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  1. #1
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    Default Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    When I was 15.. i first started. I had been always against it in my earlier years due to the flood of propaganda. But, my hormones were changing and I wasn\'t a happy little kid anymore.

    My first time was with a friend... it was a joint. I wasn\'t sure exactly what to expect... euphoria I guess. Well, nothing happened after i inhaled the sweet smoke at least 10 times.

    When I learned to inhale it right, i finally felt the effects. It wasnt as euphoric as i expected... more psychedelic acutually, provoking the imagination. I started buying it, I was very interested in my state of being \"high\".

    I would take walks in the woods and take a few puffs off my pipe, and I would feel happy, not like alcohol happy, but in a trippier way. This altered state of consciousness would last up to 3 hours.

    I did it about everyday when i was 16 and 17. Occasionally i would take breaks of a month or 2. It was easy to stop, suprisingly easy. The only thing that made me want to keep smoking was boredom. It was a great boredom killer.

    I learned that all the hype about the bad side of pot was a lie. I hear people use the term \"burnout\" to pot smokers... and yes I think there can be... but for me, it was just the opposite. I was an incredibly deep thinker when I was high. I could think of problems I was having and find solutions.

    It increased my sexual urge and appetite for food at least double. That was ok, i liked to masturbate (unfortunately i wasnt smooth and attractive with the girls) and i was thin.

    I did start to become slightly antisocial in my high school years. I didnt have much motivation to talk... unless it was important. I was always deep thinking, maybe too much.

    Well, i decided now that I am 18, and probably have smoked the stuff close to 1000 times, its time to quit. It started to loose the psychedelic touch, when i smoked it, I got tired more and just relaxed. No psychedelic thoughts which i sought out.

    I believe my social life would have been better without it... and maybe it did stunt my growth some too, but I believe it was fun. It did drain my energy a good bit though, and that is my main reason for quitting. Not saying i will never ever do it again, but for now i am done.

    Well thats my story.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Liten Ryan my good man.
    If you are one of the fortunate people who did not have the urge to go to worse stuff, THIS is the time to stop.Take the new year resolution and stop this very bad habit.I know people who have not only destroyed their future but also have destroyed the quality of life of their families.
    I support you for your decision to stop and I believe that there are others in this forum who will join me for this support.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    hehehehe!! dude you must not have been getting very good smoke then...LOL!!!!!! No one ever said you had to go to other things thats worse.. me alittle here and there but i will never go back to what i use to do a very, very, long time ago... but if your gona quit thats good for you...P.S. dont send what ya have left my way...i know i can get better stuff...LOL!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    If you don\'t mind blackey, believe me I saw much sorrow relating to drug abuse.
    It\'s not that you stick to the easy pot stuff.There are more temptations out there, and pretty soon this ryan guy will say\"see?Evereyone\'s using stuff, EVERYONE.\"which is not necessarily correct, only the narco that\'s selling this [bad word] for his own gain.
    There are many ways to enjoy life WITHOUT drugs.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    All the pleasures are good; the key is moderation, which our friend seems to be discovering for himself. There\'s something between doing it five times a day and doing it once a week. It\'s the extremes that do the harm.

    Pot doesn\'t necessarily lead to use of hard drugs. That\'s another one of those Reefer Madness scare tactics. It\'s just a matter of exercising some reasonable judgment and moderation.

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    seems to me thats the way ALL things in life are

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Its just knowing when to stop. Seems a lot of people have trouble learning that, though. I sure did.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    I know people who didn\'t have that wisdom to stop.


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    You are mature enough to understand what moderation means.Kids don\'t, and in my opinion they must be protected by the media and public opinions.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    You can\'t tell kids what to do. You can advise and let them experiment with guidance and suffer the consequences. Kids don\'t think we know what we\'re talking about. They think the world was created brand new just for them and they\'re the only ones who feel the way they feel. That\'s why it\'s so much fun to teach them literature. It\'s a genuine surprise to them to learn they\'re members of the human race and we\'ve all felt the things they feel from time to time.

    I started smoking pot when I was 14. I still do, about once a month or so. So do many people I know, professionals, who live just fine. The majority of the people who drink or smoke dope end up handling it fine. They do stupid kid stuff when they\'re stupid kids, and then they grow out of it. Just like Ryan\'s growing out of it. And if he thinks it\'s bad for him, then it is. But a lot of what they say about pot is bullshit, and when you lie to kids, you lose their respect forever.

    I know what you mean about drugs causing grief. I\'ve experienced it too and seen a lot of it from working in a mental hospital. But people with addictive personalities are going to do SOMETHING to extreme. If it\'s not pot, it will be alcohol, if it\'s not alcohol, it will be whatever else is handy.

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    OH MY GOD, the media needs to protect our children???

    Can\'t they just report the news?

    Where are all of the parents? Why is this so basic to me?

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Ryan, you know what?

    You need a job, maybe a couple of them. You simply have too much time on your hands.

    Thank God you are smart enough to recognize the need to get on with your life. What I am wondering is why your parents haven\'t seen it and addressed it, after all, that is their JOB.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Can\'t you see?
    He\'s desperately looking for help?
    He needs support RIGHT NOW from you people.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Then go help him.

    I\'m doing the best I can - I\'m sure we all are.

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Help is exactly what I am trying to give him. He needs to get off his ass, get a job, and he won\'t have time for all of this pot smoking and masturbating. He might even develop some new social skills!

    Clearly, the boy is bored out of his mind and knows he needs to get busy.

    I agree, he is asking for help...but, I don\'t believe that patronizing him is helpful.

  16. #16
    Phero Guru
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Ryan, go ahead and quit if you want to, it doesn\'t hurt at all. I smoked the best hash (while in Europe) and the best weed (while in SE Asia) until I was 22 and quit because the last batch of weed I got was extremely potent, perhaps laced with opium which is common in Thailand. I didn\'t smoke at all from 22 till I was about 47 (am 52 now). And, that was a good thing because I was in the military and they got pretty hard on anyone caught (pee tests all the time too). My girlfirend and I smoke nearly every evening now and the quality varies from real crap to real good. So, take a break from it and live your life and keep in mind that you can always smoke again later in life if that suits you. Don\'t listen to the people who try to scare you with the \"horrors\" of weed. Compared to alcohol it\'s a much better choice. But, if you do drink some day, smoke too as it really lessens the hangover. I feel awful giving this advice bit it\'s the truth.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    I would not say that alcohol is worst than weed. But I def think that cigs. are the worst thing avaiable. I have lost (and losing) family members because of cigs. I also know several people who smoked weed and quit (don\'t know too many people who quit cigs) and lead normal lives. Hell clinton became president!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    \"Marijuana illegal, but cigerattes kool? I might look kinda funny but I ain\'t no fool!\" -- Outkast

  18. #18

    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    This may sound cynical, but it\'s true -- you\'re going to die of something. If you like to smoke, it may as well be cigarettes. If you can\'t live without being a race car driver, it may as well be a car crash. ...

  19. #19
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Red\'s right.
    Jeans Dean summed it all up simply
    \"Dream as if you\'ll live forever, live as if you\'ll die tomorrow\"

    \"Stick your head in the sand, someone will come along and shoot your ass off\"
    [i] Wolfe

  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Well first off i didnt say to keep smoking i just said it wasnt as bad as everyone makes it out to be and hey more power to ya if you do quit.. But as for me im no dope head i do it once in awhile and i also drink but its not an everyday thing as for my kids there grown up and what they do is there biz..what about all the people who do it because of the cancer pain and illnesses that are terminal and the weed eases there pain.. my one daughter has a brain tumor and if that was the only thing that would ease her pain more power to as there is no cure for her at all.. do you think i like seeing my kid sufer in pain,,H**l no i dont...but i dont want her to be poping tons pills all day that make her stupid or non responsive..the things i do help me relax and also help me deal with death that stares me in the face everyday i look at my kid..And cigs ya il smoke till the day i die.. they told my mom my dad died from smoking cigs and come to find out it was his heart that gave out and crap he got from being in the war..I know how to limit what i do and i dont go over board or do things i shouldnt....If hes gona quit GREAT,, maybe someday i will to but till then , im happy with my life....

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Too much time on my hands? what makes u think that? i have a part time hard labor job and am a full time college student.

    I think smoking occasionally is fine, just be safe. The most harmful effects of smoking pot is the laws.

    I quit cause maybe im growing out of it, like i hear a lot of ppl do after smoking it a LOT, like i did. Im not exagerating when i say 1000 times. probly 2 pounds haha.

    About pot leading to other drugs... its all in the users personality. it has to do with intelligence also, to stay away from pleasure drugs, which i have seen seriously f**k some ppl\'s lives.

    Most ppl just have biased opinions about pot and believe the government propaganda which is basically lies.

    Yes, i am defending weed even though i quit.

  22. #22
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    BWW-I too wish that pot was made available for cancer patients to help ease the discomfort. I had to watch my Dad suffer through chemo. I would have done anything in the world to help lesson the pain.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    FTR-- I know I will die of something -- that was decided when I was born. I just don\'t want to deal with chronic diseases while I am alive. Life is too short for cancer.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    I defienetly agree with Red and Elana about the terminal ill cancer patients i understand your pain, i have a very close friend dying of cancer and shes so young and so beautiful! i hate to see her go through it! As for pot smoking its really not as the government portrays it, but the government just uses it as a political tactic to get votes, money. We all know the drill. Whats funny is there are alot more people than they realize who smoke pot! I know that theres a ton of college students who do. its like a woman whos never been [bad word] doggystyle, if shes never tried it she can\'t enjoy its pleaure! I smoke weed, i like to party but its not frying my brain. I just love to have fun! Weed not addictive at all, if i don\'t have it i don\'t think about it even! oh and it definitely increases the effects of pheromones on girls when you get them high!

  25. #25

    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Druid, you\'re smart not to smoke, it\'s definitely not good for you. You can get cancer if you never do one wrong thing. My mother never smoked a cigarette or anything else, never did one drug, hardly ever even drank, in her entire life, and she\'s got it.

    But I hear you. An ounce of prevention. Definitely, if you don\'t smoke, don\'t start.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    I am just saying pick your vices wisely. Personally I am completely disgusted by smoking its smell, the way it makes your finger yellow, old men who smell like the ass end of a smoke stack of a cigar factory, and worst of all the price.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    do u mean tobacco?

    cannabis smoke is like insence, very sweet and distinct

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    exactly tobbaco. It seems to me that people who smoke weed have a much greater tendcy to smoke in moderation -- which I feel is key to enjoy something and not have it cause health problems. I mean I know of no weed smoker who rolls 25 joints a day (or however cigs are in a pack) and smoke every dame one (except maybe snoop dog -- he just smokes to much [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ). But I know of several cig smokers who smoke a pack a day -- some even 2. Sh_t at least smoking weed gives you a feeling of euphoria -- what does smoking cigs give you? Relief from your addiction?

  29. #29

    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    It tastes better than rolling up your money and smoking it, which you may as well do.

  30. #30
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Smoking buds was great... but i quit

    Some people may think that because they see some people who have smoked all there lives NOT getting cancer, then they might aswell carry on. I suppose its related to the damaging philosiphy of \"there is some hope, lets cling to it.\"

    Well here\'s a little fact. The majority of people have cancer RIGHT NOW, probably me aswell. That wort? Yes thats a form of cancer, but luckily for you its one that won\'t turn malignent. To explain this properly, I\'m going to have to explain some basic genetics, so if you bore easily...

    The main problem is DNA, its very fragile and prone to getting damaged. We call things that damage DNA carcinogens, tar from tobacco is one of them, but there are many others. Damage to a cells DNA will most likely result in the failure of its function, in other words it will just die and be reabsorbed. DNA in our bodies is getting damaged all the time, but because this damaged usually has no affect outside that particular cell, we have nothing to worry about. But on the rare occasion that the mutation allows the cells to continue functioning, problems start to arise.

    But before I got into that, there is hope! We have evolved a safety mechanism, there is an enzyme that travels along DNA correcting any faults.

    Even though the damaged cell may continue functioning, its still nothing to worry about, it will probably live out its life and just expire, or have its error corrected. However, if certain genes are effected it can have serious reprocusions, these geens are called oncogenes. The most dangerous of these are the genes responcible for DNA error correction, and mitosis. Its most likely to be a DNA correction gene that starts a cancer, otherwise the damaged would be repaired just like the other times. When the correction measures have been destroyed, it starts a downward spiral. If the next mutation (yes next, once the correction measures are down, your DNA has no defence to the damage that occurs dayly) affects a replication gene (cell division) then it is likely that the cell will start to reproduce itself rapidly. This not only drains your bodies resources (mitosis requires a lot of energy, plus the resulting tumour will require a lot of blood), but it also it creates a vast number of other cells with the same problems (in this case, it has limited DNA repair capacity, and replicates very fast), thus greatly incerasing the chances of FURTHER mutations. At the moment the tumour is benign, its not all that dangerous and its spreading. But if it is continually exposed to carcinogens then it is likely further mutations are likely to occer. For example, cancer spreads by breaking through the epilthilial layer of the tissue that it resides in, probably into the bloodstream, and then sticking to and penetrating another surface and replicating there. But if the DNA of the cells in the tumour are no longer exposed to the carnicogens, then the mutations neccessary for the cells to penetrate other epithilial tissue will not occur.

    As the mutations continue to take hold of the tumour, your body recognises it as a \"foreign entity\", and will destroy it. But only if it gets the chance! Continual smoking is exposing your cells to life threatening carcinogens, there is no way to tell if your cancer has a proper hold of your body untill it is almost too late, why take the risk?

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