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Thread: PCC

  1. #1
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    Default PCC

    Hello all!

    I\'m a newbie and received my first shipment of \'mones last weekend. I should add that also I happen to be a scientist by profession, and decided to take up some personal research on pheromones after reading some interesting papers on the subject.

    I want to first thank you all for posting some interesting and informative threads on the products. All the input really helped!

    I\'ve had the products for a week, and have tried only a few. There was a very unique effect that PCC had on me that I haven\'t seen posted, and was wondering if anyone else experienced it. While wearing PCC, I felt as if someone had scraped my nasopharynx (sinus region) raw. I happen to be really sensitive to olfactory stimualtion anyway (perfumes and cologne containing high amounts of concentrated pollen set off a fit of sneezing that most can\'t believe!). PCC didn\'t do that, it actually has a pleasant odor. However, beyond some physical discomfort (like I stated, it felt as if someone had scraped my sinuses), it actually heightened my sense of smell! I was just wondering if any of you had any similar experinences? I really wasn\'t wearing much (~ 6 inches total), so I was quite surprised by the result.

    I also concur with all of your previous observations that people are \"chattier\" when PCC is worn...especially women. I even found myself more talkative than normal. I didn\'t experience any \"PMSy\" type feelings that some of you have alluded to. Sorry to sound so \"clinical\", but I\'m really trying to stay objective in this process, even though it\'s only out of personal curiosity. You can take the girl out of science, but you can\'t take science out of the girl!

    I\'d appreciate any personal input on this subject.

    I\'ll try to keep you all updated on any observations I come across during my experimentation. Keep those posts coming!

  2. #2
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: PCC

    I think if you look back in some of the older threads from this forum, you\'ll see that some women have gotten clogged heads/sinus headaches, etc, from wearing PCC. I don\'t have that problem, but I have noticed it\'s made me hyper-sensitive emotionally after wearing it for 2-3 days straight. It doesn\'t seem to happen when I don\'t wear it every day.
    As for it heightening my sense of smell, no I haven\'t noticed it. Maybe it\'s your VNO that\'s being activated, and your body is becoming more \"alert\" to scents around you. In other words, your body thinks you\'re in the mood for sex, so it\'s looking for someone to help you out, so to speak.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: PCC

    Thanks for the input SRH. I did check the old posts as well as the archives, but only saw one related post regarding sinus-related issues having to do with women. Most of the sinus incidents with \'mones seem to be related with the men\'s posts, which is really odd since men tend to have a worse sense of smell than women!

    As I stated, it was really more a \"raw\" sinus feeling rather than a headache, and was definitely the opposite of a clogged sinus feeling.

    As to your conclusions, they may be right on the mark (ever think of a career in science?). Although I\'ve thought much the same, I\'m trying not to jump to any early assumptions without more experimentation. Cops definitely heighten my sense of odor, and may indeed make me more aware of \"someone to help me out\" sexually. Always an interesting possibility!

  4. #4
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: PCC

    You know, I\'ve also heard most men have a poorer sense of smell than women, but some of the great noses of the perfume world are male. Strange, isn\'t it?
    As for the career in science, I\'m working on it. I\'m a grad student in horticulture at the moment.

    What kind of science are you into?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: PCC

    Yes, I agree it\'s odd! It is also odd that most gynecologists are men! Sorry, but I believe that if you can\'t experience things first-hand, you\'ll never have a full grasp of the subject. So unless men grow a uterus, they\'ll never understand women. In defense of one of my favorite sexes (the male population), the opposite is also true. Ahhh, isn\'t diversity grand!

    Ha! I should have known that you were in a branch of science from your reply. Personally, I specialize in molecular biology. Yes I admit it, I\'m a \"gene-jockey\". Most of my research has been in human disease/regulation of gene expression. Currently I work for a Pharma company developing a vaccine against Streptococcus, but I\'ve also worked on many STDs (HIV, HPV, HSV, etc...). Couldn\'t think of doing anything else!

    How close are you to your degree? I\'m soooo glad I\'m out of that scene (grad school is a bit#%!!!).

  6. #6

    Default Re: PCC

    Hi, Briela.I reported a sensation of ballooning in my sinus cavity, my nose started to run, I got a metallic taste in my mouth, and got wet. It definitely gave me heightened sensation in my sinuses, not in my nose, but way further back.The talkative effect is associated more with -nol than with copulins. PCC has copulins and no -nol. -Nol is in PI/w. But I\'m glad the PCC made you and others more sociable. Did you find it arousing?P.S. I think gynecology should be restricted to females only. What a difference a good female doctor makes. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]EDIT: This was \"PCC Effect on a friend of mine\" post dated 8/30/02. If you do a search on PCC in the women\'s forum, you can pull it up.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: PCC

    Thanks FTR! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Yes, yours was the one post on the women\'s forum that I was alluding to. I also had the heightened sensation in the sinus region rather than in the nose. I don\'t think I could describe it as \"arousing\" since the whole day all I wanted to do was to stick something up there and scratch the heck out of it. I really didn\'t have any nasal discharge.. if anything, it had the opposite effect by drying up my sinuses to a degree. I did notice an increased emotional edge to my general senses. Maybe if I had a man around, I would have focused less on the discomfort and more on the emotion! Hmmmm...

    I know that people mostly report more \"chattiness\" in relation to -nol, but I definitely noticed it also when wearing PCC only. In fact, I finally had to shoo one of my female co-workers out of my office who initiated a 45 minute tirade of inane chatter about nothing in particular while I was wearing PCC!

    I haven\'t had the courage to wear PCC again due to the nasopharyngeal discomfort, but that may be overcome by slowly increasing my exposure as well as eliminating any other cover scent used (I attempted using my own tangerine herbal therapy spritz with it). As I said in my original post, I actually like the smell of PCC itself. It has a clean/cucumber-like scent which is refreshing.

    I have also tried a PI/w/essential oil combination. Again I did notice an increased \"chattiness\" in female co-workers, but not as much as with PCC alone. With this combo, I didn\'t experience the same \"chatty\" effect on myself that PCC alone had, and evidenced no sinus discomfort. Either the cops in PI/w are low enough not to bother my olfactory senses, or I\'ve already begun to build up some resistance to that particular effect.

    Does anyone know what the concentration of cops is in PCC vs PI/w?

    Still experimenting with the PI/w-essential oil-nol combo to detect any increased male responsiveness. Always beware the one-time experiment! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    Default Re: PCC

    I had strong reactions to PCC, too. It goes away with repeated exposure. Passion Copulin Concentrate (PCC) contains ONLY copulins, as its name suggests. There are no other pheromones in it. PI/w contains very high grade, very concentrated -nol with such a scant trace of copulins that PI/w is often recommended for the men as an economical alternative to the chem set pure -nol. So you can see that PI/w + essential oil -nol is a waste of products and a duplication of effort. You\'re just putting -nol on top of -nol. Your possible combinations would be PCC + PI/w, or PCC + essential oil -nol. Both combinations are copulins + -nol. PCC + PI/w will be a higher emphasis on -nol than PCC + essential oil -nol. Copulins + nol, via whatever product you choose, is a consistently proven winning combination. You should enjoy good success with those - and each works well by itself, too.Happy hunting!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: PCC

    Yes I realize I\'m using a -nol/-nol combo, but the essential oil is more for the added scent (using citrus) than anything else. As I said, I\'m really sensitive to smell and can\'t seem to use even my normal light citrus spritz layered over PI/w without being able to smell the PI ( just 1 drop total...yes I can actually smell it, though most people have reported little to no smell). The citrus in the essential oil, for whatever reason, is able to mask the scent for me. It probably has to do with the fact that it is oil- based, instead of alcohol-based, which will extend the life of it on the skin which helps.

    I don\'t mind the critique, and I understand your point. It\'s just that from a scientific perspective, I\'d like to be as specific as possible when identifying those regions effected. It\'s not the nose, or the sinuses which PCC is having an effect on me. It\'s that point behind the nose and just above the throat (nasopharnyx) which is the area that I\'m having the \"raw\" feeling with PCC. It just happens to be a really interesting region having to do with immune response and resistance in humans, so any changes in that area which people experience through the use of \'mones would be of interest to me.

  10. #10

    Default Re: PCC

    Yes, that\'s exactly where I felt the sensation of opening up.

  11. #11
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: PCC

    << It\'s that point behind the nose and just above the throat (nasopharnyx) which is the area that I\'m having the \"raw\" feeling with PCC.>>

    FTR! That\'s about where I was trying to say I get a response from -Nol. When I breath in that way I couldn\'t explain without showing you, it\'s around there that I feel my breath rushing past better and I get some kind of scent... ...a scent that isn\'t a scent exactly.

    Briela, is there some kind of sensor in that area??

    Briela. Is that your name. It\'s different. How is it pronounced?? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  12. #12
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    Default Re: PCC

    Yes, bb. That is actually the area where normal scent is detected. It\'s an area of about 2-10 square centimeters in most people (in animals the region is 10-20 times larger, thus the reason why humans have a comparably inferior sense of smell). The area is literally packed with an estimated 10-20 million sensory receptor cells that feed into the olfactory bulb controlling our sense of odor...pretty hefty for 10 cm2! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Did you find that you can actually taste smells when wearing \'mones? It\'s hard to explain, but not only did PCC increases my sensitivity to odors, I could actually taste them. Freakiest thing I\'ve ever experienced, and pretty disgusting at times. I walked into a department store near a perfume counter and felt as if I had walked over and licked all the bottle tops!!! It was actually that bad! I\'m wondering for if \'mones not only trigger the VNO, but also have a secondary effect on increasing taste recognition. This could possibly all be linked into the \"falling in love\" scenario. It\'s pretty well documented that everyone has a chemical signature and that part of the \"chemistry\" of love has to do with appeal/taste of another\'s signature. I haven\'t run across anything that may link the two, but it\'s a pretty interesting hypothesis.

    As far as the name, no \"briela\" is only my handle not my actual name. It\'s pronounced \"brie (like the cheese)- ella\". My handle contains the first two letters (la) of my actual given name, Laurie. Definitely more mundane! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  13. #13
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    Default Re: PCC


    Maybe it\'s your VNO that\'s being activated, and your body is becoming more \"alert\" to scents around you. In other words, your body thinks you\'re in the mood for sex, so it\'s looking for someone to help you out, so to speak.

    Love it!!
    and I like your signature:
    \"I never give in to temptation, unless I just can\'t resist it.\"
    Mae West

  14. #14
    Phero Guru
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    Default Re: PCC

    Laurie is a beautiful name!!! My girlfriend, Sue, knows a woman named Brielle which is also the name of a small NJ shore town which she was named after. As for male gynocologists (am sure I\'ve misspelled but oh well), when I was growing up in Brooklyn my two best friends were twins, Ray and Paul. From a very early age (10-11) Paul had decided to become a gyno. and his mother encouraged him - he did realize his goal. I don\'t know how they make any money cause every woman I\'ve ever known prefers a female gyno.. Sorry about the rambling here.

  15. #15
    Journeyman chococat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Briela
    I\'ve had the

    products for a week, and have tried only a few. There was a very unique effect that PCC had on me that I haven\'t

    seen posted, and was wondering if anyone else experienced it. While wearing PCC, I felt as if someone had scraped my

    nasopharynx (sinus region) raw. I happen to be really sensitive to olfactory stimualtion anyway (perfumes and

    cologne containing high amounts of concentrated pollen set off a fit of sneezing that most can\'t believe!). PCC

    didn\'t do that, it actually has a pleasant odor. However, beyond some physical discomfort (like I stated, it felt

    as if someone had scraped my sinuses), it actually heightened my sense of smell! I was just wondering if any of you

    had any similar experinences? I really wasn\'t wearing much (~ 6 inches total), so I was quite surprised by the


    I also concur with all of your previous observations that people are \"chattier\" when PCC is

    worn...especially women. I even found myself more talkative than normal. I didn\'t experience any \"PMSy\" type

    feelings that some of you have alluded to. Sorry to sound so \"clinical\", but I\'m really trying to stay

    objective in this process, even though it\'s only out of personal curiosity. You can take the girl out of science,

    but you can\'t take science out of the girl!

    I\'d appreciate any personal input on this subject.

    I think wearing the copulins really increases my sense of smell. A friend of mine were out dining in a

    restaurant. He ordered a double hamburger and the smell absolutely REEKED. It was about to make me nauseated. We

    wound up going outside so he could finish his hamburger but I swear it was the most disgusting, offensive thing I

    have ever smelt! Normally, this scent does not bother me at all!

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