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  1. #1
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    Default Unique hit I got last night

    What I was wearing:

    a few 1-2\" lines of PCC on back of my neck
    2 drops of A1 (1 on each shoulder on shirt)
    about 4-5\" of SOE on face around mouth
    3 dabs of NPA on neck

    Cover with Angel/m (really starting to like this)

    Go to my local bar to pay off my bar tabs from Saturday night that I forgot to pay. Place was a ghost town as everyone from my town was probably still hungover from Saturday. I was wearing a very flaterring long tweed coat (down to my shins), almost too snug in my upper body, but not on my lower body - gave off a nice image of a \"V\" shaped body.

    I come in contact with 3 girls that work there all at the same time (2 with boyfriends, 1 married), the bartender, a cute blonde - friendly as usual, the girl managing the bar last night (married) she had a permanent smile on her face. And the big hit is this really smoking brunette, almost looks Hawaiian very hot body, we have always been friendly but she did something that no girl has ever done to me, as I\'m paying my bill & chatting with the manager she clasps her hands and spreads her forearms over my back and the back & top of my right shoulder & uses me as \"a pillar\" to lean on as her nose is inches away from my neck. I noticed this right away but hesitated in looking over at her. After about 15-20 seconds of letting her lean on me this way I glance over at her from the corner of my eye to let her know I know what she is doing before I was about to turn in her direction & then she gets off me & is smiling and waving good bye to me as I head off to meet some friends around the corner. It might have had something to do with when I was hanging out on Saturday with two friends of mine that are married to each other, when \"Becky\" came by to get our drink orders one of my friends comments how cute she is, & I add that \"She is looking really hot these days & I asked her if she lost some weight\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] & she takes her hands & places them on her flat tummy as she looks down on her tummy & says she did & she is beaming smiling at me so I gave her a little hug & she goes, \"Ohhhh,\" almost looked like she was going to shed a tear as she took her hand & wiped her eye after our hug. Damn women with boyfriends.

  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    3 dabs of npa and all that other stuff? No OD, no stink?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    variety, variety, variety

    Don\'t associate standard applications of varying pheros as OD. The 3 dabs of NPA might be an OD to some when applied singularly but mixes help neutralize the Alpha-Male signature.

    OD is taking like 3 -none products & OD\'ing on -none

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I thought PCC was to attract men? Your posts sounds like you were trying to attract women. Does it work differently when combined with other products?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Hi Goanna -

    PCC or cops in general have been shown to have interesting affects when a man wears them. If he is married or in a relationship his SO will get the impression he is sleeping around. If he is single & is around a variety of women, reports suggest it creates a competitive atmosphere. I\'m not sure of it\'s affects on other men, it may make them respect you as a \"player\", just my guess. I went the PCC route as my mega-EW blend was giving me a splitting head ache when I apply it to my upper body & wanted to make sure I was able to get the signal out to nearby women thusly applying it on the back of my neck.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Thanks for clearing that up for me. Maybe that information will come in handy during my next order.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    So, if I get this correct, she was leaning on you, and her nose was near the application points of the SOE? Where did you put the PPA?

    And, yeah, you see women hanging all over themselves, getting close all the time. I suppose it would make them feel more confortable arouind you. I don\'t really like the nol. But dienone, rone, and cops would be the perfect combination if you want a woman to come in close to you.

    You had rone and cops...Sh**, good enough.

    But, you know, just think about it. If you were not weraing the pheromones, do you believe that she would not have even touched you, leaned on you, had a smile, anything?

    I don\'t believe phermones would have that effect. I beleive the women will do just as they always have towards you, rather they will feel better doing it (or worse, depending what you are wearing) Well, not really or worse either, depending on the pheromones.

    However, from my understanding, however, I do not believe that a women will do something she didn\'t do before, however now she will feel different about it.

    I mean, I don\'t think pheromones are going to make the differnce of being laid v.s. not laid.

    In fact, I think the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do is NLP and stuff. Stuff = players guide. All you hve to do is adopt the attitude and pull it off. If you don\'t want to do that, simple, find a girl that goes for guys that AREN\'T players, lol.


  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    \"I mean, I don\'t think pheromones are going to make the differnce of being laid v.s. not laid. \"

    WHOA! Dude , you can\'t seriously say a thing like that.

    I mean , I read so many \"user experiences\" in this Forum , where people said : Without pheros = they don\'t even get noticed (..dont start bout getting laid with them) Now with pheros , a totally different world opens up for most of them. Women notice them + react (..well..react... the way we all know to -none -nol -rone ect) So in the end pretty much everybody gets laid , using pheros. (MORE OFTEN!!!)

    I happen to be among the really lucky ones. I actually get to choose if its gonna be a 7,8,9 or a 10 , because now I get virtually every girls attention. Its really a worlds difference even for me , who had \"more or less luck\" in the past with women.
    This \"more or less\" now turned into : The center of attention.

    U still right about the NLP/Player/Game /whatever stuff. The best phero in the world will not do a thing for u , if u just sit in the damn corner and expect girls to go crazy over u !

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    WHOA! Dude , you can\'t seriously say a thing like that.

    I mean , I read so many \"user experiences\" in this Forum , where people said : Without pheros = they don\'t even get noticed (..dont start bout getting laid with them) Now with pheros , a totally different world opens up for most of them. Women notice them + react (..well..react... the way we all know to -none -nol -rone ect) So in the end pretty much everybody gets laid , using pheros. (MORE OFTEN!!!)

    very well put...I think pheros have opened up a complete new world for all of us...

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    It enhances youre natural sex attraction signature, so if you workout with weights etc u are more likley to get attention as youre natural phero sig goes up as u sweat more and eat more healthily. So therefore if you want to get laid more often get fit the ?30% of fat people over there in the USA and 25% here in australia go work out and bulk up muscles and get fit and you will get laid more often. And stop creating a drag on our health care system.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    So therefore if you want to get laid more often get fit the ?30% of fat people over there in the USA

    well i disagree with this. on fat people. I am overweight my self. I am a beauty. Yes i am working @ losing the weight. Back to the weight; I have no problem with men hitting on me asking me out, i work at safeway as a checker and this happens almost every day and some times more than 2-4 times a night. Men will be men when it comes to women; i have learned that in the last two years.

    Yeah, most black men, a few white, Dominican men ect...Gotta love those Mexican men [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Marv I think her nose was focused right between the PCC & NPA, come to think of it, it could have been directly on the Angel/m - woohoo, that scent kicks!

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Confidence comes from placebo effect. Most ladies are attracted to confidence. Confidence equals higher testosteorne levels.

    End result. You get laid.

    But you were able to do what you did before.

    I believe pheromones to intensify sex however, but if you are not having sex, most women are not attracted to you sexually, rather money, looks (looks do not only mean sex, but popularity, etc, good genetics). Unless the woman is drunk in a bar, or in a club, etc, and even then...


  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Confidence comes from placebo effect. Most ladies are attracted to confidence. Confidence equals higher testosteorne levels.

    End result. You get laid.

    very very true...

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    You may think you are overweight. But, women, although having a higher percentage of fat to muscle tend to store it in places for women.

    It is not so much how fat you are, but rather your ratios. If you have a good breast/hip/ass ratio you will be seen as more beautiful than the latter.

    Bigger mearly means more cushin for the pushin. Smaller... I always tned to think of smaller as an easy f***. I mean, you could just pick them up in the air and f*** them like that....


  16. #16
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Why pay 49.95 for a bottle of placebo confidence? Why don\'t you just do it yourself? Insteasd of coming from a bottle, it could come from the wanting to get laid.

    As for me. What\'s up with these damn High School girls? Half of them are getting pregnant. So, you figure, they must ALL be having sex right? So, than you try to be all alpha male, and they call rape and sh**. What the HELL!


    These High School girlis are hard to understand. You\'re supposed to be \"alpha\" but when you are it\'s \"no, or stop, or rape, etc.\"

    Someone give me some input, d*mn.


  17. #17

    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Little girls (sometimes big girls either) don\'t separate sex from love. You\'ve got to present it as making love. You\'ve got to act like she\'s SPECIAL. Women want to feel special. Men want to be admired; women want to feel special. Alpha male does not mean doing stuff that would make a woman think she\'s being raped or going to be raped. If you\'re having to force at all, you\'re not doing it right. She should be coming to you. Because you\'re just so effin\' charming. <grin>

  18. #18
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    \"Why pay 49.95 for a bottle of placebo confidence? \"

    aaaaaaah! You are still joking right ????

    This Forum is the BEST existing proof for the effectiveness of pheros !

    U think its placebo ? Read more testimonials + stop ignoring science.

    Oh btw , I still believe u are joking , cos I remember your posts on testo levels and the resulting good natural phero output !!!!

    Heh , maybe its Barts brother , who f00ls around with his pc or something [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night



    (Bruce, I reccomend you to sell this on your site. I mean, your whole site is basically, how to get laid, or have better sex...)

    I have a good potion fo ryou. Forget none and nol ratios, etc.

    Bottle THIS! 1 dozen roses, a box of chocolates, 1 hug, a kiss on the cheek. How\'s that? We\'ll cal it the getting laid recipe.

    But, yeah. I understand what you are saying. Howver, I can tel lyou right now, these guys don\'t \"love\" the girls. Perhaps the guy gives her flowers or something. She knows it\'s corny, and he just wants to get laid. She just pretends it\'s a gesture of love, and goes along with it? That seems about right.

    But, it\'s not LOVE!

    It pisses me off.

    I don\'t think there\'s anyone that isn\'t looking for love however, at least I know when it is there or not.

    (Mainly, when it is NOT. Becuase most of the time it ISN\'T!)

    I know how it starts uout thoug. I have seen it far too many times. First, ther\'es the flirting in class. Than, comes doing something together, going somewhere, doing something. than comes the going out, and follows is the making out, and than finally, getting laid.

    I seem to screw up on step #1. It is hard enough to keep from f****** raping someone...

    I\'ll compare to a bag of chips.

    Can you really have 2 or 3? Or 1?

    This is flirting for me. lol I cannot just have 1 chip... Oh no, lol. The hunger is too great. If I want to keep from being expelled I have to just keep from starting AT ALL.

    And, thisi s how it usualy is. It is either nothing, or really coming on REALLLYYYYY strong. And, MOST GIRLS unless horny will not see that as good. Horny usually meaning you are somewhere and they are drunk or somtehing. Howver, I don\'t go to many parties and stuff.

    So, in the end, the thing that attracts the girls, high testosterone levels, working out, etc gets me NOTHING.

    However, it is interesting. Because I do casually talk to guys/girls sometimes, waiting for the bus. And etc. And I have been told by girls, aobut different guys they say is hot/they\'d like to f*** with/what they call him (turst me, I don\'t ask them.....) and they are all high testosterone level dudes. Howver, they are not getting laid either. Perhaps it to be true that girls are attracted to high test.

    However, you can\'t do 0 - f***. Love (as defined by a typical high school girl) would be 1-2-3 f****. V.S. 0-60 in 2.4 seconds...



  20. #20
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    No, it is me. However...

    It all depends. I think the younger the girl. The less pheromones would matter. At least none anyway.

    I think it has more to do with meeting the girl. You can\'t just walk up to a girl and f*** her. However, I\'m sure there have been cases. And you would normally say nol = better first contact. However, that\'s not true, none or rone could do the SAME THING. Nol may make a girl laugh, however, that just means she thinks of you as funny. Could you not effectively meet a girl and have her think of you as a leader, or tough, etc?

    Yeah, I know. Some of the best hits I don\'t even have to use pheromones, but rather DHEA and sweating, and working out, etc.

    I know, I HAVE GOTTEN RESULTS, HITS, ETC. There\'s NO DOUBT that pheromones effect the other(\'s)(s\') of you, however, depending on the situation they will ignore it OR, it won\'t help you out (usually).

    Example, a lot of times girls are really aggressive. When just on DHEA. Aggressive in that, I mean AGGRESSIVE. Jump on you when you got the ball playing a sport, or be a b****, mostly like they forgot they were house trained. Howver, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO! lol

    When the girl is all aggressive, or horny. That doesn\'t MATTER (depending on age, situation, etc). Because if I was to finger her or something that wouldn\'t fly well. Duh, if girls didn\'t get horny, they wouldn want to f*** at all. Howver, they override it...With, you are not my lover, or, I don\'t \"like\" you in particular, or I\'m not suppsed to screw people, etc...

    Although it depends, I mean, on age, situation. I have been told from a friend that he ended up f****** some girl. He has VERY high testosterone levels by the way. I can only tell because the dude lifts 2 times what I do, and gets angry and has beaten the [bad word] out of people....


    He\'s in class....Makes a comment on some girl\'s ass, tits, etc. Asks her who she\'d rather f***. She\'s laying down watching a movie in class. He moves his hand and fingers her. He has a party later that night they end up f***. She uses birth control, no need for a condum.

    See, however, it\'s either 1. Use your talkign to a girl to get laid.

    or, 2. you have SUCH HIGH PHERO LEVELS you can just finger her.

    I am inbetween, more so on the more test levels, however I am not high enough to have a girl go submissive like that.

    And so, it really just depends. I have noticed girls...The younger, the hornier they are, but yet they will probably f*** less though.


  21. #21
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    maybe you have high none levels. If so A1 would really help you close the deal off with the girls. I know because like me, you sound like you have high testosterone levels. Ive had mine checked and they are waaay high...and therefore I carry this crappy natural none signature that scares off some ladies ...and when I finally get to meet them they tell me that they found me very attractive from the start but very intimidating...just my 2 cents

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night


    Bart ! DO THIS :

    Copy your last post. Print it out, put it in an envelope , go to some mail office and tell em to send this to you after 1 year.

    after 1 year : Recieve letter , open up , read and laugh your ass off at the bullshit u wrote [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ! By then you will realize the whole world isn\'t just \"high school girls\" that u \"think\" to have figuered out completely.

    Enjoy !

    Btw , we have very different understandings of \"Love\" vs. \"Getting laid w/o Love\"

    I got a question for you : Honestly , have you ever REALLY loved a girl/woman ? Ever been loved in return ?
    I\'m not talkin \"fancy-pants-high-schooL-wonnabe-affairs\" here.
    The real thing ! When it hurts sooooooooooooooo incredibly badly (if the love isn\'t returned) that you totally breakdown and go nuts !

  23. #23
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] @ TBird

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Woah! That sounds EXACTLY right. I dont\' have the best face. But girsl like my body. And they think I am intimidating.

    I probably should get some A1, however I have no $$$ right now. No job.

    As for the high None. I KNOW I do!


    Well, I\'ll have TAKEN A BATH. I have a bottle of none, chem set (I don\'t use it though, mostly) and I will be laying there, just, arms behind my head, and I will CLEARLY SMELL NONE, and it is the SAME STRENGTH as the chem set stuff. Strong. Not bacteria. I can TELL when it\'s bacteria, no, it is none.

    Other than using A1 though. I don\'t really know what to do. I mean, it doesn\'t matter WHAT YOU SAY, but how you are percieved as saying it, and I can\'t really change that at all.

    No matter what I say. However, you can break someone of thinking you of a certain way (while keeping their impression of you as high testosterone.) You have to FIRST make first contact, and I have done that, however people feel reluctant to talk to you most of the time.

    And, I\'ll tell you right now. Most of the people I talk to are seniors (or big/tall Juniors) blacks, and Mexicans, all high testosteorne levels. And I sit with noone at lunch.

    You all talk about the guides, which is true, however most stuff just comes naturally. I naturally find it easier, and people just talk to me more, that of certain people than others. I do talk to girls. However none of them are that of potential girlfriends, lol.


  25. #25
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Yes, I have. It was the 7th grade. I wrote some girl a 3 page poem. Every sentence started with her name, lol.


    Those were the days...


  26. #26
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night


    Now try to get that kind of mojo back !

    No need to worry as much about \"this\" and \"that\" as you do !

    You seem like a very intelligent guy to me.( Unless you start posting on those days where u have a bad mood and go \"childish\" all over the place)

    Maybe you are just bored at most people , maybe u need a girl that is challenging enough for you.
    Are you man enough to stand up to that girl ?

    Or will you continue admiring the stupid-ass bully guy who fingered a \"obviously-no-self-respect-girl\" in class ?!

    Do you really want to be that kind of person ?

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night


    But if I can\'t have love, I want the second best thing....

    Getting laid.

    I can\'t have either.


  28. #28
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    The mojo.

    It\'s just. It\'s experience. Ie, I don\'t get results doing something it\'s hard to keep doing it.

    What would be different now, v.s. than?

    Or are you saying, get the same attitude back?


  29. #29
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Once you are out of High School, females actually \"put out\". Not the \"rumors\" you hear in High School.

  30. #30
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Yes I mean the attitude !

    + wtf is this : No.

    \"But if I can\'t have love, I want the second best thing....
    Getting laid.
    I can\'t have either.\"

    WHO told you this ? (I\'ma wh00p his silly ass)

    Or was it : You to yourself ???? How can u know for sure , can u look into the future ???? Are you convincing yourself that this is the only possible way for u ? You think u will not change anymore ???????

    Aaaaaaaaaah think again dude.

    However in the unlikely case , that
    this is really your attitude (= F.u.c.k. Love I Love to F.u.c.k)

    then seriously leave the poor highsch00l girls out of that. Maybe they are looking for love , you would just brake lots of hearts and your own in the very end !

    Maybe try to become a rich guy...focus your attention on getting money , then spend it on h00kers. No heartbreaking involved [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Ok I\'m not too seriously suggesting this . Just making sure high-school girls don\'t have to suffer from another savage [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] !!!

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