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  1. #1
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    Default What is the very strongest pheromone I can use to attract men?

    This may sound blunt, but what I need to know is the strongest pheromones that will lead to a man wanting a sexual encounter. Way above just \'interest\" I know that there is no such thing as \'love potion\', but what of all these products would be the next best thing to that? I am not looking for a love relationship, and am a fairly attractive woman, so I have men interested, just want one or two of them to take it farther. Sorry if this sounds bad, hope I can be honest here and not get blasted for it!


  2. #2

    Default Re: What is the very strongest pheromone I can use to attract men?

    Good god, honey, just tell them.
    PM me if you want.
    You don\'t need pheromones if they\'re already interested. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: What is the very strongest pheromone I can use to attract men?

    Ive got a amazing new idea - ask them out instead. That is a revolutionary idea but IT MIGHT JUST WORK ??????????.

  4. #4
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is the very strongest pheromone I can use to attract men?

    Watcher- That\'s unnecessary.
    She never claimed that the guy(s) she was interested in, was interested in her yet.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: What is the very strongest pheromone I can use to attract men?

    Thanks so much for catching that Elana. I am in a difficult situation at best. I appreciate your response and the PM\'s I have had from you and different people with real helpful info.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: What is the very strongest pheromone I can use to attract men?


  7. #7
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is the very strongest pheromone I can use to attract men?

    Well, you\'ve probably already been told this in PM\'s, among other things, but you might try copulins. In a thread on the Pheromone discussion forum, a few of the guys said the big -mone that turns them on is copulins. I believe the products here that have copulins in them are PIw (which is -nol and copulins), PCC (copulins), and EW (more concentrated copulins). The EW is one that comes with a $50 purchase from Stone Labs, and you might just want to start with the PCC and see how it works.
    If these guys are interested, copulins might just be the thing to bring them over.

  8. #8
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is the very strongest pheromone I can use to attract men?

    piggles, Srh, and all,

    Two products that contain Copulins that are often overlooked are Passion Pheromone Attractant for women and Women\'s Perfect Ten. Both are Stone Labs products.

    PPA/w contains .015% Androstenol and .005% Copulins (1/5 the .025% Copulin content of Passion Copulin Concentrate (PCC).

    P10/w contains .05% Androstenol, .03% Androstenone, .01% Androsterone, and .01% Copulins. (This Copulin content seems a bit high, especially to those of us who\'ve experimented with EW, but I believe it represents the inclusion of a Copulin BLEND that isn\'t as concentrated as EW.)

    While I cannot recommend it from personal experience because I\'ve never tried it, Perfect Ten for women would fit the description of the strongest pheromone product designed to attract men. I don\'t ever recall seeing a user review on it though.

    If ordering P10/w which is a Stone Labs product, request a bottle of EW. There are old and new versions of both PPA/w and P10/w. Best to check with Bruce before ordering to see which are available. The old PPA/w contained Androstenone rather than Androstenol, and the old version of P10/w did not contain Copulins.
    BTW, the old version of P10/w, if still available, might interest some of the guys who prefer a heavier Nol:None ratio in an unscented, pre-mixed Nol/None/Rone additive product.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: What is the very strongest pheromone I can use to attract men?

    One product a female friend of mine used was 2 drops of alter ego for men, this got me turned on and i ended up doing her in the end just to get rid of that urge i had.
    She had been a while without some sex and well i showed her pheormones and i showed her something else for which she was grateful, shes now with another guy as a result of using the pheromones - still does and is quite happy with her catch.

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: What is the very strongest pheromone I can use

    My PMed suggestion was that she get the AE/w and EW special, since there seems to be near-consensus among the women around here that an appropriate androstenol-copulins blend (with or without other, supporting pheromones) will get the job done. Guess I\'m agreeing with Oscar, and with the combination of you and SRH. I think that, for a single, $50 purchase it\'s a really potent and effective combination.

    I can vouch for n/PPA/w\'s worth also, although not everyone seems to be wild about its scent. It\'s a bargain, in my opinion, if you do like it.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: What is the very strongest pheromone I can use

    Thanks so much to everyone who answered this question. I will order the Copulin Essence on the first of the month. Can\'t wait to see the results!


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