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  1. #1

    Default Deoderent vs. anti-persperent

    I notice that the Sportsguard that I\'ve been spraying under my armpits is labeled as a deoderent, while many other sprays are labeled as deoderent/anti-persperents. Would using either type of spray under the armpits diminish the effectiveness of my natural pheromone secretions? My guess would be that the deoderent would have no effect, since it just masks the smell, but the anti-persperent would have an effect, since it decreases sweating. Does that sound right to you experts?

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Deoderent vs. anti-persperent

    Anything that destroys the natural bacteria on the skin is going to cause problems with the natural pheromones. The anti-perspirent thing sounds even worse, but I don\'t have any data to base that oppinion on of course. Personally, I use only all-natural deodorants.

    I know some folks have a very nasty BO problem, that seem to demand drastic action in the deodorant arena, but (again personally) I would take that as a sign that there is something nasty going on inside the body as well, and get that straightened out.

    There are undoubtedly countless pheromones in human sweat and I reckon they give those around us a pretty good idea who they are dealing with.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Deoderent vs. anti-persperent

    I believe that the anti persperant is an aluminium derivative. It tends to bind water tightly. While this will most definitly have an effect on the local envirnoment, if the bacteria are sturdy enough to live on your skin (think dry, oily, and salty. . . not nice for bugs) than this would probably not be too much of a problem. For me personally, it doesn\'t really matter, they all fail after a certain amount of time, which sort of supports my previous statement.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Deoderent vs. anti-persperent

    So do most of you on this forum use any deoderent or anti-persperent? Anyone notice a difference in female reaction from their use?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Deoderent vs. anti-persperent

    Here\'s a very interesting excerpt from Kohl\'s report:

    Two of these androstenes, the alcohol 5-androst-16en-3ol (androstenol) and the ketone 5a-androst-16en-3-one (androstenone) have odorous characteristics that bear a similarity to the smell of male axillae. Androstenol has a musk-like scent, while androstenone smells urinous. It is important to note that the odors arise only via the activity of microorganisms [48]. Among these microorganisms are the aerobic bacteria Corynebacterium ssp., which transform the odorless precursors androstadienol and androstadienone, into the odorous 5a-androstenone [49]. If the axillae are treated with antibacterial detergents, the production of androstenone decreases significantly [50].

    I don\'t know how deodorents work, but if it\'s an antibacterial agent, it would reduce the conversion of androstadienol/androstadienone to androstenone. If the conversion is reduced, it\'s not clear if that\'s a good or bad thing, since androstadienone is the pheromone in Realm shown to affect the VNO!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Deoderent vs. anti-persperent

    I think james kohl (he will set me straight if im wrong) but in a pervious post he said that hes from the camp that says that pheromones dont affect the VNO so much instead it seems to be a hormonal response elsewhere in the instinct section of the brain.

    But the realm products arent discussed that much and rone is also a pheromone(but the stedinine if it is a phero well if someone else is able to put in a product without breaking the patent laws) well it could be an interesting product.

    ANother way to increase natural phero levels is DHEA supplements. THats androsterone

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Deoderent vs. anti-persperent

    A related thought....I think sometimes there may be situations where you\'re better off to reduce/eliminate your own natural sweat/pheros. I\'m thinking about stressful situations like job interviews or tax audits (or sometimes even asking a woman out lol). There\'s research showing that most women, and even some men, can \"smell\" the scent of fear. I know I\'ve seen several situations where someone under stress would really start to put out some stinky BO.

    So, using antiperspirant means you won\'t be putting out as many fear pheros while under stress. Instead, if you\'re wearing commercial pheros, you\'ll be putting out better signals, ie. alpha male (-one) and friendly/attractive (-ol). Presumably, effects would be on the wearer (yourself), instead of getting even MORE stressed because you\'re reacting to your own fear pheros, you\'re actually getting calmer and more confident.

    Anyway, that\'s my two cents...Personally, I\'d wear antipersirant and something like alter ego, if I knew I was going into a potentially stressful situation. Almost think of it as a scent \"mask.\"


  8. #8

    Default Re: Deoderent vs. anti-persperent

    Bruce I read somewhere that the so called BO is nothing more than the fecal materiel of the bacteria in question.

    I also remember reading in a men\'s magazine (I beleive it was Mens Health) that it is better to put deodorant or anti-perspirant many hours after a guy has showered or taken a bath to avoid not only possible irritation but also to prolong the effects of the deodorant or anti-perspirant.

    My question is this, shouldn\'t we just rely on the pheromones that we put on from Love-Scent instead of the ones we produce from our bodies? I ask this because if we have a combination of both our own naturally produced pheromones and the ones we purchase from Love-Scent working in tandem, then how can we ascertain wether one type or the other is the one that is working?


  9. #9

    Default Re: Deoderent vs. anti-persperent

    Eliminating our natural pheromone production and relying on supplemental pheromone entirely concerns me only because we may not have identified all the important components! It\'s like relying on vitamin/mineral supplements and eating junk food -- there may be vitamins in the healthy food that have not been identified, and you\'re missing out on them when you rely on supplements. Needless to say, a lot less research has gone into pheromone supplements when compared to vitamin supplements, so reliance may be even more risky. Then again, if you\'re getting results...

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