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  1. #1

    Default Pheros in the work place

    I\'ve tried this before but now that everyone\'s back this is what I want to know...

    Sperate from my other hits post, tell me your stories about things that have happened to you at work (or school) regarding phero use. I\'m very interested in how your boss (or teachers) treat you especially if it\'s a woman and even what happened when you ODed.

    Has anyone been harassed? Well I guess it\'s not harrassment if you want it [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] but you know what I mean.

    Also how have perceptions of you changed at work?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    That is the main area of change, i get the staff coming around just for a wonder ** i get listened to and if i say something that i feel needs changing then it gets fixed it seems very quickly, i get respect but i use that to try and get everyone working better together the area i work in runs very smootly and problems that do arise are dealt with without personalities a bit like this forum seeing as though this is probably the biggest collection of alpha males anywhere in the planet lol [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] anything we do here is top of the shelf and things progress quickly as a result of little politcal type of activiety i wish the big wide world was more like this. But yeah it makes things way easier anyone else got anything to add, weve got writers musicaians and casino security types as well as many others i think even a phero retailer (bruce lol)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Got a particular story about a time when using the mones really made it happen for you?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    i got my current job for one

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Well I guess that says it all. I\'m supposed to go to an interview soon. Bet I\'ll have mine on.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Good idea jambat gives us your feedback

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    I am going to an interview on Tuesday, my TE is coming Monday most likely. 1 for Wal-mart and 1 for Cosco. Hopefully I this advice will help will get me the Cosco job for they pay bank for 18 year olds.

    How much TE should I use to help get this job?

    Hopefully I can get this job to get a car, PI, and AE. + to help get out of this freaking hosue so I REALLY NEED THIS JOB!! HELP!

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Okay, I\'m new to this whole phero thing, but tried both Yes and PF at work. The results have been very interesting to me. I work in network/intranet administration and so a large part of my job is working with end-users in the office. Anyway, this past week while wearing PF (2 drops) I\'ve had a number of experiences. 1st: gal who works along with me has all of a sudden become very open with me telling me all kinds of stuff, asking what I like to do out of work, asking me if I have a girlfriend, insisting on coming to lunch with me etc. Only thing is I\'m not interested in her as she\'s nice and attractive but not my \" type \". 2nd: My boss, who\'s female has been very friendly, complimenting me effusively, then this is the kicker - on Friday she asks if I will come to her house sometime next week after work to install some software for her, asks if I can take sometime also to teach her how to use one of the applications on a Saturday. 3rd and last: The gal who I\'m really interested in at the office and who I hadn\'t spoken to since this past week, comes by my work area, asks for someone, then comes back immediately and for the first time introduces herself to me, asks stuff about me, keeps coming back all day and for the rest of the week, and is always touching her hair, stroking her shoulder etc and all hot and bothered when in my presence. I may be reading too much into all of this, but this has never happened to me at work before and now all of a sudden all this attention. In fact the gal I work with and the one I\'m interested in were subtly hostile to each other whenever they found me chatting with either of them one of them (the gal I work with) even asking the other one \" Did you want something? \" (as in why are you here???) and the gal I\'m interested in replies \" No, just wanted to check if y\'all wanted anything?\". I figure with all of this stuff going on I\'m not wearing the stuff to work anymore, esp. as I don\'t want to have anything happen with my boss (who is single and VERY attractive), but she is my boss and that is lethal territory. I wore the pheros to see if it would work and didn\'t expect anything like this. So anyhow, would these experiences be classified as \" hits \" or not?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Yes this is definetley advanced hit material, for me its about 1000 times worse or better lol [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] than that, well 1000 times more people, but you will get that lol. Good luck with the job as well shinten, hey proteous have you tried some of the stronger stuff AE or the edge you hsould get great hits with those or you could try jambats mix. Or mine andro+the edge+alter ego.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    oh yeah...i\'d consider them hits alright. about ur boss, i feel ya man. it\'s like one of those hollywood devil movies where ur placed in a choice between moral and temptation. on the one hand, u have ur job and ur pay and ur work relationships(or a gf) at stake, on the other hand, u have ur hot sizzling ATTRACTIVE(how do u think she got to where she is..hehe j/k)) boss making what SEEMS like flirtatious moves at u...being extra friendly to u, creating situations where things COULD get about a fantasy come true eh. but ur right, that IS lethal territory. cuz after the line is crossed, u might discover that ur attractive boss has a couple of other bfs at ur work...then ur gonna get jealous and then u might find that she has bfs in even higher places...then all hell breaks loose. damned if u do and damned if u don\'t. i can\'t think of a more dangerous environment than to have an attractive boss who takes a liking to u. i wish u all the luck my friend. be strong and whatever u do with her be warned. hehe :-)

    in pheromone we trust


  11. #11

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place


    ...This is exactly what I\'m looking for! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I want to read about what this stuff is doing to those around you, especially where the boss comes in because there\'s a lot of women in middle management and upper management. I haven\'t re-entered the working world yet but when I do I plan to take the mones with me.

    Now what\'s interesting is that you say you used PF. Now that\'s CJ\'s big one. I\'ve yet to test it but some people really like it. I would try it on my interview but I want to use something I\'ve tested. I hope to give it a try soon though.

    Good thinking about the boss and all but do you really want to stop using the mones right now? The chick you like is hot on your tail. I\'d move in before I stop using them at work. Get that number or slide her yours. But not both girls just the one you like (for obvious reasons). Good story, and I hope to read more from you and others. Good luck.


  12. #12

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    I get great reactions from PF in business. I think it helped get me hired as sales manager last week (the writing thang is lagging). We\'ll see next week how my new secretary and sales staff reacts--both male and female.

    Now I\'ve want to find something to add to, bolster, the PF. CJ suggested AFA, wasn\'t it? for the \'nol. Gotta try that.

    Writer (sales) Guy

  13. #13
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Writer guy, PF has more -nol than -none (both mens and womens.) AFA has equal amounts of both and it´s pretty concentrated. I´m beginning to regret exchanging my AFA for AE. Really wished I had traded Attraction instead but I thought time-wise it was too late to do so. NOW we all find out that Attraction has a lot less pheros in it than it´s meant to. (The reason I bought it and kept it but I don´t use it coz it smells likeaftershave. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] )

    Enough of my troubles, I think PF spiced up with some AFA would work well for you, just make sure not to use too much AFA as it has a lot of -none. Maybe you could try a 90% PF / 10% AFA ratio and see . I still have a small PF/AFA batch mixed up somewhere I stopped using it but I´m gonna mix that with AE and NPA... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  14. #14

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place


    I thought the contents of PF were top secret--if it\'s got both -nol and -none, it\'s fine just like it is. Like you, I love the smell, but wish it wouldn\'t fade so quickly.

    So how do you know it\'s got -nol?


  15. #15
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    It´s been mentioned a fair bit in the past and plus there is an important thing to remember : -none stinks, -nol does not.

    That is why, for instance I can tell that the NPA for women contains a good amount of -none, it really does smell bad!

    Funny though that AFA doesn´t smell even though it has a high phero content. Í hope they didn´t get those figures mixed up like the makers of Attraction.

    good luck. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #16

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    What about androsteninenone refer to my other posts there seems to be other ingredients being neglected that could be discussed and mentioned (possibly the secret the edge ingredients.)

  17. #17

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Has anyone gotten an extremely negative or positive reaction at work or school?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    C\'mon! Speak to me! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Hi all,
    been unable to post on the board for awhile as I\'ve been stacked up with work and then having a lot of fun playing around with the PF. In answer to your question DonaldDuck, I\'m definitely thinking about getting Jambat\'s mix or something else that is is more potent, the reasons why I\'ll get into shortly. Also wanted to respond to your response Nobody - yeah, as far as my boss goes I\'m doing my best to stay away from her, and trying to find a way to get out of having to go to her place to install the software for her . Good thing is work has been really hectic this week so there has been no way I could go, but she still wants me to go and so I\'m just trying to see her only when I have to and staying off PF :-). Now, as far as this gal I work with, it\'s become a situation where I don\'t think there is a way out as she is hitting on me constantly everyday. Friday she comes to me a little before lunch hour and asks me if we could do lunch together. I say no (don\'t want to allow this to go further), I can\'t etc. She says why not. I can\'t think of anything to say so while I\'m thinking she says she\'ll buy me lunch. I say no way, no lady pays for my lunch and I won\'t accept it. She says I have to, and I say well I\'ll have to pay you back coz I don\'t like the idea. She says you can pay back by taking me dancing!!! Now I dunno what to do with her, coz I don\'t want to go out with her so anyway, I ended up going to lunch with her, she pays and she says remember you have to take me dancing and I say, well we\'ll see if we can do that sometime. So PF definitely seems to hit the spot for her and it seems now it doesn\'t matter if I wear it or not, she is already \" interested \".

    As to why I want to try Jambat\'s mix, I feel like I\'m getting decent \" hits \" with PF when gals are able to be around for me for awhile and get a good whiff of the PF, but I\'m not getting any major hits in the sense of DIHL. However, gals are DEFINITELY much more relaxed and open around me and this has been a very noticeable change for me since I tend to look intimidating to women (at least that\'s what they tell me after they get to know - say I look unapproachable, very serious etc.). Anyway, getting back to why I want to try Jambat\'s mix: last night I ODed on PF, went to a bar/club, didn\'t have gals hitting on me or anything like that but did lots of dancing with these two gals who were together, had a good close dance with the one I liked (she was perfection), exchanged numbers etc., but I felt that if I\'d had something stronger I wouldn\'t have had to work as hard (I\'m getting lazy now <g> ). Anyway, once I was dancing away with these two gals, next thing I\'m surrounded by other gals, all trying to get my attention, bartender (a gal) can\'t stop chatting to me and so it was a hell of an evening - never been out and had gals flocking around me, and guys treating me with that kinda respect coz they see me with these women. However, I feel I need more -none as the PF is getting the gals really relaxed and open to me, but I need to get add the -none to really get them going. This gal that I exchanged numbers with, I still had to work her a bit, sweet talk her etc, before I could and so I feel I needed some -none to put some bite to the PF. I\'d try the Edge, but I figure since so many have had super hits with Jambat\'s mix, I\'d rather go for that right away, as time is short and most times you only get one time to meet a gal. I feel if I\'d had something stronger last night, things would have been even better last night. Sorry for the long post y\'all but I\'m having a lot of fun with this stuff and my social life has turned upside down 360 so kinda revelling in it :-).

  20. #20

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Freeze! (This is where the camera spins around the frame like in the Matrix).

    Look at all the stuff that\'s going on. Are you sure you want more stronger stuff?

    If you truly want to get in trouble (and I can tell you do) I\'ll tell you what to do....

    ... don\'t use The Jambat Mix. Use Jambat III. Since PF is working for you so well I wouldn\'t be so quick to dump it. Use 70% PF and 30% NPA. You may want to get some APC for the future but obviously PF is working for you so all you need to turn it up a little. Try the NPA with the PF first. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  21. #21

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    By the way, in the post above I forgot to ask, what are you going to do about your boss?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Now we are getting somewhere with the good stuff ive had for the last year [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Thanks for your suggestions Jambat. Okay, I considered trying NPA with PF but read a post (I think by CJ) that PF is to weak to cover the smell of NPA so I\'m worried about trying this combo. Now, you\'re right that I am getting good responses with PF alone, however I want something that will really
    \" hit \" the gals when I\'m out on the town if you know what I mean. PF has been working great, but I feel for example that if I\'d had something with a little more \" kick \" in it, I could have gone a lot further that same night with the gal I was close dancing with Saturday if I\'d had something with a little more -none in it. I\'m also considering AFA with PF based on some advise I got from other forum members, but then I\'m thinking why not just try something which has worked for most, namely your Jambat I mix. What I think I\'m going to do is order NPA and APC from Bruce later this week and then use a little of the NPA and combine it with the PF as you suggest. Then I\'ll take the rest and combine it with APC. I\'ll try both combos in similar settings and will let you know what happens (no way I\'ll try either of these at work though as I\'m already getting too much attention!! ). Which gets to your question about my boss - nothing has happened and I just try to see her only when I have to (I\'m staying off the PF also), but she still wants me to do the installation for her/keeps telling other workers what a wonderful job I\'m doing/how nice I am etc. to the point where it\'s embarrassing for me. But I figure as long as I keep my head I can control what happens and so far it\'s working. Anyway, will update if anything else happens and will also let y\'all know what happens after fieldtesting NPA/PF and APC/NPA.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    By the way, order two bottles of NPA if you\'re going to make both of those mixes because there\'s only 5ml in the bottle. I ordered two and I mixed up 20ml of the mix and also mixed all my PF with the remaining NPA. But see what happens. Jambat #1 is a very good mix so I\'d never say never get it, so see what happens. I\'m incredibly curious about what JB#3 does for you. JB#1 does give me the best hits but the other stuff varies. I\'ll do more JB #3 test too.

    Also I haven\'t had any problem with the odor, but I also think CJ has a sensative nose because I don\'t think she likes APC either (I could be wrong so CJ if you\'re out there correct me). But I know she\'s a PF fan and gets hits.

    [ October 29, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    jambat, I have nothing against APC, I´ve never tried it and the womens smells different than the mens (allegedly).

    I do have a sensitive nose but I´m not he only one in the world. So this means, just because YOU (whoever´s using pheros) cannot smell it, it don´t mean other people cannot.

    I´ve been meaning to try APC sometime, what´s the mens APC smell like?


  26. #26
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Hi Jambat,
    I\'ll do as you suggest and get two bottles of NPA and one of APC from Bruce and try both Jambat I and Jambat III. I figure I\'ll try Jambat I first at this bar/club I go too every so often, and then Jambat III a week or so later in a similar type setting to see if there are any differences in responses. Thanks for the advise and will post the results after testing each.

  27. #27

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place


    ...I think you\'ll do pretty good.


    ...Men APC smell soapy and almost medicine like but it\'s scent is so clean. When I first smelled it I was like wow. You get addicted to it.

  28. #28

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    And how doesn\'t APC(w) smell?

  29. #29

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    What I meant CJ, was how does APC(w) smell. Sorry.

  30. #30

    Default Re: Pheros in the work place

    Does anyone get strong \"negative\" reactions at work or school?

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