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  1. #1
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    Default soe scented or unscented...


    scented soe or unscented any different in terms of getting hits. that is would u buy one over the other for any

    particular reason. it seems as though most people buy only unscented soe and not scented. terry what do u think.


  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Well, I'm not Terry, but I did

    play him on TV once, kind of a guest appearance and it wore me out. No way I can keep up with that guy!

    As to

    your question, no difference in the mone content, each has 5mg per 10ml, so product performance is the same.


    have the scented and like it, but I'll get unscented next time. The scented isn't bad, but it leaves quickly and

    I'd rather do my own scenting.

  3. #3
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    I'm with iDesign. I use

    the unscented and am very happy with it. I can use whatever cover scent I like.


  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Same here. Get the unscented

    and find some scent you like that holds up for longer.
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  5. #5
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default HEY just noticed this one mate.

    Quote Originally Posted by punisher View Post
    is scented soe or unscented any different in terms of getting hits. that is

    would u buy one over the other for any particular reason. it seems as though most people buy only unscented soe and

    not scented. terry what do u think. thanks...
    YOOO hi Punisher, I always

    order the unscented SOE because i like to test out my stuff for the smell of the pheromones, and i also prefere to

    add my own fragrance.

    I have used the scented gel/pks frequently and find them a delight to use and also very


    Even with the scented gel i add some fragrance of my own choosing as it seems to improve the

    dispersion of the pheromones, Well that is my perception and it works for me.

    When i choose to use the gels in an intimate

    setting i do not add any added fragrance, especially if a romantic interlude is on the immediate horizon, And in

    this case i usually mix in a little aNONE in the bathroom when the girl is waiting under the covers.

    The added

    aNONE really gets their temperature soaring and it is so much fun in trying to slow them down and keep teasing them

    until they just cant hold it any longer.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Unscented is better as i see it.

    I never tried the scented one, I admit. Yet the unscented one is still my choice after quite a while of

    using `mones.
    I prefer it for three reasons:
    1) I can add my own smell to it through a cologne of my choice, and

    later on check the difference with that cologne alone (without the SOE).
    2) I can mix it with other `mones without

    having to deal with the added scent and how it will or won't mix with the other stuff.
    3) It brought me a hell lot

    of results. Specially in my main mix (see This

    for more detail).

    I say, let the unscented SOE mix with your own chice of smell & your natural `mone

    signature as well

  7. #7
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    I never tried the scented one, I admit. Yet the unscented one is still my choice after

    quite a while of using `mones.
    I prefer it for three reasons:
    1) I can add my own smell to it through a cologne of

    my choice, and later on check the difference with that cologne alone (without the SOE).
    2) I can mix it with other

    `mones without having to deal with the added scent and how it will or won't mix with the other stuff.
    3) It

    brought me a hell lot of results. Specially in my main mix (see

    This link for more detail).

    I say, let the

    unscented SOE mix with your own chice of smell & your natural `mone signature as well
    HEY good posting Blade old buddy good to sea ya around, thanks for the links some good info in

    there, ive been giving the SOE a rest for over a week, just for a change been soaking up some Alpha 7 alone, but

    will splash some SOE on again tomorrow as i have few of my daughters friends coming to check me



    have seen some fab reports on A1 so im saving my pennies up so as to get my hands on some.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    I've been trying out A1

    for the last few days as well (since I wrote that other thread I linked here)...
    I've been adding it to my

    SOE+TE(EE) mix, and it seems to work GREAT as a pair bonder...

  9. #9
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    I've been trying out A1 for the last few days as well (since I wrote that other

    thread I linked here)...
    I've been adding it to my SOE+TE(EE) mix, and it seems to work GREAT as a pair bonder...

    There is a product that i purchased in a 30 ml size in November 2006 it

    also uses A1 or a substance with a very closley related molecular structure to A1 as it also works great as a pair

    bonder as it puts the girls in their comfort zone with ease.

    Shame iv only got enough left for 2 emergancy


    Then its the A1 for me in the more concentrated 10mg/10ml size.

    Looking forward to this purchase.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Yeah, I also got the

    "full" more concentrated bottle. I've only tryied it three times yet, however I can defenetly say my relationship

    with her has been going up significantly since I started adding the A1 to my mix
    I'm greatfull for that

  11. #11
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    Hmm . . . looks like I the only

    one (so far) that uses the scented product. I actually have some stocks of both, but I do have more scented than

    unscented. SOE was one of the first products that I used. Back when I started, there was no unscented version.

    Anyhow I do find that the scented version blends very well with Rogue Male (I especially like this combo.), PI,

    and NPA. I've actually had some women react particularly strongly to the scented product, most of them positively.

    I think I've only encountered two women so far have expressed their displeasure at the scented


    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  12. #12
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwingerMD View Post
    Hmm . .

    . looks like I the only one (so far) that uses the scented product. I actually have some stocks of both, but I do

    have more scented than unscented. SOE was one of the first products that I used. Back when I started, there was no

    unscented version.

    Anyhow I do find that the scented version blends very well with Rogue Male (I especially

    like this combo.), PI, and NPA. I've actually had some women react particularly strongly to the scented product,

    most of them positively. I think I've only encountered two women so far have expressed their displeasure at the

    scented version.

    Heya SwingerMD, I enjoyed your posts when I was browsing the archives.

    Good to see you're still around and kicking up the heels. I did some swing dancing back in the day. A g/f and I

    took lessons and used to attend dances at the vintage Glen Echo ballroom in DC. What a great time! Makes me wish I

    was back in a real city.

    You're using Rogue Male? Not much talk about that these days. I use SoE scented and

    it does blend well with some of my scenting preferences.

    For the -mones, I mix with TE and A1 primarily, but

    experimenting with A7 and A314. Would love to hear your experience with RM.


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    I check in once in a

    while to see what new products are coming down the pipeline, restock, and/or catch up with old friends. I'm glad

    that you've enjoyed my posts. I really wish I had more time to hang around, finish some of my unfinished stories,

    and add a few new stories. I'm just really busy outside of work these days.

    So you did some swing dancing in

    DC. Cool. I believe I know quite a few people (mostly follows ) from there. Did you do East Coast Swing?

    Lindy Hop? I'm heavily involved in the Lindy Hop community here in Seattle.

    Yes there is very little talk about

    Rogue Male these days. RM is one of three -none heavy hitters out there. The others are PI and NPA (I think A7 is

    the new one.). There are a lot of users out there that favor the latter two. Even though these three are -none

    products of roughly the same concentration, all three seem to have distinct differences in reactions. For me I have

    found that women who react favorably to RM will react negatively to PI and vice versa. NPA seems to be somewhere in

    the middle. So for when when I'm out hunting I alternatively use two different mixes. SMD#1 which is a mix with

    the ratio of 7:3 SOE:RM and KR#1 (I think that's what its called.) a mix of 7:3 SOE:PI. Depend on the situations I

    sometimes go out with just SOE on as well.

    TE really hasn't worked for me. A1 gives me a nasty headache. I

    have yet to try A7. As for A314, by itself it doesn't seem to do hardly anything. Now when working in concert

    with two other products, the combination of the three make a very effective combo for business dealings and a

    extrememly effective interview killer.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Interesting... I myself

    have both PI & NPA, but as I am young (23yrs), I mostly use TE (Well EE... but it's the same basics).
    I thought

    about buying RM long ago when I first started but I was already filled with too many products to be able to afford

    more. And the above have worked so well for me that I never thought back on RM hehe.

    Can you please tell me a

    bit more about A314? and A7...?
    Well I'm more curious about A314 for some reason...

  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    I personally don't think

    SOE smells bad, but it's only my 2 cents... as to MY nose, even "Edge Essensials" doesn't smell as bad as it's

    been said all around the forums ^_^

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    Interesting... I myself have both PI & NPA, but as I am young (23yrs), I mostly use TE

    (Well EE... but it's the same basics).
    I thought about buying RM long ago when I first started but I was already

    filled with too many products to be able to afford more. And the above have worked so well for me that I never

    thought back on RM hehe.

    Can you please tell me a bit more about A314? and A7...?
    Well I'm more curious

    about A314 for some reason...
    Can't really tell you about A7 since I have yet to purchase it yet.

    As for A314, it is one of those mones that is really tough to use. I really didn't think much of it until using it

    in combination with two other products. One of those I believe has a strong beta-nol component. The other, not

    sure what's in it, but on it's own its like a mood inhancer. Sorta gives you a extra spring in your


    Anyhow back to A314. I'd place it in the same category as WAGG. They both appear to be -none like

    products w/o the fear (RM has a strong "Darth Vader" effect) component or "lone wolf" vibe. The vibe that WAGG and

    A314 put out seems to be "I am the shit". One of major drawbacks of WAGG that I have found is that it I have to

    prove my worth. In other words it appears that others respond to it by saying unconsciously, "Well if you're the

    shit, prove it!" In contrast A314 seems to be a lot more mellower. To me it seems that people are less inclined to

    challenge you on your status and more accepting. The drawback to this is that the effects are harder to spot, and

    it takes those other two products to coax a verbal response out of people.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    I have A7 , don't wear it very much

    but have noticed that it is a mood enhancer. When I have it on I tend to be more confident and think I'm "the man".

    With wagg , I wore it a few years ago now but from what I remembered it was a great product for a none heavy man

    like myself and seemed to soften my "gruff" nature.

    SwingerMD , I've just brought some WAGG and

    look forward to reintroducing it to myself. I can't remember the effects you mention but it was in my early mone

    days so maybe now I'll know what I'm playing with!
    I work in a "deliver or don't bother turning up" industry

    so am used to being challenged and may not have noticed that aspect to WAGG , anyway socially it was magic with the

    ladies and even the hardest thought I was mellow. (even one or two dabs of NPA can scare people away from me at

    times, hence the wagg)
    early 40's white male or or

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info. The

    don't really sound like `mones I'd think of trying any time soon

    I have WAGG - it's one of the first 8 I

    bought (at once). I myself found that I can use NPA and PI without fearing much, but I usually don't nead to. TE is

    enough for me (maybe in a work enviorment it might change... I might give that a try). Anyhow WAGG is very helpfull

    to have around `coz if I use PI or NPA and I find that, unusually, the reactions are a bit afraid... than i just go

    to the bathroom for a sec, refresh with some WAGG (not too much not too little) - and Voila! People calm down and

    realize they have no reason to fear me but rather respect me
    YAY LS!

  19. #19
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    Thanks for the info. The don't really sound like `mones I'd think of trying any time


    I have WAGG - it's one of the first 8 I bought (at once). I myself found that I can use NPA and PI

    without fearing much, but I usually don't nead to. TE is enough for me (maybe in a work enviorment it might

    change... I might give that a try). Anyhow WAGG is very helpfull to have around `coz if I use PI or NPA and I find

    that, unusually, the reactions are a bit afraid... than i just go to the bathroom for a sec, refresh with some WAGG

    (not too much not too little) - and Voila! People calm down and realize they have no reason to fear me but rather

    respect me
    YAY LS!
    I sometimes use a drop of A7 and add 2 of A314 and

    with a little splash of nice fragrance this is a good social and sexual mix that has proven to work magic 4 me time

    after time.... i am 55.. ish lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf View Post
    I have A7 ,

    don't wear it very much but have noticed that it is a mood enhancer. When I have it on I tend to be more confident

    and think I'm "the man". With wagg , I wore it a few years ago now but from what I remembered it was a great

    product for a none heavy man like myself and seemed to soften my "gruff" nature.

    SwingerMD , I've

    just brought some WAGG and look forward to reintroducing it to myself. I can't remember the effects you mention but

    it was in my early mone days so maybe now I'll know what I'm playing with!
    I work in a "deliver or don't

    bother turning up" industry so am used to being challenged and may not have noticed that aspect to WAGG , anyway

    socially it was magic with the ladies and even the hardest thought I was mellow. (even one or two dabs of NPA can

    scare people away from me at times, hence the wagg)
    Hmm . . . with all of this discussion

    about WAGG, perhaps I'll give it a second try. Currently I typically use SOE as a general hunting/attract phase

    mone. I used to also use it for job interviews until I came across the three product combo of A314, Instant Shine,

    and Instant Honesty. That's 2-3 drops of A314 to the chest, 2-3 sprays of Instant Shine to the neck, arms and/or

    hair (mood inhancer), and 1-2 sprays of Instant Honesty to the stomach/lower body (contains beta-nol). During the

    last round of interviews I only went through two interviews. The first one went so well that they got back to me

    within the week (a day or two after my other interview). I was shocked at how fast things moved.

    Anyhow I'm

    thinking about testing out my interview/buisness combo out as a general hunting/attract phase mone. Since a first

    impression is like an interview, I thinking that this shows promise. SOE will follow up on the 1-2 dates, with my

    -none/SOE mixes will be used in the "clean up" spot. I'm also thinking about alternating between A314 and WAGG to

    see if the other two can bring out a more favorable rxn with WAGG.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Heyia SwingerMD,

    signature has just been added to the list of my favorite quotes haha.
    Two questions for ya`...
    1) How old are you?

    If I may...
    2) Can you link some pages (where we can buy, or where we can rea some detailed info) about Instant

    Shine, and Instant Honesty please?

  22. #22
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post

    Can you link some pages (where we can buy, or where we can rea some detailed info) about Instant Shine, and Instant

    Honesty please?
    Sorry, but that isn't allowed according to the rules of this forum (linking to

    competitors), but remember, Google is your friend.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
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  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Sorry then for

    asking... Never meant to crss the line of these wonderfull forums
    Still curious about the age though

  24. #24
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    Heyia SwingerMD,
    Your signature has just been added to the list of my favorite quotes

    Two questions for ya`...
    1) How old are you? If I may...
    2) Can you link some pages (where we can buy,

    or where we can rea some detailed info) about Instant Shine, and Instant Honesty please?
    I have Instant Shine and used adout 25 mls its not bad but seems to promote a self effect more

    than an overall attractant if you already display the characteristics of a dynamic youthfull zesty type then IS

    would not be great value 4 you.

    Instant honesty is good, with probaby around 70% Betanol and 30% Alphanol and the standard

    product contains about 3mg/30 mls = 15mcg/spray I think you have the option of ordering double strength for an extra


    Its is

    good to use on Asian girls.

    You could probably buy the IH ingredients here and make your own. ......... PS just

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  25. #25
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwingerMD View Post

    So you did some swing dancing in DC. Cool. I believe I know quite a few

    people (mostly follows ) from there. Did you do East Coast Swing? Lindy Hop? I'm heavily involved in the

    Lindy Hop community here in Seattle.

    Yes there is very little talk about Rogue Male these days. RM is one of

    three -none heavy hitters out there. The others are PI and NPA (I think A7 is the new one.). There are a lot of

    users out there that favor the latter two. Even though these three are -none products of roughly the same

    concentration, all three seem to have distinct differences in reactions. For me I have found that women who react

    favorably to RM will react negatively to PI and vice versa. NPA seems to be somewhere in the middle. So for when

    when I'm out hunting I alternatively use two different mixes. SMD#1 which is a mix with the ratio of 7:3 SOE:RM

    and KR#1 (I think that's what its called.) a mix of 7:3 SOE:PI. Depend on the situations I sometimes go out with

    just SOE on as well.

    TE really hasn't worked for me. A1 gives me a nasty headache. I have yet to try A7. As

    for A314, by itself it doesn't seem to do hardly anything. Now when working in concert with two other products,

    the combination of the three make a very effective combo for business dealings and a extrememly effective interview


    Hey SMD

    I have no idea what kind of swing dancing we were learning. I was more

    interested in the very talented lady I was wooing. If I still lived there I would still be involved in swing,

    it was a wonderful activity on many levels.

    My favorite mix is SoE/TE/A1 for social. I've just started with A7

    and like it in the initial stages. I'm on the fence with A314. I've tried mixing with SoE, TE and both but with

    no real stories to tell, business or otherwise. I'll still keep trying and hope to find a good mix. I'll be

    trying C7 with A314 some in the next few days.

    I love A1 with my social mix, seems to create a very soft

    environment. I use SoE as a standalone quite a bit. You've gotten me interested in RM and PI which I don't

    have. I have NPA but don't use it since TE works so well. I'm a little afraid of heavy -none.

    We're near

    the same age right? I'm 49, for another 3 months anyway. TE works great in my target range of 40+ with an

    occasional dip down to 35.


  26. #26
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    My favorite mix is SoE/TE/A1 for social.
    It's great to know I'm not the only one

    who adores that mix

    And terry, thanks for the input

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    I sometimes use a drop of A7 and add 2 of A314 and with

    a little splash of nice fragrance this is a good social and sexual mix that has proven to work magic 4 me time after

    time.... i am 55.. ish lol

    Good tip Terry! I've not thought of this.

    I've been trying A314 alone and mixed with no results, recently got some A7. Have you played with that dosage at

    all? More A7 for social?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by miraqe View Post

    curious.. does SOE smell bad??

    Hey Mirage, "smell bad" is subjective. It has less of the -mone "stink"

    than the straight -none products, but still has the musky scent. You'll want to cover it, but its definitely

    lighter than NPA, etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    Heyia SwingerMD,
    Your signature has just been added to the list of my favorite

    quotes haha.
    Two questions for ya`...
    1) How old are you? If I may...
    2) Can you link some pages (where

    we can buy, or where we can rea some detailed info) about Instant Shine, and Instant Honesty please?


    I just turned 32 a little while ago. As for question #2, follow Mntjim's

    advice. The detailed info on IS and IH from Terry sound about right. Yes IS is a mood inhancer that seems to work

    more on the wearer (perhaps in noticing the effect on ourselves, we don't see the effect on others), but I think

    that the elevated mood plus beta-nol's truth serum like effects do bring out more from A314.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post


    I have no idea what kind of swing dancing we were learning. I was more interested in the very talented

    lady I was wooing. If I still lived there I would still be involved in swing, it was a wonderful activity on

    many levels.

    My favorite mix is SoE/TE/A1 for social. I've just started with A7 and like it in the initial

    stages. I'm on the fence with A314. I've tried mixing with SoE, TE and both but with no real stories to tell,

    business or otherwise. I'll still keep trying and hope to find a good mix. I'll be trying C7 with A314 some in

    the next few days.

    I love A1 with my social mix, seems to create a very soft environment. I use SoE as a

    standalone quite a bit. You've gotten me interested in RM and PI which I don't have. I have NPA but don't use

    it since TE works so well. I'm a little afraid of heavy -none.

    We're near the same age right? I'm 49,

    for another 3 months anyway. TE works great in my target range of 40+ with an occasional dip down to


    Interesting, one of the theories that a good friend of mine has is that most guys

    start learning how to dance because of a girl (I'm guilty as charged.)

    I've heard PI is not quite as good

    as it used to be and that people have switched to A7. If using the -none heavy hitters alone, two drops is the most

    that I'd use (it's borderline OD). From what I remember 6 drops of APC is equivalent to 1 drop of


    BTW I just turned 32.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

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