    another hundred on pheros! Curse you, Mobley! lol

  6. #6
    Banned User
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    Wow, I tried my gelpack of

    Chikara today, and I really love the smell! I also got a nice hit at the post office with a seriously cute

    brunette. Too bad my girlfriend was standing right there next to me. lol

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Please Mr. M lose the pink text

    and jumbo type. It's really hard on the eyes.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face Sowwy!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Please Mr. M

    lose the pink text and jumbo type. It's really hard on the eyes.
    Sorry, G. At the time of this

    thread, something squange was happening with my computer. And being no computer wiz, I couldn't/didn't know how to

    change the color of print.

    Me So Sowwy.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  9. #9
    Full Member
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    Good work MOBLEYC57. Your hit

    grouping post are certainly coming in handy.

    -The Bat

  10. #10
    King of the coupons!
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    Bump to the 2006 power!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Sep 2004
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    nice feedback. hard to

    believe after all this time using mones you are just getting around to testing chikara .

    if this post doesnt

    make me want to use more mones nothing will. you should be in marketing

  12. #12
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jollysnowdevil

    feedback. hard to believe after all this time using mones you are just getting around to testing chikara .


    this post doesnt make me want to use more mones nothing will. you should be in marketing
    Geez, Jolly!

    I posted this colab in September of 2004.

    I just bumped the 4 colabs for the newbeeeees that

    were asking a lot of the old questions. You'll see at the end of each hit report, the names of those that

    posted the hit; at least that's what I tried to do.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57

    Jolly! I posted this colab in September of 2004.

    I just bumped the 4 colabs for the newbeeeees

    that were asking a lot of the old questions. You'll see at the end of each hit report, the names of those

    that posted the hit; at least that's what I tried to do.
    i thought it read kinda familiar.. all

    the blood is running to the wrong brain lately with all the mones and spring arriving.

  14. #14
    Full Member BizmanJoe's Avatar
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    Wow. Excellent

    post. Will have to read part 2 and take notes. Perhaps, I will compare results with my recent accidental discovery

    (Andro 4.2 + WAGG + SOE) and see what works better for me. I guess I just haven't been experimenting enough after I

    found AE + SOE or AE + PERCEPTION worked well for me. Keep up the great work!!!!

  15. #15
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by BizmanJoe

    Wow. Excellent post. Will have to read part 2 and take notes. Perhaps, I will compare results with my recent

    accidental discovery (Andro 4.2 + WAGG + SOE) and see what works better for me. I guess I just haven't been

    experimenting enough after I found AE + SOE or AE + PERCEPTION worked well for me. Keep up the great

    BJ, your new mix sounds niiiiiiice! Wished you had a better grip on the ratios 'cause it has

    me wondering and wanting to try it, but I'm not going to just dump my WAGG and unscented SOE in my Andro without

    even being close to the right ratios!

    I hope you keep us posted 'cause if it's consistent, in which is

    what we'd all like to have in a mix or mone, you're going to want to mix it up again and again and again!

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  16. #16
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    It's about that time, say?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  17. #17
    Stranger london-boy's Avatar
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    Very interesting thread!! i

    have noticed a few hits with Chikara, i havn't worn it much as i have recentl recieved it, the only few times i

    have worn it i noticed reactions from women in their 30's, often smiling at me, i'm only 19, i do usually get hits

    from olderwomen back in England but here in France its rare that a middle aged woman smiles at me, another time

    when i went to get some groceries briefly from a local shop owned by one of m neighbours who i rarely speak to, she

    seemed to make an effort to keep me in the shop and keep talking, quite a MILF too i must say! but i reckon i might

    of OD'd recently when i was taking extra driving lesson (for heavier vehicals) the driving instructer seemed a

    little hostile for some reason, maybe she was on her period, or maybe i simply put one spray too many on......

  18. #18
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    i noticed reactions from

    women in their 30's, often smiling at me, i'm only 19, i do usually get hits from olderwomen back in England but

    here in France its rare that a middle aged woman smiles at me,
    I guess you're not aware that 50 is

    the new 30! Thirty is the new puberty and I'm not sure what that makes 19?

    Anywho women in their 30 are at

    the height of their sexual peak, and have never been hornier. Watch out for old spinster school teachers. They'll

    rub it raw 'n red.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  19. #19
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    Anywho women

    in their 30 are at the height of their sexual peak, and have never been hornier. Watch out for old spinster school

    teachers. They'll rub it raw 'n red.[/QUOTE]

    Other than that, you are probably again chasing

    women off the forum with your posts . I certainly concur with this statement. And add, that it seems to carry over

    in women to their early 40's. And if any of you young bucks in your early 20's, who have had your cradle robbed by

    an older, more mature, women; you understand.

  20. #20
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    My innocence was stolen by a

    woman in her 30s when I was in high school. I'll be forever grateful to her. I still think of her decades later.

    She taught me well. The down side was I soon learned girls my age weren't much fun in the sack.

    I think the

    women have been long gone for some time...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  21. #21
    Phero Pro WorkingMann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    My innocence

    was stolen by a woman in her 30s when I was in high school. I'll be forever grateful to her. I still think of her

    decades later. She taught me well. The down side was I soon learned girls my age weren't much fun in the sack.


    think the women have been long gone for some time...
    Now I'm "only" 21 and for MANY years I can agree

    with you.. The older women aren't affraid of the exciting stuff..

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I guess you're not

    aware that 50 is the new 30! Thirty is the new puberty and I'm not sure what that makes 19?

    Anywho women in

    their 30 are at the height of their sexual peak, and have never been hornier. Watch out for old spinster school

    teachers. They'll rub it raw 'n red.
    Totally true...I'm 22 and get constant hits at where I work

    behind the counter by women in their 30's... I've never bed someone in their 30's, and sure as hell wouldn't


  23. #23
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    Thanks a lot for the compilation

    of stories MOBLEYC57, it's a one post information entertaining and learning source.

  24. #24
    King of the coupons!
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    More trouble!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  25. #25
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi View Post
    Anywho women in

    their 30 are at the height of their sexual peak, and have never been hornier. Watch out for old spinster school

    teachers. They'll rub it raw 'n red.
    I often get 45+ woman flirting like crazy with me. A lot of my

    friends are in this age bracket and it's gotten a bit embarrasing at times when their wifes/GF's start very

    obviously "giving me the eye".
    Seriously.. There are some woman I won't wear any mones around now.

    early 40's white male or or

  26. #26
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf View Post
    I often get

    45+ woman flirting like crazy with me. A lot of my friends are in this age bracket and it's gotten a bit

    embarrasing at times when their wifes/GF's start very obviously "giving me the eye".

    Seriously.. There are

    some woman I won't wear any mones around now.
    Is it caused by any particular mix or

    mone, Gaf, or is it that you're YOUNG BEEF in their eyes?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  27. #27
    Phero Dude
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    Wish I had a better answer for you

    mr M , I've noticed some days it seems to be a slight application of none (I only ever use a dab or 2 of anything)

    Other days it's just my boyish good looks and some slight teasing....
    Strong older woman don't intimidate

    me , maybe thats the key?
    early 40's white male or or

  28. #28
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf View Post
    I often get

    45+ woman flirting like crazy with me. A lot of my friends are in this age bracket and it's gotten a bit

    embarrasing at times when their wifes/GF's start very obviously "giving me the eye".
    Seriously.. There are some

    woman I won't wear any mones around now.
    This is THE biggest reason I never wear a-none while working.

    When I first started using mones I was with a husband and wife client in their 40s wearing SoE/TE, and she was

    looking at me with these big liquid wanton eyes and the husband was fidgeting big time and interrupting every 2

    seconds. I was happy to get out of that meeting. Never again.

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