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  1. #1
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    Default masturbation and health...

    Well, this is very personal and I feel since i am pretty anonymous i can talk about this.

    I have masturbated since i was 15, everyday at least, up to 3 times a day. the longest i had gone without doing this was like ,2-3 days. That \'addiction\' continued to dec. 30th (i am 18 now) when i made a new years resolution to quit until college resumed on jan. 6th.

    I want to do an experiment to see if masturbation has made me shy and withdrawn. I think this could be a possibility and its been 3 days... one side effect i am noticing is depression, and slight anxiety, more than usual. I usually do get those though.

    I also am wondering if masturbation has stunted my physical growth... i am 18 and look 16, physically too (hair growth), maybe younger.

    But, I have smoked pot occasionally during ages 15-now, so maybe that has something to do with it. I doubt that, though.

    I also wonder if masturbation lowers or raises testosterone?

    Thanks in advance for informative replys.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    I don\'t quite understand why you would stop masturbating? It is normal for a teenage guy.

  3. #3

    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    For a teenaged girl, too.

    There was a thread on this awhile back, anyone remember? I believe Bruce and maybe Whitehall jumped on and said it probably wasn\'t good to do it several times a day, but no harm in it fairly frequently. Having to do with testosterone.

    But y\'know what? All that stuff about it stunting your growth and driving you blind, etc., is just old wives tales. It\'s your body. Enjoy it.

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    I wouldn\'t try to stop totally, but would experiment with slowing down the pace. There is research evidence showing that sexual stimulation in the form of porn videos raises testosterone levels, but I have a feeling that spike reverses itself after ejaculation leaving T levels below baseline for a while. I may catch some flak for saying this, but if I were you, I would start working out or get involved in some other physical activity. I think you\'d be a lot healthier and happier over the long haul.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    Why is it bad to have lower test levels Bruce? As a teenage guy you have PLENTY of it I would imagine.

  6. #6

    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    If you start to get anxious and depressed after three days, then it sounds like three days is a good frequency for you -- there\'s no reason that I can see to walk around anxious and depressed, if spanking the monkey will cure it. You\'re better off masturbating than being anxious and depressed. I get cranky and can\'t focus after about three days, myself. One thing I have found is that it\'s actually more fun if you wait a little.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    To me 3 days sounds like an awful long time. I can\'t stand even two days without it now, leave alone when I was younger. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img]

    Only health effects I am noticing is that I have less energy and power when I am doing it too often.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8
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    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    \"I also am wondering if masturbation has stunted my physical growth... i am 18 and look 16, physically too (hair growth), maybe younger.\"

    I masturbate since I was 11 and I have grown quite tall. I was also the first guy (in class) that had facial hair and got a manly voice. You see, I think that is absolute BS.

    Franki .

  9. #9
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    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    It\'s surely a VERY good thing that we\'ve gotten to a time where one can discuss masturbation without starting to talk about God and hairy palms and going blind. But IMO we\'re going a little bit TOO far sometimes... Today wherever you go everybody tells you that there\'s absolute nothing wrong with masturbation (agree) and that you can do it just as many times as you want (disagree. When you do it three times a day there is overstimulation! Try to do it less often, and you\'ll see that you\'ll get way more pleasure out of it, will forget about the guilt, and it will probably be better for your body)

    A man who masturbates will feel tired after doing so (most/(all?) men feel sleepy or a bit tired after having sex and some just fall asleep rather quick annoying the bird they\'ve just shagged big-time). At least in my case, it\'s an undenyable fact that masturbation gives tiredness. And of course the more you do it, the more you\'ll feel the lose of enery (or testosterone as one might say). I\'m a lot less ambitious when masturbating to often (I\'ve had time like that). I just want to forget about it and focus on my work later. That\'s the feeling masturbation gives me. Masturbation is fine while doing it, but after having done so, it makes you feel rather empty (it\'s still a big relief sometimes and diminishes stress though) but compared to making love... Testosterone and aiming for success are bounded pretty tightly! Esp. in males who have lots of testosterone, that\'s the case. So dropping the levels too often isn\'t all that good I think.

    They say that men produce an unlimited amount of sperm. I however don\'t blelieve this to be true: after not habving ejaculated for a long time, where does your sperm go? You can hold some but your storage capacity is limited! Having wet dreams are not enough to relieve you from this, as they wouldn\'t occur often enough. (to be honest, I\'ve never even had them). The amount one produces in one day after ejaculation isn\'t the same amount you\'ll produce five days later while not having ejaculated during these days. So it would have to be that the production level drops quite a lot. I was thinking that maybe some sperm cells might get broken down and recycled?????? (would still be odd IMO as gametes (male and female reproduction cells which are haploid) are formed by meiosis from certain diploid cells (haploid: containing half of the genome/ diploid: containing the entire genome / All cells except gametes are diploid in humans) Setting the production level lower surely and probably will be a relief on your gamete-producing organes and glands (it\'s quite complex. Sperm consist of several constituents, each one coming from a different gland. The seeds origin from the testes of course). If you masturbate three times a day, I\'m sure those organs (testes & prostate) & glands have to work pretty hard and you may be overexhausting them.

    Unlimited production, eh? I like to compare it to giving blood: blood production is ALSO said to be inexhaustable. Still, every person giving blood will have to several months after the blood is entirely restored to give blood once again. Mostly it\'s allowed only once a year. What\'s up with that? Isn\'t the production inexhaustable then? Safety measures? I dunno, but inexhaustable probably doesn\'t mean to just give away all you can all the time.

    WHY do you masturbate that much? I really hope your not in a relationship while doing so so often? Nothing wrong with masturbation when having a relationship when you have a good explanation (just feeling like it is good enough IMO but not if you\'re missing something in your relationship. Then it\'s your relationship that needs stimulation, not you dick as if you just went to a DIY store).

  10. #10
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    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    Forgot to mention this, but of course masturbation is very good in getting you to know your own body and what you like.

    But it\'s a bit like anything in life. Do it, just not TOO much!

    After all, it\'s LIVING that is UNHEALTHY! (Plato) (but that don\'t mean you should make it worse yourself)

  11. #11
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    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    Do you believe someone can get addicted to masturbating?

  12. #12
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    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    Yes, certainly! Some people become addicted to sex and I think becoming addicted to masturbating is a lot easier in a sense (probably the fist step that was taken when one ultimately would become a sex addict). Let me put it this way: I too have had days that I got a bit too much into masturbating (3 times or more a day). The next day the urge to do so again is extremely high and it\'s almost inevitable to do so. Getting rid of this habit for one day would already be enough to get rid of the temptation. Kinda like the reactions you get from an addiction that\'s not TOO severe yet. Highly addictive, but not TOO hard to get out of. So my answer is a definite YES!

    BTW addicted to sex in a bad way! Losing your job, friends, families etc. because of your addiction. Praising sex as the greatest thing in the world is not the same as being addicted.

    I\'m not sure what could cause it to have addiction-like properties, but my guess would be the sudden testosterone-raise and the testosterone-drop pretty soon afterwards. Addiction mainly has to do with certain changes in chemical constitution in the blood, inhibiting nerve pulses to the brain or amplyfying them, etc. and that would be pretty much the case here, I think. Testosterone is very important in males and the precursor of certain other hormones and substances, so even though the difference between the highest point and the lowest is pretty small, it still affects various things.

  13. #13

    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    I\'ve known two men who would rather masturbate than be with a woman, and who masturbated several times a day. They were both completely porn addicted. They would rather watch porn and jack off than be with a woman. I don\'t know how that starts, but I do think it\'s true you can get addicted to masturbation. If it\'s a quick stress relief kind of thing in the shower in the morning and you\'re still motivated to live your life and be with women, etc., I\'d tend to shrug it off. But if that\'s beginning to be your preferred method of stress relief, anxiety relief, sexual stimulation, it becomes a very limited way to live.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    Intersting position on not masturbating

  15. #15
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    Default Re: masturbation and health...

    LOL! Good stuff! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img][img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img][img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  16. #16
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Too much of a good thing

    God gave you a dick to put it into women - if you\'re lucky. Masturbation serves that goal in odd ways. If your masturbatory behavior is not serving that goal, then it\'s a perversion (look it up.)

    It keeps fresh sperm ready and available - sort of like rotating stock. It also flushes out the prostate and Cowper\'s glands - fluid turnover helps fight disease by keeping the glands stocked with fresh fluids with antibodies. This is important for older men like me - use it or lose it.

    It takes a lot of work and nutrition to make the ingredients in semen - seminal fluid and sperm. This uses energy that might go elsewhere. It also consumes a lot of l-arginine, a vital amino acid found largely in meat. When I\'m in one of those situation where I\'m with a woman for a very intense sexual period, say a week vacation, where I have the opportunity to get sex frequently and repeatedly, I\'ll take a few extra grams of l-arginine a day - that helps rapidly replenish the seminal fluids. Gotta deliver that \"vital essence\" when the opportunities arise.

    Masturbation three times a day is a waste and a distraction. This is not doing you any good, my friend, and if you do have the opportunity to be with a woman, you\'ll probably be shooting blanks even if your body remembers what to do. For a guy your age, every two or three days would be about right. As Bruce pointed out, maybe some clean living would help you break the habit.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Just did a little check on arginine. It seems that arginine cures/prevents impotence, so if you\'re someone who thinks that playing with your mojo yourself is the exercise the guy needs in order to be in good condition, you\'re probably entirely wrong.

    Here\'s more on it:

    L-arginine is required for the body to synthesize nitric oxide, which enables the arterial system to retain its youthful elasticity, thus alleviating hypertension in some people. L-arginine and L-ornithine have been shown to promote natural growth hormone (GH) release from the pituitary gland.

    ÂL-arginine is an essential amino acid. L-ornithine may be used as an alternative since it metabolizes to L-arginine in the body. If taken in doses larger that those normally obtained from your diet or if taken on an empty stomach, these amino acids may be helpful for:

    Hypertension: L-arginine is required for the body to synthesize nitric oxide, which enables the arterial system to retain its youthful elasticity, thus alleviating hypertension in some people.

    Nitric oxide also helps to produce endothelial relaxation factor, which is needed by the arterial system to expand and contract with each heartbeat. The inability of arteries to expand and contract is a major cause of hypertension associated with aging. If you decide to try L-arginine to lower blood pressure, ask your physician to reduce your antihypertensive medication while you are increasing your intake of arginine.

    Growth Hormone: L-arginine and L-ornithine have been shown to promote natural growth hormone (GH) release from the pituitary gland. GH promotes healthy anabolic metabolism throughout the body, helping to maintain youthful protein synthesis within cells.

    Aging causes a decline in protein synthesis that results in many of the degenerative diseases of aging, which may be partially corrected by enhancing GH serum levels. You can measure the GH enhancing effects of L-arginine/L-ornithine by measuring your blood levels of somatomedin C (IGF-1), a GH metabolite. L-ornithine is generally considered to be twice as potent as L-arginine for the purpose of GH release, so L-ornithine alone or in combination with L-arginine enables a person to take a smaller amount and still achieve the same GH releasing effects.

    Wound Healing: Surgical or traumatic injury greatly increases the body’s need for L-arginine, a key building block to repair damaged tissue and bone. Numerous studies document enhanced wound healing in response to L-arginine supplementation. L-ornithine may also be used for this purpose.


    •Diabetics and borderline diabetics should use growth hormone releasers with care. L-arginine and L-ornithine might improve or worsen a diabetic condition.

    •Persons who have not completed their bone growth (children and teenagers) and pregnant or lactating women should not use GH releasers except under a physician’s supervision.

    •L-arginine and L-ornithine sometimes reactivate latent herpes virus infections. Therefore, persons who have had ocular or brain herpes should not use them.

    •Those with certain psychoses may experience worsened symptoms if they take L-arginine or L-ornithine supplements.

    •Always take antioxidants with arginine.

  18. #18
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    \"so if you\'re someone who thinks that playing with your mojo yourself is the exercise the guy needs in order to be in good condition, you\'re probably entirely wrong.\"

    Sorry Dude, just following doctor\'s orders. In fact, a decent turnover is good for a man, especially over 40. I had a minor prostate infection a few years back and after the antibiotics kicked in, the prescription was for lot\'s of sex. However, a \"decent turnover\" is much less than 3 times a day.

    Some of your cut-and-paste is a bit overblown. It can exaserbate herpes (lysine,on the other hand will help surpress it.) As to curing impotence, that\'s just too big a claim. There is a relationship between l-arginine ingestion in one\'s diet and one\'s libido. Certain South American tribes only have sex after the hunters return with meat - their diet is otherwise so devoid of l-arginine that they can\'t get it up.

    A normal Westerner can not usually claim a lack of l-arginine as a cause of impotence. On the other hand, taking a big bunch of it (two to ten grams) can make one a bit more rough-and-tumble. Taking extra can, as I mentioned earlier, help replenish depleted seminal fluids rapidly.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    dude 3 times a day is WAY too much. Max for me (that I will let myself -- used to do as much as 4 or 5 times a day) is once a day. With a day off every now and then. I personally believe that too much will make you shy (it did to me). Think of confidence as a chick gettin mechanism. If you are masterbating (and this tricks your body into thinking it is sex) then your mechanism gets lazy. When you don\'t masterbate your mechanism has to up the confidence (to get chicks -- confidence IMO is a chick getter -- an evolutionary hold over). Now i don\'t blieve in an infintie supply of sprem, but I believe that your body makes this stuff non-stop possible into your late 50\'s (and especailly in your teens and 20\'s). The problem is that you don\'t have very much storage space. So your body depends on this effort to clear the space. So your body HAS to up your confidence (based on the premise that confidence is a chick getter which IMO it is).

    Just don\'t stop masterbating (or more generally ejalating -- if you can ejaclute enough to keep some space clear through sex teach me your method !!! ) because it is good for your prostate and stuff. Plus you wanna keep your bits and pieces in working order. Use it or lose it so to speak.

  20. #20
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    \"The problem is that you don\'t have very much storage space. So your body depends on this effort to clear the space.\"

    Your body simply absorbes the old and excess.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    i don\'t believe that. I think your body compels you to shoot it out.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    another thing. 3 times a day would probably desentize the hell out of you. so when u get to the real thing, there will not be enough stimulation to keep you interested.

  23. #23
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Sorry, MtnJim, but Druid\'s right on this. When a guy has a vasocectime (sp?) he does absorb it internally. If he goes without ejaculation for a while, possibly some of the volume is reabsorbed but the body still has to \"externalize\" at least some.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    i agree with druid

    btw... i felt weird, depressed and anxious when i went without doing it for 4 days... thats all i could take. I will now limit myself to 3 times a week.

  25. #25
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    If you want to reverse that depression and reduce the need for masturbation a bit then buy some PCC (couplins) and apply under youre nose, this is great for depression and raises youre test levels also, its female equivalent of pheromones. Making the guy think he has a hot female in front of him and his testostrone levels go up ready for \"sex\" its all the effect on youre brain but it will help heaps.

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  27. #27
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Masturbation is neither good nor bad, depending on how often you can afford to do so without affecting the functions of other organs. In one recently published study, ninety-five percent of men and eighty-seven percent of women have practiced masturbation occasionally. The study further indicated those men usually experience an orgasm when they masturbate and learn how to masturbate before engaging in any sexual intercourse. Another important finding showed males who masturbate frequently during adolescence continue this sexual behavior into their adulthood with the frequency increasing.

    Is this addictive behavior of masturbation harmful to your body? To answer this question, one has to understand how ejaculating works. An orgasm or ejaculation discharges the bioelectric energy (bio-energy) stored by the parasympathetic nervous subsystem via the sympathetic nervous action. It is supposed to discharge the bio-energy stored in the sexual organs. This is why an orgasm is associated with a burst and subsequent release of tension. When the sexual organs are insufficiently charged, the sympathetic system will draw the energy from other organs, deactivating the associated organs and slowing down the response of the Central Nervous System (CNS) which is the commander of the endocrine and nervous function. So, frequent masturbation and consequent ejaculation will result in depleting other organs of bio-energy since the sexual organs can’t support the release of bio-energy being drawn from over-masturbation.

    The association of masturbation with guilt and anxiety is partly due to the ignorance of the fact masturbation is not harmful. These negative sentiments are partly due to centuries of religious teachings that masturbating is sinful. In addition, many of us have received negative messages about masturbation from our parents or have even been punished when caught masturbating as children. The cumulative effect of these influences is usually confusion and guilt, which is often difficult to sort out. However, the only time masturbation can be ‘bad’ or harmful is when it becomes compulsive. Compulsive masturbation, like all other compulsive behaviors, is a sign of an emotional problem and needs to be addressed by a mental health specialist. Sex, of course, is extremely pleasurable and all things pleasurable are addictive. Over-masturbation can cause serious problems that aren’t limited to the bedroom. Frequent masturbation should be addressed.

    So, contrary to ancient and popular beliefs, masturbation does not lead to unbridled lust, make you blind or deaf, give you the flu, drive you crazy, grow hair on your hand, make you stutter, or kill you. Rather, masturbation is a natural and harmless expression of sexuality in both men and women and a perfectly good way to experience sexual pleasure. In fact, some experts argue that masturbation improves sexual health by increasing an individual\'s understanding of his or her own body and of what is erotically pleasing, building self-confidence and fostering self-acceptance. This knowledge can then be carried forth to make for a more satisfying sexual relationship with one\'s partner, both through each partner\'s comfort with mutual masturbation and because of the ability to tell each other what is most pleasing. It is a good idea for a couple to discuss their attitudes about masturbation and to calm any insecurities a partner may have if the other should sometimes favor masturbation over sexual intercourse. In some relationships, masturbation may be mutually acceptable. Done alone or in the presence of a partner, the act can be pleasing and add to mutual intimacy if it is not experienced as a rejection. Like most behaviors, without proper communication, the act of masturbation can be a sign of anger, alienation, or displeasure with the way the relationship is progressing.

    Overcoming society\'s negative stereotypes and one\'s personal feelings about masturbation can allow men and women the freedom to explore and experience their own sexuality in a private, satisfying manner. One word of caution: in keeping with the practices of safer sex, masturbation with a partner can be an enjoyable alternative to intercourse, as long as you avoid contact with your partner\'s semen or vaginal fluids, especially if you have any cuts or open sores. But, to reiterate, masturbation will become harmful if done excessively. Here is why:

    Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation drains the body of Human Growth Hormones, DHEA, and testosterone, which are used for recharging the CNS and the parasympathetic (bio-energy restoring) function of each organ. As a result, the endocrine-associated organs slow down hormone production. The eyes become very sensitive to sunlight due to the deficiency of the bio-energy in the visual nerves (the erectile drug Viagr* (trademarked name not allowed here) produces the similar side effect - blue vision). The ears buzz due to the deficiency of bio-energy in the hearing nerves. The heart beats irregularly due to insufficient bio-energy in the auto-rhythmic and contractile fibers. Blood pressure becomes too high or too low due to insufficient levels of bio-energy in the kidneys to regulate the kidney renin-release mechanism. A higher volume of sweat and bouts of fatigue occur due to the insufficient bio-energy in the adrenal cortexes, which produce DHEA to pacify the sympathetic nervous function. The patient also experiences pains and spastic cramps in the muscles and joints (in particular, in the lower back area due to the lack of DHEA and testosterone to feed the local cells and neurons) and his waist becomes very weak.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Great post MaxiMog - actually it gives me a little bit of a scare, looks like I\'m going on the wagon for a few days or longer...

    The eyes become very sensitive to sunlight...Check

    The ears buzz due to the deficiency of bio-energy in the hearing nerves...Check (buzzing right now)

    The heart beats irregularly due to insufficient bio-energy in the auto-rhythmic and contractile fibers...Haven\'t noticed this

    Blood pressure becomes too high or too low due to insufficient levels of bio-energy in the kidneys to regulate the kidney renin-release mechanism...Check - High Blood Pressure

    A higher volume of sweat and bouts of fatigue occur...Check I\'ve always sweated a lot

    The patient also experiences pains and spastic cramps in the muscles and joints...I hurt my back two months ago, but perhaps by working out frequently I do not suffer from this as much.

    Oh & I\'ve been masturbating about 3 times a day for a while now, I\'m 31 <hides>

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    There\'s a lot of good stuff on the site, I know.

    Although I\'m glad to say I stopped doing at THAT much, I must say that lots of the symptoms were more or less noticable back then.

    The lower back pain was most apparent. I never was sure what caused it. Masturbation was one of the possibilities I considered, but I was also training my stomach a lot back then, and I thought I had just injured my back a little.

    The buzzing almost never happened, and if it did, it was right after having done it.

    Eyesight? My eyesight is bad enough to cause me to wear lenses, so... Anyway, it was noticable that my eyesight wasn\'t always as sharp, but I blamed fatigue of causing that.

    My concentration also isn\'t what it should be or has been...

    I think it\'s still best to not blame masturbation for causing ALL of our little troubles, but...

    At moments like this, I\'m glad my diet is so healthy. Excessive masturbation AND unhealthy diet... I\'d rather not think about it.

    I can only say: STOP DOING IT THAT OFTEN!

    I\'m actually quite pissed at what some sites, newspapers and scientific magazines have been saying: \"there\'s nothing wrong about masturbation. It\'s healthy to do so\". First it causes you to get hairy palms and go blind and whatnot, then it\'s healthy all the way. Kids and teens are getting the message that it\'s unconditionally good for you. Not right IMO! Sex is without a doubt one of the most important/joyful things in life, and letting young people destroy their chances of getting quality sex later on is no less than criminal to me.

  30. #30

    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Must be different for men than women. I\'ve been taking care of business since I was about 9, as many times a day as I feel like it, and it\'s never hurt me not one little bit, or diminished any pleasure in sex with a partner.

    My back hurts if I DON\'T.

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