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  1. #1
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    Default The ULTIMATE Mix??

    Hi all,

    I was just wondering what would be THE ultimate mix out there with pheromones?
    I have been hearing some good things about the NPA/SOC mix?

    I have been using AE without any significance results.. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

    Help will be greatly appreciated. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The ULTIMATE Mix??

    Hey there, Sadly there´s no such thing as the ultimate mix that will work for everyone. It would make things much easier but then again much more boring.
    Everyone is indiviual, with their own body chemistry, natural phero production, move in different circles, live in different climates and so on... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

    How much AE are you using, what for, and do you have any other products you could mix it with yet? Maybe we can give you some clues this way. CJ [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The ULTIMATE Mix??

    In my opinion :

    3 drops AE with 1 dab NPA (or 4 dabs TE) is the closest u can possibly get to ULTIMATE at this time !

    Remember this is only PHERO-WISE ! If you look/behave like a lamer and have the confidence of a rabbit - No pheromone product available on planet earth will help u ! So work on the TOTAL package [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    Btw AE/m is VERRRY good on its own /(3-6 drops) standalone. Maybe u should do more experimenting , hit the mall , talk to female customers (strangers) , tune the dosage...

    Basically , if u have 4 AE drops on your jawline , and you are standing somewhat close to a female (preferably a stranger) SHE WILL BE AFFECTED BY THE PHERO\'s !!!

    -sub-consciously she will almost ALWAYS \"FEEL\" u as alpha/sexual because of the pheromones working !

    Unfortuantly [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] women DO have brains , So incase WHAT she SEES is totally contrary to what she FEELS , her brain will override even the strongest sexual phero vibes and sort u out as a looser.

    Thats why u can EASILY get thousands of low quality \"hits\" (=short stares , head turns ) , walking around the mall as a high -none cloud , but only experience high quality hits (prolonged stares , multiple eye contact attempts , DIHL , being chatted up ) when u manage to back up the vibes u send out through your behaviour/looks.

    Exceptions are also possible - Soemtimes pheros do 110% of seduction for u , despite of looks / behaviour / effort on your side. This however is VERY rare , so don\'t count on it !

    ENjoy ...

  4. #4
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    Default Re: The ULTIMATE Mix??

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Thats why u can EASILY get thousands of low quality \"hits\" (=short stares , head turns ) , walking around the mall as a high -none cloud , but only experience high quality hits (prolonged stares , multiple eye contact attempts , DIHL , being chatted up ) when u manage to back up the vibes u send out through your behaviour/looks.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That\'s easier said than done...well for me anyway. Ok acting alpha is possible. But looking more alpha? I\'m of oriental origin, thus i\'m not particularly tall 5\'6/7\", which to me is still fairly short compared to english people (i live in the UK). I\'ve also got a fairly small frame which again doesn\'t help much, tho i have been going to the gym for about 8 months now.

    I\'ve not tried mones for very long so i\'m still a newbie. I\'ve tried NPA, APC, JB#1, WAGG &amp; AE, all of which gave no noticable/unusual results. The doseage of the products has been fairly low so far so definately no OD\'s. I\'m not going to give up yet as i know i\'ve not experimented enough.

    But having read TBirds post it got me wondering maybe mones doesn\'t suit my \'character\' at all? I\'m not particularly alpha looking, hell half the women on the street are taller than me [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
    So basically how can i LOOK more alpha? Does height even matter that much? What else can attribute to an alpha look?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: The ULTIMATE Mix??

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Thats why u can EASILY get thousands of low quality \"hits\" (=short stares , head turns ) , walking around the mall as a high -none cloud , but only experience high quality hits (prolonged stares , multiple eye contact attempts , DIHL , being chatted up ) when u manage to back up the vibes u send out through your behaviour/looks.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That\'s easier said than done...well for me anyway. Ok acting alpha is possible. But looking more alpha? I\'m of oriental origin, thus i\'m not particularly tall 5\'6/7\", which to me is still fairly short compared to english people (i live in the UK). I\'ve also got a fairly small frame which again doesn\'t help much, tho i have been going to the gym for about 8 months now.

    I\'ve not tried mones for very long so i\'m still a newbie. I\'ve tried NPA, APC, JB#1, WAGG &amp; AE, all of which gave no noticable/unusual results. The doseage of the products has been fairly low so far so definately no OD\'s. I\'m not going to give up yet as i know i\'ve not experimented enough.

    But having read TBirds post it got me wondering maybe mones doesn\'t suit my \'character\' at all? I\'m not particularly alpha looking, hell half the women on the street are taller than me [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
    So basically how can i LOOK more alpha? Does height even matter that much? What else can attribute to an alpha look?

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Well, you don\'t have to be an alpha male in order to get results with mones. Think about the following: -none is supposed to make you an alpha kind of guy (among other effects). If you\'re already alpha, you shouldn\'t use too much -none, you should prefer, for example, -nol. But if you\'re not an alpha guy, -none will provide that for you. Of course it seems strange if you have an alpha vibe and act as a non alpha guy... but IMO it doesn\'t make any sense when ppl say that mones do not work very well for non alpha guys, since mones are especially made for these (which doesn\'t mean they can\'t be used by alpha men, of course). You have to act like a confident guy... no, you have to be a confident guy!

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Reply to Andy :

    Dude ! MAybe u got me a little wrong there , lemme explain.

    alpha behaviour/confidence + good looks + pheromones + effort = perfect womanizer !

    You think you can\'t be/appear alpha , just because you are \"small\" ? Then you misunderstand alpha behaviour. Its not about your LOOKS (sure good looks can help/enhance your success with women) its about CONFIDENCE ! (Confidence ALWAYS wins over looks).

    Read this to get some ideas on what it really means to be alpha :

    Attributes of the Alpha Male
    Do you ever ask yourself why one man leads a group of men, while all other men follow? Why women fight amongst themselves for that one man, while they may have many other men in the group from which to choose? Do you want to be that man? Of course you do.

    The first rule of behavioral science is to observe. So, let’s get to it:

    Attribute #1 – An alpha male doesn’t really care about you. He puts himself first in everything.

    While this may seem like a jerk attribute, it really isn’t. An alpha male knows that to accomplish what he wants, he must come first. To put anyone else’s desires before his own would be an act of submission, and wouldn’t further his goals. Some people may call this selfishness. An alpha male sees it as having his priorities straight. This is because it is a characteristic of beta males to subjugate their desires for those of other people in order to impress them and gain their approval. An alpha male neither wants nor cares about the approval of other people. He simply does what he wants, and if people approve, so much the better, because he didn’t have to do anything for such approval. He simply enjoys the benefits.

    Attribute #2 -- An alpha male is comfortable with himself and knows who he is.

    While this attribute is often characterized as confidence, it isn’t. Rather, an alpha male knows who he is, and knowingly projects the image he wants others to perceive. In fact, what an alpha male projects to others isn’t an image at all. It is who he is. An alpha male doesn’t change himself to fit in or gain the approval of others. Women may have in their minds an image of the ideal man. However, when women meet an alpha male who doesn’t fit that image, they can’t help but admire him for knowing who he is and being comfortable with himself. As a result, they may throw away their mental lists of ideal male attributes, or substitute some for those being exhibited to them. This is because most women don’t know who they are, and aren’t comfortable with themselves. Consequently, they and other men who are like them (e.g., beta males) will gravitate toward the alpha male in an effort to bask in the glow of his sense of self and hope that some of it will rub off on them.

    Attribute #3 – An alpha male doesn’t justify himself to others.

    Justification is defined as “giving a good reason” or “explaining oneself or one’s actions.” An alpha male doesn’t explain why he is or isn’t doing something. He doesn’t have to because he doesn’t care whether you approve because he assumes that you will. An alpha male speaks very little about who he is or why he is doing something, and most definitely doesn’t brag. Instead, he lets his actions speak for him, and will only explain/tell the story if you ask, and then, only if he feels like it. Even then, he’ll speak slowly and say things one time, and one time only. He will not continue to answer pestering questions or tell the story again and again when new people join the group.

    Attribute #4 – An alpha male lives in a world of his own making.

    You’re probably heard the expression “he lives in his own little world,” often made by those who either don’t understand or approve of the actions of others. Well, an alpha male lives in his own world, or rather, he is the center of his universe and everyone and everything revolves around him. When an alpha male enters a room, he may scan the crowd for attractive women or some other thing that interests him, and thereafter focuses on that attraction alone. He doesn’t constantly look around the room for a new focus or attraction because he isn’t interested. To the extent something new does interest him, he will turn his attention to it slowly and deliberately. In doing so, an alpha male conveys that he isn’t desperate to pay attention to what everyone else in the group may be observing/discussing.

    Attribute #5 – An alpha male is the center of any conversation in which he engages.

    By speaking slowly, carefully and only when he wants to, an alpha male increases the value of his words. His words are of high quality because he thinks carefully about what he wants to say, and only when he can have the maximum audience. In doing so, he commands others to pay attention to him, because if they don’t, they may miss some words of wisdom or other indicia of why the alpha male is so comfortable with himself. Other participants in a conversation may even seek the alpha male’s approval of the topic of discussion or whether a particular person’s comment/joke was particularly insightful or funny.

    Attribute #6 – An alpha male surrounds himself with beta males and submissive women.

    This may seem obvious, but many people miss this attribute because the objective quality of the people that surround an alpha male may, in fact, be higher than the objective quality of the alpha male. The alpha male doesn’t care, because his will is stronger, and doesn’t consider the objective accomplishments of others to make them better than him.

    Attribute #7 – An alpha male doesn’t convey that he is particularly impressed with anyone or anything.

    An alpha male doesn’t express any feelings that he is particularly impressed with anyone or anything. Instead, an alpha male will, at the most, indicate that he respects another person’s accomplishments. He never says “I could do that if…” or “that’s no big deal….” Such phrases denote insecurity, and an alpha male is anything but insecure. Expressions of respect may often take the form of a discrete “nod,” with no words exchanged. Such is the nod of approval and respect among alpha males, and there is no need to say or do anything further. Doing so would be beyond the mere expression of respect, and become a sign of submission.

    Attribute #8 – An alpha male doesn’t easily let other men gain rapport with him.

    While an alpha male may be surrounded by beta males, he very rarely lets any of them gain true rapport with him, and he will respond to those who try with indications of indifference or even humiliation. For example, I used to know a guy who, in response to a beta male’s attempt to impress him with a particular accomplishment, would respond “ejaculations,” instead of “congratulations.” Other times he would respond with a tough-guy movie line that is tangentially related, and perceived expressly by others as a sign of approval, but is in fact an attempt to steal the limelight.

    Attribute #9 – An alpha male will engage in selective acts of kindness.

    An alpha male knows that kindness is a form of submission. Consequently, he doesn’t express overt kindness too often. Others may therefore perceive him as being aloof and distant until the alpha male gives them “a chance to get to know him.” The alpha male does so by being open and overtly respectful at just the right time (e.g., invites you to sit down at his table, buys you a drink, pays your club cover charge, etc…) Strategic acts of kindness make such acts more valuable when bestowed on people, and are cherished more because they are so rare. King Louis XIV of France would occasionally invite a particular courtier to dine with him, giving that courtier one-on-one time with the king. This showed the other courtiers that the king could be kind when he wanted to be, and that if they submitted to his will, they too might be invited to dine with the king. Beta males, on the other hand will almost always be kind to other people, often to impress them, thereby making such kindness a common commodity that can be taken for granted.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Reply to Andy :

    ACTIONS ACTIONS ACTIONS my friend [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    So lets throw this in the mix , to make sure u get it right - if not u\'ll be just \"emulating\"/\"faking\"...


    I can\'t help but laugh at all these DJs trying to project alpha status without anything more substantial than a superficial attitude. \"I dress nice, I have bulging muscles, I am alpha, hear me roar!\" Yeah, whatever you say dawg. If you are going to emulate the social structures of nature, then I say go the whole nine yards. Try going out into the wild with 20 of your boys and survive for a month and then talk to me about how alpha you are! OK maybe that is a little extreme, but for the sake of argument, let\'s look at a pack of wolves and see what determines alpha status. The alpha male is the biggest, baddest most skilled hunter of the pack. He commands respect for a very good reason. The other wolves do not follow his lead based only on his physical traits, but mainly because he is a bad-ass motherfu¢ker with sharp instincts and a large set of wolf balls! You can bet your ass that the alpha doesn\'t need to remind himself he is the $hit or preen his fur to get wolf bit¢hes! So this raises a good question that you need to ask yourself. Aside from projecting a certain attitude or look, what makes you so damn special that you command respect and admiration? Here\'s a hint: Nobody, not other people, not yourself and certainly not wolves, will respect you for your words, appearances or attitudes. It is what you DO that counts! ACTIONS define who you are, how you see yourself and how others relate to you. So what actions will build confidence? Befriending everyone you meet and developing your social instincts is a great place to start. But what actions will make you SHINE with authentic confidence? The answer to that is the most infamous questions of all time...

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Reply to Andy :

    Tbird, I undertood what you have said... my post was not directed to you, I just quoted you cause you said something about that subject and I wanted to give my opinion about it, that\'s all. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    Hasta la vista [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

  9. #9
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reply to Andy :

    I\'ll wait for the movie.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default ah right

    Thanks for clearing that up. Your right i misunderstood since behaviour and looks was mentioned i took it that both were equally important. But in fact you really mean to look confident etc.

    So really the size/visual appearance of a guy isn\'t really much of a factor in using mones.

  11. #11
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: ah right

    Yesssss! Tis all about the ATTITUDE my dear Watson! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img] You\'ll find a combination of different things in the roots of ATTITUDE. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Be fruitful and multiply! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

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