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Thread: A1 hits?

  1. #1
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    Default A1 hits?


    I am trying to figure out if one can get hits with A1.....and using wich mix?......I was trying Oscar\'s mix RM 1: 1 A1, but I did not get any response.....thanks

  2. #2
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    Default Re: A1 hits?

    While the original post about A1 (I always think steak sauce) was from a different supplier, beyond that it seems to act not really as a hit machine but a mood buffer. In other words, if you are going into a situation that is not comfortable, this tends to add a bit to the conservative side and adds a bit of understanding to the mix. I am not sure if those are the best words to describe it, but it has seemed to work for me. Let me explain...

    I had on AE (the old stuff, over a year old now...) and my girlfriend was very aggresive in conversation, and just plain odd compared to normal. I needed to mix up a batch of my favorite chem kit recipe, and had just been lazy. So after getting chewed out I decided to drop back into the mad labratory and see if it helped. Night number 2. Same attitude to begin with, but after a while of being around each other, she mellowed a lot. I am sure that there are factors beyond what I have mentioned, but it does seem to have a mellowing effect. Last thing, the recipe, and my thoughts on why I like it...


    My thoughts... I spilled about 1.5 mL\'s of my nol bottle on myself and had no problems with the rest of the world, I don\'t think that there is an OD level... So I decided to make a mix of the rest of the pheros at hand and then add nol, and EtOH. So, the mix of the none, A1, and Rone is a modified SoE. The rone is minor, more of a catalyst than anything, the none is the manly man and the A1 is the buffer. I mixed the 4:3:1 to be 0.5 mL\'s and the total mix is 5 mL\'s, or that is the suggested basic mix of NPA/aromas. So I did a 1:1 with Nolther pheros, because I didn\'t think I could go wrong there. So that made a total of 1 mL of total pheros, and 4 mL\'s of EtOH. I have these darling little sprayers from the bath and body works (I think, I got them ages ago) that hold five mL\'s, and I use two sprays, one on shirt, and one spread between back of wrists and chin. A long time back I posted (under dorkis) how much these things spray, but I can\'t remember now. Two seems fine. While the ratio of the NPA to aroma seems abut 1/2 of what it should be this recipe seems pretty potent (lots of pheros.) But, I don\'t use much, so it lasts quite a while. It is not a knock out punch, but the Ladies do act differently around me, so that conversation is easy and relaxed. This suits me and my personality just fine.

    To sum up, A1 seems to be more of a buffer for moods to me. There is my recipe and reasons. Beyond what I have written, I haven\'t given it much thought. I like the results, why mess with it?

  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: A1 hits?

    IMHO A1 would be a awesome tool to have to use on existing female friends and/or relationships. At least on some female that you are already involved with in some sort of way. Reading from the archives, A1 doesen\'t bring hits, rather enhances mood. I think thats the reason I am not rushing to buy myself A1. I think it would be best if I wait till I am in a relationship to add A1 to my mix, but then again, I might just decide to be a mad scientist and try it anyway.

    - Krish

  4. #4
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    Default Re: A1 hits?

    Well many have posted (my self included) that it also help introduce an instant familiarity with strangers. The \"don\'t I know you from somewhere\" hits.

  5. #5

    Default Re: A1 hits?

    I wonder why -nol makes women spacey and men seem to be able to use all they want.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: A1 hits?

    Perhaps if one can wear 1/2 packet of SOE plus Oscar\'s furmula 1 RM: 1 A1 (one dab)....this will be one the best guns to start a conversation with a girl....but this similar to what Walter does with the chem. set.....a mix of NOL+NONE+RONE+A1

  7. #7
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    Default Re: A1 hits?

    Why does Nol effect women? Hmm, it seems to be a pheormone. Ok, Ok, Ok... But, I just had to... Now I know that there are a lot of formulas out there, I will blabber about mine for one more min... First, I am a chem set geek. Well, I am a biochem geek by trade, but with a little creative license. Next, I don\'t always like the aromas of the different products, so I made an educated guess and came up with my own. I can use whatever fun aroma I like. But, back to the original post, A1 is not the homerun hitter, it is a nice add to the mix, if you are so inclined.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: A1 hits?

    Oh hey, I forgot to add this last bit o\' fun... I also add one or two drops (depending on how much coffee I\'ve had) of vanilla extract. Before the inquiries start loading up, it doesn\'t matter. I\'ll explain. The cmpd in vanilla extract I am after is Vanillin. It can be made synthetically or extracted naturally, either way it is the same damn thing. But, the marvoulous thing about it is that it blends aromas psychoactively. Hmmm, they use it in Coca-Cola to blend the spices to make the cola flavor. Ask yourself what cola tastes like... So at any rate, it is a blender of aromas for the mind. This also helps blend the Cat pee/BO smells with the nice smells we apply on top of the pheros... If you look at my alter ego \'dorkis\' and my posts on this, I pushed it for a while. Even the mighty Jambat was complimentary to it\'s effects...

  9. #9

    Default Re: A1 hits?

    \" I wonder why -nol makes women spacey and men seem to be able to use all they want. \"

    It does space me out. I can use it but with a leser ratio than SOE.


    Thanks Walter for those valuable infos.

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