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Thread: DHEA

  1. #1

    Default DHEA

    Dehydroandrosterone (internal DHEA) supplements that one buys from the vitamin shop. Does this in any way have any increase effect on natural pheromone output. Also zinc is of assistance. So can anyone tell me what DHEA actually does.

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: DHEA

    Hi DD,
    I take it every day with a tribulus extract supplement. Twin Labs makes a great combo of these two called Tribulus Stack I believe. It is supposed to raise your testosterone levels, and it seems to work well for me. This is strictly for the getting towards middle age crowd as far as I am concerned, but I\'m no doctor.

  3. #3
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: DHEA

    I\'ve used DHEA for maybe two years now. I\'m 50. I did indeed note an increase in my \"skunkness\" smell after only a few days.

    DHEA is a known precursor compound to \'nol and \'none, at least as well as testosterone and estrogens.

    It\'s for the old and/or feeble - not for whippersnappers under, say, 35 unless they are, well, feeble.

    What does seem to help testosterone production and is suitable to younger men is zinc. The best form is ZMA (don\'t ask) from various vendors. Take, usually, three capsules before bed. The zinc is needed by the emzymes that do the magic conversions from chloresterol to DHEA, Testosterone, estrodiol, etc. I\'ve used this during my weightlifting bulking cycles and it seemed to make a difference. Kinda cheap too and relatively low risk.

  4. #4

    Default Re: DHEA

    If DHEA is a precurser to -nol and -none, can we get an effect by placing it on the skin? I think it\'s much cheaper than any of the pheromones.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: DHEA

    DHEA is a HORMONE. Like Bruce pointed out it is for middle aged people.
    If you are ever gonna take it, consult a physician first. Hormones are to be taken with great care even if they can be bought over the counter in some countries like in the US. Too much DHEA at any age can cause a minor sex change in you. Eg men grow breasts etc.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: DHEA

    PS DHEA stands for Dehydroepiandrosterone.

  7. #7
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: DHEA

    The enzymes that convert DHEA into other steroids like testosterones and pheromones are located in places like the liver, fat cells, sex glands, etc. DHEA can be delivered to the circulatory system by external application of special creams, lotions, etc but it works just fine orally so, generally, why bother?

    I have found a very nice DHEA cream, mostly for women, that\'s applied to the private parts. Local application to the mucus membranes causes local uptake where its converted into estrogens and such. It seems to help with lubricity and tone since those areas have plenty of enzymes and respond quickly to sex hormones, all without systemic effects. Makes those parts all tinglely too! Highly recommended, especially for women over 35 - it\'s called \"Dermal XL\" by Dixie Health - you can get it at GNC.

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    Default Re: DHEA

    Those Calypso´s oils contain DHEA.

  9. #9

    Default Re: DHEA

    Thanks for the info CJ your a great help as always and a much needed female ally here. ANyone else got any feedback on DHEA supplements

  10. #10
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: DHEA

    DHEA is second in production only to cholesterol, which is the basic building block of all the sex hormones (and their
    metabolites: pheromones). Its primary metabolites are androsterone and etiocholanolone, which helps to explain the increasing pheromonal popularity of androsterone; the musky smelling metabolite of DHEA. Of interest from the perspective of the Life Extension folk, is that DHEA is the only hormone that declines in a straight line with age (from about 25 y/o on). So, whatever it does, it does less of in older people than in younger people. Maybe that\'s why old men don\'t seem to attract many young women. In any case I started supplementing with DHEA about 8 years ago, which was long before most people had even heard of it. I got a friendly pharmacist who operated a compounding pharmacy to obtain 2 kilos of the stuff (sounds like a drug buy, doesn\'t it?) Then I got the docs I was working for to prescribe it (back then it was considered by some sources to be a controlled substance, since it has weak androgenic properties). Based upon its availability at the pharmacy, the docs started prescribing it to several of their patients. Bill Regelson, M.D., presented on the benefits of DHEA at a 1994 Life Extension conference. When I told him my book was due out in May of 1995, he was crushed--since his book on pheromones had only just been sent to a publisher. In other words, I got mine out first; an academic coup. Bill decided not to publish back then, but Bruce recently told me that Regelson\'s book was available for pre-order at I\'ll try to keep you all posted on what Bill Regelson has to say now. However, I have also included a chapter update to The Scent of Eros, which throws more light on the importance of DHEA and androsterone. Just need to get the book re-released, which will happen soon. At least Bill got his book out, before mine was re-released.

  11. #11

    Default Re: DHEA

    Thanks james so it looks as though DHEA could be used in conjunction with externally applied pheros to boosts ones natural production plus also to aid in energy levels and so forth. Does anyone else use DHEA here and do you notice any improvement in geneeral health ive noticed ive got heaps more energy, well applying pheros under the nose helps but also taking supplements is a natural way of increasing natural levels as one gets older.

    I thought DHEA was dehydroandeoSTERONE so it seems rone comes before none in the metabolic process or am i wrong on that one.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: DHEA

    I\'ve been taking DHEA supplements since summer, and do notice some extra energy or ooomph in daily life. Not a huge amount extra, but still an improvement. I\'m only taking 5-10 mg/day (and 4 days on, 3 off), though, and I\'ve seen dosage recommendations as high as 50-100 mg/day. I\'m keeping it lower because at 33 years, I still have a good amount of natural DHEA. Actually, the product I\'m using doesn\'t recommend DHEA for people under 40 (although levels apparently start dropping at 25...hmmm). One additional thought...apparently there\'s a blood test that can measure DHEA levels, and some experts recommend having that test done when you\'re taking DHEA supplements.


  13. #13
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: DHEA

    Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) breaks down into androsterone and etiocholanolone as I mentioned. But this metabolic pathway for the adrenal androgen (DHEA) is somewhat different than for androstenone and androstenol. Phil Stone might best be able to explain the differences from a steroid biochemistry perspective. As for me, I got interested in androsterone because of the rapid response possible from the adrenal glands, compared to the delayed response from the gonads. For example, by the time men\'s testicles respond to a woman\'s pheromones with increased male gonadal pheromone production, she\'s likely to be long gone. With androsterone, the response is immediate.

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: DHEA

    DHEA supposedly raises testosterone levels, but the downside of higher testosterone levels means an increase in DHT levels, which is what causes Male Pattern Baldness. (MPB)

  15. #15

    Default Re: DHEA

    With the baldness issue, is DHEA levels the only thing that is the cause.

    And on the other front so DHEA gets converted into androstenone in the adrenal glands. So do we know what causes none and nol production in the other regions of the body. Also with the other types of pheros have you (james) done any research or have you been able to test this substance as a phero as well - etiocholanolone. What about the other pheros mentioned in this thread there has to be more than just 4 or 5 primary pheros as well. Just some food for thought.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: DHEA

    I have been taking 7-KETO DHEA. I heard that 7 Keto works the same as Dhea, the only thing that is different is 7 keto dhea does not converts into testosteron and estrogen people say that is much safer than DHEA and anybody can take it. I prefer taking 7 keto because I don\'t get blowted. And ever since I took this product I get positive responses to women and men too.

  17. #17

    Default Re: DHEA

    I think that DHEA will convert to estrogen as well as testosterone. For men, raising estrogen levels would be undesirable. I don\'t know much abot the 7-keto DHEA. If it doesn\'t convert to estrogen then it may be worth a try.

  18. #18

    Default Re: DHEA

    bump to the top bump bump boo thats it just bringing it back up to the top.

  19. #19
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: DHEA


    Sorry for the US-centric acronym, that was rude of me - GNC is General Nutrition Centers, a US chain store for supplements, vitamins, protein powders, etc. They are ubiquitous here in the States.

    The DHEA cream I mentioned can be obtained directly from the manufacturer over the Net at:

    I highly recommend this stuff - it\'s fun for all!

    As to 7-keto-DHEA, I wonder why people spend their money on it. DHEA has some direct functions in the body but those seem minor - 7-keto supposedly can perform those direct functions, whatever they are.

    Yes, testosterone can convert to DHT which can cause male baldness. However, the propensity to DHT-caused baldness is inherited as a function of enzymes in the scalp. Personally, I\'m not prone to that problem but I\'d rather have testosterone and no hair than the converse - hair and no testosterone.

    There is a product that allows both - it contains a topical testosterone precursor and anti-estrogen and DHT-conversion blockers in one product. Again, I\'ve tried and can recommend their products (if used properly):

    [ January 03, 2002: Message edited by: Whitehall ]

  20. #20
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    Default Re: DHEA

    is 5 mg the lowest content available, and which company did you get them from

    Whitehall, what´s GNC?

    where do you get the 7-keto DHEA from, and what do you mean exactly that people respond positively to you? In what way or circumstances?
    7-keto DHEA btw is what they put into the calypsos oils.

    CJ [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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    Default Re: DHEA


    That\'s the lowest concentration I remember seeing. It\'s been awhile since I bought it...I live in Canada so can\'t buy it in stores here (picked mine up in california almost a year ago). The brand is Vitamin World.


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    Default Re: DHEA

    thanks DA, -found their website.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: DHEA

    Thanks, -GNC kind of rang a bell but I was not sure.
    I checked the link for the cream-sound fun, if I ever have money to spend I might try it out just for the hell of it because I don´t actually have any problems of this kind.

    I think if you live in canada you can order from vitamin world over the internet. They state on their website that the only countries they don´t ship to are France and Germany, and emargoed countries. I don´t think canada is under any embargo so you should be okay.

    Speaking of vitamins, does anyone know how to order from centrum directly, I could not find any info on their website at all.

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    Default Re: DHEA

    whitehall, have you ever used that cream on any other part of the body or only just ... the private areas? If so, what happened?

  25. #25
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: DHEA


    The DHEA cream (Dermal XL) is so smooth and pleasant that I haven\'t wanted to waste any on non-private areas - I think that it is formulated just for \"private area\" application although it could be used elsewhere on the body - that would be a waste of money though since capsules or other creams could deliver DHEA systemicly at lower cost. With regular application, you should see a \"pinkening\" of the mucus tissues indicating better health and rejuvenation.

    However, like the post about kava being controlled in the EU, DHEA is a controlled drug in some countries. Both rules are illogical, in my opinion.

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    Default Re: DHEA

    PS if it´s that good maybe Bruce could offer the on love scent, there´s a link for retailers on their website.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: DHEA

    Obviously...I know ALL about ANYTHING weightlifting, and supplement wise.

    DHEA is a precursor to most of all the hormones in your body.

    DHEA goes in your body..and turns into estrogen AND testosterone

    I\'ve tried doesn\'t seem more effective, as, you only want testosterone.

    And, in that case, you can get pro-hormones, or pro-steroids..if you have the money for them.


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