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  1. #1

    Default What should a nubie start with?

    Hi, I\'ve been reading here for a while looking for what a good starting point for a nubie is.

    I\'m 22, fairly active, male, and I don\'t want anything drastic. Just a little enhancement to give me an edge in chatting with women.. well, one woman in particular. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I think that I have a bit of the lone wolf syndrome that\'s talked about a here, so I wonder if attraction would be the best way to take the edge off me and make me seem a bit more personable.

    If any of your phero-vets have tips for me I would be eternally grateful. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?

    I would suggest you start off with \"Pheromol Facter\" with a combination of \"The Edge\"(sandalwood). Then work your way up to the more powerfull stuff like \"primal instinct\" and \"Alter Ego\".
    Try to read all the post you can on how to use the products. Remember what may work for one person may not work for you, so you may have to experiment. Good luck [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    [ September 16, 2001: Message edited by: jose ]

  3. #3

    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?

    Yes read the post. There\'s so much stuff here if you can go through all of it tonight and write down things that stick out to you (instructions mixes ect) you will have a better of getting it right the first time. I was lucky.

    My advice though would be to start off with about three or four dabs of APC. Later you may want to get some NPA and add to it but start with APC and see how it works. Some may even say Attraction. I haven\'t really tried it but It seems to really the ladies though so you may want to look into that. The APC NPA mix I toss use seems to be a hit around here (the one I just mixed up with some help from Bruce and it worked like a charm). But read all the post you can and see what people are saying. Also check out my work place phero use post, that may be helpful.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?

    By the way I would be remiss if I didn\'t say a shot of The Edge (a.k.a TE) is great for conversation and people seem to treat you like a small time king but the scent\'s a killer so don\'t use too much. People say Sandlewood Edge (TES) is great but I don\'t see or for that matter smell the difference.

  5. #5

    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?

    How do you mix the APC with NPA? Do u pour some amount of NPA into the bottle of APC and shake it, does it mix completely?

  6. #6

    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?

    Hi Jambat, how do you mix the APC with NPA? Do u pour some amount of NPA into the bottle of APC and shake it, does it mix completely?

  7. #7

    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?


    ... there\'s a long story behind the APC/NPA mix. Originally APC seemed to be the rage on the net, so I ordered it, but I ordered before I read this forum. So after reading the post in the forum Edge seemed to be the favorite for people like Paul and some of the others who got major hits. And there was all this talk about mixing stuff for the best results.

    I was a skeptic. I used to own the original Realm and it seemed to do nothing. But I this I tested APC and found it worked just as it said and in large amounts it could produce major hits. But in large amounts the smell (which is great by the way) was too strong.

    I needed something that smelled like APC but had the power of Edge. The smart thing - mix Edge and APC. I told Bruce of this ploy and Bruce thought it was an okay idea but he the Edge is something that\'s covered. It\'s sprayed on then something sprayed over it. NPA is super potent and especially made to be mixed with stuff. I also read post from Paul about Edge\'s potency and found out from Bruce that NPA was super concentrated and I had to be careful. I considered mixing 50% APC and 50% NPA but after all this I dropped it to 30% NPA and if that didn\'t work I\'d up the NPA dosage. I had a small container, filled it about 70% with APC (which was about all of it because I hadn\'t used a lot) then poured NPA in to fill the container up.

    I must say though if you buy an ounce of APC I would just mix the NPA right in. I mean you got an ounce of the stuff. What you want is NPA\'s power with APC intoxicating smell. Use a small sprays or dabs if you don\'t have a spray bottle until you find the right dosage. I use one spray to the hair and a spray on each wrist or a spray in the hair gotee and chest. The first women who smell you (like right after you spray) will have a powerful reaction but you want it to be a positive reaction so maybe just start off with one or two sprays. I was lucky some many times on this.

    By the way, you may want to mix the stuff in a seperate container so you won\'t use up all you mones on experiements. Just make sure you use 70% APC and 30% NPA. I don\'t know if it has to be that specific but so far that\'s what\'s been working.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?

    Whats APC and NPA stand for?

  9. #9

    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?

    So NPC is a more concentrate form of the edge mmm, that explains it, i got my SE yesterday its great stuff i OD on the edge yesterday just as a stand alone application of about 7 sprays, and lets just say the response was very interesting indeed, one chick at the local mall almost jumped over the counter in a typical DIHL moment.

  10. #10

    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?


    APC= Adrostenone Pheromone Concentrate.

    NPA = New Pheromone Additive

  11. #11

    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?

    I don\'t know how some of the other members feel, but I personally think Alter Ego is hands-down the best SINGLE pheromone product on this site. It incorporates a total of three separate pheromones! In my opinion, if you don\'t wanna screw around with mixing, blending, combo-ing, spraying, annointing and covering, just try the AE - it\'s utterly painless to use and has produced the best hits for me time and time again.

    Good luck! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  12. #12

    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?

    First of all, I\'m 100% with Jambat and his APC/NPA mixture, but can I make a small suggestion? When we talk about a 70-30 mix, I feel confident I can eyeball the liquids as I mix them and come pretty close to this ratio. There are, however, some more literal-minded people on this board than I am; and I\'m sure this stresses them out no end. In fact, I\'ve seen more than one post which would seem to bear this out. So, for their sakes, could we say two parts APC and one part NPA? 2:1 is damn close to 70-30 and might be much less stressful to some of our friends. Anybody object to this?

  13. #13

    Default Re: What should a nubie start with?


    That\'s awesome! I haven\'t really had much success with AlterEgo much do you use, and where do you apply it?


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