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  1. #1
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    Default what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Hello all, first sorry for asking this question if it\'s not appropriate for this forum and I\'m also very new to this pheromone thing . What is DHEA, Tribulus and all that? Are those used to boost up your testoterine level? Also how do we know how much testorine or phoromone our body produce and what kind of pherome?

    and also I\'m a type of person who lacks of confidence, easily feel tired, worried and depressed eventhough I\'m only 24 years old male, above average looking. I read somewhere that DHEA helps to be more energetic. Is that true? If not, then is there anyway I can take like some kind of drug or something to be a little more active type of person or is it just my personality? I\'m afraid to ask these kind of questions to real life persons so that\'s why I ask these online. Thanks for any reply.

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Tribulus is a herbal extract. DHEA is a natural supplement.

    Try the following if you havent throught of it yet. Go to and do a web search to check out the information.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. It is considered to be the mother of all hormones. Through enzymatic reactions, it can be converted into testosterone, growth hormone, nandralone, etc.

    Tribulis Terrestries is an herb that stimulates the production of Luetinizing Hormone (LH). An increase in the amount of LH in the body stimulates the testicles to produce more testosterone.

    At your age, a lack of energy should not be related to decreased Testosterone Levels. You should be at your peak hormonal levels right now. That is not to say that you shouldnt supplement them though, as additional androgens in the body can still increase your energy levels, decrease bodyfat, and increase your lean body mass.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I am a major in Biology and Nutrition, and I have a large knowledge of Bodybuilding and Sports Supplements.

  4. #4
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    I\'m upper, upper class high society
    God\'s gift to ballroom notoriety
    And I always fill my ballroom
    The event is never small
    All the social papers say I\'ve got the biggest balls of all

    I\'ve got big balls
    I\'ve got big balls
    And they\'re such big balls
    Dirty big balls
    And he\'s got big balls,
    And she\'s got big balls,
    But we\'ve got the biggest balls of them all!

    And my balls are always bouncing
    My ballroom always full
    And everybody comes and comes again
    If your name is on the guest list
    No one can take you higher
    Everybody says I\'ve got great balls of fire!


    Some balls are held for charity
    And some for fancy dress
    But when they\'re held for pleasure,
    They\'re the balls that I like best.
    And my balls are always bouncing,
    To the left and to the right.
    It\'s my belief that my big balls should be held every night.


    And I\'m just itching to tell you about them
    Oh, we have such wonderful fun
    Seafood cocktail

  5. #5
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Damn good song!!!
    I love AC/DC [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    First to clear up something, the primary steroid in the body is Cholesterol/Lanosterol, DHEA is part of Cholesterol metabolism. I can take specific fungii, sugar, and cholesterol and end up with an oxidative result of Testosterone....

    The exact way that Tribulus works is not fully defined by research as of yet, some would say that it is the conversion of protodioscin to DHEA, while some will say modification of inhibitory feedback loops(I am more inclined to the later).

    At 24, I would first look at a full hormone panel.....Total and Free T, Estrogen levels, thyroid, lh , fsh, cortisol etc.....

    I would also talk to a psychiatrist, however you need to know if you are depressed, or simply affected as a secondary cause...because depression can be a symptom of everything from untreated ADHD, Hormone imbalances, allergies, to traumatic experiences.........there is no clear way to throw a dart and figure it out, but if you provide input and discuss what you experience you can better gauge what might be causation....

    I really hope this helps, but what you need to do is put your doctor first. Only he will be able to look at a slew of data, and tell you best what might be a cause..Also do your own research, on what he says.....know thine enemy.....some amino acids can be stimulating, like L-Tyrosine(precursor for catecholamines, thyroid, and the biogenic amine Dopamine(also L-Dopa))....(again ask your doctor before taking)

    good luck

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Increase LHA levels and test levels raise natural phero production increasing female attention. Via greater natural sweating and a side body heat increase.

  8. #8
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Do a forum search

  9. #9
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Hello Mike and Goanna, your two replies are really helpful. Thanks again. I think I should try L-Tyrosine and see if it can enhance my mood.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    l tyrosine increases the amount of dopamine in your brain be careful with that as too much dopamine is linked with nervousness and anxiety. Also anything that raises your dopamine levels alot decrease your seratonin levels ....

  11. #11
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Sonyblack, do you think 500mg of L-tyrosine a day is a good amount I should take? Thanks

  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    1or 2 500mg capsules, 1-3x a day is the range, I think.

    I just take like 2/day.

    l-tyrosine is used for ADD as well.

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    ive tried l tyrosine to help concentrate with my studies but I found it made me very aggressive, moody and anxious and gave me bad headaches...

  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    That\'s what it does when you take too much, but it might just not be right for you. There are other supplements.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    DMAE might be good for you read the info below.
    You can get it at the link below for really cheap price.

  16. #16
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    A full strength Whey protein supplement i find works best combined with tribulus/horny goatweed and some Iron supplements and you will be all set.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    I just ordered 1 bottle of Horny Goat Weed, 1 of DMAE, 1 of Tribulus, 1 of DHEA and a bottle of Maca. They should arrive monday or tuesday, I\'ll report results when I use them for a week or two.

  18. #18
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    You should notice very good results with those supplements.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    I was thinking of getting Pregnenolone since it\'s a precurser to DHEA but i\'ll save that for my next order.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Pregnelone IS a pre-cursor to DHEA, but I think DHEA is the main thing, in that pregnolone only has the purpose of basically turning into DHEA, or/and dhdea is the only thing that is androgenc, turning itno all the other hormones.


  21. #21
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Before i used pregnelone i would just take a ZMA formula (zinc and magnesium). Combine it with DHEA and u can get the androstenol in supplement form at most health food outlets in the USA europe and australia.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Is it good for me(24yrs male) to take Tribulus supplement everyday? Does it have any side effect? I heard that it also produce testoterone.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Yeah it should be fine, anyone over 20 should take something to raise their hormone levels. It raises sex drive.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    does DHEA have a high conversion to estrogen???Ive been working out quite heavily lately (running twice a day everyday ..weights 3 times a week) in preparation for spring break and Ive been getting the feeling that my test levels are dropping a bit since Im clearly overtraining. I want to try sublingual DHEA but Im afraid it might convert..what do you all think??

  25. #25
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    Tribulus might cause you to break out. Workout intensity will definately go up as wel as sex drive.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    DHEA becuase is a percursor for basically most all the hormones adrenally, it does not go directly to testosterone.

    It merely raises basically all your hormones. Yes, estrogen, however only at the ratio you produce, it does not change this.

    That is why it has been shown it does not convert, yes, it will raise both estrogen and testosterone however, it won\'t convert unless under very very high doses 800 mg and above.

    That\'s why it\'s safe, it\'s just raising your own stuff, and it only raises to max. Meaning, if you are not overtrainiing it won\'t do much, but it makes it VERY MUCH harder to overtrain. in fact, it may feel as though you can go on forever, until you get those damned sharp pains in the muscle...The rest of the body is fine but the muscles can\'t do that sh**...

    Also, for a lot of bodybuilders taking estrogen blockers, it lowers sex drive, and also lowers agression. Why? Because, without the right ratios nothing happens at all.


  27. #27
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    If you\'re overtraining, then DHEA will not help much, if at all.

    Why overtrain? Like the doctor says, if it hurts, don\'t do that.

    DHEA can be useful for older guys but young guys should avoid (or you\'ll turn out like Bart!)

    Tribulus can do positive things for a lot of guys. Avena Sativa can also work surprisingly well. Tribex-500 by Biotest seems to be a good combo although I haven\'t tried the latest formulation.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    \"DHEA can be useful for older guys but young guys should avoid (or you\'ll turn out like Bart!) \"

    What do you mean?

  29. #29
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    What he is saying is that it might not be as much benefit. Older men have a hard tiem turning zinc into DHEA. That is why direct DHEA is benefical for older men. Younger men have no problem. That is why tribulus/avana satana combined with a ZMA supplement.
    *ZInc and magnesium
    ANd add soem protein supplements and plenty of carbs and water (esp during workout or milk) and you will have no problems bulking up and make sure you get plenty of Vitamin C (fruit and veg i would say)

  30. #30
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    Default Re: what is DHEA,Tribulus,etc?

    DHEA will not help overtraining?

    I believe that statement to be false. DHEA, like all steroids increase the body\'s recovery ability and signals the body to make more red blood cells, increasing work capapcity.

    No steroids = 3 sets of a lift 3 time a week = before overtraining.

    Steroids = 20+ = regular and won\'t overtrain.

    However, the more sets you do, the less benefit you get.

    The most effective set you do is the first one, and after that the amount of muscle and health you get for the amount of work you do, will go down, however you will still benefit more than not doing it.

    Either way, yes, it does help you from overtraining.

    Testosterone makes you less tired.

    Taking DHEA, I can get 5 and a half hours sleep for 3 or more days and not even be tired, etc.

    You still need sleep, however testosterone is what gives you the drive, DHEA increases testosterone.


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