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  1. #1
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    Default -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    Well...I think so, to a certain extent [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    As men go, we almost

    always agree on another woman\'s beauty. Men across any \"boundaries\" can agree and usually unanimously on the

    attractiveness of any female, no matter any difference in \"type\". I believe most guys really don\'t have a

    type, rarely would a guy be approached by a attractive girl and turn her down or not pay attention because she

    isn\'t his type. I guess it\'s best observed in situations such as celebrities. One attractive girl is usually

    agreed upon by all men, while women are more sect based even with famous males....One girl can find one man very

    attractive and her friend may not see anything in him. So the height of female attraction to a male is much more

    limited than general male attraction to any given female.

    It has to do a lot with evolution and though it may

    not as great sounding for the guys that like to sleep around. It still serves a purpose. Girls not absolute, but in

    general are looking for more security, so a compilation of looks of which the girl grew up around may appeal more,

    or certain traits. Imagine 10 women fighting over the same man? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] The

    pheromones can at times bypass some of a woman\'s preconceived motions and give her those feelings (subconciously)

    that she is desiring, and may overlook a lot all togheter.

    Have any of you guys been told by ladies that

    \"wow usually you aren\'t my type\" or something like that? Have you noticed anything such as that? A man

    getting responses from so many women of different taste may be a sign.

  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    TM, I am glad you brought this up, because I wondered what happens when the learned visual cues we associate with a

    particular pheromone signature gets flipped upside down. What do people make of it then? Do they accept it or do

    they wonder. In other words, if they are heavily attracted by your pheromone signature, but not conciously

    attracted to your appearence, how do targets respond?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    I think a majority of women, not all there are the exceptions, are better able to be delusional. More

    of a mix of emotions, a lot of girls can through subconciously/conciously \"lieing\" about the attraction of their

    mate to make them appear more attractive and fitting. I think the women will mostly go with their gut instinct, a

    decent guy plus pheromones may have a more emotional and physical impact on a girl than a guy who fits her bill

    exactly...The -mones conjure up most of the time for these girls (with use of pheromone products) feelings more

    intense and different than they ever felt, most of the time raw sexual attraction/interest in that person. I think

    possibly and it has been discussed that if this woman is getting these feelings for you she will somehow

    subconciously feel the need to place the attraction to a physcial feature(s) of yours. They may eye you looking for

    just that. So maybe the guy is just a diamond in the ruff or really the woman is sick with delusion.

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] I am sure on a rare occassion the way a woman has acted around you

    has made her appear a lot more sexually attractive? A bit the same. Men will not be universally craved as much as

    women, I think.

    There are still a lot of questions like if you establish yourself with pheromones with her

    will they be needed later? Possibly no. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"


    like your assessment of the situation. You explain it well, it is so true. I loved what you said.

    However, the

    only thing contradicting the swept in emotion circumstances are that women are so much more rigid in their types

    then men. For instance, a lot of men think taller women are sexier, but that doesn\'t mean that we don\'t find

    short women sexy and won\'t to be with them.

    Women on the other hand are more likely than men to have those

    exclusivity rules, i.e. 6-foot only, bad boy only, clean shaven only, dark hair only, light hair only, lean only,

    big only, etc.

    This presents more opportunities for male wearers to be stymied by appearance. Or, do the mones

    over power in such situations?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    Yep bjf, I am glad you caught that. it is a bit of a contradiction. Men with relationships seem more

    logical, of course one is not better than the other the connection of these both, the ying and the yang is great

    fusion of different sides, we know that those who share many similar traits and personality wise may make good

    friends but not lovers and friends. The stuff men and women complain about each other, the differences are there for

    an important reason and in the end are probably wanted more than not wanted, even in different types of

    relationships this type of combination is seen.

    I AGREE, women are much more rigid and with the good and the

    bad of all things, it may suck for us guys. How many longing guys have you seen obsessed with one woman and that

    woman can\'t possibly see herself with him. This happens with women, but only if that guy is everything she thinks

    she needs. You are right women, often even draw up lists, such as \"has to be 6 foot and above\" \"dark\"

    \"very handsome\", along with other very specific stuff that most men will not meet due to that woman\'s

    specific/odd want(s). There are many women that cannot really have a sexual response or attraction to a guy that

    even may be considered handsome by many other women...kind of a dilemma for guys. Men usually want fun and cool, and

    women are looking for an investment.

    A woman has the burden of being the one to choose and settle down, she

    has to make sure that this specific guy even if she is dating him is worthwhile and among what she believes she

    deserves...and most women think they deserve a lot. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]Just as well as

    that system may work it can be distorted and flawed by a woman\'s own experiences and issues. You have heard of

    women who have abusive types, like the woman who always finds herslef in a abusive relationship? It\'s not by

    chance. Men gain their power else where I figure, but this arena seems dominated by the women. Again, delusion.

    Another evolutionary purpose maybe for women to avoid conflicts by all having different types. Men sterotypically

    are the one\'s who \"fight\" over girls. Many girls who hang out my devolope different tastes in men. Even

    identical twin girls show different tastes in men for some purpose.

    I think a lot of the guys can tell

    you, and from what I have seen that you can get a response of attraction in many different girls, and the

    probability that they all like your type is not likely.....Maybe some women can see you with your -mones and still

    view you as not the one, but, and I will need the opinion of others I believe yes, it can make a woman who would not

    like your type attracted to you. Maybe the pheromones could have an effect, where as your appearence is written into

    her head as a strong, sexually attractive male. Then on your appearence even without the merit of being so could

    come off to her as a good mate. I am not sure if I would want to deal with the effects of that though.


    for the good old t-mack spelling errors and long windedness. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  6. #6
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    I didn\'t mean to sound a little one sided.

    I am sure women occassionally will date outside of

    their type, if they find the guy attractive

    (anomaly) and I am sure this happens regularly.

    The guy may not meet everything she invisions, but usually is considered to be a good looking guy/cool. Still I

    don\'t think it means the women would be dating, guys who are shorter than them or will burst out of their own

    type that much? Personality/character still seems to rule much in the end.

    Pheromones have a lot of tricks.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    It\'s a widely and generally accepted fact (dare I say even a maxim) that women are less visually orientated than

    men. Although they may have a \'type\', this usually is much more influenced by persona than by physical


    This I know to be true from years of impromptu and clandestine \'surveying\' of women I know

    as both friends and lovers.

    One friend summed it up best as \"you men are always going for looks. The woman

    always has to be stunning, or to match your type (such as a slim brunette - or a busty blonde). Us women <name

    omitted> care much more about the soul... the person inside. Do they stimulate me? Are they intruiging? What

    secrets do they have?\"

    This can be demonstrated quite easily by taking a walk around your local shopping

    centre on a saturday afternoon. Count how many men you see holding hands with women that are uglier than them -

    then count how many women you see holding hands with men uglier than them. It\'s the age old question - \"what

    the hell is that babe doing with that ugly bastard?\"

    Sorry to piss on your bonfire, but your basic premise

    is wrong [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    Macky, I believe that patterns of attraction for women (and men), both physical and psychological, are

    \"written\" very early in life much like data is \"written\" to a HD. Nothing new about that thought but I\'m

    coming to believe that mones \"re-write\" those subconscious patterns, or at least expand them. I see this as a

    very positive thing!!! Take for instance the woman that has \"victim\" imprinted on her drive. Her dad was a

    giant A** hole, lots of abuse growing up and through out her life she keeps going from one prick to the next. Enter

    none-A**hole guy using mones. Bingo, pattern broken. Very kewl!!! She still has a victim mentality but with the

    new, none-victimizing guy, she has a chance at a much better life by breaking away from the \"abuse\"


    I believe that our mone signature is actual the exhaust created by the burning up of various body/brain

    amines which are then purged from our bodies through sweat glands. If true, it would explain colloquialisms such as

    \"I could smell her fear\" or \" I sensed his power when he entered the room\". Take the victimized girl, put

    her in a potentially victimizing situation again. Her body begins to flood with \"fight or flight\" amines but

    because of her early training as a victim the amines are heavy toward the \"flight\" or fear side of production.

    The burning up of those amines specific to fear creates exhaust which forms her particular \"victim\" pheromone

    signiture. The potential victimizer picks up on her fear and weakness mone signature the same way a wolf knows

    which, out of all the animals in the herd, is the weakest. He smells it!!

    How cool would it be, how life changing

    for some, to put together a mone perfume combo that pattern rape and abuse victims could use in their everyday walk

    through life? Something that would keep the A**holes away and maybe even re-write the victims signature pattern.

    Obviously the potential exists right now. I believe it does anyway.

    Good topic Macky!!! Stay Kewl!!!!!!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Sorry to piss on your bonfire, but

    your basic premise is wrong [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    No, not really. I was speaking about two issues that will collide with eachother at a

    certain point, I should have differeneciated them a bit more to show more of a fuller image, but I still stand by

    what I said. You are missing one step, sure personality possibly in the end result for a woman is going to be

    considered the bulk of her purchase, but how would she know this guy was such a great person? A woman when she is

    roaming looks at male behavior and such, but she has no possible way of knowing whether or not a certain guy is a

    magical person, the assumption that a unattractive guy can just walk up to a woman and fill her sexual or make her

    feel he is a good person is not exactly likely. When have types as they know more than anyone else what may work

    with them and what has in the past and the probability of that man being a great guy beyond looks.

    If a man

    can be the classic pest or through some way of miracles annoy and constantly go after the woman and use his charm

    and such, and is also demonstrates possibly some way of taking care of her with ease..then possibly a bargain will

    be made. Instead of a strong genetic mate, who can give her great sex she goes to the safe house, the guy who makes

    her feel great which makes her feel safe, secure, and able to depend/raise a family. If support financially/mentally

    wise is there that is also a big plus. If a woman decides to cheat, whether her hormones guiding her, she usually

    picks an attractive masculine male, who may not make a long term partner but has good


    When I was speaking about types I was also speaking on

    a woman\'s ability to through delusion make her man more attractive in her mind, or conjure up a type of male for

    which she believes is best for her, most of the time this male is a more custom built version of a good looking

    male, but often it can be a generally unattractive male being \"built up\", often delusion can take a sour course

    most of the time due to bad experiences or issues. Still though from first impression stand points all women have a

    \"type\" for which they desire, for which they look for in a crowd, which may elicit (give) an extra boost. I

    believe that uglier guys, through feeling the kick in the ass by evolution develope more open, and better

    personalities, often nice caring and show the attributes due to a lack of physical qualities.....Sterotypically you

    could take the some what unattractive girl with the heart of gold, and the pretty one who may have not had to use

    her personality.....

    So some women get both a combination of looks and personality, but at some point a

    bargain has to be made. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] Nature knows this very well.

    I know

    there are few females here but I would love to hear their point of view on this, I still believe being that type is

    the easist key into the \"palace\". I also know that personality is the cement and is very important and most

    likely more important.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    Hey Ash, what\'s up bro.

    Yeah I know what you mean...The mind is always changing, re-wiring,

    so no one will ever be the same person they were even the day before. Small changes, yet childhood has a very,

    strong effect on us no matter what age we become it is our first knowledge of this world so rewiring or changing

    that seems not very likely. We see a lot of issues that come from childhood within everyone we know, some can even

    predict people in that fashion.

    I believe the girl who looks for more a##hole characters would find the -none

    very appealing, maybe more than other women, but I doubt unless that type of \"loving behavior\" is shown she

    would feel completely attracted....She is also looking for a personality and the guy if he is not an abusive person

    may not rock her boat....That\'s up in the air though. I have no idea.


    Pheromones can open up a gateway to a potential mate. Much

    like looks do. Afterall isn\'t that what the -mones are for, naturally speaking.

  11. #11
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    Great posts by everyone.

    Has anyone seen he movie 20 dates on hbo by Myles Berkowitz or something.

    In it, his

    old fim proffesser talks about the phantom image that women create for their perfect guy, and how every man is

    compared to that, but inevitibly will fall short of this phantom man.

    \"Men are interested in the physical, and

    women are interested in the fantasy, the phantom, or the chance that true love can occur between

    two people searching for such wildly different things is slim to none.\"

  12. #12
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Has anyone seen he movie 20 dates on hbo by Myles

    Berkowitz or something.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Yes, with Myles Berkowitz and Tia Carrere.



  13. #13
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"


    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Take for instance the woman that has

    \"victim\" imprinted on her drive. Her dad was a giant A** hole, lots of abuse growing up and through out her life

    she keeps going from one prick to the next. Enter none-A**hole guy using mones. Bingo, pattern broken. Very kewl!!!

    She still has a victim mentality but with the new, none-victimizing guy, she has a chance at a much better life by

    breaking away from the \"abuse\" pattern.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Very interesting

    point. Do you think that would happen? Or would she eventually pick up on this guy\'s \"non-victimizing\" ways

    and lose respect for him? Those from abusive upbringings/relationships often have a difficult time respecting

    anything but an abusive personality, no?

    That non-victimizing guy would do well to wear -none day and night for a

    long time.


  14. #14
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    As a woman, I\'d have to say that I do agree with this.


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    It has to do a lot with evolution and though it may not as great sounding for

    the guys that like to sleep around. It still serves a purpose. Girls not absolute, but in general are looking for

    more security, so a compilation of looks of which the girl grew up around may appeal more, or certain traits.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I personally seem to be attracted to men that are similar in

    size, stature &amp; personality to my father. My Dad was the classic sweet old man. I was born late in his life, he

    was 52, and I was literally spoiled rotten by him. I can honestly say that in terms of dating, settling down, etc.

    that\'s what I go for. However, if I\'m honest about it, I also have to admit that there\'s a STRONG atraction

    for Big Alphas. We\'ve got one where I work. According to him, he knows everything, he knows what\'s wrong, how

    to fix it, etc. There\'s just something about him that\'s makes me look at him during breaks, etc. I don\'t

    think I\'d ever consciously act on the atraction, but it is there. If I were much younger, and able/wanting to

    have kids, it would probably be a different story.

    If you\'ll notice from what was said about women\'s

    types: tall, handsome, etc. You\'re describing the idealised version of an Alpha. That\'s what most women want

    their children to be, even if it\'s on a subconsious level. We want our kids to be intelligent,

    beautiful/handsome, etc. Goodlooking kids equals lots of grandkids. More of our genetic code floating around.

    Intelligent kids equals the same. Intelligent boys grow up to get higher paying jobs, attracting females seeking

    wealth, BINGO, more DNA floating around in the form of babies.

    I think alot of our behaviour, male &amp; female,

    is hardwired into our DNA. Then, when you add in envirnment/upbringing, causing us to make decisions on a

    subconscious level. It\'s no wonder that one sex has no idea what makes the other sex behave the way they do.

    Anyhow, that\'s my 2 cents worth. Randa

  15. #15
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    Good post, Randa.


  16. #16
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I personally seem to be attracted to

    men that are similar in size, stature &amp; personality to my father. My Dad was the classic sweet old man. I was

    born late in his life, he was 52, and I was literally spoiled rotten by him. I can honestly say that in terms of

    dating, settling down, etc. that\'s what I go for. However, if I\'m honest about it, I also have to admit that

    there\'s a STRONG atraction for Big Alphas. We\'ve got one where I work. According to him, he knows everything,

    he knows what\'s wrong, how to fix it, etc. There\'s just something about him that\'s makes me look at him

    during breaks, etc. I don\'t think I\'d ever consciously act on the atraction, but it is there. If I were much

    younger, and able/wanting to have kids, it would probably be a different story.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    I agree that women look for a man like their father figure, whether the guy is their actual

    father, or the man they consider their father. For me it was my grandfather. He was known far and wide as a

    friendly, funny, fair man, and if he didn\'t know how to fix something, he at least knew who to ask. He wasn\'t

    perfect by a long shot. If you left him in the house by himself, he\'d starve and live in dirty clothes. He was an

    outside man all his life, and just didn\'t know his way around housecleaning. And because of my grandmother, he

    never needed to learn.

    I\'d take a man like him anyday, and I\'ve noticed the majority of guys I\'ve dated

    have reminded me of him. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    For me it was my grandfather. He was known far and

    wide as a friendly, funny, fair man, and if he didn\'t know how to fix something, he at least knew who to


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    A terrific guy, it sounds like.



  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast Sacogoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    tallmacky writes:
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    How many longing guys have you

    seen obsessed with one woman and that woman can\'t possibly see herself with him.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Because guys are morons. Because all men have a certain degree of alpha, dominant, or

    whatever you want to call it in them that makes them think, if not act, that they should be the one that every woman

    that they see should be with them instead of the guy that they are with. However, the actual physical assertion of

    the male to the female is what separates the alpha from the beta or whatever stupid animal terminology you wish to

    apply. Hell, everytime I go into public, whether I have my SO with me or not, I am thinking to myself that I could

    have/should have every woman that I see that even remotely fits into my perceptions of attractiveness.

    But, on

    the other hand, women are stupid too. And due to the new order of selection/perceived dominance that has existed

    since mankind began placing importance on material goods, women have been drawn to \"the haves\" in order to

    potentially secure their future financially/fiscally, just as much as they would have been drawn to the chisled jaw

    and rippling chest of the physically dominant male.

    Initially, guys just want to get laid. Initially, women want

    to get laid too. Long term, a guy wants to marry his mother. Long term, women want to make sure that they have

    emotional and financial security.

    Yes, there are certain broad based \"types\" that people are INITIALLY

    attracted to in terms of physical features. This is with both men and women. Personality, mannerisms, speech

    patterns, etc., also are factors that contribute to an individuals preference (both men and women), and can have an

    impact on the physical attractiveness in terms of personal preference. So can convienence.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    A woman has the burden of being the one to choose

    and settle down, she has to make sure that this specific guy even if she is dating him is worthwhile and among what

    she believes she deserves...and most women think they deserve a lot.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Same goes for a man. Let\'s not stereotype the woman as the sex who is more demanding, picky, choosey, etc.

    We\'re pretty much the same as far as initial reactions and attractions go. Guys can be just as \"confusing\"

    to women as women are to men. Ya gotta walk a mile in another persons shoes before you can really judge them, and

    my bet is if you were to strap on a pair of Ferragamo heels and start trucking, you\'d find out that the chickies

    are just as confused, desparate, desiring, and questioning as men are of women. Plus they have that whole

    menustrating thing to worry about.

  19. #19
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    Basically, these types are just hang-ups that people have, and nobody likes being limited by them once you are

    outside of those types.

    It is the same with racial stereo types. People get frustrated because nobody wants to

    be considered to not be able to be X, just because your Y. That sentiment is not moronic, its the stereotypes that


    So the whole types thing sucks, and I will never accept it, because as an outsider, from my perspective it


    Then again, rigid or not, it is very real to those who have them, and nothing in life is fair, so while

    you can say it sucks, you can\'t expect it not to suck.

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I like your assessment of the situation. You

    explain it well, it is so true. I loved what you said.

    However, the only thing contradicting the swept in

    emotion circumstances are that women are so much more rigid in their types then men. For instance, a lot of men

    think taller women are sexier, but that doesn\'t mean that we don\'t find short women sexy and won\'t to be

    with them.

    Women on the other hand are more likely than men to have those exclusivity rules, i.e. 6-foot only,

    bad boy only, clean shaven only, dark hair only, light hair only, lean only, big only, etc.

    This presents more

    opportunities for male wearers to be stymied by appearance. Or, do the mones over power in such situations?

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I disagree. I find that if I am mesmerized by a man\'s

    intelligence, sensitivity, and personality, my type-preferences go out the window. Or, rather... I suddenly prefer

    HIS type.&lt;g&gt;

    BTW-- Exception --My father was a mean drunk, so I FLEE from men who remind me of him.

  21. #21
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I like your assessment of the situation. You

    explain it well, it is so true. I loved what you said.

    However, the only thing contradicting the swept in

    emotion circumstances are that women are so much more rigid in their types then men. For instance, a lot of men

    think taller women are sexier, but that doesn\'t mean that we don\'t find short women sexy and won\'t to be

    with them.

    Women on the other hand are more likely than men to have those exclusivity rules, i.e. 6-foot only,

    bad boy only, clean shaven only, dark hair only, light hair only, lean only, big only, etc.

    This presents more

    opportunities for male wearers to be stymied by appearance. Or, do the mones over power in such situations?

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I also think mones give guys a bit if an edge, regardless of type.

    I have a friend-- killer body, but blond (not my type) and not handsome. But, he exudes mones. And, draws all KINDS

    of women. I\'m also affected, when in his immediate vicinity.

  22. #22
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I disagree. I find that if I am mesmerized by a

    man\'s intelligence, sensitivity, and personality, my type-preferences go out the window. Or, rather... I suddenly

    prefer HIS type.&lt;g&gt;

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That\'s cool.


  23. #23
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    Fair enough Kari. Women with your attitude may be the majority. It is more the attitude that isn\'t as open as

    yours that I don\'t like.

    Also, I\'m with you on the parent thing. I don\'t like women who remind me

    anything remotely of my mother. The main idea though is that your parent will heavily effect your choice, ie the

    two of us shying from people that remind us of our parent (for me it is in terms of personality).

    Speaking of

    which, my sister had a baby today. As this kid was in its first moments with her and stuff, I was thinking how that

    feeling of comfort it felt at that moment was being totally associated with her pheromone signature, which is a lot

    of JVK\'s argument.

    Also, she was covered, but her husband said \"he\'s hungry\" because apprarently maybe

    he was going for her breast.

    That would support what it says on skin bio about breasts and pheromones and nipples

    and such and why us guys love them so much.

    They make me so peaceful and comfortable (I wasn\'t breast fed, but

    the pheromones are there to find the nipple -- babies can\'t necessarily see).

  24. #24
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    Congrats UNCLE!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


  25. #25
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Congrats UNCLE!!!

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  26. #26
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Take for instance the woman that has \"victim\" imprinted on her drive.

    Her dad was a giant A** hole, lots of abuse growing up and through out her life she keeps going from one prick to

    the next. Enter none-A**hole guy using mones. Bingo, pattern broken. Very kewl!!! She still has a victim mentality

    but with the new, none-victimizing guy, she has a chance at a much better life by breaking away from the \"abuse\"


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Very interesting point. Do you think that would happen?

    Or would she eventually pick up on this guy\'s \"non-victimizing\" ways and lose respect for him? Those from

    abusive upbringings/relationships often have a difficult time respecting anything but an abusive personality,


    That non-victimizing guy would do well to wear -none day and night for a long time.



    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Very intriging theory. I would like to see what mones might do against

    ingrained patterns, if anything. Since olefactory stimulus is considered to be among the most compelling.


    victims often choose abusers, however, because:1) it\'s a kind of \"love\" that they have learned to expect and

    understand, and 2) because they often believe they aren\'t worthy of anything better.

    The abused usually have

    to re-learn their value, as people. They also have to get used to more constructive forms of love, acknowledgement,

    and recognition. It\'s a learning process that breaks the pattern.

  27. #27
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Fair enough Kari. Women with your attitude may be

    the majority. It is more the attitude that isn\'t as open as yours that I don\'t like.

    Also, I\'m with you

    on the parent thing. I don\'t like women who remind me anything remotely of my mother. The main idea though is

    that your parent will heavily effect your choice, ie the two of us shying from people that remind us of our parent

    (for me it is in terms of personality).

    Speaking of which, my sister had a baby today. As this kid was in its

    first moments with her and stuff, I was thinking how that feeling of comfort it felt at that moment was being

    totally associated with her pheromone signature, which is a lot of JVK\'s argument.

    Also, she was covered, but

    her husband said \"he\'s hungry\" because apprarently maybe he was going for her breast.

    That would support

    what it says on skin bio about breasts and pheromones and nipples and such and why us guys love them so


    They make me so peaceful and comfortable (I wasn\'t breast fed, but the pheromones are there to find the

    nipple -- babies can\'t necessarily see).

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That makes perfect

    sense. Breasts represent food, warmth, and love. They are soft, scented cushions. Confort and womanliness and


  28. #28
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Fair enough Kari. Women with your attitude may be

    the majority. It is more the attitude that isn\'t as open as yours that I don\'t like.

    Also, I\'m with you

    on the parent thing. I don\'t like women who remind me anything remotely of my mother. The main idea though is

    that your parent will heavily effect your choice, ie the two of us shying from people that remind us of our parent

    (for me it is in terms of personality).

    Speaking of which, my sister had a baby today. As this kid was in its

    first moments with her and stuff, I was thinking how that feeling of comfort it felt at that moment was being

    totally associated with her pheromone signature, which is a lot of JVK\'s argument.

    Also, she was covered, but

    her husband said \"he\'s hungry\" because apprarently maybe he was going for her breast.

    That would support

    what it says on skin bio about breasts and pheromones and nipples and such and why us guys love them so


    They make me so peaceful and comfortable (I wasn\'t breast fed, but the pheromones are there to find the

    nipple -- babies can\'t necessarily see).

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    And, MAJOR

    cangratulations, on your brand, new nephew!

  29. #29
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: -Mones bypass a female\'s \"type\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    And, MAJOR cangratulations, on your brand, new


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  30. #30
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Some thoughts...

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    for instance the woman that has \"victim\" imprinted on her drive. Her dad was a giant A** hole, lots of abuse

    growing up and through out her life she keeps going from one prick to the next. Enter none-A**hole guy using mones.

    Bingo, pattern broken. Very kewl!!! She still has a victim mentality but with the new, none-victimizing guy, she has

    a chance at a much better life by breaking away from the \"abuse\" pattern.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Very interesting point. Do you think that would happen? Or would she eventually pick up on this

    guy\'s \"non-victimizing\" ways and lose respect for him? Those from abusive upbringings/relationships often

    have a difficult time respecting anything but an abusive personality, no?

    That non-victimizing guy would do well

    to wear -none day and night for a long time.


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


    intriging theory. I would like to see what mones might do against ingrained patterns, if anything. Since olefactory

    stimulus is considered to be among the most compelling.

    Abuse victims often choose abusers, however, because:1)

    it\'s a kind of \"love\" that they have learned to expect and understand, and 2) because they often believe they

    aren\'t worthy of anything better.

    The abused usually have to re-learn their value, as people. They also have

    to get used to more constructive forms of love, acknowledgement, and recognition. It\'s a learning process that

    breaks the pattern.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I thought about this particular idea a while

    ago, and it is indeed interesting.

    A big factor in the use of pheromones is that you are riding on the back of

    associations, -none being assocated with a strong type, and if you aren\'t strong you can slap some on and people

    will perceive you as strong...or whatever.

    There is a danger here though, can we alter peoples


    And, for all the phero users in contact with younger people, are we causing false associations to

    be made?

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