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Thread: mone-ogamy

  1. #1

    Default mone-ogamy

    OK, I would like this thread to contain information about any of you who are using mones in a strictly monogamous relationship. Questions I have would be as such ... Do the mones work consistently, can you depend on them to get your significant other horny? Has anyone ever noticed their partner getting bored of a particular mone scent? All comments welcome .... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  2. #2

    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    Good idea cuddlebear. If you don\'t mind, I\'d like to interject another question in cuddle\'s thread. I hope mine doesn\'t detract from his questions.

    But, I was wondering for those of you who have mentioned you are married or in a monogamous many of you have told your S.O. that you use pheromones, and how many of do it without letting on that you are using them? I\'d be interested to know if it helps, hurts or makes no difference in their effectiveness either way. I\'m thinking placebo effect here, and also how the partner feels about having pheromones used on them.

    Thanks for letting me crash your thread Cuddlebear. Now back to your regulrly scheduled program.

  3. #3

    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    I don\'t consider this entry a distraction at all. It\'s on the subject. So yes, this interests me too, do you tell your significant other you wear mones or do you keep it secret?

  4. #4

    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    It\'s a secret.

    I wear my pheromones a little different every time, so he doesn\'t get a chance to get bored.

    They work in a big way.

  5. #5

    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    Thanks FTR.

    That tells me a lot because I know you\'ve seen MAJOR results, and I know now that they are not due to the placebo effect on SDR.

  6. #6

    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    He\'d have a cow if he knew. He\'d be very angry and see it as an attempt at manipulation.

    Which, of course, it is. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Works like a charm, too. And the less he knows about it, the better.

  7. #7
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    FTR\'s advice is what I would take! People get bored too quickly! Either change it up every now and again, and I meant to type again.....or wear it a day and skip a day or two or three. Nol a day, None a day, Nol and None a day...YUDDER YUDDER YUDDER!! ME UNDERSTAND, YOU? Even the people that loves seafood, can\'t eat it everyday...unless they don\'t have a choice!!! Helloooooooo!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    That\'s where I am using them, with mixed results. She does not know it and might be a bit upset if she found out. If you plan to use mones around her, either tell her now or never tell her.

    No, they do not make her horny consistantly. I\'ve been trying to detect a pattern but it has been too erratic. Outside issues impact it as well. Is she tired, did she have a good or bad day, is she irritable about something else already etc. The presence of our (12 Y/O and up) kids seems to have a real negative effect when I am wearing none. EW when we are at a group function seems to cause her to keep a closer eye on me.

    Instead of wearing them every day, try being a bit more random. Spray some TE on your hands and give her a back rub. Or put on some AE before you go out for dinner. Put some SoE on her pillow a couple hours before bedtime.

    In general, be inconsistant.

  9. #9

    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    Thanks, everybody! More, more! This is useful info, especially detailed accounts like Belgareth\'s. I know there\'s more of you out there, including our friendly administrator ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #10
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    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    Don\'t thank me!! Pay me!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

  11. #11
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    \"I know there\'s more of you out there...\"

    I\'d love to be in a monogamous relationship.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    this is what i have been doing

    Get a day planner and keep track of her monthly cycle. You will have to experiment to see what works, but here is my routine.

    using the start of her period as day 1

    day 1 to day 7, PI/w and A1, these 2 dont mix well, so i apply each seperately 2 drops PI/w, 1 drop of A1
    day 8 to day 11, start using A-none with A1 (PPA/new:A1 at 7:2 ratio)
    day 12 to day 21, All A-None, I will experiment with NPA, RM, or PI/m, sometimes SOE too. (the key here is being random)
    day 22 to day 1 of next cycle, PI/w and A1

    I tried SOE with A1, she smells the rone in SOE. so i have to limit SOE to the day 12-21

    Also, on weekends I spay on some EW mist. This has and interesting effect. I have not been out of her sight, but her senses are telling her i must be doing another woman. I have concluded i dont want to wear EW unless she is around. I beleive a woman can tell when her man has been marked with another womans scent.

    Results are there, but still inconsistant at times due to kids, bills, jobs, cleaning, etc

  13. #13

    Default Re: mone-ogamy


    Does she know about the pheromones, or is this your little private secret? I\'m guessing fromm the talk of the EW that you\'re keeping their usage to yourself.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    Phero\'s are my secret. she doesnt know i use them. However she has told me a few times that i stink and need a shower, when i am experimenting with A-none or using Rone at the wrong time

  15. #15

    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    Thanks for the input, everyone. It seems unanimous on keeping the mones a secret. It gets harder to do every day because pheros are in the news more and more. It has only been about a month since there was an article in the local paper ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #16

    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    What\'s that got to do with you, those articles? I\'m sure they have nothing to do with you. You\'ve got WAY too much common sense to fall for that \"pheromone\" stuff. It\'s probably just colored water. The effects are probably just psychological. I\'m sure you feel sorry for anyone who would go for that hype. Not you, you wouldn\'t.

    *I* sure wouldn\'t.

    (What do you mean, what\'s in the roll top bottle?)

  17. #17
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: mone-ogamy


    An issue so many people seem to overlook in a relationship is the need for and the right to some degree of privacy. The point is not secrecy but the right to have some private place. Giving a person their privacy displays trust and makes deceit less likely IMO.

    By mutual agreement, each of us has a place where the other will not go, ever. Every married person needs such a place. Most of the time, the spot I have holds such important things as broken shoelaces and half used match books. It is also a good place to keep my pheromones when I bring them home.

    It is only a suggestion, but you should consider it.

  18. #18

    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    That was good [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I wonder if anyone\'s going to catch on about this stuff. I hope not, actually, because then the government will get involved and before you know it we\'ll need to go to DrSmellThis to get our prescriptions. Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    p.s. Happy New Year ... hope all future hits are male ...

  19. #19

    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    Thanks, Cuddles, I appreciate that.

  20. #20
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    I think variation is the most important thing. Nothing is ever stale then. The best way to have variation is to apply without mixing.

    i.e. dab of this, tinkle of that, sprinkle of that old stuff, and a good shot of.... oops thats my urine sample, all good! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  21. #21

    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    Great, Captain, this is just like my present style anyway. I was never very exact in my measurements. So that should suit me just fine. Of course, it probably accounts for a lot of my inconsistencies in results, so I\'m not dissing those who are more exacting in their preparations. By the way, I\'m just too happy cuz I\'m finally a PHERO DUDE .. Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  22. #22
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: mone-ogamy


    No t\'is true, its not the best methods for hits, but it does keep an LTR spicy!

  23. #23
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    Me and my \"on again off again girlfriend\" lets just call her a bonk buddy. Both know and activley use pheromones i introduced her to them, but she isnt fully committed and at the moment im not either, we use protection of course but it can be interesting with both of us using the stuff. Out on the town causing some fun lol. Tater ..... Mobley ive stolen youre endpharse just acknowledging it lol.

    TATER Watcher out.

  24. #24
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: mone-ogamy

    whew ...if my ex found out she been a victum of -mones i\'m sure she\'d hit the roof.
    NO way i\'d ever tell her i\'d been using them when i went out on the prowl and that she\'d got caught in the backwash.
    I\'m stuck with my \'secert\' now and forever i\'m sure.
    Though i\'m not the least bit ashamed it ended up that way if it gets her back(she wasn\'t a target of them from me-just happened by her trapping me once on my way out and next we both knew we\'d chatted the evening away) .
    Now i will say this. once i noticed that they had begun to affect her i did make it a habit to notice how and when and made \'adjustments\' to what i used and how much to target her(shame on me-sue me [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] )

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